Alien Sex 104

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Alien Sex 104 Page 4

by Allie Ritch

  “Does that bother you?”

  “I don’t need their recommendations.”

  “No.” She chuckled and shook her head. “I mean, does it bother you for your family to know about us?”

  He seemed to consider that for a moment. “Not really, but I’m not ready to share everything with them yet.”


  With that one word, Lexy felt tension form between them. She was sure they were both remembering what they’d done together in the shower. She couldn’t let it go any longer.

  “Huv, are you all right? You said you were when you left last weekend, but I know this relationship has been out of your comfort zone.”

  His sigh held great weight. “I’m struggling with this. I won’t pretend I’m not.”

  Although she was sad to hear it, she was relieved he was honest with her. They couldn’t work through this if they didn’t bring their issues out in the open.

  “I wouldn’t want you to,” she assured him. “And I do understand.”

  “I really like you, Lexy. When I’m not with you, I spend most of my time thinking about you. In both your forms. It just doesn’t sit well with me that I enjoy sex with you when you’re a man. I’m not attracted to men.” He lightened his tone. “And don’t say there’s a first time for everything.”

  Lexy smiled. “I wouldn’t dare. Would it be such a horrible thing if you were gay, though? Or bisexual, in this case?”

  “Of course not,” Huv scoffed. “It’s only horrible to have that kind of thing sneak up on you, especially when you’re not sure the label even fits. That’s what’s so damn confusing.”

  “You know, a lot of peo—” His finger on her lips hushed her, and she glanced over to see a tender look on his face.

  “This isn’t something for you to fix, Lexy.” He removed his finger and caressed her cheek. “It’s just something I have to work out. I guess I need you to be patient and try not to get your feelings hurt if I have trouble accepting certain things.”

  Touched, she turned her head enough to kiss his wrist. “Of course.” She’d leave him be for now. “In the meantime, I’m all woman for the next four weeks. That should give us a month of unimpeded sex.”

  Huv dropped his hand. “The whole month? As females, Cedecians don’t have … um…”

  For the first time since she’d met Huv, Lexy saw him blush. It took her a moment to follow his train of thought, but then she laughed.

  “Honey, you’re looking at my monthly right now. I consider it one of the many perks of Cedecian life.”

  “So do I.” He sounded amused. “This means I won’t go into flux either.”


  “Uh, it’s basically a no-sex state an Allurian male goes into while his partner is infertile. That wouldn’t necessarily have happened with us, since we’ve only been together a short while, but it’s nice not to bother with it.”

  “Somehow this relationship just gets more and more interesting.” Apparently, she didn’t know as much about Allurian physiology as she’d thought.

  “So,” Huv said, “are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Oh, come on. Give me a hint.”

  The teasing note in his voice made Lexy feel like a warm bubble of joy had expanded in her chest. Gods, she was falling hard for this guy.

  “You’ll have to wait and see. Trust me. This will be worth the wait.”

  Undeterred, Huv continued to pepper her with questions the whole way there.


  Huv had learned one thing about Lexy by now: she was unpredictable. The sun had begun to set by the time they reached a tall building and rode up to the top, and the light bathed everything in mellow amber and gold. They stepped out onto a finished rooftop with a panoramic view of the city.

  “This is incredible.” As he walked closer to the railing, Huv glanced over the side and stared at the metropolis below.

  The last rays of sunlight glimmered off the metal and glass of the buildings while artificial lights popped on in the shadows. Although it was warm, cool gusts of wind kicked up here and there like a slap on the back urging him closer to the edge. He gripped the rail tightly.

  “Don’t worry.” Wrapping him in her arms, Lexy hugged him from behind. “I’ve got you. I’ll keep you safe.”

  The touch, the tone, had Huv flashing back to the shower again. He remembered how safe he’d felt with Lexy’s arms around him. Slowly, he turned to face her.

  “You’re the same person, aren’t you?” Huv already knew that, but he had to say it out loud. “Whether you’re male or female, you’re the same inside.”

