Alien Sex 104

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Alien Sex 104 Page 12

by Allie Ritch

  Until now, Glynn had been biding his time, afraid of rushing things. If he was right and she was his chemical match, then she’d likely get pregnant within the first few rounds of intercourse. When they did spend, Semhym males were incredibly fertile, enough so that they often thwarted even the most advanced contraceptives. He knew he was mature and established enough to support a wife and child should that happen, but he wasn’t certain he could make Deina happy.

  He liked her very much, and against all odds she appeared to like him. Most women, however, wanted more than strong liking and a stable home. At least, independent women like Deina did. Glynn couldn’t risk more without knowing for sure if sexually she was the one for him. He was the type of man who stuck by his commitments. If he married her and she wasn’t a match for his libido, he’d spend the rest of his life without the possibility of having a family. If he came at all, he’d only come dry. Could he take that chance without testing their chemistry first?

  Glynn didn’t like to take risks. He was also an honest man. Although he could use subtlety and subterfuge in business when the situation called for it, he made it a habit to be forthright in his personal life. Hence a direct and clear statement of his desires so Deina would know exactly where he stood.

  Sitting across from her at the cleared dinner table, he waited for her response. From past experience, he should have known her reaction wouldn’t be anything he expected.

  “Why?” she asked.

  He blinked slowly as his mind turned that over. How much should he tell her? “I have many reasons.”

  She arched one eyebrow in lazy amusement. “Name them.”

  “You know I find you very attractive. You’re bold, smart, and I enjoy your company. I think you’d be a good match for me.” He frowned. “I know I’m not always the most exciting individual, but I’m steady, reliable, and I’ll never let you down. If you become pregnant, I’ll marry you immediately and make sure you and our child have everything you need or want. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you’re happy.”

  “So what you really want is to marry me?”

  “Yes.” The word popped off his tongue before he could clarify it. “That is, I want to marry and start a family.”

  Although Deina wore a smile, the expression didn’t give anything away. Glynn couldn’t tell if she was happy or amused, humoring him or seriously considering the offer. The uncertainty disturbed him, as did the realization that he was actually nervous. His palms were sweaty, and his pulse tripped at an uncomfortable rate. Of course, he was talking about something potentially life changing, so he supposed a bit of anxiety was in order.

  “Are you asking me to marry you, Glynn?” Deina asked the question directly this time.

  Once again, he decided to be honest. “I may, but I’d like to see if we’re sexually compatible before I commit. I want to be sure there’s a possibility of children.”

  This time she threw back her head and laughed—a full, throaty sound he’d secretly grown to adore. She always put her whole heart into her joy, letting it out for all to hear. Her eyes twinkled when she looked at him.

  “So what you really want is to get laid, huh? Why didn’t you just say so? I’ve been waiting for you to make your move for weeks now. Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s sweet how you’ve wanted to wait and take the time to get to know me first. You’ve always treated me like a lady, Glynn, despite the fact that you saw me having sex in front of a room full of people the first time we met. I’m flattered. I’m also likely to say yes if you invite me home tonight.”

  Other men would have taken that for all the agreement they needed, but Glynn had too much respect for Deina to let her go into this without complete understanding. “You do realize you could get pregnant?”

  “I’m on birth control.”

  He shook his head. “It may fail. If I’m able to fully come with you, it’s very likely it will fail, although perhaps not the first time.”

  Her amusement vanished beneath an expression of concern. “What do you mean if you’re able to come? Oh. Are you impotent?”

  Glynn hated that word. “No, I’m a Semhym. Unlike with New Earthlings, there’s nothing easy about my reproductive system. The circumstances and chemistry have to be just right.”

  He could tell she didn’t understand, but she shrugged. “So do you do this often? Warn every woman you want to sleep with that you might get her pregnant?”

  Uneasy now, Glynn shifted in his seat. “Of course not. The risk is infinitesimal with most women.”

  “But not with me?” Her tone was gentle.

  Offering what he could of himself, Glynn gave her the truth. “You’re very different from other women. I’ve been intensely attracted to you since the moment I first saw you, and my desire has only grown over time. I think we could have something special.”

  Although he’d never been good at romance, he hoped she could hear the sincerity and hope in his voice. Judging by the slight softening of her expression, he thought maybe she did.

  Deina appeared to mull the matter over for a moment. “Can I have time to think about this? If you’re serious, and I can see you are, then this is a hell of a decision you’re giving me.”

  “Of course.” A breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding escaped him. “I understand the significance of what I’m asking.”

  The important part was she hadn’t said no. At least not yet. A small part of Glynn—one that still had faith in things like destiny—prayed she’d give him a chance.


  Deina should probably tell him no. That was the thought—the voice of reason—circulating in her head as she kissed Glynn good night and returned to her apartment. Fortunately for him, she wasn’t the type to follow logic and reason. She tended to go with her instincts and impulses instead.

  So what did her gut tell her now? Well, for starters, she really liked Glynn. Not just liked. She was halfway in love with the strange, serious man. He wasn’t her usual type, but from the moment she’d met him, she’d had the urge to shake him up and see what he was like beneath his controlled facade. In her experience, uptight people could turn the wildest when they finally cut loose. She’d love to see that with him.

