Alien Sex 104

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Alien Sex 104 Page 10

by Allie Ritch

  “That’s it. I’m all the way in.” Lexy heaved a sigh of relief. He tried to get Huv to look at him, but his eyes were pinched shut.

  To Lexy’s horror, Huv gave a great, racking sob. And then another and another. Tears poured from between his lashes.

  “Oh, gods. Am I hurting you? Do you want me to pull out?”

  Shockingly, Huv shook his head.

  It took a minute for Lexy to figure out what was the matter. Easing over Huv, he planted kisses along his lover’s jaw and cheek, tasting his tears.

  “Oh, Huv. It’s different, isn’t it? Having another person inside you?”

  Unable to speak, Huv simply nodded.

  Lexy stroked Huv’s hair until the storm subsided. Being a male with a healthy ego, Huv was clearly embarrassed by the outburst, but the emotional release was the best thing for him. He was now more relaxed than Lexy could have ever gotten him. At last, he opened his eyes.

  “I love you, Lexy.” Huv whispered the words like a secret.

  Warmth burst like sunshine through Lexy’s chest. He’d suspected Huv’s feelings for some time, but hearing the words was a gift beyond measure.

  “I love you, too.” Slowly, Lexy slid his cock partway out and thrust back in.

  A look of surprised pleasure flashed across Huv’s face before he tilted his head back and moaned.

  Lexy settled into a lazy rhythm of shallow digs designed to lull Huv and build his orgasm by small degrees. The knowledge that he was the first to put his dick here, the first to take Huv like this, made his sac feel like it had doubled in size.

  Huv began to grunt and shout with every stroke. Although he’d never been a quiet lover, he was now transformed into one of the noisiest lays Lexy had ever had. The sounds he made actually kicked Lexy’s climax higher.

  Lexy continued to pump Huv’s erection with his fist until he was sure they were near critical mass. Then he let go and used the same hand to hold Huv’s hip as he shifted his weight and angle. Still maintaining a leisurely rhythm, Lexy played the dense knob of his crown back and forth over Huv’s sensitive prostate. Huv’s groans assured him how good it felt, and each stroke increased the pressure at the base of Lexy’s shaft. Tingles of pleasure cascaded from his tailbone to his scalp.

  “Gods, Lexy. I need … something. Ah, please. I need to come. I need more.” Sweat broke out across Huv’s brow and upper lip.

  Lexy could tell by the strain on his face and the rosy flush of his distended cock that Huv was close. He just needed a little push to tip him over.

  “You have everything you need.” Lexy continued to slide his cock against Huv’s gland. “Don’t be afraid. Just let go. Give in to that deep, dark pleasure. Look at me, Huv. I’m the one taking you. Feel me inside? Look me right in the eye and come for me.”

  Their gazes collided, and Huv didn’t just climax. He yelled at the top of his lungs and seized, spewing his seed. As he did so, his rear passage crushed Lexy’s cock so hard Lexy had no choice but to follow him over. Hot ejaculate was juiced out of him in bone-wringing spurts. Only this time, he wasn’t releasing into Huv’s hand or the sheets. He poured his cum into Huv’s inner recesses, catching the backwash like a warm bath on his cock’s crown.

  When Lexy could finally focus again, he saw fresh tears running down Huv’s face. He pretended not to notice and snuggled Huv closer after carefully withdrawing and collapsing by his side. They drifted peacefully, sticky and more than satisfied in each other’s arms.

  * * * *

  Huv felt like a new man after he and Lexy shared a shower. Gone was the tight knot he’d carried around in his stomach. His body felt limber, too. Although he had a few twinges in his thighs, Lexy had insisted on treating him with a fast-acting salve, so he was no longer sore inside.

  Once they were dried off, Huv loaned Lexy one of his robes and pulled on a spare before heading to the kitchen. As they walked in, Rix froze with a spoonful of cereal lifted halfway to his mouth. Huv felt his cheeks flare hot, but he didn’t pause on his way to seat Lexy at the island counter. In fact, despite their audience, Huv couldn’t stop touching Lexy every chance he got. His lover was the only thing that felt real and solid after a night and morning that seemed surreal.

  If Lexy felt at all awkward about greeting Rix, he didn’t show it. “Good morning.”

