Taming the Moguls

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Taming the Moguls Page 17

by Christy Hayes

  “No more time in the weight room.” He tried his best to sound normal, but forming words was difficult when the feel of her hands on his skin made every nerve in his body ache. Letting her take the lead, sitting back and not reaching for her, was the hardest thing he’d ever done.

  Until she grazed his flesh with her teeth, and his hips jolted. She moved against him without leaning in to kiss him. He watched her ride him, the friction from her pants and his jeans drawing moans from her lips. He nearly lost control when she crossed her arms and, in one fluid movement, lifted the sweater from her body, exposing her peach-colored bra. He leaned back onto his elbows. She locked her eyes with his and reached for the clasp. His mouth watered as first one and then the other breast sprung free. When she massaged each perfect globe, he thought he would lose his mind.

  She leaned over, and he captured a nipple in his mouth. She groaned and frantically rocked against him. She brought herself to climax, panting and rocking, rocking and panting. Tommy went from breast to breast as she slowed and lowered her head to his shoulder. “Tommy, that was…wow.”

  He could only stare at her, the graceful arch of her back, the glow of her skin, and wonder if she wanted more. He prayed she wanted more. Love for her swamped him, threatened to choke him. “You’re so beautiful. So much more than I remember. And I remember everything.”

  Chapter 42

  Gretchen felt free and empowered, as if a door long shut had cracked open. Tommy was on the other side waiting patiently. She wanted to rip the door from its hinges and barrel head first into freedom.

  He’d done as he said he would. He’d lain on the floor without touching her. He’d let her straddle him, rock herself into a mind-blowing climax, and he lay achingly hard beneath her. He would let her stop. If she said she’d had enough, he would let her crawl off of him and be done.

  She didn’t want to stop. She wanted to see him, to feel him, to have him inside of her. Just the idea felt like a breakthrough. She leaned down and kissed him, felt him quiver beneath her fingers. She ran her hands over his chest. His head fell back, and he closed his eyes. She could give him that. She would give them both the greatest gift.

  His head snapped up when her fingers worked the button on his jeans free. “Gretchen,” he groaned, “you don’t have to.”

  “I want to. I don’t know if I can go through with it, but I want to try.”

  He reached out and stilled her hand. “Only if this is what you want. I can wait. I’ll wait as long as you need.”

  “I want this. I want you.”

  His hand fell away, and he lowered onto his back. His hands fisted at his sides. The slow, torturous pace cost him. She lowered his zipper as his chest rose and fell quickly. He lifted his hips, and she eased his jeans down. She carefully pulled each pant leg from his feet. His boxers were next. She reached for them, lifting them over his powerful erection, and he groaned as the soft cotton grazed his delicate skin. He opened his eyes and stared as she stood, unclasped her pants, and let them fall to the floor. She eased her underwear down and stepped out of her clothes. She stood naked before him.

  “I’ve dreamt of you like this,” he said. “I’ve imagined you so many times. You’re more perfect, Gretchen, than I ever could have dreamed. You make me weak.”

  She bent down and straddled him. She felt his erection jump as it touched her delicate entrance. She had a moment of panic, a flash of memory, but he said her name and pulled her back to the present.

  “You don’t have to do this if you’re not ready,” Tommy said.

  She leaned over and brushed her lips to his. Tongue met tongue, flesh met flesh, heart met heart. She’d loved him for so long. She’d loved him every time she touched herself in the dark. She sat up and eased onto him, inch by glorious inch. Her body bowed at the unfamiliar pressure, and she held him deep inside. The shock became acceptance, the acceptance became pleasure, the pleasure had her moving atop him. She rose up as his hips thrust. His eyes were dazed, his hands still fisted at his sides.

  “Touch me, Tommy.” She placed his hands on her breasts. He molded them gently, plucking at her nipples. She moaned from the exquisite pleasure as the pace of their joining accelerated. His hands moved to her hips, and he guided her back and forth until she felt her muscles tighten and finally explode. She cried out as flesh ground into flesh. Tommy held her still as he pulsed beneath her, groaning her name as he came.

