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The Price of Love

Page 5

by Cassy Roop

  “I’ll open it when I get back to my desk.” I told her as I picked up the bouquet and started back toward my cubicle. I could hear Rachel cursing me for not opening the card in front of her, saying something about leaving her hanging.

  The flowers were so huge, they took up a large chunk of space in my tiny little cubicle. I sat staring at them for a while with the unopened card in my hands. Finally after what seemed like five minutes, I tore open the envelope and pulled out a small card that was folded in half. I flipped it open and began to read.


  I really do believe you would be the best person to write the pieces on the hotels. How can I persuade you to accept? We can talk about it when you join me for dinner tonight at six pm. I’ll send my driver to pick you up at five forty-five.


  Oh. My. God. I sat in my chair with my mouth hanging open. I’m pretty sure a fly could have landed in there, made residence and I would not have noticed. Tristan Price asked to have dinner with me. Wait, he didn’t ask. He told me that we were having dinner. He didn’t phrase it in a question. He just said he would have a driver pick me up as if he knew my answer would be yes.

  Cassie chose that exact moment to approach my cubicle. The look on her face as she took in the roses sitting on my desk was nothing short of shock and amazement. She whistled.

  “Damn, Ken-Doll! Who the hell are those from? OH. MY. GOD! They are from Price, aren’t they?” She saw the tiniest hint of a smile on my face and that was all it took to unleash on me.

  “Kendall, that guy wants you. This cannot be all a coincidence! It almost seems like he sought you out. The rescue yesterday, the meeting, and now flowers?”

  I froze at her words. Was Tristan intentionally seeking me out? Was there some ulterior motive for all that had happened these last few days? No. No way. Tristan Price didn’t chase after women. They chase him.

  I blew out my breath in a heated rush to prepare myself to tell Cassie what the note said. She was going to freak the fuck out.

  “Cass, he wants me to go to dinner with him tonight.” I held up my hand to her as she started to speak. I wanted to get the rest out before I allowed her to have her freak out. “He said it was to discuss me being the person to write the pieces on his hotels for the magazine. So, obviously it is a business dinner, not a personal one.”

  “Sure it is.” Cassie grinned like the Cheshire cat. “He is just using that as an excuse to get you alone with him.” Cassie had always been the type to try to read more into what someone says. She always believed that someone had other reasons behind their actions.

  “I can’t go.” I stated. I know he will try to get me to say yes to this project and I will end up saying yes. Then I will be forced to work with him and that cannot happen.

  “What?” Cassie said with a bit too much enthusiasm. “Of course you are going! Kendall, it is Tristan fucking Price. He asked you out. He sent you flowers. He wants you on this project.” She sighed. “Kendall, you have to learn to trust someone eventually. I know what Brett did to you. But you cannot let him dictate the rest of your life sweetie. Let go. Who knows? Maybe Price is your Mr. Darcy.”

  “Cassie, you have seen Pride & Prejudice one to many times.” I giggled. “But, you have a point. I can’t explain it, but I feel this intense pull towards Tristan. I can’t think straight when I am around him. Oh my God, Cassie! I can’t think straight around him! How am I going to be able to sit through dinner with him?” I asked her. I’ve dated a few times over the years. Nothing serious, and there was definitely no sex involved. Ever. But with Tristan, it was constantly on my mind. Could I really be near him and not want to jump his body?

  “You will be fine. What time are you two meeting?” Cassie asked and the cogs in her brain were set into motion. She always had this look when she had a plan.

  “He said he would send a car for me at five forty-five pm,” I glanced at the clock on my computer, twelve forty-five pm. That only left five hours.

  “Well, we better get a move on then. Have you taken your lunch break yet?”

  “No. I got busy and forgot. Then I got distracted by this,” I mentioned as I waved my hand in the direction of the roses. “Why? What are you planning Cass?”

  “Well missy, if you are going to dinner with one of the most eligible bachelors in freaking New York, then we have to go find you something fabulous to wear tonight!”

