Desire's Awakening

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Desire's Awakening Page 7

by Gail DeYoung

  “Good. You may sleep in late today. You are dismissed.”

  Melissa bowed to him and headed for her bedroom. Damien undressed as he walked to his room, leaving clothing in his wake.

  * * * * *

  Saturday mornings at the household were quite different than the rest of the week, Kaitlin discovered. Neither training sessions nor chores were done on weekends and everyone had free time to do what they pleased, except for party weekends, where everyone had a hand in decorating and preparing the food for the guests. However, this was not one of those weekends.

  Kaitlin woke early out of habit and discovered the discarded tuxedo on the floor trailing up the stairs. As she gathered it into her arms and hung the clothes neatly on a hanger, she glanced up at the Trainer’s door. It was closed. The tux smelled of smoke and a light tinge of Sir Damien’s cologne. It would most likely need to be dry cleaned before next Friday. She made a mental note to call the cleaners for a pickup when they opened later in the day. In the meantime, she hung the tux in the foyer closet.

  When the rest of the house stirred, she didn’t see Melissa and a pang of jealousy hit her. Whether or not the Trainer was locked away in his master bedroom with the girl between the sheets was none of her business, she reminded herself. So why couldn’t she get the disturbing image out of her mind?

  The groceries arrived at ten o’clock and she spent a half hour putting everything away. Kat had to work around some of the late risers who were in the kitchen getting their breakfast. Though the strict schedule was relaxed on the weekend, apparently the rules of etiquette were still enforced. No one spoke to her as they prepared their meal.

  Mrs. Swenson arrived in the kitchen as Kaitlin put away the last of the groceries. Kat noted five others were present, but Melissa still hadn’t appeared.

  “We will have a volleyball game this afternoon. Meet me on the court at exactly one o’clock.”

  “Yes ma’am,” they all said in unison.

  “Good. I’ll see you then!” Mrs. Swenson left the kitchen and the girls clapped their hands and smiled at each other.

  Kat liked the interaction between the subs, however brief. It was great fun getting to know her “classmates” better before they went on to their permanent homes. It appeared this was a sport the girls looked forward to and Kat got excited.

  At one p.m., the girls gathered on the sand volleyball court. Since Melissa hadn’t arrived to join them, Corinne sat out so that the sides would be even. They separated into teams of three. Kat was joined by the two other girls with matching blue collars. She realized the game would be the owned subs versus the unowned subs. Interesting. Apparently this would be some healthy competition.

  Mrs. Swenson arrived with the volleyball a few minutes later.

  “Points only count when the ball lands within the orange ropes lying in the sand. There will be no talking among yourselves, but you can yell out words like ‘mine’ or ‘I’ve got it’ to your teammates and, of course, you can laugh, cheer and have a good time. The first team to get twenty-one points will win and be entitled to an extended curfew of one a.m. instead of the usual ten p.m. Any questions? No? Good. May the best team win!”

  Mrs. Swenson tossed the ball into the air and the two subs closest to the net jumped to grab it. Kaitlin’s teammate got control. She and the other girl clapped their hands and cheered her on. The girl had a powerful stroke and the ball went sailing over the net and hit the ground inside bounds before the other team had a chance to reach it. Score one for my team! This is so much fun!

  The other team came back with some close shots to the net that Kat and her team could not get to in time. The score was tied in the first fifteen minutes and Kat worried that perhaps she had been a little too confident at the outset. However, a few well-placed comebacks gave her team the lead once again and she was dizzy with enthusiasm.

  Kaitlin didn’t notice Sir Damien watching the game at first for he was standing back from the railing, leaning against the door jamb with his arms crossed in front of him. But she fell after making a save and when she stood to brush off the sand, she looked up and saw him on the balcony. From then on, she felt very self-conscious about him observing her.

  Now she wanted to impress him. With only a few more points until the game was finished, every move had to be executed perfectly. Kat and her team worked well together, calling out who would get the ball, rushing in if someone needed help. One girl on the other team stood at the back corner and served a high ball. Although the sun was in her eyes, Kaitlin saw it headed her way.

