by Vivian Arend
“You can say that.” He leaned on the railing. “You’ll keep this between you and me, right?”
Varro raised one disdainful brow. “Are you suggesting I keep secrets from the emperor?”
“There’s not a chance you would consider it? For me?”
The steward’s expression remained unchanged.
“Well, it was worth a shot.” Marcus ambled down the gangplank. “Speaking of Titus, where is he?”
“Emperor Sergius is detained on a personal matter, but he sent me to fetch you as soon as you landed.”
“A personal matter, huh? Isn’t Azurha getting too pregnant for such personal matters?” Just the thought of having sex with a woman that late in her pregnancy boggled his mind.
“If you mean the empress’s condition is the cause of his absence, then yes, you are correct in assuming that. Emperor Sergius has no desire to be far away from her in her current state.”
It took Marcus a moment to read between the lines. “She’s in labor already?”
“Please, Lord Marcus, these are not matters that the emperor wants publicly known at this time.”
He let out a low whistle. The steward’s discretion was understandable. The Deizian nobles already loathed the Alpirion empress. He could only imagine how many plots to overthrow Titus would arise once the mixed-blood heir to the throne arrived. “I’ll be there as soon as I figure out what to do with Sexta and Djer.”
“The emperor has already had me prepare rooms for them in the east wing.”
He inwardly grimaced. The east wing was better than the dungeon, but it was also close to the Legion’s barracks and had doors that were easily locked. The rooms may have been nice, but it was still easily a prison. “I’m sure Djer will be very comfortable there, but I’d like Sexta to be taken to my room.”
“And your reason for going against the emperor’s orders is?”
“The fact I told him I wouldn’t let her out of my sight. I know better than to bring her into the imperial quarters, but I’d prefer to keep her under my personal watch when I’m not with Titus.”
Varro looked him up and down as though he was searching for what he wasn’t saying. “Very well, I can have her sent there and place a few members of the Legion outside her door.”
“Change the locks, too, so only you, me, and Titus may enter. The last thing I need is some zealot coming after her.”
“It seems you had an even more exciting trip than your ship would lead me to believe.”
“You don’t know the half of it.” Marcus turned around to find Rufius peering down at them. “I suppose you heard every word?”
The former soldier shrugged. “More or less.”
“Then you can hand Sexta over to Varro while I report to the emperor.”
“That’s fine, but as soon as I’m allowed, I’m giving my own personal report.”
Marcus gritted his teeth and entered the palace. He had enough to do without having that upstart question his judgment. They all wanted to point the finger at Sexta and blame her, but he knew there was more to this than just her part. And once he had a chance to get her alone, he needed to question her further about the noble who’d hired her to transport that cargo.
The closer he got to the imperial chambers, the more guards there were. Members of the Legion lined the hallway from the throne room to Titus’s personal quarters, and his steps slowed as he came to the door. The idea of a woman in labor terrified him almost as much as holding a newborn baby. He pressed his hand to the bronze plate and waited for the locks to click.
Inside, Titus paced the room like a condemned man waiting for the executioner. He stopped long enough for Marcus to see the panic in his eyes before smoothing over a mask of confidence. “You’re back earlier than I expected.”
“There wasn’t that much damage to the ship.” Or at least, there won’t be if I can get the crew working on it right away. “When did Azurha go into labor?”
He sank onto the small sofa. “Just after we reinforced the Barrier.”
Azurha’s magic could only be used to augment another’s magic, and then, only if it was for the good of her people. But when she used it, the effects were mind-blowing. “Too much for her?”
“Perhaps.” He pressed his palms to his temples and ran his fingers through his hair, making the ends stand up. “When the contractions got close together, I couldn’t bear to watch.”
“Azurha doesn’t strike me as the type to scream and writhe in pain.”
“That’s just it—she’s hardly made a sound, even though I know she’s in pain. I see it in her eyes, and there’s nothing I can do to help her.”
“Bullshit. Grab a healing rod and use it.”
“I can’t,” he said miserably. “My mother has forbidden me to enter the bedroom.”
The hilariousness of the situation struck Marcus, and he couldn’t hold back his laughter. He sat next to Titus. “You’re the emperor, and you’re still taking orders from your mommy?”
“Shut up, Marcus.” He leaned forward and buried his face in his hands. “I can’t even think straight right now. I should’ve thought about using a healing rod on her, but when her water broke, I panicked. She’s in there, having my child. I’m about to become a father, and I have no idea where to begin.”
His best friend’s confession knocked the mirth from his soul. What if their situations were reversed? What if it was Sexta in the other room, bearing his child? Would he be as distraught as Titus?
Marcus reached for the pitcher of wine and poured it directly into his mouth.
Titus yanked it away from him. “If anyone should be drinking, it’s me.” But instead following Marcus’s lead, he set the pitcher on the side table and leaned forward again.
“Fine. Should I distract you with a full report of my findings?”
Titus lifted his head, and his eyes sharpened. “Yes, please do. Perhaps we can use this time to solve the mystery of Shalfak.”