  Cassie and I went to several small boutiques that were close to our office since we only had at most an hour and a half to find an outfit for me to wear to dinner with Tristan tonight. I was a bundle of nerves. Nervous about being in the same room again with that man, and also nervous that I would just make a bigger fool of myself in front of him. I don’t have the greatest track record being in his presence.

  Cassie was insisting I find something sexy that will grab Tristan’s attention. I was aiming for something more modest, yet sophisticated. I didn’t want Tristan to think I was throwing myself at him. Although a big part of me really wanted to.

  Finally, at the second store we came to, I found the perfect dress. It was a black, half-sleeved sheath dress that had a floral lace top with sheer shoulders and sleeves. The bodice was in a sweetheart shape that cinched in just slightly at the waist. The hemline fell to just a few inches above my knees. It offered just a little bit of sex appeal, but still looked classic and sophisticated. The nude platform pumps I was wearing would go perfectly with it, so there was no need to buy shoes.

  I tried to concentrate as best I could on my work for the rest of the afternoon. It seemed like every few minutes my mind would wander to my upcoming dinner with Tristan and my nerves would return full force.

  Stop panicking dammit. It is just dinner.

  When five fifteen rolled around, Cassie found me fidgeting at my desk. I looked up at her with panic in my eyes.

  “Come on, hot stuff. Time to get you dolled up!” she said to me while she offered her hand for me to stand up. I followed her into the restroom and shut the door behind us. She sat an oversized tote bag on the sink and proceeded to pull out a makeup bag, curling iron, and other beauty regimen supplies. I gave her a strange look.

  “What? A girl has always got to be prepared for anything right?” Cassie said as she noticed the look I gave her about the tote bag. “I always keep a beauty arsenal with me just in case.”

  I remained quiet as she went to work on touching up my make-up. She created a soft smoky eye and touched up my cheeks with a soft pink hue. My lips were left nude so that they didn’t “overpower my eyes” Cassie explained.

  She pulled my hair down from my messy side bun and wrapped the strands around the curling iron creating soft waves. A few swipes of lotion on my legs and a spritz of perfume and I was ready to go. Well physically anyway.

  We walked back to my cubicle to grab my purse and to shut down my computer for the evening. I turned to Cassie and started to speak. She interrupted me before I could even get a word out.

  “Don’t even think about it, Kendall. Do not send yourself into self-preservation mode and skip out on this dinner. Give it a chance that is all I am asking. I’m tired of seeing you so miserable. Now, I have to leave to meet a client to go over some of the artwork they submitted. Are you going to be ok here by yourself? You promise not to bail as soon as I walk out that door?” she asked me as she pointed her finger in the direction of our office reception.

  I inhaled long and slow trying to calm my nerves. “I promise Cass.” She gave me a reassuring hug, wished me good look and left. Just as I was about to head that way myself my desk phone buzzed.

  “Hey Kendall, its Rach. I am leaving for the evening, but some guy named Garrison just called up and said there is a car waiting downstairs for you.”

  I was silent for a few heartbeats before I heard Rachel’s voice again on the phone.

  “Kendall? Are you still there?”

  “Yeah, I’m still here.” I swallowed. “Thanks. I’ll head down there now.”

  I grabbed my things and left my office. The elevator ride down to the lobby seemed like it went faster than normal. It was unfortunate because I could have used a few extra minutes to gather my composure.

  I heard the clicking of my heels as I walked across the lobby. They seemed to match the heated rhythm of my strongly beating heart. I exited through the revolving door and found the elder gentleman that was with Tristan yesterday on the sidewalk.

  “Hello Miss Jones. My name is Garrison. I will be driving you to dinner tonight,” he said as he offered me a small bow. I extended my hand to shake his. He looked at me a little uncomfortable at first like I was strange for offering my hand, but then took it and shook it gently. I took a deep inhale as he went to open the back door of the black town car sitting at the curb. The windows were so darkly tinted I could not see what or rather who was waiting for me inside.

