Taming the Moguls

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Taming the Moguls Page 19

by Christy Hayes

  The bearded driver rolled down the window. “You Tommy Golden?”

  “Yeah?” Tommy wouldn’t have been more surprised to hear his name if Jesus himself had asked. “Who are you?”

  “Dickie Sturgis. Friend of A.J. Dodge. He thought you might be up here.”

  “How’s the road?”

  “Believe it or not, not too bad. Good thing DOT got anti-icer on the pass before the storm hit, or we’d be stuck up here for days.”

  “It’s clear down to Lower Fork?”

  “Far as I can tell. If you’re wanting to head down, I’d go before sunset. They’re calling for more snow tonight.”

  Tommy shook the man’s hand. “Appreciate the word. Can you reach Dodge, tell him we’re fine?”

  “Will do. Be careful now.”

  Tommy strode back to the cabin, knocked the snow from his boots, and opened the door. “Gretchen?”

  She peeked her head around from the kitchen. “Do you want soup or chili?”

  “Neither,” he said. “Road’s clear. Let’s get our stuff and get back.”

  Tommy heard Gretchen gasp on a few turns down the mountain, but for the most part, his armrest took the brunt of her worry. He’d plugged his phone into the charger, and when it signaled he had service, he handed the phone to Gretchen. “Call your son.”

  She grabbed the phone and dialed. “Elise? It’s Gretchen. Yes, I’m fine. I’m sorry I haven’t called. It’s a long story, but I didn’t have access to a phone for a day. I hope Alex wasn’t worried.” She nodded and listened before sounding disappointed. “Oh, okay. Will you tell him I called and that I love him? I’ll be back at my phone in twenty minutes or so. Will you have Robert call me when they get back?” She put the phone on the console. “Robert took him to the movies.”

  Tommy reached for her hand. “You okay?”

  “Yes. He’s fine. I knew he would be. I just wanted to hear his voice.”

  When the road leveled, Tommy relaxed. “We’ll be down in about ten more minutes. We’re through the worst of it now.”

  “Tommy?” Gretchen said. “Before we get down and have to separate, I want you to know how much this meant to me, this time we had. It felt like so much more than just a day.”

  Tommy’s stomach clenched. “Why does it sound like you’re saying good-bye?”

  “I’m not.” She squeezed his hand. “We just can’t be seen together, or we’ll never be able to broker this deal with STS. Our credibility will be shot.”

  “I’m not worried about STS. I want to get back and call Jack, Olivia’s fiancé.” He kissed her knuckles. “Go back to the hotel, talk to Robert, and get your stuff. I want you with me tonight.”

  “I need to go home. To Chicago. I need to see Alex. If Robert agrees to the smaller development, can we set up a meeting with STS? Or do you want to handle talking to them? If you want me present, I’d like to get a meeting scheduled as soon as possible.”

  “If Holcomb agrees, we’ll set something up for tomorrow. If we can get Dodge and a few others on board, it’s as good as done.” He rubbed his thumb along the back of her hand. “Are you having second thoughts? About us?”

  She reached over the console and planted a kiss on his cheek. “No doubts. I’m worried about Ryan. I feel like he’s got a knife to my throat.”

  Tommy’s hand tightened on the wheel. He’d stick that knife in Ryan’s heart if he could. “Let me make some calls. Jack works fast. Hopefully I’ll have an attorney’s name and a meeting set up by the time you get to my place.”

  “I’m trying not to get my hopes up.”

  “We’ve come a long way in twenty-four hours. Give me a few more. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “I’ll give you a lifetime,” Gretchen said.

  Chapter 47

  Gretchen eased away from Tommy as Lower Fork appeared in the distance.

  “I’ll drop you at your car and then head to the restaurant.” He handed her his cell phone. “Plug your number into my phone so I can reach you later. I’m going to have some explaining to do, so I won’t be home for a couple of hours.”

  She felt panicked at the thought of separating, as if that was the end of whatever they’d rekindled. “Okay. What are you going to tell people?”