  Lexy looked at him with those clear blue eyes. “Of course. It’s always me. The outer package may change, but I’m still the same person. Did you think I wasn’t?”

  He shook his head. “Sometimes part of me feels like I’m dating two different people, like twins. Then I remember it’s you, and it makes me feel better. Which doesn’t even make sense.”

  “It makes more sense than you might think.” Her smile, gentle and loving, made his heart ache. “I can’t doubt you really like me.”

  Seeing her standing there, her golden hair glowing like a halo in the fading light, Huv couldn’t resist kissing her. It was inevitable—as predestined as the way she stepped into him and slid her hands over his shoulders. The descent to claim Lexy’s mouth felt like falling in the most wonderful way.

  As their breath mingled, Huv took in the scent and taste of her, the feel of her in his arms. Something snapped into place for him in that moment, and he knew his life would never be the same again.

  When they finally broke apart, his heart was thumping, and his lips tingled from the kiss. He wished for something suave and romantic to say. Instead, he was reduced to the innocent bumbling of a teenager.

  “I do like you,” he told her. “I really like you a lot.”

  Lexy’s grin told him that was what she wanted to hear, or else she was amused by his burning cheeks. Whatever the case, he was saved from saying more by the sound of a beautiful melody drifting around them.

  “What’s that?”

  She placed her hand on his shoulder and stepped in close. “Every night at sunset, they play music to herald the night. Not many people know about it, but it’s one of the most romantic spots in the city.”

  Huv could see why. Taking her hand, he led her in a slow, smooth dance high up in the clouds overlooking Trilanta. Above them, the first stars were peeking out, and the lights of the buildings twinkled below. The view barely registered, though. All that mattered was the warm, sexy woman in his arms, whose movements fit perfectly with his own.

  When the song ended, he buried his face in the soft curls behind her ear. “I want to make love to you, Lexy. I want to make love to you all night.”

  Her sensual shiver made his cock lengthen, and he didn’t have to see her smile to hear it in her voice. “Okay.”

  Without another word, they headed for her car.

  The whole drive back to her place, Huv couldn’t stop touching her. He held her hand, ran his fingers through her hair, and brushed kisses against her cheek. The feel of her was intoxicating.

  By the time they crossed her threshold and reached her bed, she appeared as eager as he was. Stripping each other of their clothes, they got naked in a hurry, but Huv wanted to make this last. Which wasn’t easy to do when she grabbed her favorite part of him.

  “Lexy.” Her name came out as a moan. “Mercy.”

  She released a girlish giggle. “I can’t get over how hard you are here.”

  “Getting harder by the minute.” He reached down and carefully removed her hand.

  Freed from her grip, Huv took her in his arms and swooped down to capture her lips. Then he kissed his way from her neck to her breast. Her perky little nipple begged for his attention, so he opened his mouth to gobble it up like candy.

  “Ah, yes!” She threw her head back. “More.”
  Her demand kicked his arousal up another notch. Flicking his tongue, he bit down gently and gave her what she wanted. While she was still squealing from the first love bite, he switched to the other breast and laved the underside before settling down to suckle. The feel of her fingers in his hair made his scalp prickle, and her moan vibrated into the heart of him. He had to have a taste of her. Now.

  Pushing her back onto the bed, Huv dragged Lexy’s hips to the edge and kneeled between her knees. She said something inarticulate as he dove for her core. The sweet tang of her cream hit his nostrils and exploded through his lungs seconds before he swept his tongue over her dewy slit. He then feasted like a starving man, sucking her delicious honey down his throat. When he laved her clit, he could tell by her muscle tension she was ready to explode. Remembering how she liked to be touched, he rubbed his hands up and down the outsides and tops of her thighs as if he was warming her.

  She didn’t just warm; she caught fire. “Huv, yes!”

  His name on her lips, spoken in ecstasy, made his balls lurch up and his heart fill with pride. He wanted so much for her, so much from her. Desire burned through him until all he could see was her. His muscles felt uncoordinated as he crawled onto the bed.