  Chapter 5


  I was both disappointed and relieved that Tristan was not in the back of the car. I was disappointed because as much as I hate to admit it, I was really looking forward to our dinner date together. I was also relieved, because I was strung so tight, that the few minutes I will now get before I see him, feels like a much needed relief. I was not used to having all these conflicting emotions. I feel like I was on a freefalling roller coaster with no safe way to get off.

  As I slid onto the smooth black leather seats in the car, my hand brushed something sitting on the opposite side. Sitting in the seat beside me was a single white rose and an envelope. I reached over and picked them both up. Lifting the rose up to my nose, I inhaled its sweet floral fragrance. I closed my eyes as I allowed the fragrance to filter through my nose making my synapses fire. Was this a romantic gesture? I was shaken from my daydream when Garrison cleared his throat, reminding me I was not alone.

  “Mr. Price sends his apologies Miss. He left the note there for you,” he gestured with his eyes in the rearview mirror to the envelope I held in my hands. I lifted the flap and pulled out the heavy cardstock with trembling hands. The paper was no doubt Tristan's personal stationery. The monogrammed initials on the front read T.J.P. in a beautiful Old English script. Inside was a handwritten note with an obvious masculine penmanship.

  Dearest Kendall,

  I sincerely apologize for not being present to pick you up myself. There was a very important matter that came up at work that I had to address before I can leave. Garrison will take you to the restaurant where I have already made reservations. I hope you like Thai food. I am looking forward to a very pleasant evening with you.

  ~Always TP

  I refolded the card and placed it back into the envelope before putting it in my purse. The fact that Tristan thought enough of me to leave me a handwritten note left me feeling a little giddy. He could have easily just had Garrison relay the message to me. It felt personal.

  Could Cassie be right? Is Tristan interested in me?

  Fifteen minutes of daydreaming about Tristan found me sitting outside a small Thai bistro called Spice on the Upper West Side. It was a small bistro with a circular red sign on the outside. Garrison got out of the car and rounded to my door before I could even open it. He offered me his hand to help me out of the car. I stepped out onto the sidewalk and into the crisp air.

  “Mr. Price is already waiting inside Miss Jones. Have a pleasant evening.”

  I walked to the front door of the bistro. I instantly fell in love with the atmosphere. It had an intimate feel to it. Candles adorned all of the stark white tables that were surrounded by white chairs and booths. Small circular shaped mirrors gave the walls a polka dot feel. Since the bistro sat on a corner, it was surrounded on two sides by floor to ceiling windows, offering a view of the busy sidewalk outside.

  I approached the young girl at the hostess stand. Her black uniform stood out against the white of the interior of the bistro.

  “I am meeting a Mr. Price. He said there was already a reservation made,” I said nervously. Before the young girl even had a chance to respond, Tristan appeared at my side.

  “I’ll show her to our table. Thank you, Tola.” Tristan said to the girl with a deep authoritative voice. He placed his hand on the small of my back to guide me. I felt a tingle all the way up my spine. His hand torched my skin through my dress where he touched me. In that moment, I wished his hands were on other places on my body. I felt heat creep through me. I really need to get out of this coat.

  Is it hot in here or is it just him?

  I giggled silently to myself. Tristan led me to a quiet table in the back of the bistro. The place was busy already with what I presume was the usual dinner rush. Tristan pulled my chair out for me and helped me out of my coat. His fingertips gently brushed my shoulders as he helped my coat slide off. I shivered.

  “Are you cold? You can keep this on if you want, although I wouldn’t be able to appreciate that beautiful dress of yours if you do.” Tristan said as the corners of his mouth turned up in a devastatingly sexy smile.

  I’m screwed.

  “No. I’m ok, but thank you,” I replied timidly. Tristan turned to lay my jacket over the back of his chair to join his. I took this time to take in the sight of him. His dark hair was neatly styled. He was wearing a white dress shirt rolled up at the sleeves. The top two buttons were undone and he was sans tie. His dark trousers hung on his shapely hips perfectly. My mind wandered to what he would look like without those clothes on. I wondered what it would feel like to run my hands across the hard abs I knew were hidden underneath his shirt. I had a sudden urge to run my tongue across the salty skin of his chest.

