No More Laters

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No More Laters Page 12

by Coleen Singer

  "You're not leaving, are you, Roo? I was just coming to say hello."

  "She's seen a friend. Let her go. You could get me another soft drink, if you would, thanks, love."

  Grateful to Elizabeth who had unwittingly just rescued her, Jill made her escape and disappeared around the side of the house so they wouldn't see that she had not been telling the truth about wanting to catch up with a friend. However, she soon found there were plenty of people to talk to, although no matter where she was, or with whom, it seemed that every time she looked up there was Michael somewhere nearby keeping an eye on her. Rachel, dressed in a designer cocktail gown, had also appeared and seemed never to be further from Michael than she had to be.

  Unwilling to be confronted by him, Jill made sure Michael didn't see her alone and this generally meant accepting the offer of conversation from various young men, but at last, after more than an hour of avoiding being by herself, Jill saw Michael and Rachel disappear into the homestead together. Feeling safe at last, she took the opportunity to disengage herself from her present companion and wander off for a moment's welcome solitude.

  It was a relief to be on her own at last and not have to keep up a steady flow of social patter, but her relief gave way to shock moments later when she heard Michael's deep voice right behind her.

  "Aha, the honey pot, alone at last."

  Jill gasped, whirling around at the unexpected sound of Michael's low-pitched drawl behind her.

  "You're a hard lady to get a word with, aren't you?" he continued, mockingly.

  "Am I? As I seem to have been talking non-stop since I arrived, it seems not everyone has had your trouble." Her tone was deliberately cool. All she could think of as she looked at him was their terrible fight and on what terms they'd last parted company.

  "Well, I guess I must just be special then," he said in a tone that implied he was perfectly aware that she had been deliberately avoiding him. "I wanted to apologise. Not for spanking, you of course. That was more than deserved, but some of the comments I made were perhaps unnecessary, and my last invitation was, judging from your reaction, way out of line. So, I apologise."

  "That's really not necessary."

  "It's necessary for me. I didn't ask you to argue with me, just be gracious enough to accept my apology."

  "And I said it wasn't necessary for you to apologise," Jill snapped, his last words igniting her temper. "But if you insist, then I apologise too. I don't think I was very pleasant either."

  "No, as I remember, you weren't," he spoke calmly, apparently ignoring the hostility and sarcasm in her tone. "So, I shall accept your apology, thank you. But you haven't told me yet if you're accepting mine."

  "Of course I am." Jill answered impatiently, wondering at the impossibility of the man, and adopting what she hoped was an air of haughty unconcern. "Although, as I said, there's really no need. In fact, I'd almost forgotten the incident altogether until you reminded me." This was clearly a lie, and one raised eyebrow from Michael let her know that he suspected as much.

  "Maybe you had," he replied evenly. "But I hadn't. It's none of my business who you choose to see, or where or what you do with them."

  "You're right, it isn't!" Jill retorted, her anger increasing further at the inference underlying his words 'what you do with them.' "However, as I tried to explain before, Tim is a very good friend. We've known each other a long time, and—" She was stopped by Michael putting his finger to her lips.

  "As I said, it's none of my business, and I'm not sure I really want to know the details. Now, why don't we forget Tom, or whatever his name is, and talk about something else."

  "Certainly, what do you have in mind?" Jill had to bite her lip to answer as calmly as she had. How could she get him to listen? To tell him that she and Tim weren't lovers, had never been lovers, and that she had never had a lover at all. And what would be the point if she did? She was sure he wouldn't believe her.

  "Well, for a start there's your next spanking."

  Chapter Six

  "What!" Jill could do no more than stare at Michael in disbelief. What could he mean by her next spanking?

  "Well, let's see. You've been deliberately avoiding me. No don't deny it," Michael waved away the protestations he sensed were coming. "And you have been rude to me now and even lied to me. I'm afraid, my naughty girl, that that all adds up to a sound spanking across my knee."

  "I haven't lied!" Jill was unable to absorb Michael's totally unexpected declaration that she was to get another spanking.

