The Lion's Fiery Fox MM Alpha Omega Mpreg

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The Lion's Fiery Fox MM Alpha Omega Mpreg Page 2

by Akita StarFire

  Lee let him get adjusted to his size before going faster. He wanted to make this special for Roland.

  This wasn't a one time fling for Lee, he wanted a commitment. He needed Roland to fulfill him and he knew the fox was for him.

  Lee reached down and stroked Roland cock. It felt so good to give him pleasure and hear his groans of ecstasy.

  He worked his cock deep inside him and let his lover adjust to his girth as he distracted him by exploring his cock.

  Lee loved the feeling of Roland's tight ass massaging his shaft. Lava coursed through his veins as his excitement grew.

  Withdrawing, he plunged back in. It was so warm and tempting. He fought himself not to go fast but to go slow.

  He wanted him to get used to it first.

  Gritting his teeth, he went as slow as possible. All he wanted to do was slam into him, but he held back.

  Roland groaned and pushed himself down to Lee's base. He was wild with passion. He couldn't think straight. All he wanted was more of the were-lion's big dick inside of him.

  "Go faster!" He hollered, his fingers intertwined in the sheets.

  "No, you're new to this." Lee growled, fighting his urges.

  "Yes! Go faster! Pound that thing inside me!" Roland needed him to be forceful and send him to the moon.

  "I...I...Okay, you asked for it." Grunted Lee, not able to withstand the temptation any longer.

  Lee grabbed his lover's hips and rammed his straining meat stick into Roland's ass. He grunted as he felt the friction of his cock jack-hammering into his lover's tight hole.

  Roland's ass was so wet that it fit around him like a glove, milking him for all he was worth. Roland's cries of pleasure echoed throughout the room as he came.

  Lee felt his balls tighten and his muscles clench before his seed exploded into Roland's willing ass. Stars exploded around him as shot after ropey shot sprayed into Roland, filling him up completely.

  They groaned in unison as they kissed passionately. They embraced, filled with feelings that neither could explain. Gazing into each other's eyes, Lee opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't find the words.

  "I don't know how to explain..." Lee started, attempting to pin down how he felt about Roland.

  Roland waited, expecting words that would tell him this wasn't a dream. Something real with a bonding of two souls, coming together as one.

  "You are my great golden lion," Roland whispered softly into Lee's ear.

  The door suddenly gave a sharp crack as three men in black rushed into the room. Their faces were masked and their eyes burned with menace.

  "Move and he dies." One growled, glaring at the naked cop.

  All their guns were pointed directly at Roland. Lee swallowed as he raised his hands.

  What did they want? How did they find out where he lived? Lee's heart pounded in his chest like a caged animal trying to escape.

  Roland was terrified. He shouldn't have put him in danger! He doesn't deserve to be drawn into this!


  "Well...well. Look at what we have here." Riley gave them both an evil smile, rubbing his hands together.

  Roland swallowed as fear gripped his heart. He just let his guard down for one moment...

  The two Alphas looked at one another. Both knew the challenge that they felt in their pounding hearts.

  "So, you're the notorious crime-lord that controls most of the city." Lee stated flatly, glaring at the werewolf.

  If he didn't have these cuffs on, he could transform into his were-lion form and take care of him. Lee attempted to calm the frustration that he felt in his boiling blood.

  "Yes. You've heard of me, pig." Riley smiled as he stared into his eyes.

  "Yeah. Your name is at the top of every cop's wish list," growled Lee.

  All his buddies boasted that they'd be the ones to bring in the notorious crime lord.

  Lee had always dreamed of being tho one to capture the notorious criminal boss and not only get the reward money, but a nice fat bonus and promotion to boot.

  Now here he was facing the most blood-thirsty werewolf that had ever walked the streets. He was rich and powerful and held everyone in contempt.

  His lackeys feared his temper and always agreed with him. If they obeyed, he was generous and if they didn't, they were dead.

  "They'll never do it. I've got informants in the department." Riley smiled. It was good to have both money and power, which made everyone want to work for him.