  “Hmm?” She still sounded dazed.

  “I want to take you from behind. I’ve always wanted to, but I’ve never been able to do it that way. I only tried it once, and it hurt, so it didn’t work. I really want to try it with you.”

  Without being asked, Lexy rolled onto her stomach and glanced invitingly over her shoulder. “You won’t hurt me. You can take me any way you want.”

  Huv didn’t have enough presence of mind to tell her he was the one who might get hurt. He stuffed a pillow beneath her hips and spread her legs farther apart before he covered her with his body. For an embarrassing moment, he couldn’t get his cock lined up, but then her damp opening puckered around his crown. His sexual fantasy—one he’d had since he was young—came alive as he shoved his rigid length in an inch at a time.

  He’d started out in life having sex with Allurian females. Although he’d since slept with several New Earthling women, he’d never gotten up the nerve to try this position again. He would have been in agony inside an Allurian right now. Inside Lexy, he was buffeted by pleasure so extreme it threatened to reduce him to tears.

  When he finally seated himself, his cock was deeper than it had ever reached before. The tight ring of her vagina slid over the base of his cock, and his balls hit the undercurve of Lexy’s backside. He reared up enough for a good view and spurted precum at the sight. This was one of the most erotic experiences of his life.

  “Are you okay?” He had to pant the words.

  Lexy reached back and slapped his flank to hurry him up. “Move. Take me.”

  Huv was already thrusting before his mind processed the command. It was better than being deep-throated. Pleasure sparkled over every inch of his shaft. Impending orgasm burned like wildfire through his loins, ready to erupt. He surged in again, and then nature took over.

  Humping her like an animal in rut, he slid his free hand over her breasts and down to her thigh. He freaking loved this position! It was a good thing Lexy keened and urged him on, because Huv couldn’t stop. Every time his climax threatened to break free too soon, he used sheer willpower to beat it back. He wanted this to last forever.

  Lexy’s low wail was the only warning he got before her fiery sheath milked him with demanding pulls. Huv squeezed his eyes shut and held still. Although her pussy was insistent, somehow he managed not to burst. As soon as he felt the last spasm squeeze his cock, he started to pump again. Lexy’s surprised yelp was gratifying.

  Having spent the last of his control, Huv cut loose. Each forward lunge was so forceful it made a slapping sound and sent Lexy rocking, and the wet squelch of her welcoming channel drove him insane. He needed this. Almost there … almost…

  Rearing up on his knees, he grabbed her hips and took her like a manic piston. His orgasm climbed so high he should have been frightened, but instead all he felt was urgency. Then Lexy squealed with another climax, and it was all over. The dam broke, sending hot semen rampaging out of his convulsing cock.

  He shouted so loudly his ears rang. It was a miracle he didn’t come blood. Pulse after pulse of strength-stealing pleasure rushed through him until he fell, limp and sated, onto the mattress beside her.

  “I think you really like that position.” Lexy’s tone was bone-dry, although he was pleased to hear her breathless.

  “Only with you,” he answered. Drawing her close, he cuddled her in his arms.

  Chapter 3

  Sex Therapy

  Lexy wasn’t just falling in love with Huv. She was already there. His kindness, his humor, his honesty—all the traits that made up who he was, big and small, appealed to her.

  Over the next three and a half weeks, Lexy took him all over town, shared dinner with him, and invited him back to her place for rigorous sex. In the mornings, he pulled her onto his lap while they ate breakfast, all the while showering her with little touches and kisses that made her sigh. They talked about everything and nothing. Everything, that is, except the fact that she’d be cycling back to her male body soon.

  She was due to make the shift tomorrow. Like all Cedecians, she kept track of the timing, but Lexy had never been quite so aware of the change before. She found herself anxious and nervous—anxious to return to her male form so she could work on her relationship with Huv, but nervous it might ruin things. Would her Allurian lover really accept a man in his life? Being female was only half of what and who Lexy was. She needed Huv to embrace all of her, or this relationship wouldn’t work.