  "And another lie!" Michael grinned. "You said you'd almost forgotten the, er, events of the other night until I brought it up. That was a lie, wasn't it?" He gently cupped his hand around her face and tilted it up so she was forced to look into his eyes. He might as well have reached inside her chest and squeezed her heart, the effect was the same. She wondered how he could torment her like this, and how he could even talk about spanking her again when her bottom was still tender from the last one, let alone after the fight they'd had and while he still believed that she and Tim were having an affair. His next words at least answered her last question.

  "Now stop looking so apprehensive, although it's rather a pleasant change from the belligerence I seem to have been on the receiving end from you of late. I'm only teasing. I suspect your bottom may not have recovered yet from the last hiding it got. Has it?"

  Jill blushed, her crimson facial cheeks a perfect match for her nether cheeks at her previous meeting with Michael. "It's all right," she murmured.

  "Sure?" he pressed, and flashing a glance at him, she was touched to read the sincerity in his expression.

  She nodded, her eyes still lowered.

  "What will Tom say about me spanking your bare bottom? Will you tell him?"

  "Tim!" she corrected automatically. "Of course not. Why would I? But…."

  "Well, I don't know. Maybe he wouldn't like another man taking your panties down and spanking your bottom. If it was me, I would definitely forbid it."

  "What I do is nothing to do with Tim. Not only is it none of his business, I'm sure he also couldn't care less," Jill said exasperatedly. She needed to straighten this business out about Tim and then tell him, never mind Tim, what about Rachel?

  "Ah," Michael nodded. "So, does this mean I can take down your jeans, pull you over my knee and spank you, without having to ask Tom's permission first—sorry, Tim's?" he added quickly seeing she was about to hotly correct him.

  "Yes," Jill began, then realised what she'd said. "I mean no. I mean it's nothing to do with Tim, but—"

  "So, well what about," Michael interrupted her, "if I wanted to kiss you under the mistletoe again. Would I only have to have your permission and not Tim's for that too?"

  "Yes," Jill answered, with a sigh of relief. Perhaps the message was getting through at last. "Tim has no say in anything I do."

  "And would I?"

  "Would you what?" She felt uneasily that she must have lost the thread of this conversation, momentarily distracted as she had been by the fact that while they were talking Michael had been deftly escorting her further away from the guests and towards a more secluded part of the garden behind a hedge.

  "Would I get your permission if I was to try and kiss you under the mistletoe again?"

  "I don't know," she stammered in surprise, unprepared as she was for the question, but her heart had begun to race at the thought of again being held by those strong arms while his mouth pressed against hers sending pleasure waves through her body and fanning her desire for more of him. She dared not look at him, afraid that he would see just how eager she was to give that permission.

  "Well, let's find out, shall we? I'm afraid I don't have any mistletoe with me at present but perhaps we could find a gum leaf to fill in instead."

  "No," Jill gasped, shocked. "What if someone sees us?"

  "What if they do? You should just be thankful that I'm not going to give you that bare-bottomed spanking you deserve right here and now. Maybe I w
on't spank you here in front of everyone, but I do what I choose, Roo, and maybe kissing you is what I'm going to choose to do right now."

  Jill was appalled that he could even contemplate doing something so dangerous. Perhaps that was a big part of the thrill for him, she thought sourly. Well, she would not be a party to it. Her reputation would be ruined, and his family embarrassed beyond description if she were caught kissing a man the whole town apparently believed was as good as engaged to another woman, and her hostess at that!

  "Well, it's too bad if that's what you choose to do, because I certainly shan't give you permission. Have you made up your mind to get us both into trouble?"

  "Not at all." Jill blushed at the surprisingly gentle tone of his voice and the fact that he was lightly caressing her cheek as he spoke. "And that's not the only thing I haven't made up my mind about, or if I had, I could be thinking of changing it. I was hoping you'd maybe help me on that one."