  “I’ve got it!” she called, placing herself in the right position to be at the best angle to hit the ball.

  Bam! She struck it with all her might and the ball flew over the net to the other side. Two girls tried to get it at once and bumped into each other, totally missing the ball. They fell in a heap on the sand and the game was called. Kaitlin’s team had won.

  “Yes!” she screamed and the two girls on her team came over and hugged her. They hopped up and down in the sand.

  “Very good!” Mrs. Swenson offered each girl a congratulatory handshake. “You girls have won an extended curfew. Enjoy!” She picked up the ball and left the volleyball court.

  Kat saw Corinne standing to the side, a look of annoyance on her features. Apparently, she wasn’t too happy that Kat’s team had taken the title. Kat smiled to herself. There was nothing her mentor could do. She had won fair and square and was going to enjoy every moment of her extra free time. She watched Corinne turn and walk inside and sighed happily.

  She looked down at the sand covering her entire body and tried to brush it off, but it clung to her sweat as though it was a second skin. Needing a shower to rid herself of the stubborn grit, she headed to the outdoor shower located below the master bedroom. Her gaze drifted upward as she walked over to it, but the Trainer was no longer on the balcony. She sighed and shook off the feeling of remorse. The cold water brought goose bumps to her heated flesh, so she rushed through the shower. Once satisfied that she had rinsed the sandy residue completely off, she walked back into the house.

  The loud banging of a knocker on the front door caught her attention. She peeked around the corner of the kitchen into the hallway leading to the entrance as Sir Damien came bounding down the stairs to answer the door.

  “Sir Timothy! Come in.” A handsome young man in his early twenties with light brown hair and a well-trimmed mustache entered the house.

  “Good afternoon, Sir.”

  “Welcome. You’re right on time. Come, let’s go to the recreation center. I’ve asked Corinne to bring Melissa to join us there.”

  They walked down the hall toward the recreation center. Kaitlin backed away and opened the refrigerator door so they wouldn’t see her as they passed. Fortunately, the two men were so engrossed in their conversation they didn’t even look into the kitchen. “I really enjoyed my time with your sub last night,” she heard the visitor tell the Trainer.

  “Yeah? That’s great. So, tell me what you would like to start with today…”

  The conversation faded as they closed the door to the recreation center. It didn’t matter, however. Now Kat knew that Sir Damien hadn’t spent the night with Melissa and that brought a smile to her face.

  * * * * *

  By the time Miss Tiffany arrived at four o’clock, Kaitlin had all the ingredients for dinner set out on the counter.

  “I’m impressed,” she said, smiling at Kat. “Are you having a better day today?”

  “Yes, much better. Thank you. Sorry about yesterday.”

  “No need to apologize. I see you’ve been very productive. Chicken, rice, corn, lettuce, tomatoes, spices. It’s all here. Let’s get started, shall we?”

  “You bet.”

  They worked in companionable silence, each taking a separate task and following the recipe. Kaitlin loved how well she and Miss Tiffany got along and wished she could have developed the same relationship with the other girls. But she understood the r
eason for the rules and accepted them.

  “Did you enjoy the volleyball game today?”

  “Yes and my team won. We get an extra three hours tonight. I’m so excited.”

  “And what do you plan to do with your spare time?”

  “Well, I considered going to a movie, but instead, I think I’ll just stay home and jump the Trainer’s bones.”

  Miss Tiffany dropped the knife and her shocked expression made Kat laugh.

  “I was just kidding. Good grief! Don’t take me so seriously!”

  Tiffany looked around and whispered, “You should never say anything like that out loud, even in jest. If the wrong people hear you…well, trust me, you don’t want to know what could happen.”

  “Okay. I’ll be careful about what I say from now on.” Kat swallowed hard. Miss Tiffany was right. Comments like that could get her in trouble.

  “Good. I’d hate to come over some day and not find you here.”