Marcus recounted his findings, going into more detail this time. But as he came to the part where Sexta’s crew started firing on them, he tripped over his words. Her explanation still seemed preposterous, but at the same time, she was asking him to trust her. And that started with giving her the benefit of the doubt. He hesitated for moment before saying, “Sexta claims that Barbarians took over her ship and were the ones firing on us, not her crew.”
“But you mentioned before that you’d flooded the tunnel. Barbarians hate water.”
“I know, and at first I found it hard to believe, too, but why would she lie to me?”
“I can give you a dozen reasons why she would lie to you, and most of them involve the fact she’s trying to save her own neck.”
Marcus rose from the sofa and let his shoulders fall. If he couldn’t convince Titus she was telling the truth, how would he be able to protect her? “But I know her, Titus.”
“You think you know her, but remember, this is the same woman who led you to believe she was dead all these months.” He stood and rested his hand over the scar on Marcus’s shoulder. “She’s deceived you before.”
The sting from his careless injury reminded him of the despair he’d wallowed in over the last few months. The doubt that had kept him awake last night returned with a vengeance. Then he remembered the way she’d taken the first step to regain his trust by healing him. He shrugged Titus’s hand off, and with it his suspicions. “This time is different. I can feel it in my gut. Just listen to her and give her a chance to explain.”
“I will, but if I catch her lying...” Titus’s words trailed off just as the sharp wail of an infant pierced the silence.
He paled and started to sink.
Marcus threw his arm around his best friend’s shoulder and guided him back to the sofa. “Easy there, Titus. Can’t have you passing out over a little baby.”
Titus’s mouth moved, but no sound came out. His gaze never wavered from the curtain that separated him from the robust crying on the other side.
> “So, what do you think she had?” Marcus asked, trying to lighten the mood.
“I don’t care, as long as Azurha’s safe.”
He gave him a sympathetic nod. I feel the same way about Sexta. No matter what the fates had in store for them, he just wanted to keep her safe.
The crying ebbed, and a minute later, Empress Horatia appeared, carrying a swaddled bundle. She came toward them with a proud smile on her face. “Titus Sergius Flavus, I have personally witnessed the birth of this child and swear upon all the gods that he is yours. Do you accept this child as your son?”
Titus’s breath left him with a whoosh, and he waited for his mother to offer the child to him. The baby had coppery skin and a head full of dark hair with golden streaks running through it, but he also had unmistakable Deizian blue eyes. An ideal balance of both parents. But until Titus took him in his arms, he was just a baby.
Once Titus took the child from his mother, however, he officially accepted him as his son and heir. He gazed down at him with a mixture of wonder and awe. “He’s perfect.”
Empress Horatia grinned. “Azurha said the same thing when she saw him.”
The mention of his wife was enough to pull his attention from his son. “How is she?”
“The midwife is still tending to her, but she did remarkably well. Far better than I did with you.”
Titus stood, still holding the baby. Any traces of fear had vanished the moment he held his son. “When can I see her?”
“I’ll go check on her and let you know when she’s ready.” Horatia started for the bedroom, but paused. “Do you think you’ll be able to handle him alone?”
“I have Marcus if I get into any trouble,” Titus said.
The dubious expression on the dowager empress’s face probably matched Marcus’s own. He didn’t know the first thing about babies and backed away before Titus asked him to lend a hand.
“Very well, but if you need anything, just ask for me.”
Titus turned back to his son with a goofy grin. “I have a son.”
“Congratulations. Now you have to come up with a name for him.”
And just like that, Titus was back in panic mode. “By the gods, what am I going to name him?”
“Don’t ask me. Ask your wife. Maybe she has some Alpirion name in mind for him.”
Titus blinked twice. “An Alpirion name?”
“I was just joking, Titus.”
“No, I like the idea of that. Perhaps I should ask Izana to send me a list of Alpirion royal names.” He walked around the sofa, his eyes never leaving his son. “This little boy is a symbol of the new empire I want to build, and his name should reflect that.”
Empress Horatia reappeared from behind the curtain. “Titus, dear, Azurha is asking for you.”
He pulled his gaze from the baby in his arms, the love for his wife as evident as the love for his new child. “She’s ready?”
“No, not really, but I know better than to argue with her.”
“Wise woman,” Marcus teased. “I can’t think of a single person who’d dare cross the Rabbit.”
His comment earned him a withering glance from Titus. “Azurha can make her point without relying on her prior reputation.”
“I know better than to argue with you, too.”
A smile played on his best friend’s lips. “It’s about time you learned that.”
Then Titus grew serious. “I’ll think about what you said and speak with Sexta in the morning.”
“All I’m asking is for you to hear her side of the story.”
“I’ll listen, and for your sake, I hope she’s innocent. I saw how much you mourned her before, and I’d hate to lose you to that dark place again.”
A lump formed in Marcus’s throat. Would he be able to turn her over to face the executioner’s blade if Titus ordered it? “If she’s guilty, then the woman I knew died long ago.”
Titus gave him a grave nod. “I hope one day you’ll find what Azurha and I have.”
Marcus thought back to how perfect Sexta had felt in his arms last night. “Maybe I already have.”