  “Mornin’.” Rix set down his spoon and glanced back and forth between them with a grin that should have split his cheeks. “I take it you two have worked things out?”

  “Yeah, we’re good.” Huv quickly busied himself pouring two cups of coffee.

  By the looks of it, his cousin had been home for a while, which meant he’d gotten an earful through the wall. Usually Huv was too immodest to care, but this time he knew he’d shouted and bawled like he’d been undergoing torture. That was definitely not something he wanted to share with his kin. Never mind that he’d caught the mischievous gleam in his cousin’s gaze.

  Rix cleared his throat. “You’re going steady with a Cedecian, huh?”

  “Yes.” Huv handed Lexy a cup of coffee and sat on the neighboring barstool. “Are you okay with that? I know it takes some getting used to.”

  Lexy didn’t say a word, but rubbed Huv’s back in silent support.

  With a casual shrug, Rix resumed eating his cereal. “It’s fine with me. Whatever makes you happy. Does the rest of the family know yet?”

  “Just Xindra and Quinn.”

  “Then I guess the question is whether you’re okay with it. Are you?”

  Although Huv wasn’t quite sure how everything was going to work out, he now had faith it would all be okay in the end. He rested his hand on Lexy’s knee.

  “I’m better than I’ve been in a long time.” In fact, Huv couldn’t remember ever feeling this content.

  Rix studied him. “You’re sure?”


  “No more angst or insecurities about this?”

  Now Huv felt a frown forming. “No. I love Lexy. If any other issues come up, we’ll figure them out.”

  Lexy seconded that with a smile.

  “Good.” The tone of devilry Rix infused the word with was frightening. “It’s just as well. I suppose it was inevitable anyway.”


  “Rix.” Lexy’s tone held a note of warning, but his lips twitched.

  Judging by his cousin’s expression, there was no stopping Rix anyway. “You finally exhausted the universe’s supply of women, Huv. I mean, where else was there to go? You, man, are my idol.”

  Beside him, Lexy dropped his head onto the counter and started to shake with laughter.

  “No, I’m serious.” Rix grinned like an idiot. “I get it. As a man, Lexy has so much more to offer. Judging by the yelling I heard earlier, a hell of a lot more.”

  Huv lunged out of his seat and began chasing Rix around the kitchen. Lexy howled more loudly, completely useless as a blocker.

  “Just don’t hit him in the face, Huv,” Lexy insisted. “Rix thinks he’s the handsome one in the family, remember?”

  Huv had to catch the blue-haired bugger first. It would have been easier if he hadn’t been laughing so hard himself.

  “I’m in trouble now.” Rix dodged him again. “I think Huv is light on his feet.”

  And so it went. Strangely, it seemed like the perfect end to the morning.

  * * * *

  Lexy spent the weekend at Huv’s place. After that, they wound up back at his house for the rest of the week. Although Huv wasn’t ready to move in, Lexy did convince him to bring over a few clothes and toiletries. He even made room in one of his closets.

  The distraction of their relationship, still shiny and new, and the lack of sleep due to other activities should have made it difficult for Lexy to work. Instead, he found the opposite to be true. He was recharged and bursting with goodwill, ready to help others find their own fulfillment.

  After breezing through his Friday morning appointments, he was pleased to send more than one couple away
with smiles on their faces. His lips mimicked the gesture when Huv popped in during his break. Unlike the first time he’d visited the office, Huv didn’t hesitate at the door, but sauntered right over to kiss Lexy hello.

  “When’s your next patient?”

  “Thirty minutes. Why? What did you have in mind?”

  Lexy couldn’t help but remember their last meeting here and the toe-curling quickie on the desk. Was Huv game for a repeat? Maybe with a twist?

  The way Huv crowded him said maybe he was. There was a sense of pent-up energy in the way he moved, which gave Lexy a thrill. Huv’s next words surprised him, though.

  “You forgot to tell me something.”

  “I did?” Lexy’s mind scrambled furiously. What could he have forgotten?

  Huv’s tone remained inscrutable. “Xindra called me today. It seems you made plans for Tuesday evening.”

  “Oh.” Huv’s proximity made Lexy a little slow, but his brain finally caught up. “I’m modeling for your cousin’s class. You were there when she asked me to, remember?”