  They wanted to be his slave just to get a whiff of his money and power. Their greed made them good slaves, without it, he'd have no power to speak of.

  "Does it make you feel good to trample on others? To use them and discard them?" Lee hated him to no end.

  "I'll never get caught. I'll just grow more powerful and what about you?" Riley shoved his face in the cop's. "Your salary is what?"

  "I'm with the good people of this city to promote law and order. To keep villains like you from turning this place into a slaver's den." Lee growled back, not in the least bit intimidated by the werewolf.

  "Well, it seems you've failed," Riley smiled pompously.

  Nothing infuriated Riley more than someone not being afraid of his might. Just because he was a were-lion, didn't mean he shouldn't tremble with fear when he was being spoken to.

  "There is one thing that you can do, now that I think about it." Riley glanced at Roland.

  "Me?" He squeaked, looking like a caught mouse.

  "I need you to do me a few jobs and if you do a good job, I'll free this pig. If you don't, then I'm giving him a slow and painful death and you get front row seats." He told the fox, meaning every word.

  Roland swallowed, knowing Riley meant it. But he had to do something!

  "Anything you want! Just spare his life." Roland knew he'd be lost without Lee.

  "No! Roland, don't do this!" Shouted Lee, struggling against his chains. "Think about it!"

  As their spat continued, Roland slipped from his chains. Now he needed to set Lee free.

  "I have. There's no one I love more than you." Roland said in a quiet tone of voice.

  "You can't do this! You're falling into his trap. You're too good for this!" Bellowed Lee, struggling against his chains.

  "Maybe," he informed the lion.

  Lee knew what that meant. Fury boiled in his heart. This would end now! How?

  "Okay. What do you want me to do?" Roland turned to Riley as he moved closer, kneeling down - as a good slave would to his master.

  Lee snarled at Riley as the werewolf waved him away. His guards dragged the helpless were-lion away as the iron doors closed with a resounding roar.

  "It's the rare blue diamond of Indari. It's worth billions." Riley rubbed his hands together in greed. "It's showing at the museum and only for a limited time. This job must be done tonight."

  "It will be. They don't call me Five Fingers for nothing." Roland said with a sly smile.

  "True, you are the best." Riley turned and went to his desk.

  With a slight of hand, he sneaked the keys from Riley's pocket. Then put them in his own.

  "Where should I deliver your diamond, sir." Roland asked, inwardly smiling at his coup.

  "At the crossroads of the railroad tracks." Riley told him with a smug smile.

  Roland knew that smile all too well. He was going to kill the only person that he loved and had given his heart to. He wasn't going to let that happen.

  "Thank you for the chance, sir. I won't let you down." He spoke with sincerity in his voice as if he didn't expect anything bad to occur.

  Riley loved seeing his underlings come to know their place in the world.


  Lee jerked his head up when he heard the click of the door opening. A short, lithe man entered the cell.

  He sniffed the air and knew that the man was a were-rat. Oh how humiliating!

  Another torturer? How many times would he be kicked and hit.

  How could Roland do this? After all
the plans we made to get him on the right path? Just for...

  But he loves me! Roland loves me and is willing to sacrifice everything for me!

  He still couldn't let him do this!

  There was a small click that drew him away from his ramblings.

  "What?" He was more than shocked.

  "Do you understand these words?" The were-rat hissed. "You are my great golden lion."

  Lee nodded and gulped. They got that out of him? What else did he tell them?

  "Follow me and I'll tell you what Roland wants you to do." The man told him.

  Lee nodded and followed.

  Roland smiled as he made his way to the railroad crossing. His heart fluttered in his chest as his stomach knotted.

  What if this doesn't work? What if everything falls through?

  He walked through the mist as jumpy as a watched bird by a hungry cat. Roland felt his stomach flip and flop as fear played with it.

  Would everything work out? Did Lee get out safely? He was breathing fast as if he'd just run a marathon. Everything must work out, but would it?