  She collapsed onto his chest as their hearts thundered. She felt his hands touch her hair, her back, her butt. He was so gentle, every caress like a feather over her sensitized skin. When she finally felt able, she straightened up on her arms and stared at his face. His eyes were locked on hers.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I’m better than okay.”

  One corner of his mouth lifted into a crooked smile. “I’ll say.”

  She buried her head in his chest. “I didn’t think I would ever feel that again. God, I’ve missed that. I’ve missed you.”

  She felt his heart rate increase. “I’ve missed you. I’ve missed that, too. Although I usually last a little longer.”

  She looked up and dropped her chin onto her hand on his chest. “I thought I was the only one who hadn’t done that in a while.”

  “There’s a difference between having sex and making love. I’ve had plenty of sex in the last ten years. That’s the first time I’ve made love since we were together.” He ran his hands through her hair and brought her face to his. “I love you. I always have. I always will.”

  Chapter 43

  Lyle reached for his phone as it vibrated against his desk. He smiled when he saw the name on the display. “Olivia?”

  “Hey there,” she said. “Heard you’re getting some snow in the valley.”

  “Just a dusting. The mountains got slammed. How about Denver?”

  “A few flurries. Nothing to write home about.” She cleared her throat. “What about Lower Fork?”

  Lyle saved his document. His edits were almost done. “Maybe an inch or so more than here, but nothing bad. Why the sudden interest in the weather? You bored in Denver already?”

  “I can’t reach Tommy. His phone goes right into voice mail. That’s not like him.”

  “He’s busy. He’s always busy.”

  “Have you seen him?”

  Lyle thought back. “No. Not in a week or so, I haven’t. Are you worried?”

  “I called the restaurant. Stevie said Tommy left the ski shop early the night of the blizzard, and he hasn’t seen or heard from him since. You know that’s not normal.”

  “Did you call his house?”

  “He doesn’t have a land line. Do you think he got stuck in the blizzard?” Olivia asked.

  “How do I know? I guess if for some reason he went up the pass, he could have. Folks knew the storm was coming though. He’d have been a fool to go up.”

  “He’s been acting funny the last few times I talked to him. Distracted and angry sounding. Now I can’t reach him. Lyle, I’m worried.”

  “Do you want me to run out there and check?” he asked.

  “I hate to ask, but yes, I do. I have half a mind to come down there myself.”

  “There’s no need for that. I’ll grab Erica, and we’ll run out to the Tap for some lunch.”

  “I appreciate it. I really do. Will you call me when—”

  “First thing, I promise.”


  “What’s the occasion?” Erica asked when Lyle showed up at her doorstep and offered to take her to lunch. “If you’re hungry, I can make you something.”

  “Olivia called. She can’t reach her brother, and she’s worried. I told her I’d ride out to Lower Fork and check on him. Figured you might want to come along.”

  She glanced at the books and worksheets spread over her table. “I suppose I can take a break.”

  She settled into the SUV next to him, and he reached for her hand. “I should do this more often.”

sp; “Rescue a friend?” she asked.

  “Take you out. I’m saving for a ring or I would.”

  “You don’t have to take me anywhere.”

  “I know, but I want to. Kevin’s back with Shi. I told him she could stay at my place.”

  Erica squeezed his hand. “You can stay with me, you know. I love waking up with you in the morning. Especially when it’s cold.”

  “I will, but not regularly until I’ve talked to my mom. I need to call your brother.”

  “You want to tell Jack we’re getting married?”

  “I think I should. Unless you want to tell him first,” Lyle said.

  She shrugged and picked at a hole in her jeans. “I don’t know. I suppose he’d appreciate hearing it from you first. Man to man.”

  “That’s what I thought. I’m going to talk to Mom soon. I told Kevin. I asked him not to say anything, but I know he’ll tell Shiloh. That’s like putting an ad in the paper, so our secret’s about to be out.”