  “Yes, but you didn’t tell me you’d accepted. Just whom were you planning on modeling with?”

  “No one.” Lexy gaped. Did Huv think he’d cheat on him? He had no intention of taking another lover, not for any reason. “I was never going to do a full intercourse demonstration. I plan to strip down and change genders, but that’s it. It’ll all be hands-off.”

  Huv’s lips twitched and he shook his head dramatically. “Just as I thought. You plan to give my poor cousin only half a show. And here I thought you liked Xindra and Quinn.”

  “I do. Wait. You want me to have sex in front of a room full of students?”

  The look Huv gave him was incendiary. “If it’s sex with me, I do.”

  Huv pulled Lexy close enough for him to feel the hard ridge of his erection behind his fly. Lexy’s skin flushed hot, and his cock leaped to attention.

  He had to clear his throat before he could speak. “I’m not sure I want to make love in public. I’ve never been much of an exhibitionist.”

  Huv kissed Lexy’s jawline and kneaded his backside as he pulled him closer. “This from the man who went down on me in an alley? No, I think you want it. You’ll come so hard with everybody watching. Imagine it. You can take me in front of everybody with nothing hidden from view. Isn’t that what you want? Or are you ashamed of me?”

  Lexy gave that last statement the scowl it deserved. As for the rest, though, he knew his raging hard-on couldn’t lie. Despite the inhibitions clamoring at him, he did want what Huv offered in a big way. The thought of taking his Allurian in front of everybody like that…

  “All right, but there’s a condition.” Feeling a rush of sexual aggression, Lexy began to compete with Huv for who could arouse the other with teasing kisses and bold, stroking hands. “I want a preview first. Right here. Right now.”

  He was already reaching down to unseal his pants. The moment Lexy got his fly open, his cock sprang out, as long and hard as he’d ever seen it. Pride and dismay clashed at the sight of his overengorged prick. Huv was still so new at this he had to be careful. Lubricant would help, but Lexy only had a small sample package in his office. He wanted his cock as slick as possible.

  “On your knees.”

  “Excuse me?” Huv arched his brow in challenge.

  Lexy felt a sensual shiver travel down his spine. When he’d first hooked up with Huv, he’d assumed they’d struggle for dominance. Somehow, they’d swapped control every time Lexy switched genders. Now, though, the battle he’d looked forward to became apparent.

  With his hands on Huv’s shoulders, Lexy applied enough downward force to show he was serious. He also stared steadily into Huv’s eyes, waiting to see who would blink first. His stubborn Allurian resisted for a long moment, and he never looked away. Very slowly, he sank to his knees on the plush carpet.

  Lexy’s exposed cock wound up right in front of Huv’s face. Huv gazed at Lexy’s aching member, licked his lips, and then glanced up, if not obediently, then questioningly. He was waiting for instructions.

  “Try it. You might like it.” Massaging Huv’s scalp with his fingertips, Lexy pulled his head closer.

  The suspense nearly killed him. Lexy held his breath through a couple of false starts before Huv finally, tentatively, covered Lexy’s cock with his warm mouth. When he did, sensation surged from the contact all the way to the base of Lexy’s balls. Still, the hesitant caress was a tease.

  Although Huv got some good suction going and began to move up and down, he held his tongue remarkably still. He was probably afraid of getting his first full taste of cock. Lexy held on to his patience by his fingernails, desperately wanting that soft, rasping friction against the underside of his shaft.

  A full, torturous minute passed before Huv gave it a shot. The first flutter and lick nearly blew off the top of Lexy’s head. Once Huv got into it, he was a natural. He knew where all the most sensitive spots were and expertly combined pressure and friction. Lexy glanced down to see how Huv was enjoying it. The crease denting his Allurian’s brow said he hadn’t quite made up his mind yet.

  “You’re doing great.” Lexy continued massaging Huv’s scalp to encourage him.

  Although he wasn’t going to finish in his lover’s mouth, Lexy wanted to see how far he could push things. Sliding his palms over Huv’s ears, he tilted his Allurian’s head at a better angle and held it firmly in place. He took over the thrusting.

  At first, despite the electric jolts of pleasure radiating through his shaft and sac, Lexy kept his strokes gentle and shallow. Even so, Huv tensed. Then Lexy shoved in deeper, and Huv choked and tried to pull back.