  Tristan turned around and caught me staring before he sat down. If he noticed my embarrassment, he didn’t say anything. I could not help but stare into his beautiful green eyes. That overwhelming sense of familiarity swept over me again.

  Where have we met before?

  “You look gorgeous, Kendall. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me tonight,” Tristan said to me breaking the silence. I was scared out of my own thoughts as he spoke.

  “Well Mr. Price, I don’t think I was given much of a choice was I?” I said teasingly.

  “No Angel, I don’t guess I did.” He chuckled.

  Angel. There was that word again.

  Tristan took a seat in his chair as we were approached by a waiter wearing the same solid black uniform as the hostess up front wore.

  “Good evening Mr. Price, Miss,” he nodded to Tristan and then to me. Shall I start you off with something to drink?”

  Tristan gestured to me to go first. I ordered a glass of white wine while Tristan ordered a beer. The waiter gave us our menus and turned to get our drinks giving us time to decide on our entrees.

  “Do you come here often? I noticed you knew the hostess and the waiter called you by name,” I asked him for conversation.

  “I do,” he answered. “I actually own it.” He shrugged as if it was no big deal.

  “You have many business ventures then. The Cashman Building, the hotels, and restaurants must keep you pretty busy.”

  Our waiter returned to the table and took our food order. After both of us ordering the Pad Thai, we handed our menus back to the waiter before he left again. Tristan looked at me as he answered my comment.

  “After my father passed away and I took over Cashman Enterprises, I ventured outside of his normal comfort zone and started investing in other things. It has been quite profitable. The hotels are our newest venture.”

  “I’m sorry about your father,” I said with sympathy.

  Tristan just shrugged his shoulders. I grabbed my wine and took a long, slow sip hoping it would still my nerves. I noticed a slight shake in my hands as I sat the glass back down. I hope Tristan didn’t notice.

  “So Mr. Price, may I ask why you invited me to dinner tonight?” I finally asked after conjuring up the nerve. He looked at me and his smile was dangerous. It was the kind of smile that would melt panties. Mine were in a current state of distress at th
e current moment.

  “What? I have to have a reason to ask a beautiful woman to have dinner with me?” his voice took on a teasing tone. Playful Tristan was fun.


  Shit. I wasn’t expecting her to question my reasons for asking her to dinner. So far my subtle flirting did not seem to faze her.

  I visibly saw her face fall. Was that hope I saw slipping away? Was she hoping I had interest in her? No. That cannot happen. My plan was to try to seduce her, but not actually touch her. I could never allow myself to have her. I just need to show enough interest in her to get her to agree to the project. I need to get Kendall out of the country as soon as possible. With Brett’s release coming soon hanging over my head, I need to set the plan in motion in now.

  “Imagine my surprise when the gorgeous Angel I helped yesterday turned out to be Kendall Jones, assistant editor at Lively. I think it was meant for me to ask you out,” I grinned as I reached for her hand that was stroking her wine glass.

  Those hands would be put to much better use stroking my cock.

  Whoa. Down boy.

  Kendall blushed as I touched her hand. I hope it was from my touch and not her embarrassment from the courier accident yesterday. She really was quite beautiful. Her blue eyes are the same ones I have looked at in picture after picture over the last eight years. I cannot deny the electric feeling I get every time our skin touches.

  “I was quite surprised myself when I walked into the conference room, Mr. Price. I am sure you probably saw the shock on my face.” She giggled. It was a beautiful and welcome sound.

  Now was as good a time as any to try to talk her into taking the project. I only hoped she would take the bait.

  “I like that. When you call me Mr. Price that is. Please feel free to call me Tristan though, Angel. I really would like to get to know you. I feel an attraction between us that I think we should pursue. Although with the hotel openings, I am going to find myself out of the country a lot in the next few months.”


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