Desire's Awakening

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Desire's Awakening Page 5

by Gail DeYoung

  Kat arrived at the dungeon to discover she was alone. She knelt on the hardwood floor, assuming the greeting position she was taught yesterday. Though she didn’t turn her head upon hearing his footsteps on the stairs, she knew when Sir Damien arrived a few minutes later. Her mentor came with him and knelt beside her in the rectangle.

  “Look at me, girl.”

  She looked up to see a blue leather collar in the Trainer’s hand.

  “This is a training collar, which I will place on your neck today. This is a significant step that should not be taken lightly. You should wear it proudly as it is a symbol of your commitment to learning the lifestyle that you will adopt as your own. It is also a reminder to you of the agreement we made, indicating that you accept me as your Trainer and I have accepted you as my student. We now have a bond between us that should not be broken. This collar can only be removed by your Dominant, who will put his own collar on you. These rings on the collar will be used in several of the scenes you will participate in during training. Okay, lift your hair so I can attach the collar.” She did as commanded. “From now on, you will wear your hair in a ponytail to expose the collar.”

  She nodded then lowered her eyes once again. Kat wanted to smile but recalled that a smile given to the floor would be interpreted as mocking the Trainer, and that was certainly not the case. She was on her way to true submission and couldn’t be happier. Instead, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

  “Today, we will discuss your education. You learned some of the rudimentary rules yesterday about how to sit, present and speak. Today Corrine will demonstrate how to walk. Remember, at all times, you are to show off your assets while performing any task with grace and ease. Please raise your eyes and watch her closely. Corinne…”

  Her mentor rocked gracefully back upon the balls of her feet and rose, steadying herself with her fingertips. She made it look easy, but Kaitlin knew that in order to pull that act off meant great posture and very strong leg muscles. She watched Corinne sit upon a wooden chair and put on a pair of five-inch stilettos. Once again, she stood gracefully and walked around the room. Despite the fact that her toes and balls of her feet were carrying her entire weight, Corinne moved with precision and balance. The muscles in the back of her legs were emphasized by the shoes and Kaitlin realized that was the shoe maker’s intention. Corinne stood next to Kaitlin and bowed to the Trainer. Kat was duly impressed.

  “You will be given a pair of shoes like this to practice with. I do not expect you to be as graceful as Corinne right away. I do expect you to exercise your leg muscles every day and to get used to walking on your tiptoes. You will adjust. Thank you, Corinne. You are dismissed.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Corinne bowed and left the room silently.

  Kaitlin forgot to lower her gaze to the floor and immediately got caught in the sensuous pull of his stare. It was less than a minute but seemed much longer. His were magnificent eyes, soft, liquid brown with long, dark lashes and thick eyebrows. The Trainer did not speak, yet his expression said more than a hundred words could. His pupils were dilated and his nostrils flared. He was breathing in her scent, filling himself with her essence. Her body reacted to his charisma, drawing in his heat until she felt her blood boil. Tiny beads of perspiration dotted her forehead.

  The attraction was stronger than she had led herself to believe. She knew it was wrong to meet his eyes, but her will was no match against the strength of his gaze. She felt as if she was a rubber band stretched too taut and ready to snap at any moment. Fortunately, he severed the connection by turning away. His hands clenched and unclenched.

  “How dare you allow your eyes to meet mine!” The harsh commanding tone caused Kat to shrink in her spot. “Come,” he ordered as he grabbed a fistful of her hair and slowly led her to a nearby chair. The Trainer sat and pulled her over his lap. His hard erection brushed against her belly.

  “When I give an order, I expect it to be followed implicitly. This spanking is your discipline for what just transpired. Only use your safe word if you absolutely must.” His hand came down hard on her right cheek. She gritted her teeth and suffered in silence. The next stroke landed on her left cheek. Still she did not react. Pride fortified her resolve today that she would brave the indignity and pain, hoping to get it over quickly. But Kat learned that was not to be her fate. He inflicted enough pain to ensure that she would not cross that line again.

  “You may stand.”

  Kat slipped off his lap and stood next to him, looking at the floor. Tears of shame dripped down her cheeks.

  “Have you ever watched a pack of wolves?”

  She nodded.

  “The dominant one keeps his head higher than the others and they do not look him in the eye, otherwise that is perceived as a challenge. I know you did not mean to challenge me, but making such strong eye contact is disrespectful of my status. Do you understand? You may speak.”

  “Yes Sir.” A tear trickled down her cheek and dripped onto her breast.

  “Good. Be sure it does not happen again. We shall continue the lesson now. Resume your position on the floor.”

  She walked slowly over to the rectangle and dropped to her knees with as much poise as she could muster. Her head hung in obedience, but more to conceal her true sadness at being unable to acknowledge that something wonderful had just happened between them. Kat knew he felt it too but wasn’t going to admit it. He carried on as if the last few minutes had not occurred.

  “As a submissive, your duty is to provide service to your Dominant. Thus, you will not only do whatever chores they request, but you will be required to wait on their guests who will visit from time to time. Your primary duty is to honor your Dominant and make him proud. Each one will give you specific instructions as to their own preferences, but there are some basic tenets that all Dominants insist upon.”