  He was smart, sophisticated without being snobby, and mature, which was rare. Physically, he had it going on, too. At six feet tall, he was a sizeable male with narrow hips, lean abs, and broad shoulders. His eyes were the color of coffee—black when he was either irritated or aroused and lightened with cream when he was relaxed or happy. The rest of his features were rough and angular and tended not to give away his emotions at all. As for his brunet hair, Deina had been amazed to discover how thick and coarse his neatly trimmed locks were. Apparently, that was a Semhym trait.

  His mouth was a pleasant surprise. Deina had been shocked to learn his lips, usually turned down in a vague scowl, were capable of gentle finesse and fierce passion. Gods, the man could kiss. Although he refrained from any other amorous advances, he demanded kisses freely. Locking lips with him was like waiting to be struck by lightning. His body practically hummed with pent-up desire. The fact that he somehow reined in all that energy made Deina eager to tease it out of him.

  Maybe his not being her usual type was a good thing. Lately, Deina had begun to feel restless with her life and relationships. She’d always enjoyed a good time, and she had a large dash of the exhibitionist in her. When she was younger, she’d probably flashed her tits at every male on Trilanta, and she’d certainly enjoyed the sex demo she’d done for Quinn’s class. Where did she go from there, though?

  She wasn’t in her twenties anymore. Deina had been to the clubs, bars, raves, and other parties. There were always new places to try, but they were still the same scene. It had all started to pale, either because she’d grown jaded or—she suspected—because she’d simply outgrown that lifestyle. She was ready for something different.

  Having hit her thirties, she’d already seen the guys with flash and charm come and go. A
steady, reliable guy like Glynn, one with a full-time job and an investment plan, had started to look appealing. There was something to be said for a sense of security and stability. That’s probably why, a few weeks ago, Deina had decided to dump her other boyfriends and see Glynn exclusively.

  But what about love? Deina knew she loved Glynn and was sure the feeling would grow over time. If he’d gotten down on one knee tonight, professed his love, and asked her to marry him, she would have said yes. With her usual impetuousness, she would have jumped right in.

  Except that’s not what he’d done. Like a bad pickup line or some gods-awful soap opera script, he’d asked her to have his baby. Deina should have been hysterical or outraged. Instead, here she was, actually considering it.

  Of course, he wasn’t asking her to go off contraceptives and deliberately get pregnant. All he’d done was warn her of the risk before they had sex. Considering she would have slept with him without a qualm before knowing that, she appreciated him being considerate and responsible.

  So what was bothering her about this? Deina trusted Glynn when he said he’d marry her if she got pregnant, but that wasn’t the issue. What irked her was he didn’t want to marry her until he knew for sure they could have children together. Although she could understand his desire to have a family, she didn’t appreciate having her attractiveness reduced to her breeding ability. He either wanted to marry her or he didn’t.

  “All right.” Marching over to her vid screen, Deina sat down to type a text message. “Let’s deal.”

  From past experience, she knew Glynn liked to handle personal issues in a direct, businesslike manner. She’d thought it was cute and funny at first, but now she could see the advantages. Hashing out her thoughts as she went along, she wrote up a proposition for him. It would give him everything he wanted, but with her conditions.

  “Let’s see how much you really want me.” With a flourish, Deina signed the letter and hit Send.

  The moment the message went through, she felt herself settle. She may not know Glynn’s type, but she definitely knew men. He could hide behind that gruff frown all he wanted. Deina had seen the heat in his eyes, and he’d given himself away with his kisses.

  * * * *

  “She’s made a counteroffer.” Alone in his office, Glynn blinked in quiet surprise as he studied the note Deina had sent.

  He’d only retrieved the message this morning, but he could see she’d sent it last night—within half an hour of returning home, no less. It never ceased to amaze him how quickly she seemed to make up her mind and how unbending she could be once she had. Her decisiveness was a quality he valued, especially since he worked in a management position that often required swift thinking and authority.

  Reading carefully, Glynn felt a smile spread slowly across his face. His heart beat a little faster, and his brain was already firing double time. She wanted him. Sure, she was making this difficult, but the fact that she had bothered with a counteroffer meant she wanted to marry him.

  Her demands were as simple as they were daunting: First, she didn’t want to marry someone who didn’t desire her irrespective of her fertility. Since she was willing to take a chance on him, she wanted him to take a gamble, too. Second, Deina wasn’t entirely convinced he could make her happy—a doubt he shared. She demanded proof he was capable of having fun and entertaining her.

  It had been a long time since Glynn had had fun, and he’d never been a gambler. Still, he found himself wanting to rise to her challenge. He didn’t actually need to get her pregnant to know if they were compatible, so that part was negotiable. All he wanted was to learn if he could ejaculate with her. As for making her happy…

  His whole life, he’d always succeeded at anything he’d set his mind to. This wouldn’t be any different. While he didn’t share the same penchants, he knew Deina’s likes and dislikes and the things that made her smile. He just had to apply that knowledge. Although he didn’t have much experience with keeping a woman happy, it seemed to him making her happiness his top priority was half the battle. Yes, he could do this. He just had to prove it to her.