  In an instant, Jill's countenance changed from one of adopted aloofness to one of honest bewildered but hopeful confusion. Was Michael referring to his possible understanding with Rachel? Did he mean he hadn't decided to go ahead, or even if he had decided that before, he might now be considering changing his mind? That since Jill's return, he had begun to consider an alternative possibility? Could it really be possible that she would be the one to win his love? The very thought was sufficient to rob her of all her powers of resistance, and she knew without a doubt that were he to try and kiss her now, she would melt into his arms no matter who might be watching. But any possibility of a kiss was removed by the acid tone of Rachel.

  "Jill, there you are. I saw you earlier and thought I should say something but I've been so caught up with important people and friends that I haven't had a chance to get around to you. So nice of you to come though. I'm glad you weren't too ashamed even though you had to wear those old jeans. Still, now you're here and everyone's seen them anyway, there's no need to feel you have to hide away in a corner."

  "I wasn't hiding at all," Jill assured her smoothly, covering her anger at the other girl's deliberately malicious remarks. "I did notice that you'd decided to sacrifice comfort for painted effect though, and I just felt like being around something natural for a while."

  Rachel glowered as Jill's insult found its mark, but Michael grinned, apparently enjoying the verbal sparring match between the two women.

  "Besides," Jill continued sweetly, eyeing Rachel's new outfit of expensive jodhpurs, silk blouse and riding boots, "if you're going to model your entire wardrobe for us, no one will notice what I'm wearing. Or are you restricting the fashion parade to just showing off your new Christmas presents?"

  Obviously fuming, but unable to think of a suitable comeback, Rachel changed tack, and turning her back to Jill, slipped her arm through Michael's.

  "Michael," she wheedled. "Dad asked if you could ride down with me to turn the pump on. You know how temperamental it can be."

  Michael shrugged slightly, unable to refuse her request. "Okay," he agreed with a glance at Jill that she found impossible to read.

  "Good!" Rachel turned triumphantly to the other girl. "Excuse us, won't you, Jill?" She paused dramatically, then added with deliberate irony, "unless you'd like to join us. Oh no, that's right. Silly me. You don't ride, do you? Scared of horses, I believe I've heard? How odd! Too bad, huh? See you later, then."

  Jill watched them go and for the first time in her life, the idea of actually learning to ride sprang into her mind. She pictured herself casually swinging onto the back of a prancing stallion, and Rachel watching in envious admiration as she effortlessly took control and then galloped away leaving her in a cloud of dust. How satisfying that would be! In fact, she decided, she would learn to ride just as soon as she got back to the city. One day, she'd surprise them all.

  Her reverie was brought to a close by the arrival of Elizabeth.

  "Hi, love. Having a nice time?"

  "Yes, thanks, Mum," she answered half-truthfully.

  "That's good. Actually I'm looking for Michael. Have you seen him?"

  "He's just gone off with Rachel. They're riding down to turn the pump on."

  "Oh dear. Jack and I thought we might slip away and leave you youngsters to it. But Michael has the keys to the ute. Would they have left yet, do you think?"

  "Probably not. I guess they could still be at the stables. Would you like me to run over and see if I can catch them?" She had no alternative other than to make the offer, even though the thought of Michael, Rachel and a couple of horses left her with a nasty sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  "Would you, dear?" Elizabeth asked gratefully.

  "Of course I will. And can I get a lift home with you too?" she added as she set off to fetch the keys. She hadn't actually been to the stables before, but knew their whereabouts from previous visits to the Longroh's farm. She crossed the short distance quickly, and arrived at the precise moment that Michael and Rachel emerged leading their bridled but unsaddled horses.

  "Michael," she called from a safe distance. They both looked over at her, surprise on Michael's face, annoyance on Rachel's.

  "Yes?" Rachel spoke first, her tone distinctly unfriendly. "I'm sorry if you've changed your mind about joining us, there isn't a spare horse. Some other time, perhaps," and dismissing Jill she led her horse a little further from the stable and prepared to mount.

  "Mum asked me to find you." Ignoring her rival, Jill spoke directly to Michael. "She's tired and wants to go home, but she needs the keys to the ute. Would you mind going home with Dave?"

  "Michael!" Again Rachel butted in before he could speak. "Could you give me a leg up, please?" She turned toward her mount and raised one leg.