  The words were meant to console her, but all Kaitlin heard was that she might be kicked out of the household. Oh dear.

  Dinner was a quiet affair, as usual. However, the difference tonight was the glow surrounding the girls. Kaitlin thought their rosy skin looked quite adorable, but it was the inner glow that caught her attention. It shone on their faces in their smiles and in their movements. When her gaze locked with several of them, an almost imperceptible communication passed between them. They had made a connection during today’s game that would last for a long time. Kaitlin loved it.

  When Miss Tiffany left, Kaitlin walked her to the door once again.

  “Good night,” she said, hugging Miss Tiffany. “And thanks for the warning. Really.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Yes. Goodbye.” She closed the door after Tiffany and went to her room. Looking at the alarm clock, she saw it was seven thirty. She had been up thirteen hours already and decided to take a catnap before she got involved with a book she found in the library. There would still be plenty of time to read before the one a.m. curfew.

  She woke two and a half hours later from a dream of making love with the Trainer. It took a moment to get oriented to the fact that it was only a dream, that she was in her room, not his and that she still had three hours before curfew. She picked up the book from the nightstand and headed for the recreation center. On her way there, she passed the kitchen and saw the pool through the sliding glass door. Unable to resist the urge to take a quick dip, she placed the book on the counter and ducked out the door.

  The pool beckoned to her the moment she stepped onto the patio. Warm, tropical breezes caressed her skin and a silvery glow covered the landscape. The moon wore a delicate aura of wispy clouds with a sprinkle of stars in the backdrop.

  She dove in and swam to her favorite spot under the waterfall. The refreshing vibration pounding on her back made her feel alive. Leaning against the rock, she closed her eyes and let the water wash down her entire body. A movement on the porch caught her attention and she looked up to see Sir Damien standing on the porch, resting his arms against the railing. Boy, aren’t we creatures of habit?

  This time, he waved to her and she waved back. Then he disappeared into his room. She settled back into her favorite pose resting against the rocks and closed her eyes.

  Five minutes later, a loud splash at the far end of the pool startled her. Kaitlin’s eyes flew open and her heart skipped a beat. With long, strong strokes, the Trainer was headed in her direction. Should I leave? After all, it is his property and I probably should give him some privacy. She began to climb out of the pool, but he grabbed her ankle just as her second foot was about to hit the pavement.

  “Where do you think you’re going? Stay. I thought we discussed this yesterday. You don’t have to leave just because of me.” His voice was kind, soothing, unlike the authoritative tone he used during the training sessions.

  She lowered her eyes and slipped back into the water.

  “Permission to speak, Sir?”

  “Yes, and you may also look at me.”

  “Oh I shouldn’t, Sir.” She shook her head violently, recalling the berating she received just yesterday for looking at him.

  “But it’s an order. You are following instructions, not challenging me.”

  He had moved close to her so that they were only a few inches apart. She backed into the side of the pool and looked nervously about. He took one step and closed the small gap between them then caged her within his arms. She raised her eyes to stare into his and recognized the truth of the saying “the eyes are the windows of the soul”. He wanted her, desired her. She could read it in the way his body leaned into hers and could see the burning need in the depths of his eyes, though the words never crossed his lips.

  “Sir, I thought we weren’t supposed to have any interaction besides the training sessions.”

  His gaze traveled across her collarbone, stopping at the pulse in her neck. His lips curved into a seductive smile.

  “That’s not true. But if it were my rule, I could break it. Besides, you are in my pool and I’m here too, so we’re bound to interact.” His fingertips traced the outline of her mouth. “You have very sensual lips. Soft, full and perfectly shaped. Did you know that?”

  “Yes. That’s what I’ve been told, Sir.” She licked them nervously.

  Damien lifted a section of her hair and ran the wet strands through his fingers, all the way to the tips. He glanced back up at her.