  “That we went up to Bear Stream, got stuck in the storm, and spent the night at Bosco’s cabin. I’ll tell them the truth, minus a few details.”

  “They were lovely details.”

  “Yes, they were. I won’t be able to kiss you, but I’ll make it up to you tonight.”

  “Don’t you think it’s risky for me to come to your house? What if someone sees us together?”

  “They won’t, and if they do, I don’t give a damn.” When she worried her lip, he said, “Do you think it’ll look better if I come to your hotel?”

  “No. What’s wrong?” Gretchen noticed the pinched look on Tommy’s face.

  “There’re an awful lot of cars in the Tap’s lot for four-thirty.” He turned into the parking lot of Golden Mountain Sports and parked the truck by her car. “I love you. I’ll call you when the coast is clear.”

  “I love you, too.” She brushed his fingers with hers before opening the door and getting out. He waited for her to get inside her freezing car and start the engine before he backed out and crossed the street. Gretchen pulled onto the main road toward Westmoreland, but not before she saw a stunning blonde run into Tommy’s arms.


  “What the hell are you doing here?” Tommy asked Olivia as soon as he peeled her off his chest. “Why aren’t you in Denver?”

  “You weren’t answering your phone, and you didn’t show up for work. I knew something was wrong.”

  They walked arm in arm into the restaurant. “Nothing’s wrong other than a storm that blew in quick. Is Jack with you?”

  “No. He’s back in Denver. Why?”

  “I need a favor.”

  “What kind of favor?” she asked.

  Tommy spotted Lyle and Jack’s sister at the bar talking to Stevie. “I’ll explain later.”

  “Does it have anything do with the woman who got out of your truck or the fact that you smell like sex?” Olivia whispered.

  Tommy bumped her with his hip. “Yes, it does.”

  It took an hour to square things with Stevie and drag Olivia away from Erica and Lyle once they’d announced their engagement. Tommy was desperate for a shower and a moment alone with Olivia. He ushered her to his truck. “You can pick your car up tomorrow. Get in. We need to talk.”

  “What’s going on? Who’s the mystery woman?”

  “Her name’s Gretchen Lowry.” Tommy grit his teeth as he spit out her last name. It wouldn’t be long, he reminded himself, before he gave her his. “We were together in college. Something happened, and we broke up. I didn’t know a lot of the story, but now that I do, we’re back together.” He stared at his sister. “I love her, Olivia. I always have.”

  “Oh my gosh. This is huge. I’ve never heard you say that about anyone.”

  “It’s always been Gretchen. She’s in some trouble.”

  “With the law?”

  “No. Her prick of an ex is trying to take her son. I can’t let that happen. I know Jack pulled some strings to get that attorney down here to help you during your case with the superintendent. Do you think he’ll pull some to help me find the best child support lawyer in Chicago?”

  “Why Chicago?”

  “That’s where she lives.”

  “Of course he can,” Olivia said.

  “I don’t care how much it costs.”

  She ran her hand along his sleeve. “My big brother’s in love. When do I get to meet her?”

  “Tonight. She’s coming up.”

  Olivia rubbed her hands together. “What’s she like?”

  “She’s…beautiful, down to earth, real. She’s humble, and she’s a fighter. She’d put her life on the back burner for ten years to raise her son, and she did it all on her own.”

“You’re proud of her.”

  Tommy pulled into his driveway and pushed a button to open the garage. “I’m going to marry her, but I’ve got to help her son, first.”

  “I never thought I’d see the day. Wow, okay. I’m happy for you. Go take a shower, and I’ll call Jack.”

  Chapter 48

  Gretchen let the phone go into voice mail as she stepped out of the shower. She’d already talked to Alex and Robert. She knew Tommy was calling and she wasn’t ready to talk to him yet. She’d never asked him if he was involved with someone. Why hadn’t she asked? The woman she saw running into his arms didn’t look like an acquaintance or a friend. She had been a lover and a current one from the way she bounded into his arms. Tommy certainly hadn’t pushed her away; he’d hugged her back before setting her feet on the ground and walking inside the restaurant with his arm around her waist.