  “I’m okay with that. I hate keeping it from Jack.”

  “Mom’s going to want to throw a party or something. I thought maybe we could stop by on the way back and spring it on her.” Erica fidgeted. Lyle recognized the worry on her face. “What is it?”

  “She’s your mother. What if she’s disappointed? Maybe you should talk to her alone.”

  “Disappointed that her son is outrageously happy and planning a future with the woman he loves? I don’t think so.”

  “You’re young yet. Younger than I am. She might think we’re rushing into this.”

  “So? My parents got married young.”

  “Maybe she wants something different for you?”

  “Erica, she told me the other day she’s never seen me this happy. She knows we’re in love. I think she’s waiting for me to make it official. Not only did she and my dad marry young, but she and Dodge wasted no time getting married after they hooked up.”

  “He’s an intimidating guy, your stepdad. I saw him coming out of the diner the other day holding your mom’s hand.” Erica chuckled. “They looked like newlyweds.”

  “They act like it, too. Always have. When I was younger, it embarrassed me the way they’d hold hands and kiss in public. They were always touching each other.”

  “And now?” she asked.

  Lyle shrugged. “I guess I’m used to it. It’s nice, when you think about it, that my mom has someone who loves her. She won’t grow old alone. I’d worry about her if it weren’t for Dodge.”

  “My parents were affectionate before my mom got sick. I don’t remember much, but I know they were happy.”

  He lifted her hand and brushed a kiss along her knuckles. “We will be, too.”

  “We already are.” She glanced out the window. “What do you think happened to Tommy?”

  Lyle blew out a breath. “I don’t know. He’s just about the busiest guy I know. He probably got distracted or forgot to charge his phone. Maybe he did something completely out of the norm and took a day off.”

  “Olivia’s worried enough to ask you to drive out and check. He must not disappear often.”

  “Either that or she’s bored and looking for a reason to visit.”

  Erica shook her head. “Jack said she’s been so busy planning the wedding, he’s barely seen her. He’s happy, really, truly happy. I hear it in his voice, even when he’s complaining. He loves her. He’d buy her the moon if she asked.”

  “And he could afford it.” Lyle thought that was as good a time as any to ask what he’d spent weeks stewing over. “What do you think he’ll do with the house when we’re married and you’re living with me?”

  “I guess I assumed you’d move in with me and let your brother use your cabin.”

  “I could, but…”

  “But what? Don’t tell me you’re too proud to live in my house.”

  “It’s his house, and yes, that rubs me the wrong way. You’ll be my wife. It’ll be my job to provide a home for you, not his,” Lyle said.

  “What about the wind study? It won’t be done for another nine months or more.”

  “Has he asked about the study even once since he left the valley?”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean anything. My brother’s got his hand in a dozen business ventures. He knows I’m looking out for this.”

  “I bet you money he doesn’t give a rat’s back end about that wind study. That was just something to keep him busy in the valley before he met Olivia.”

  “I don’t know, Lyle. I don’t know what he’ll say.”

  “Let’s not worry about this right now, okay.” He pulled into the Tap and parked in the nearly full lot. Before getting out, he leaned over and kissed her pouty lips. “Think about it. We’re fighting over where to live when we get married. How awesome is that?”

  “It’s pretty awesome. But we’re not fighting, are we?”

  “We’re disagreeing. We haven’t had our first fight yet.”

  “Unless you count before we were dating,” she said.

  He got out and came around the SUV to open her door before she did so herself. “Erica, we were dating, then. You just wouldn’t admit it.”

  She rolled her eyes and reached for his hand while they walked to the entrance.

  Lyle stopped before they went inside and looked at Golden Mountain Sports. Only one car was in the lot. He held the door open for Erica, and they entered the bustling lunch crowd.

  Tommy’s long-time waitress Meredith hollered for them to find a seat. Lyle suggested they eat at the bar so they could talk to the staff about Tommy.