  Play it cool. Focus. Roland gulped as Riley stepped from the swirling fog.

  "Do you have it?" He growled as he strode up to him and into the dim light of the lamppost.

  "I might," the were-fox said, looking up at the massive wolf.

  "Then give it here." The wolf thrust out his large, clawed hand. His eyes were narrowed and gleamed with feral madness.

  "I want a few things first," he calmly told the werewolf, even though it felt like a hurricane was brewing on the inside.

  "That was the deal, bitch!" He hauled off and swiped at him.

  "Remind me what that deal was again?" Roland said, deftly side-stepping the blow that would have laid him flat.

  The wind from the missed blow combed through his hair like spectral fingers. Inwardly, he felt a chill creep up his back.

  "Are you playing games with me? Don't forget I have that lion lover of yours. I can kill him any time." Riley threatened.

  "Oh really? I was just playing with his heart. It was all an act." Scoffed Roland.


  "Yeah, I don't give a were-rat's ass about him. So, about that mission..."

  "Did you get the diamond or not?" Riley roared.

  "I might know about what you're talking about," he teased, knowing that this was a dangerous dance that would end in death if either one of them made a mistake.

  "It was the diamond, stupid! I told you to rob the museum or I'd kill Lee." Riley growled as his temper exploded within his heart. He loathed these games.

  "I will, too!" He promised, showing the fox his gleaming fangs.

  "Oh, you mean this?" Roland pulled out the sparkling gem.

  "Yes. Now give it here or Lee dies." Riley shouted, stepping toward him.

  "Here." Roland tossed the gem to him.

  Riley caught it and with a savage grin, inspected the diamond.

  "Good." He threw it up and caught it. He'd won.

  "Freeze!" The dreaded words vibrated through the air along with the ominous clicks of ten or more hammers.

  Riley glanced around as shock filled his eyes. They were surrounded by pigs!

  "You rat!" Whirling around, he faced the fox.

  "No, I'm a fox." He smiled up at the wolf.

  The police surrounded them and Roland saw Lee, standing so tall and proud, like the king he was.

  Riley held up his hands in defeat, but there was something lurking in his green eyes.

  Lee stepped forward and as he placed the cuffs on the werewolf's wrist, a shot rang out.

  Lee crumpled to the earth as the cops scattered. They were poised for attack and shot at the assassin who'd jumped them.

  "Lee!" Roland screamed.

  No! This couldn't be happening. Why hadn't he expected something like this?

  Fury exploded in his blood and he rushed into the darkness, hunting an assassin. If he escaped, he'd never forgive himself.

  Roland rushed toward the place where the shot came from. Before he could get there, a shadowy form rushed deeper into the shadows of the mist.

  He knew those shadows like the back of his hand.

  Roland chased him through the dark alleyways and he recognized the long garbage corridors and raced to his left, the only place the assassin could have gone.

  Slipping through the alley, he caught up with the assassin. He leaped on the were-weasel. They fell to the ground and they fought like only enraged omegas could. One fought for his life, the other fought for his honor.

  Moments later, Roland marched from the mist, leading the assassin with a rope around his neck. He strode up to the large were-German Shepherd and stood before him.

  "Here's the killer." He told the commander.

  The large were-dog looked at him with pride in his bright, brown eyes.

  "Thanks. Lee's in critical condition. I'll take you to the hospital and you can wait by his side," he told him as Roland nodded.

  "Do you think he may have a chance?" The were-fox asked. He desperately wished he could do something - anything - for him.

  He waited at the hospital as the long, endless hours crawled by at a snail's pace.

  He prayed that Lee would live. He realized there was so much they had to talk about. Rubbing his belly, he wondered if he was carrying Lee's baby.

  To fill the void of loneliness within those hours, he poured out his heart. He told him his history, what his dreams were and how much he loved him.

  Lee lay there, not moving and Roland prayed with all his might that Lee would recover. He waited, not caring about anything, except Lee recovering.