  Gretchen felt twenty shades a fool for believing they had a future. Tommy had never been alone. He’d admitted he’d had plenty of sex in the last ten years. She didn’t know why she was so surprised to find someone waiting for him with open arms. When the phone rang again, she shoved her arms through the hotel’s robe and stomped over to the nightstand between the two double beds. His name flashed on the screen, and she almost let it go into voice mail again. Almost.

  “Hello?” she said as if she didn’t know he was on the line.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Tommy demanded. “I’ve called you, like, five times in the last hour.”

  “I was in the shower.”

  “For an hour?”

  “What do you want?”

  “Other than you here with me, in my bed, in my arms? I don’t know. Maybe a pizza.”

  She let out a sarcastic chuckle.

  “What’s wrong? Why are you acting this way?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with the busty blonde who jumped you as soon as you got out of your truck at the restaurant. Is there a girlfriend you forgot to mention?”

  “Busty blonde?” Tommy sputtered before he cackled. “Oh, she’s going to hate that.”

  “I don’t think this is funny.”

  “You’re going to think it’s funny when I tell you the busty blonde is my sister.”

  “Olivia?” Gretchen felt twenty shades a fool for being jealous. “I thought she was in Denver.”

  “She was. She figured out I’d gone missing and drove down. I’ve already talked to Jack. He’s got a call into a firm in Chicago. I’m waiting to hear from one of their attorneys.”

  “Tonight? It’s after eight in Chicago.”

  “I told you Jack has pull.”

  “Yes, you did.” Gretchen fell back onto the bed and flung a hand over her face. “I’m sorry about what I said. I should have trusted you.”

  “There’s no one but you. Even if there had been someone else in the picture, she’d be gone. When are you coming out? I want you to meet Olivia.”

  “She’s there?”

  “She’s spending the night. She’ll head back in the morning.”

  “I don’t want to impose,” Gretchen said.

  “You won’t be imposing. Besides, it would be great if you were here when the attorney calls. How soon can you get here?”

  She felt the ends of her wet hair. “Maybe an hour.”

  “Hurry. I’ll have the pizza ready when you arrive.”

  “Tommy?” She waited until he hummed in her ear. “I’m sorry. I love you.”

  “I kinda like that you were jealous. I love you, too. Now hurry up.”

  Gretchen made it to Tommy’s house in under an hour. She was let inside by the busty blonde with bright blue eyes and a porn-worthy body. No wonder she’d been envious.

  “You must be Gretchen?” Olivia said. “I’m Tommy’s sister, the busty blonde.”

  Gretchen closed her eyes as her cheeks flooded with heat. “I’m sorry about that. He shouldn’t have told you.”

  “I’ve been called worse, believe me.” She reached for Gretchen’s hands and squeezed. “I’m so glad to meet you.”

  “You, too. Tommy speaks very highly of you.”

  Olivia cocked her head to the side. “Tommy has never spoken of you until today, which makes me curious. Can you fill in some of the blanks?”

  Gretchen’s stomach clenched. “I suppose that depends on what he’s told you.”

  “Virtually nothing except that you were together in college. You broke up—he won’t say why—and now you’re here and back together.”

  “That about covers it.”

  “Okay, okay,” Olivia said. “I suppose you’re going to have to get to know me better before you confide in me. Whatever the story, I’ve never seen Tommy like this. He’s happy, optimistic, and excited about something other than work. I’ve never seen him in love. It looks good on him.”

  “I love him. Your brother is…He’s a very good man.”

  “One of the best.”

  “I understand you’ve got yourself a keeper in Denver?”

  Olivia’s smile lit up the room. What was it about love that gave people that inner glow? Did Gretchen have it, too? Would Robert and Elise or Alex see that she’d fallen in love? “Oh, yes. I’ve got a keeper. I’ll tell you all about him after I take you to Tommy. He’s on the phone with the attorney, and he wanted to know as soon as you got here.”