  She nodded her understanding.

  “The first rule is that a submissive is to be seen but not heard unless, of course, you have been given specific instructions to speak. Remember, every Dominant is different and until you get to know their personality, it is best to err on the safe side. Some will strictly abide by all the Master-slave conventions, wishing only to have you do as they desire with very little interaction except upon their command and others will treat you as a companion. You will learn to mesh with your Dominant’s lifestyle and desires. Do you have any questions so far? You may speak.”

  “No Sir,” she replied quickly.

  “Good. Now as far as giving and receiving pleasure, you must be ready to serve at a moment’s notice, except for during your monthly cycle when you are excused. It is your responsibility to ensure that your body is clean and properly groomed. You are to look good, smell good and taste good. And that goes for every part of your body. You are not to be ashamed of anything that you are asked to do. If it pleases your Dominant, it is appropriate. Take for instance, this action. Present.”

  Kaitlin immediately reacted to his command, leaning forward on her forearms, placing her head on the ground and lifting her buttocks. She felt him standing behind her, nudging her legs farther apart, both entrances exposed to his perusal. For a moment, he did nothing to her but she thought she heard the sound of a plastic glove being snapped on.

  He rubbed his open palm over her moist pussy. She became so aroused that she soaked his hand.

  “Very good.” Then his fingertip, moistened with her juices, outlined her anus. He dug into her cunt and scooped out more liquid to further wet her. When his fingertip sought entrance, he encountered her sphincter muscle, which involuntarily tightened around his finger. She gasped at the burning pain.

  “Easy,” he soothed. “I know this is new territory for you, but I want you to become accustomed to it. If you resist, this will hurt a lot more. You must try to relax your sphincter muscle.” He probed slowly in and out, just barely sliding past the entrance. The feeling was very uncomfortable and Kat couldn’t help moaning.

  “All right. We’re done
with demonstrations for today. I just wanted to give you an example of the types of things that will be expected of you. I’m finished. You may sit.”

  She heard a plastic glove being pulled off his hand.

  “At times, you will be directed to not only pleasure your Dominant, but anyone else he chooses. Most likely, he will have friends in the lifestyle and they will enjoy working with you. However, you are only to accommodate their requests if and when your Dominant has given his explicit direction to do so. Should you be found acquiescing to their needs without his approval, you can expect harsh discipline.

  “You may also be required to participate in a threesome, to perform lesbian sex with either a Mistress or another sub and may even be the focal point of a gang-bang for your Dominant’s viewing pleasure. None of this is outside the realm of possibility. Understand, however, that at all times, consensual safe sex is the top priority.”

  Kaitlin had never been in any relationship beyond that of a man and woman and the thought of being in so many other couplings both excited her and frightened her. What if I can’t perform under those circumstances? Would that be cause for discipline or dismissal?

  “While we are on the topic of safe sex, I want you to rest assured that every month, I have a gynecologist friend inspect all of my girls and give them any medications that they require. She certifies that everyone is healthy and well cared for. She will be here next week and you will receive your first exam. She is also a Mistress and helps me with play piercing.”

  Kat raised her hand and he nodded. “Do you have a question?”

  “Yes Sir. Is that where I would be pierced, but no jewelry will be placed in the holes to keep them open?”

  The Trainer nodded. “That’s correct. The holes will close and there will be no lasting marks that would concern your future Master.”

  Kat nodded.

  “Oh one more thing…as payment, she often asks to be pleasured by her choice of sub. You may be that girl.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Kaitlin realized that she was going to learn how to pleasure a woman and hoped that the gynecologist was at least more attractive and in better physical shape than Mrs. Swenson. That would make the act a lot easier to perform.

  “Next, when you are at a party with your Dominant, it is appropriate that his submissive sits at his feet when he is seated. If you agree ahead of time, he will lead you around with a leash attached to your collar. This proves his ownership and encourages obedience. You must pay close attention to the way your Dominant handles the leash. If he pulls up on it, he wants you to stand, if he pushes down on it, he wants you to sit or kneel. You may learn individualized signals from your Dominant once you are together, but these are the basic moves.”

  She tried to concentrate on his words, but the sensation of his fingers inside her had not subsided. She fidgeted in place, trying to adjust to a more comfortable position.

  “Is there a problem? You may speak.”

  “Sir, I…um, well, I still feel you inside me and although I’m listening to everything you say, it’s difficult to concentrate when I feel like this, Sir.”

  “Hmmm, that is a problem. Perhaps I have a solution.” He walked over to his toy table and returned to her. “Present.”

  She leaned forward with her head on her hands and felt him stuff a plastic egg with a cord inside her. Then he came around in front of her and knelt before her.

  “All right. Rise to your prior position.”

  She complied and was immediately greeted with a humming sound and a vibration deep in her core. Her inner muscles convulsed around the lovely little object of pleasure. The pulsating motion of the vibrator now became her center of focus. She closed her eyes to appreciate the amazing sensation and moaned softly.