  Jill's eyes were fixed on the horse Rachel had led straight towards her and which was now only a metre away. Silently she begged Michael to ignore Rachel and hand her the keys so she could just get away, but instead he, too, moved toward her, and bending down firmly clasped Rachel's lower leg to help her up onto the animal's back.

  The mare, highly strung and excited at the prospect of a run, moved forward as Rachel gave two small hops and then one big one designed to take her up and astride the horse, but as the horse came closer, Jill, unable to stop herself, gave a cry of fear and jumped backwards. The unexpected movement and noise startled both horses who, sensing her fear, shied. As they danced sideways they collided turning their nervousness to unreasoned panic, and Rachel's hot-blooded mare bolted from the other horse's touch.

  "Look out!" Michael called in alarm as he saw Jill frozen in the path of the now terrified horse. Managing to maintain a firm grip on his own horse, he sprang forward grabbing the dangling reins of Rachel's mount. Feeling the sudden pressure on her mouth, the mare stopped abruptly, throwing herself up in a rear. As she did so, one of her hooves knocked Jill, who stumbled and fell. In the same moment, Rachel, still only half on, lost her grip completely and hit the ground heavily, savagely twisting her ankle.

  Jill, unhurt though badly shaken, was already back on her feet, but Rachel lay on the ground, white and moaning in pain.

  "My God!" Jill looked helplessly from Michael to the injured girl.

  The horses reassured by Michael's firm hand, now stood quietly. Wrapping their reins around the fence, he strode angrily to the two girls.

  "Haven't I told you before not to make sudden movements around horses?" he barked furiously at Jill, grabbing her arm and almost shaking her. "You could have killed someone! Are you hurt?"

  "No," Jill replied her face a mask of misery. "I'm fine, but Rachel—"

  "Are you sure you're okay?" He demanded again. "Then go and get help," he ordered abruptly as soon as she nodded. Pushing her away, he let go of her arm and knelt beside Rachel.

  Jill turned and ran, tears streaming down her face, the image firmly fixed in her mind of Michael cradling Rachel comfortingly in his arms as she lay her head on his chest, her face white and drawn with pain.

  Well, whatever he'd
been up to before, he'd clearly shown his cards now, Jill thought, her heart breaking. Michael's true feelings couldn't be plainer. He was so angry with her for causing Rachel to be injured, so unconcerned at her own well-being, that there was no longer any doubt as to which of the two girls he truly loved. She could no longer kid herself—his future laid with the girl he now held in his arms, and Jill would simply have to accept that fact.

  "Heavens above! What is it, love?" Elizabeth asked anxiously as she saw Jill running towards where she and Jack were talking to Rachel's father.

  "Rachel's hurt," Jill managed to blurt out. "It's her ankle. By the stables."

  Bill Longroh and several other men who'd also overheard raced away.

  "Is she all right?" Elizabeth asked, clearly concerned, as the news spread and people began to gather around.

  "It was all my fault," babbled Jill semi-hysterically. "I frightened the horses. Rachel fell and hurt her ankle."

  "There, there," Elizabeth said comfortingly, putting her arm around the distressed girl and guiding her to a chair. "I'm sure she'll be all right."

  Already the men were returning, Mr. Longroh carrying Rachel in his arms.

  "She's okay," he reassured the worried guests. "John says it's just a bad sprain. She'll be right as rain after a bit of rest."

  He took the still pale girl inside, followed by Dr. Doyle, who as a good friend of the family's, had been at the party and had been among those to go to Rachel's aid. Jack, who'd also rushed to the stables, was now calming down the rest of the guests.

  "She's fine," he reassured them again. "There's no cause for alarm. Just go back to enjoying yourselves. There's still plenty of food and drink."

  Amidst all the hubbub, Vicky and Alistair had appeared and Vicky now sat on the arm of Jill's chair, gently rubbing her sobbing friend's shoulder.

  "Come on, Roo. It's over now and I'm sure it wasn't really your fault, and you heard everyone say Rachel's okay. Come on, dry your eyes. Look, the dancing's starting. Want to wash your face and join in?"


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