  Meredith greeted them with a flick of her hair and a smile. “What can I get you two to drink?”

  “We’ll start with water,” Lyle said. “Hey, have you seen Tommy today?”

  “No, I haven’t, but I was late this morning. My daughter had a fever, and I had to run her to the doctor before my shift.”

  “Did you talk to him?”

  “I left a message on his phone. He didn’t call back, but he’s usually pretty understanding about family.” She set the waters in front of them, along with rolled up napkins and silverware. “Take a look at the menu, and I’ll be right back with you.”

  “Hummm,” Erica said. “Sounds like nobody’s seen him.”

  “I’ll ask a few more. Sit tight, would you? If she comes back, order me a ham and cheese with fries.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to talk to a few more servers and check his office. I’ll be right back.”

  He plopped onto the barstool ten minutes later. “None of the servers have seen him since yesterday morning. Stevie said he called and left a message with one of the waitresses that he was closing Mountain Sports early and for someone to come over within the hour. He didn’t say where he was going.”

  “Has Stevie seen him today?” she asked.

  “No. He said he didn’t come into the office or Mountain Sports.”

  “What about the car we saw in the lot?”

  “He doesn’t know who it belongs to. Said it looks like a rental.”

  Erica bit her lip. “This doesn’t sound right, does it? Olivia talks about what a workaholic her brother is.”

  Lyle waved at Meredith as she rounded the bar. “Can you box those up for us, please, and get us a couple of to-go cups?” He looked at Erica. “Do you mind? I’d like to ride up to his place and see if he’s home.”

  “Should we call Olivia?”

  Lyle took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Let’s check out his house first, and then we’ll call. I know her, and if we tell her he’s not been seen since yesterday, she’s going to panic and head this way.”

  “I’m worried. What if he got stuck in the storm?”

  “Tommy’s lived here a long time. He’s smart and resourceful. I’m sure he’s fine.” At least he hoped so, because Lyle was starting to think something was wrong.

  Chapter 44

  Tommy waited for Gretchen to react, but she simpl
y stared at him as her eyes filled with tears.

  She pushed against his chest and sat up, her lip quivering. “You love me?”

  He nodded and kept his face neutral while his heart thumped frantically. He’d spoken too soon, he’d let emotion override years of caution. He’d never uttered those words before, not even to Gretchen.

  She leaned over, ran her hands over his cheeks and through his hair, and lowered her lips to his. “I love you, Tommy Golden. I’ve loved you every day since I was fifteen years old.”

  His arms came around her and held her tight as they made out like teenagers. He was still inside of her and growing hard with every swipe of her tongue, every rock of her hips. “Oh,” she said when she realized they were making love again. “Oh,” she moaned as he rocked against her sensitive core.

  He wanted to flip her onto her back and drive into her with long, powerful thrusts, but he banked the instinct. He held her and let her lead. With time and trust, they would get there. She would get there. He would show her how to feel safe in his arms no matter how they made love.

  Exhausted and sated, they lay on the blanket as the fire sputtered. Tommy pulled the blanket around Gretchen where she sprawled on his chest. “I’ll put some wood on the fire just as soon as I can feel my legs.”

  “Am I hurting you?” she asked.

  He flipped her over carefully and leaned into her side. “The only way you could hurt me is if you left me again.”

  Her eyes drifted closed. “We have to talk about this.”

  “I know. Let me get the fire going, and then we’ll talk.” He kissed her swollen lips, cruised down her neck, and drank in her scent before sitting up and reaching for his clothes. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  The temperature was warming. Tommy thought it might get above freezing for a few hours in the afternoon. He should look for a snow shovel and dig a path. If he didn’t have other, more pressing things to do, like plan his future, he would. He filled his arms with firewood and went back inside the cabin.

  Gretchen had put her clothes on. It was for the best, he told himself when disappointment settled in his stomach. They needed to talk, not make love. She sat wrapped in the blanket and watched as he brought the fire back to life. They’d brought so many things back to life.


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