  “Enjoy. Though you haven’t been totally obedient today, I understand that it takes time to adjust to the lifestyle. I believe that some discretion must be used in deciding how far to push a novice.”

  He controlled the vibration with a little black box, increasing and decreasing the sensation so she would peak then fall and peak again. If he was trying to drive her insane with pleasure, he was doing a great job. It felt as if electricity had been wired to every sensual nerve in her body. She tingled all over and her nipples expanded in response to her pleasure. She clenched her hands on her thighs and moaned.

  “Now come!”

  That was the only directive she needed to give in to the overpowering sensation. Pure delight rocked her body. Heat poured out of her skin and she shook from her orgasm. Oh wonderful release! She dropped forward onto her hands. Her breathing came heavily at first then slowed as the sensation subsided. She felt his hand stroking her hair gently.

  “You did very well, girl. You will soon respond to my command and come at my will, even when you think you are not ready. However, I want you to remember that submission is a gift. You may think the Dominant is in control, but it is really you, through your submission, who allows any of this to happen. Without a submissive, a Dominant is nothing. You may speak.”

  She rose to a kneeling position once again while keeping her head bowed. He was so close to her that their knees practically touched. She could feel his raw sensuality. How she wished she could look once more into his incredible eyes and experience that tug of need between them again. But she knew he would not acknowledge it and she would not express it for fear of reprisal.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re quite welcome. I think we’ve covered enough today. You are dismissed.”

  She rose to leave and he grabbed her hand, holding her captive for a moment.

  “I won’t be home tonight, so you won’t see me when you take your swim.” His voice had a touch of sadness in it.

  She nodded but wasn’t sure what he was trying to tell her. Bowing, she left the room as quickly as her feet could take her, wanting to get away from his enigmatic presence. Tears filled her eyes. It would be difficult knowing he would not be around that night. She had already become used to having him nearby.

  * * * * *

  Corinne handed Kat a list of chores when she arrived in the kitchen after her session with the Trainer. During breakfast, she reviewed her chores and decided she could easily complete them before lunch. When she presented herself to Corinne to announce that her duties were finished, Corinne nodded her approval. Kat sighed with relief.

  “The only other thing I require of you today is to help Miss Tiffany with dinner. She won’t be here for another couple of hours, so you are free to do whatever you wish.”

  Kat nodded and backed away from her mentor. A smile crossed her lips when she decided where she would spend the next hour.

  The gym was located on the second floor next to the master suite. As she walked through the double glass doors, she felt right at home. Kat skimmed her fingertips across two barbells weighing ten pounds apiece. For a few minutes, she watched herself in the mirror as she lifted the weights. It felt good to exercise again.

  No wonder the Trainer had a Body by “Jake”. The room was equipped with every type of state-of-the-art equipment on the market. Stationary bikes, Stairmasters, flying weight machines, bench presses, leg presses, abs machines and more filled the space. It even had a refrigerator stocked with ice cold water and Gatorade.

  At the far end of the room, she noted three wooden doors. Opening the first, she discovered a sauna. The second led to a steam room, complete with hot rocks. And the third opened into a locker room with a shower stall. Oh my God! This is heaven!

  After a forty-minute workout, she couldn’t ignore the pull of the steam room any longer. Taking a bottle of cold water from the fridge, she stepped inside the steam room. A nearby bucket was filled with water, which she ladled over the hot rocks. The rocks sizzled and clouds of steam permeated the room. She sat down on the redwood bench, breathing in the moist air. Relaxing, she closed her eyes and allowed the poisons to escape her pores.

  At first, she didn’t recognize who had joined he
r in her haven because of the thick steam in the room. When a male figure settled in next to her, she tensed then slid aside, not wanting to crowd him on the short bench. Her heart fluttered against her breast. The Trainer shifted over to invade her space, trapping her left arm against the wall. She realized he had done that on purpose and there was nowhere for her to go. A heady feeling came over her. She stood to leave, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her to him.

  “No. Stay. It’s all right. I see you found my favorite hideaway. You have my permission to speak, if you wish.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Kat sat down once again in the confined space between him and the wall. They were so close that she felt his entire length resting against hers. Shoulders, hips, legs, feet all brushing against one another. The roughness of his hairy legs and arms tickled her soft skin. A frisson of pleasure coursed through her body.

  He had been close to her before, but this time it was different. This was not a training session. His hand landed on her knee and his thumb circled her kneecap maddeningly. The movement reminded her of their very first meeting. She wondered if his fingers were going to attempt exploring the length of her leg again.

  “Does this bother you?”

  Bother me? Is he kidding? She already felt the moisture gathering between her legs in anticipation of his caress. But she convinced herself that she would remain calm and pretend everything was fine. She shook her head. Somehow the words got caught in her throat.

  “Why won’t you give me an answer? Look at me.” His voice was hypnotic, drawing her to him through the fog. How could she possibly look his way after what happened this morning? She stared straight ahead. Was this a test to see if she could remain perfectly calm in a tense situation?


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