  She led Gretchen through the foyer and into a den with a massive stone fireplace, beamed ceiling, and large leather furniture before turning down a hallway. She knocked on a closed door. “Gretchen’s here,” she said before twisting the handle.

  Tommy sat behind a wooden desk with carved legs and waved Gretchen in with a smile. “Hang on a second, Peter.” He cupped a hand over the receiver. “We’ll be right out, Olivia.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she said before closing the door.

  “Hi.” Gretchen drank in the sight of him. He’d showered and shaved, and he looked so breathtakingly handsome in his oatmeal-colored sweater sitting behind the desk with the world at his fingertips. That was how she’d always imagined him: casually successful and the king of his universe—a universe she wanted desperately to be a part of.

  “I’m talking to the attorney. Do you have a copy of your custody agreement?”

  “At home. Why?”

  “He thinks we’ve got a good case, but he’ll need to see the agreement.”

  “I could ask Elise to run by the house,” Gretchen said.

  “Could she get it to him by tomorrow?”


  He winked and lifted his hand from the receiver. “She’s got a copy at home. It shouldn’t be a problem to get it to you tomorrow. I’ll work on getting the witnesses lined up.”After a few more comments, Tommy hung up. “Jack’s a lifesaver.” He stood, walked around the desk, and drew her into his arms. “Hi.” He fit his mouth over hers. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too. I like your sister.”

  “Me, too. I’ll let you get to know her in just a minute.” He ducked his head and kissed her again, that time with purpose.

  “What witnesses were you talking about?” she asked when he pulled back.

  “Peter Barnes, the attorney Jack connected me with, thinks we’ve got a strong case for termination of parental rights.”

  Gretchen shed her coat and tossed it over a wingback chair. She shook her head. “Ryan will never agree to that.”

  “He hasn’t seen his son in almost nine years. According to Peter, even though he’s made his child support payments, his failure to show a reasonable amount of interest or concern in his child’s welfare constitutes grounds for termination.”

  “But he wants to see him now. Did you tell him?”

  “Yes. I also told him he raped you and that he’s under investigation for sex with a minor.”

  “How do we prove that?”

  “He said he’d get someone on the current charges in the morning. I’m going to work on witnesses to testify about what happened w
hen he raped you.”

  “What witnesses?”

  “My mother and your father.”

  “What makes you think they’ll do it? It’s been ten years. They want nothing to do with Alex or me. Why would they testify?”

  “Let me worry about that, okay? We need to get back to Chicago and get this in motion. I’ve got us booked on a flight the day after tomorrow. Does that work?”

  “Yes. I spoke to Robert. He’s mulling over the smaller development. He really wanted two hotels, but I think he’ll settle for one. He said he’d have an answer for me in the morning.”

  “Perfect. I’ve got to wrap some stuff up here with work before we go to Chicago. I’ll call a meeting of STS, and hopefully we can get this thing settled before we go.”

  “Did the attorney think we can stop Ryan before he takes him for the holidays?”

  “Peter thinks that with the current charges levied against Ryan, it shouldn’t be a problem. There’s one more thing.” Tommy put his hands on her shoulders. “Termination of parental rights cases are more inclined to proceed when another person’s willing to adopt. That other person should be a spouse.”

  Gretchen’s hopes dashed. “Obviously I don’t have a spouse.”

  “That’s easy enough to change.” Tommy caressed the sides of her neck. “Gretchen, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Let’s not waste another day, and just do it. Let’s get married.”

  An entire nest of bees buzzed in Gretchen’s stomach. “Are you serious? You haven’t even met Alex yet.”

  “The sooner we’re married, the sooner we can file the adoption papers. It’ll make the whole process run smoother. I’ve already checked online. Both Colorado and the greater Chicago area provide no-wait marriage certificates. I assume you’ll want Alex present, so Chicago makes the most sense.”

  She grabbed her head and spun around. “This is crazy. It’s too fast. You can’t adopt a child you haven’t met.”

  “People adopt children all the time they’ve never met.”


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