The Lion's Fiery Fox MM Alpha Omega Mpreg

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The Lion's Fiery Fox MM Alpha Omega Mpreg Page 4

by Akita StarFire

  In a matter of weeks, you'll be in my arms and I can cuddle you all I want. I'll be so glad to do that when you are born. How are you guys going to look? Handsome like Lobo or are you going to have a mischievous twinkle in your eyes?

  "Roy?" Lobo's voice pulled him from his warm thoughts about his future babies.

  "Lobo, it's so nice to see you!" He smiled as he saw his old lover standing at his table, smiling down at him. It was a pleasure seeing him. But a pang of guilt struck him.

  I shouldn't have broken up with him. Why was I so foolish? Just because of peer pressure? I don't deserve him.

  "What's up with you?" Lobo asked wanting to find out how Roy was doing. I never should have let my temper and pride break us apart.

  "Nothing much. Working and having fun." Roy told him, knowing at once he was the owner. He didn't want to seem to forward asking for him out on a date, that was the Alpha's duty. "What about you?"

  "Quit my job and started this steak house. I'm raking in the money and hope to expand." Lobo told him, his mind planning other Steak Houses and where they should be built.

  "Congratulations. It's best to be the boss of your own place.” Roy couldn't imagine starting his own place. With the babies nearly due, he wanted to stay home and raise them.

  Alas, it wasn't in the cards for him, he'd have to work and care for his babies simultaneously. He wished he didn't have to, but he wouldn't give them up no matter how tough things got.

  "Thanks,” Lobo said, drinking in Roy's handsomeness and his large belly. For some reason seeing Roy's big, firm tummy turned him on.

  Great I'm still in love with him! But he'd never accept me back! Not after what happened. Lobo realized suddenly that he wanted him back into his life.

  He wanted to run his fingers over Roy's belly and feel the life he held within. I'd love to feel one kick. He thought with a wistful smile.

  The werewolf wanted to plant his lips on his sheep and taste him again and feel his body rub against his chest.

  He stopped himself from doing something so foolish. Roy wouldn't like it, so he shut his desire away deep in the darkest corners where it could wail at the unfairness of harsh unthinking words.

  They talked for a few minutes, saying nothing more than useless words and not what they really wanted to say. Lobo excused himself and went to the bar to see how things were going.

  "Fire!" Someone yelled. People exploded out of the kitchen, running every direction.

  Chills exploded over Lobo's head, working its way like massaging fingers down his neck and spreading out over his shoulders and back. Rushing to the kitchen, he motioned for the workers to get out of there.

  Orange flames licked up the walls, spreading their greedy fingers of flame throughout the kitchen.

  "Out!" Lobo shouted motioning the people out. "Don't panic."

  Gray smoke filled the room like mist. Customers scattered, fighting to find the doors that led to safety and in their panic they sent their plates flying crashing to the floor.

  Roy felt the hands of fear clutch his whole body, holding him in its vise-like grip. Struggling to free himself from the booth, he stood and waddled like a duck toward the door. He coughed as the smoke tickled his lungs like a dozen feathers.

  Someone slammed into him, toppling him onto the floor. Roy crawled, coughing, under a table.

  People rushed outside, pushing others out of the way. Roy panted as he coughed under the table as the smoke thickened. I've got to get out of here! I don't want to be burned to a crisp.

  He crawled on the floor as smoke curled around him like a python, squeezing the air from his lungs. His head swirled around as if he were riding a roller coaster and stars danced before his eyes.

  Soon, darkness overcame him as he was sucked into the abyss.


  "Is everyone OK?" Lobo asked as he scanned the people milling around outside. He walked among the customers, seeing if they were alright.

  It hit him like a bolt of lightning to whom was missing and without a thought he dove back into the burning building. His heart was pounding in his throat as he looked around the smoke-filled room.

  "Roy!" Lobo screamed at the top of his lungs.

  He raced to where he last saw him as smoke drove the air from his lungs. Coughing, Lobo knew he couldn’t stay long. But he wasn’t going to give up.

  Still, he searched, feeling like a helpless pup. Where was he? His foot caught on something and he almost crashed to the floor.

  He felt around and felt a leg under his fingers, as it dawned on him who it was...

  Surprise and hope filled his heart, knowing he had found Roy. Grabbing the helpless were-sheep, he pulled him out from under the table, draping him over his broad shoulders, and rushed out to where he thought the door was.

  Heat soared around him as he got to his feet. Now all he had to do was find his way out. The werewolf came to what he thought was a door, but it turned out to be a wall.

  Smoke had begun to take its toll on his lungs and he felt his knees weaken, trembling under his weight. Where's the entrance? The corner of his eyes showed whites, franticly he searched for the outside.