  It wouldn’t be easy. Glynn should have known Deina would have conditions. She was a strong, independent woman. It would take cunning and determination to win her, but he was sure he was up for the job.

  Sitting back, he began to do what he did best—what allowed him to earn a living. Glynn strategized. Fortunately for him, he’d always had a knack for problem solving.

  Chapter 10

  Underneath It All

  Deina received a message from Glynn while she was still at work—a secretarial position that was just one more in a long line of odd jobs she’d had over the years. Instead of a vid recording or a text message, she got a handwritten card attached to a small wrapped box. The card was an invitation to join Glynn at his place after work. As for the box, the size had her hoping for jewelry.

  Since they’d been dating, Glynn had occasionally bought her expensive bouquets of flowers, and he always treated her whenever they went out. Until now, though, he hadn’t given her any gifts. With her usual enthusiasm, Deina ripped off the outer paper and popped open the lid to the box. Instead of a bracelet or necklace, she found a pack of Oquaran playing cards.

  “He really knows how to charm a girl.” She muttered the statement sarcastically, but she couldn’t help but smile.

  Apparently Glynn had some surprises in him after all. She was intrigued.

  After finishing the workday, she headed over to his place to see what he had in mind. His condo was much nicer than her apartment, although it lacked a feminine touch. The decor was minimalist in the extreme, consisting mostly of muted tones and dark furniture. Ever since she’d first seen the place, Deina had suffered the urge to add some kitsch. She wanted to mess it up in the same way she wanted to ruffle Glynn’s smooth, serious image.

  Having just gotten home from work himself, Glynn greeted her still wearing his suit and tie. Far from looking tired after a long day, he seemed energized. In fact, Deina thought he looked eager. Had he decided to meet the conditions of her proposal?

  “Did you get the cards I sent?”

  Never one for subtlety, she held up the pack and wiggled it in his face. “You faked me out. I was expecting something sparkly.”

  “Oh.” His frown appeared. “I hadn’t thought of that.” He studied her for a moment, and the anticipatory gleam returned to his gaze. “That can be remedied later. One thing at a time.”

  “And which thing would that be?” Deina deliberately brushed against his side as she sauntered past him. She drew up short when she spotted the card table set up near the wall.

  Leaning close, Glynn murmured in her ear. “You wanted me to take a gamble and have some fun. I’m willing to negotiate.”

  The sensual note in his voice made her shiver. This was a side of Glynn she’d only glimpsed when they’d kissed.

  “I didn’t mean gamble literally,” she pointed out, but her own excitement was brewing.

  He managed a pout. “Are you saying you won’t play with me?”

  Deina couldn’t believe it. Was Glynn flirting with her?

  She licked her lips. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t play.”

  “Good.” Taking a seat, he motioned her toward the chair across from him. “Then here’s what I propose. I don’t need to get you pregnant to know I want to marry you. All I want to test is our sexual compatibility. If I do come and spill my seed with you, then there’s a chance I can get you with child. That’s another gamble. So we’ll play for it. Oquaran Six Card Draw. If I win, I get to make love to you tonight.”

  A small thrill shimmied down Deina’s spine. “And if I win?”

  “I marry you. Our first time sleeping together will be our wedding night.”

  She gaped. “That’s a hell of a stake.” And it was a win-win scenario for her: make love or get married and make love. “How many hands?”

  “As many as it takes until one of us is naked.” Something
hot and feral entered his gaze as he slowly perused her from head to toe.


  He nodded.

  Laughter bubbled out of Deina. Oh, yes, her Semhym was full of surprises. If he could come up with this, then he was also capable of meeting her second condition. She was already having a hell of a good time, and they hadn’t even started yet. Little did he know, she’d always been lucky at cards.

  “Okay, you’re on. But wait. I want us to start with an equal number of clothes.”

  A smile of appreciation broke across his face. “Clever girl. Most people don’t think about that. Are we counting shoes separately or as a pair?”

  “Separately, same as with socks. Lose your jacket, tie, and shoes, and we should be even.”

  Shucking his jacket, he rolled his sleeves up his muscular forearms. His shoes were easy to toe off, but he hesitated after loosening his tie. “You should have six articles: two shoes, skirt, blouse, and what’s underneath.”

  Deina knew her grin was wicked. “That’s only five. You’re overestimating what’s underneath.”

  His gaze dropped to examine her as if he could see straight through her clothes.

  Before he could ask, she shook her finger at him. “Nuh-uh. I won’t tell you which is missing. You’ll just have to pray for a lucky hand.”

  “I will,” he said. “Most fervently.”

  The hunger in his voice made her tingle all over. Deina watched in amazement as Glynn pulled off his tie and discarded it on the floor.

  “Ogling women, gambling, throwing laundry around.” She clucked her tongue. “I think I’m a bad influence on you.”

  “On the contrary, maybe you’re just what I need.”

  Her heart swelled. She hoped so. Deina wanted to be what he needed, wanted to bring light and laughter into his solemn world.


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