  What would he do without him? How would he raise their sons without his strength?

  One morning a few days later, sunbeams awakened Roland, who had slept on an uncomfortable chair. He saw that Lee was twitching and he slowly opened his eyes.

  "Lee, You're alive!" Gasped Roland, clasping him by his large hand.

  Lee chuckled and gave him a weak smile. It was good to see him.

  "I have so much to tell you." Roland said, not knowing where to begin.

  "I heard it all and I love you, too. This may not be the most romantic place to ask but, will you do me the honor and marry me?'"

  "Yes! A thousand times yes!" Roland exclaimed, kissing him on the lips.

  When Lee recovered, they were married after a whirlwind romance. They talked and joked about their future.

  Lee told him that the commander of the police force had asked him to train the rookies in how to unlock locks and think like a thief so they could catch them.

  Lee watched, filled with pride as Roland's belly grew. He felt more protective over his wife. He boasted about his boys, hoping that some would follow in their father's footsteps.

  Lee was in awe of how Roland handled his expanding belly and the flux of hormones that he'd gone through.

  He wondered how he'd managed it. From visiting the toilet in the early mornings to not wanting to eat. To his mood swings of being giddy, then next second sobbing over something silly.

  Lee loved feeling his lover's belly, knowing he was carrying his boys. Would they be strong alphas or spirited omegas? Or perhaps a mixture.

  Roland became more flirtatious and passionate as the months passed. There was a glow about him that told his pride to the world.

  As Roland's belly expanded, Lee helped out more around the house, even after a hard day's work. His fox's feet swelled and he grew more tired as the months passed.

  One day, near the end of the pregnancy, Lee came home from a long day's work. He slammed his car door, trudged toward the house, wanting nothing than to sink down in his chair and relax before helping his pregnant wife.

  "It's time!" Roland shouted, excitement dancing in his eyes. His hand was on his belly as he suddenly stood, so wobbly Lee rushed over to catch him.

  "Time? Time for what?" Lee was confused to what his lover meant.

  "It's time!" He said, pointing to
his belly.

  "The babies are coming?"


  "Why didn't you say so!" Lee was now charged with energy.

  Soon they got to the hospital and Lee pushed him in. The big day was here.

  Lee barked out orders for the doctor's to deliver the baby, the nurses to help. Roland thought it looked so amusing that Lee was so concerned.

  "Sir, just sit here and we'll take care of everything. We do this all the time." A nurse told him, leading him to a chair near the delivery room.

  "But I need to..." Lee rose.

  The nurse smiled and gently pushed Lee back in his seat. "You wouldn't want a doctor to tell you when to fire your gun, would you?"

  Lee shook his head. "No, but..."

  "Don't worry, he went to 10 years of schooling just for this baby." The nurse explained with a wide grin on his face. "Now wait here."

  So Lee sat, waiting for what seemed like an eternity. There were other alphas waiting there also. Each one had their stories to tell.

  They talked and made plans for their boys. If they were alphas, many said they wanted them to be doctors, firemen and policemen.

  For the sons that happened to be omegas, they wanted them to be teachers, actresses, dancers, nurses and married to powerful alphas.

  Lee waited and chatted, but mostly he paced. He wanted to the babies to be healthy and Roland safe.

  He dozed as the time passed.

  "Sir, come this way." A nurse shook him awake.

  Lee was instantly awake.

  "How's Roland? What are the babies?" Would they be alphas or a omegas?

  "Come this way, please." The nurse led him to a room where Roland was.

  "Lee. Guess what?"


  "Twins! Both Alphas." Roland beamed.

  "Oh boy." Lee slapped his hand on his forehead.

  Why so few? Lee had asked the doctor that very question later and he had explained that it was because this was Roland's first litter.

  "Next time he'll have many more!" The doctor had smiled brightly and congratulated him by patting him heartily on the back.

  The adjustment of bringing two new lives into their world felt awesome, but also a tremendous responsibility. Attila, the first born of the two and his brother, Vance were as different as night and day.


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