  Worry nagged at her as she finished with her last client before lunch, a New Earthling woman who struggled with an inability to climax. Lexy explained a few exercises to her patient and then saw her out. She’d just closed the door when there was a knock on the other side.

  “Come in.”

  To her surprise, the subject of her thoughts entered the room.

  “Huv, what are you doing here?”

  “Am I interrupting?” He glanced around and seemed relieved to find the room empty.

  Lexy gave him a welcoming kiss. “Your timing is perfect. I was about to break for lunch.”

  “Good. I want to talk to you.” He strode farther into the room, but he didn’t take a seat.

  Lexy couldn’t quite read his mood. “Is everything all right?”

  Huv took her hands in his. “Everything is going great. As of today, I’m officially moving to Trilanta.”

  “Huv, that’s fantastic!” Overjoyed by the announcement, Lexy threw her arms around him and kissed him so merrily she made her own toes curl.

  Although she’d hoped he’d stay, considering their relationship, he hadn’t said anything. She’d been afraid to bring it up.

  With a husky laugh, Huv tucked one of her curls behind her ear. “That reaction was even better than I’d hoped. And you haven’t heard the best part. I’ve got a new job. Well, it’s actually the same job, just different. Back home, I worked for my uncle’s import business. After he came to Trilanta for the wedding and saw the potential here, he decided to open up a new store uptown. Rix, some other family members, and I are going to make it happen for him. That means I can live and work here, but I’ll get to fly back to Alluria frequently to see my family. The trips will even qualify as business expenses.”

  “That’s wonderful.” The assurance that he was staying and was happy made Lexy’s heart soar. She hesitated, but she had to ask. “Have you thought about where you’ll stay? We’ve never actually talked about it.”

  He shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah. Uh, I didn’t want to assume anything or make a rushed decision. I plan to stay with Rix for now. He’s happy to have help with the rent, and I’m kind of dealing with enough changes right now.”

  Part of her was disappointed he didn’t want to move in with her, but
Lexy also approved of his thinking. There would be time to make other arrangements later if their relationship continued to progress.

  “I’m tempted to try to change your mind,” she confessed, “but I think you’re being smart.”

  When he released a loud sigh, she realized he’d been holding his breath. “I’m glad you understand.” A mischievous twinkle entered his eye. “What did you have in mind, though? I enjoy temptation.”

  “Naughty man.”

  He glanced at the closed door. “How long is your lunch break?”

  “I’m booked solid today. I’ve only got about twenty minutes. Huv, my secretary is right outside the door.”

  Undeterred, he began to back her toward her desk. “We’ll have to hurry then.” He feigned a boyish pout. “Please, Doc. I’ve got an ache only you can cure.”

  Amused and more than a little turned on, Lexy laughed. “I’m not that kind of doctor.”

  “But you’re a head doctor.” He waggled his eyebrows and pulled her hand against his crotch.

  Before Lexy could think of a suitable retort, the backs of her thighs collided with the edge of her desk.

  Huv kissed his way up her neck to her pulse point and fondled her breasts through her conservative blouse. “I want you so much right now.”

  Heated by the hunger in his voice as much as by his touch, Lexy couldn’t deny him. “We’ll have to be quick and quiet.”

  She was already unsealing his pants. His cock shot into her hand the second she got it free. It was long, hot, and flushed, and the tip dripped precum. Lexy creamed in response.

  “On the desk.” Visions of every office sex scene she’d ever watched on her vid screen flashed through her head, never mind how tacky.

  Yanking her skirt over her hips, Huv spun her around and planted his palm between her shoulders. Lexy followed his lead as he pushed her torso onto her desk. The glassy veneer chilled her nipples through her blouse. Bent over like this, she had her bottom at the perfect height to snuggle his groin.

  Behind her, Huv lightly spanked her right buttock. The impact jolted through her clit, and the small sting made her moan. Then he slid the same hand downward and shoved her panties out of the way enough to screw two fingers into her. This time, Lexy wasn’t sure which of them groaned more loudly.


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