  “And eyes a man could get lost in.” He dropped her hair and brushed a nipple with his hand. The sensitive flesh immediately reacted. His gaze fell to that nipple while his knuckles teased the other one, stimulating it to match its partner. “I love the way you respond to me. Are you this way with all men?” He continued the maddening caresses that evoked even more pronounced peaks. The areola puckered also. She looked down to watch his hands play her flesh with the sweetest of torment.

  “Yes Sir, I mean…some men. I really haven’t been with many men.” One hand slipped up to her collarbone and his thumb rubbed softly against the bone, dipping gently into the hollow of her neck. Then his fingers slid lightly down her left arm. A chill followed in its wake. He studied every reaction her body made to his touch.

  “Truly? I find that hard to believe.” He cocked his head to the side and regarded her through heavy-lidded eyes.

  “I…I’m just too passive, Sir, and the ones I’ve dated did not like that.”

  “Their loss.” He cupped her breasts and flicked thick nipples. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. The connection between her nipples and her clit was incredible. A touch to one caused the other to react.

  “That’s not fair.” Her breath came erratically now, causing her breasts to heave up and down. A dizzying sensation swirled around in her head. She closed her eyes. “I can’t think straight when you do that to me.”

  “You forgot to say ‘Sir’.” Her eyes widened at the commanding tone in his voice.

  He yanked her against him and she realized that he too was naked. The evidence of his desire was pressed firmly against her stomach.

  “It is you who are not fair. Do you feel what you do to me? Of all the women in the house, you’re the only one who has this effect on me. You drive me crazy. I can’t get you out of my mind.” His eyes blazed with passion.

  “Is that going to be a problem, Sir?”

  “Not at all. When I enter the dungeon, I become a professional. I will always treat you as a trainee there.”

  “And here?”

  His face came close to hers and his eyes lowered to her lips. She thought her heart would explode from the sexually charged atmosphere.

  “Anything goes.” His mouth came crashing down upon hers before she had time to react.

  At first his weight crushed her against the side of the pool and she pushed against his solid chest with her palms. But he only tightened his grip on her, kissing her deeper, his tongue delving into her mouth. He sucked on her tongue
, massaging it with his own. She wanted to resist, to tell him how wrong this was, but gave in to the temptation to taste a man who felt absolutely right in her arms. Never before had she experienced lust coursing through her body like this and she wanted more. She felt lightheaded with desire and clung to him as if he were her anchor.

  His hands worked their way up to her head and held it captive while he continued kissing her. Fingers massaged her scalp, raking through the heavy weight of her drenched locks. His mouth left hers to run his tongue down the side of her neck where he sucked on the sensitive flesh below her ear. She loved the feel of him laving her pulse. Moaning against him made him even more aggressive. She shivered at the onslaught of sensation that rocked her body.

  “You’re delicious,” he said, continuing his assault. He lifted one breast at a time to his mouth and sucked in a nipple, nibbling until she shook with pleasure. When he left one peak to tease the other, she looked down and saw how her nipple had grown thicker and red with excitement. Her body totally surrendered to his amorous advance.

  Slowly his hands eased away from her breasts and slid to her back, down the muscles lining her backbone until they reached her buttocks. He grabbed two fistfuls of her perfectly rounded backside and yanked her tightly against his body, rocking back and forth with his head buried in her hair.

  Her hands snaked around his corded neck. She brushed her lips across a day’s worth of stubble on his cheek, relishing in the slight roughness against her soft skin. When his fingers parted her labia, exploring the soft, smooth folds and delving inside her, Kat sucked in a breath. Her inner muscles grasped onto his fingers, as if wanting to hold him there. He would need no further proof of her readiness. She felt him rock against her and recognized the unmistakable prod of his hard, thick cock trying to find its way inside.

  “Let me in,” he growled into her ear. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and he groaned as he buried his thick shaft within her. She felt the entire length of him filling her completely. Her inner muscles wrapped around him, pulsating against his cock. Kat smiled and tossed her head back in wild abandon. He rode her hard, crazed with desire. The water, stirred into a frenzy by his movements, splashed against her body.


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