  Where is it? The flames were consuming the building with eagerness that it would collapse at any moment.

  Come on! Where is it? Where is the entrance! I thought I knew this place inside and out.

  Lobo fell to his knees as weakness filled him.

  He crawled on, feeling that he was chasing his tail like he did when he was a pup. He felt the intense heat above him like the breath from a dragon.

  He felt the swirling blackness sucking in him like a black hole. Lobo attempted to crawl onward but he, too, was overcome with blackness of oblivion.


  Lobo coughed as he slowly opened his eyes. The commotion of people around him and the scent of clean air filled his senses. He inhaled deeply. He tried to lift his head but was stopped by a paramedic.

  "Take it easy sir." One man told him as he gently pushed him down on the stretcher.

  "Roy. The man I tried to save..." Lobo wanted to know as a wracking cough shook its way through him. How was he? How were his babies?

  "He went into labor when he woke up. He was asking for you," the man said. "Now just relax."

  Lobo lay back, attempting to relax his tense muscles but his mind kept turning back to Roy. The need to see him grew so strong he couldn't stand it. He just had to see him.

  Lobo bit his lip as he considered what to do.

  He sat up, coughing, and swung his legs over the stretcher and stood on wobbly legs. Lobo walked to his car.

  "Sir! Sir!" Called the man as he stepped in front of him.

  "I've got to see Roy!" Lobo had the pressing need to see him.

  "Sir, I told you..."

  Lobo pushed by him and stepped into his car.


  Lobo walked down the hospital corridors, asking nurses where Roy was. One said that he knew where the ram was - in labor - and guided Lobo to the waiting room where other Alphas sat in agitated excitement and worry, waiting for their sons to be delivered.

  "I wonder if mine is going to an Alpha or Omega?" A tiger muttered out loud as he flicked his tail, looking at the door, waiting for the nurse to announce the birth of his sons.

  "I want Omegas, they're easier to control," Growled a wolf shifter as he turned his attention back to his iPad.

  Lobo paced the floor as his stomach twisted and tied in knots. He couldn’t stop worrying about Roy. Time stretched into infinity and the werewolf thought he'd never get out of this place. Or see Roy.

  "Hey!" The weretiger clapped Lobo on his shoulder, causing him to jump out of his skin. He looked at the tiger in befuddlement until the tiger shoved some cigars in his hand.

  "What’s..." He started to ask a stupid question until it dawned on him that the tiger was a proud father. Lobo couldn't say he was more than a little jealous.

  "Five Omegas and two Alphas!" The tiger bellowed so loud that the wer
ewolf thought the whole world could hear his announcement.

  "Congratulations!” He told the tiger who'd turned away telling the other waiting fathers-to-be the grand news.

  The werewolf turned to see a nurse walk up to him.

  "Sir, Roy's asked to see you." A nurse told him as he motioned for him to follow. He guided the excited werewolf to where Roy was.

  Sweet cries of babies filled the air as proud parents cooed over them.

  Hopefully, Roy will let me help in the care of the kids. Lobo wondered who the father was and why he wasn't here. Did he know? Lucky dog.

  "Roy!" Lobo’s inner wolf wagged his bushy tail as he was flooded with excitement.

  "Lobo!" Roy’s smile was as wide as the sky and in his arms he snuggled two babies.

  "They are beautiful, like their Omega father." Lobo smiled at seeing the babies. They were so adorable and they had their whole life spread before them like a banquet table.

  "They are yours," Roy said, as he looked at his babies who cooed, looking up at him.

  "Mine? Wait, what?!” Lobo was more than happy and honored to give Roy babies. "Really?"


  "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Lobo asked after a long moment of silence. Pride filled his chest as he looked over his babies who suddenly took on a new significance.

  "I was ashamed. I thought I could find another Alpha, but every Alpha turned out horrible. I missed you so much, but I thought you had moved on. I'm sorry, it was a foolish argument." Roy apologized, looking into Lobo's eyes, hoping that they would connect again.

  "Don't worry, I was the fool." Lobo placed his hand over Roy's and stroked his lovers hand.

  "I love you, my wolf," Roy whispered. "I want you. Will you have me back? I don't care how people feel about our relationship. Love is too important to be afraid of what others think."

  Lobo knew what he needed to do. It might not have been the best and most romantic spot in the world, but he had to say what was in his heart. Kneeling on the floor, he looked into Roy's beautiful brown eyes.

  "This isn't a romantic place to ask, but will you marry me?" Lobo wanted to know, though he already knew the answer.

  “Yes,” Roy cried.

  "Yes, I will." Roy smiled as he kissed him. "You're the only Alpha for me."

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