The subtle click of the locks yanked Sexta from sleep as loudly as any explosion. She reached under her pillow for the dagger she’d smuggled off the ship and watched the door through half-closed eyes. The outline of a man appeared when it opened, and her pulse quickened. She tightened her grip on the hilt and tensed. If they were coming to drag her to the executioner, they were going to meet considerable resistance.
“Sexta?” Marcus asked, and she went limp with relief.
She released the dagger and pulled her hand out from under the pillow. “Were you expecting another woman?”
He chuckled and slid into the bed beside her. “No, more like surprised you were still here.”
“You have a nasty habit of disappearing whenever I tell you I love you.” He turned his head toward her. “By the way, don’t wear any more of my clothes.”
“Why?” she repeated and snuggled closer to him.
“Because you look too damn tempting in them. I almost told Djer to wait outside for a few minutes while I helped you out of them.”
“Only a few minutes?” she asked with a simper in her voice. “I would’ve expected a better showing from you.”
He flipped her over onto her back and climbed on top of her. His cock was already hard, and her body quivered in anticipation. “Is that a challenge?”
“Depends on if you’re trying to redeem your reputation.”
“That definitely sounds like a challenge.” He lowered his lips to hers, but the minute they touched, he froze.
A second later, he jerked back, holding the dagger she’d hidden under the pillow. “Care to explain this?”
“You’re the one who left me at the mercy of the emperor’s men.” She forced herself to sound blasé about being caught with a weapon inside the palace, but her mouth was growing drier by the second. “It’s not my fault I had to come up with a means to protect myself while you were indulging in the comforts of the emperor’s hospitality.”
A string of curses flew out of his mouth, but she silenced him by pressing her finger to his lips.
“You said you would protect me, but I’m quite capable of protecting myself when you’re not here.” She pried the dagger from his hand and flung it across the room. The metal clanged off the tile floor, far enough away that neither one of them could easily reach it.
“This isn’t a game, Sexta.”
“I know.” Desire coursed through her veins, and she reached behind his head to draw him back toward her. “But it doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun along the way.”
He hardened his muscles, preventing her from pulling him closer. “Maybe I need to lay down a few rules.”
“People like you and me don’t play by the rules.” She sat up and caught his earlobe between her teeth in a teasing nip.
His cock twitched against her thigh, and he squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m trying to be serious here.”
“So am I.” She pulled the borrowed tunic over her head and threw it in the direction of the dagger. “After all, didn’t you say something about helping me out of your clothes?”
He groaned, his eyes still tightly closed. His voice held a tight warning as he said her name.
But it wasn’t enough to stop her. She tugged on his tunic, pressing her bare skin against each inch of his she exposed. In less than a minute, he was as naked as she was. “Open your eyes.”
That made him crack open one eye. “I’m trying to resist your charms.”
Now it was her turn to chuckle. “Don’t. They’re meant to be enjoyed.”
As if to prove her point, she rolled her hips so his cock sat at the opening of her sex.
This time, when he said her name, it was more of a plea than a warning.
“I just wanted to prove to you that I’m not wit
h you because I need your protection. I’m quite capable of taking care of myself, after all. I’m here with you because I want you as much as you want me.”
The fight melted from his shoulders, and he opened his eyes, staring at her in wonder. “Does that mean you’re going to stop running from me?”
“It depends.”
“On what?”
She ground against him with impatience. He was hard and ready, and she wanted him inside her. “On if you’re going to take longer than a few minutes to satisfy me.”
“And you just made your first mistake.” He wrapped his hands around her wrists and imprisoned them over her head. “You showed me what you really wanted, and I’m not going to give it to you until you accept my terms.”
A whimper rose from her throat as he lifted his body from hers and got on his knees. She craved his warmth, his touch, his hungry kisses. She needed to feel him inside, stretching her inner walls with his thickness, filling her completely as he slid in and out of her. She had to find the release her body demanded, and there was only one man who could give it to her. Her voice shook as she asked, “And what are they?”
“For starters, no more knives in bed.” He caught her lips with his own, teasing her with a kiss flavored with sweet wine. “If you’re going to wear my clothes, don’t expect to stay in them very long.” He nipped the soft flesh under her jaw, sending a shiver of desire straight to the juncture of her thighs. “And never, ever think you can get me naked and not leave thoroughly satisfied.”
He plunged into her with a determined stroke. Her breath caught from the intensity of the sensations he evoked. The warm friction of him moving inside her. The subtle sting of stretching to accommodate his girth. The giddy anticipation that this was just the beginning of the pleasure that awaited her. She arched her back to take him deeper. “Agreed.”
“Good, because that’s just the beginning.”
“There’s more?”
He gave her a wicked grin. “Oh, there’s more where that came from. Much, much more.”
He started pumping his hips, dictating the pace of their lovemaking with every powerful thrust while his lips devoured hers in a seemingly never-ending series of hungry kisses. He kept her wrists pinned above her head at first, but after a few minutes, he released them to run his hands over her body. He cupped her breasts, her ass. He trailed his lips to the places he knew too well and paid each place special homage, all the while never faltering with the intoxicating rhythm he’d set.