  “Just breathe.” Gazing down into watering silver eyes, Lexy rasped the advice between thrusts. “Relax your throat and breathe slowly through your nose.”

  After a few more moments of gagging, Huv finally managed it.

  “That’s it. This feels so good.”

  Too good, in fact. Lexy would have loved nothing better than to keep going, but he had other plans. Pulling out was agony, but he somehow managed it.

  Huv swallowed hard and appeared a bit dazed. Then his expression hardened into a perfect mask of lust when Lexy helped him to his feet and reached for Huv’s fly. When he got it open, Lexy discovered Huv’s erection wasn’t just hard. It was completely rigid—so swollen it didn’t even bob. Perhaps Huv had enjoyed his oral administrations more than he’d let on or was ready to admit to himself.

  The air was cool on Lexy’s wet shaft, and he was anxious to get his dick out of the cold. He fished the packet of lube out of his desk drawer and coated his length until it was extra slippery. Grasping Huv’s stony cock, he was already masturbating him as he turned him around.

  Lexy’s arousal soared when he bent Huv over the smooth, hard surface of his desk. This was exactly the position Huv had taken him—well, her in when Lexy had been a woman. The reversal, the sense of symmetry in taking Huv like this now, appealed to him. Covering Huv’s back, Lexy lined up his shaft and began to feed it into the scorching haven of Huv’s passage.

  “Relax. Don’t clench.” He could tell Huv had a harder time with this position. They’d never done this standing up.

  Huv let out a word that turned the air as blue as his cum.

  Despite his strain, Lexy laughed. “That’s right. I’m going deeper.” It took him another few seconds to fully seat himself.

  The moment he did, Lexy withdrew just as slowly and began to ride. He adopted the same leisurely pace Huv had subjected him to on this very desk. At the same time, he pumped Huv’s cock with his fist in counterpoint, speeding them both toward orgasm.

  “Harder,” Huv begged.

  “How about a little faster?” Lexy knew Huv wouldn’t thank him later if he got too rough.

  “Yes, yes. Faster.”

  Lexy’s hips made a slapping sound as they smacked Huv’s buttocks, and his balls were gnarled into such tight, fat knots they throbbed with the impac
t. He and Huv grunted in unison as they climbed toward climax. Then they were there, suspended in a perfect moment of physical bliss.

  Huv cried Lexy’s name as he started to convulse, and his hot semen covered Lexy’s milking hand. In the same instant, Lexy’s cock blasted inside Huv, spewing so hard Lexy felt like he was ejaculating all the way from the soles of his feet. He lunged upward and held there until he’d emptied.

  Slowly, very slowly, he relaxed and withdrew. It was a matter of moments to clean himself and seal his pants. Huv followed suit.

  “You’ll have to stop by like this more often.” Satisfaction coursed through Lexy’s veins, making him loose and limber and very, very happy. “Maybe one of these days we’ll actually go to lunch.”

  “Who needs lunch?” Leaning close, Huv gave him a last kiss.

  “Mmm. I’ll see you at home. Right now, though—”

  “Don’t say it.”

  Lexy couldn’t help himself. “Time’s up.”

  Chapter 8

  The Switch-Hitter

  For the second time, Huv found himself standing naked in front of a room full of students. It should have been a moment of déjà vu, but this time was vastly different. The topic tonight was Cedecian sexuality and the difficulties it presented for interracial relationships. Lexy was the focus, which meant Huv was more or less an add-on.

  Beside him, Lexy appeared a bit nervous, although Huv was probably the only one who could tell. Lexy’s breathing remained steady—a rhythmic rise and fall of his bare chest—and his hands hung in a relaxed position at his sides. Only the subtle tension at the corners of his mouth and the extra bit of stiffness in his spine gave him away.

  Seeing his usually bold lover looking uncertain actually succeeded in calming Huv. He wasn’t discomfited by the gazes fixed on him, but by the knowledge of what was to come. Before they’d arrived, Lexy had told him in explicit detail how this was going to go down. They were going to demonstrate two intercourse positions, one homosexual and one heterosexual, and neither arrangement was one they’d tried before. Huv had a nightmarish vision of looking like a bumbling teenager in front of his cousins and their pupils.


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