Heat of Passion

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Heat of Passion Page 7

by Pamela Yaye

  “I thought attending his reunion would be a great networking opportunity, and I was right. I told everyone I met about the resort, including an attorney to the stars and several pro athletes, and handed out hundreds of business cards.”

  “It sounds like the night was a success.”

  “It was, until Erik tried to kiss me. I turned him down, and he...got rough with me.”

  His eyes darkened, and he spoke through clenched teeth. “What did he do?”

  “I don’t want to go into the details,” she said quietly, fiddling with her silver thumb ring. “I was upset when I left his suite and confided in Gabby about what happened. Word got back to Kim, and she fired Erik the next day. He went to your father and accused me of setting him up.”

  “What a jerk,” he raged, anger blazing in his deep brown eyes. “If I knew where he lived, I’d drive over there and kick his ass.”

  “Fighting doesn’t solve anything.”

  “You’re right, it doesn’t, but guys like Erik deserve a taste of their own medicine.”

  “Don’t worry, I put my self-defense training to good use. When Erik grabbed my hair, I kneed him so hard in the groin he fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes.”

  “You are such a New Yorker,” he teased, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “And proud of it.”

  His touch, along her neck, shoulders and hips, excited her. Robyn was amused by his teasing, turned on by his caress and hungry for one of his slow, sensuous French kisses.

  “I’m glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do if something ever happened to you.”

  Unable to resist, Robyn snuggled against him and inhaled his scent. Being in his arms was amazing, and she relished the quiet, intimate moment they were sharing.

  “Now that I know what went down with Erik, everything makes sense.”

  His words confused her. “What are you talking about?”

  “Your reluctance to date,” he replied, tightening his hold around her waist. “You’re afraid of getting hurt. That’s why you keep pushing me away.”

  You’d be scared, too, if you had a horrible track record with the opposite sex.

  “I’m nothing like Erik. I respect women. I don’t hurt or abuse them.”

  Robyn stepped toward him, gave herself permission to caress his shoulders. Her temperature soared to unimaginable heights when he brushed his lips ever so gently against her cheek. “You have no idea what you do to me. I want you so bad it’s killing me inside.”

  “Kim would never forgive me for—”

  “Screw Kim. She doesn’t know shit about loyalty.”

  Robyn dropped her hands at her sides and examined Sean’s face. His steely glare and the bitter contempt in his voice troubled her. Then it struck her—why he’d brought her dinner, why he was pursuing her, why he wouldn’t take no for an answer. She felt horrible for even thinking it, guilty for lumping Sean in with all the other no-good men in her past, but the truth was staring right in her face. It was so glaringly obvious she wondered why she hadn’t figured it out sooner.

  “This isn’t about me,” she said, as all the pieces of the puzzle began to fit. “This is about you and your need for revenge. You’re using me to get back at Kim. Just admit it.”

  “Are you out of your damn mind?”

  Robyn glared back at him, didn’t wither under his intense stare. “Don’t talk to me like that. I’m not one of the bimbos you routinely hook up with, and I won’t let you disrespect me.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said quietly.

  Robyn stared at him, unsure of what to do next. Then he touched her, tenderly brushed his fingers against her cheek, and her anger dissolved.

  “Let me make myself perfectly clear, so there’s no confusion later. My feelings for you have nothing to do with Kim, my parents or the resort.” He spoke softly, with such genuine emotion, her ears perked up. “I need you in my life, and I’m not afraid to admit it.”

  Electricity crackled in the air, engulfed every inch of the apartment. Robyn felt it, and she knew he did, too, when he trailed a finger down her shoulder. Earlier, while Sean was setting the table for dinner, she’d changed into a short, sleeveless sundress. Her outfit wasn’t sexy, but that’s how she felt every time Sean touched her.

  She had to force her thoughts to form, her words to pass her suddenly dry lips. “Things are moving too fast.”

  “We didn’t meet a couple days ago,” he pointed out. “We’ve know each other for years.”

  Robyn couldn’t dispute that.

  “I’ve had feelings for you from day one, but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “Because I’m older and wiser, and I know exactly what I want. It’s you, Robyn.”

  Sure you do, until someone prettier and sexier catches your eye.

  “I won’t give up on us,” he vowed, lowering his face to hers.

  Pressing her hands flat against his chest, she stepped back, out of reach, tried valiantly to keep him at bay. “There is no ‘us.’”

  “You’re wrong. There is.”

  Robyn opened her mouth, but her protest died on her lips. Before she knew what was happening, Sean grabbed her waist, spun her around and backed her up against the wall.

  “I have feelings for you, and I won’t stop until you’re mine.”

  Chapter 7

  The kiss was a hard, sensual assault on Robyn’s mouth, but she didn’t pull away from Sean. It was a perfect kiss, a wonderful surprise. She’d been secretly lusting after him for years—ever since the first time they met—and she wouldn’t trade being in his arms for anything.

  Goose bumps spread like wildfire across her flesh as his tongue slid inside her mouth. Her brain quit working, and all she could do was feel. She was running on pure emotion, and her body was aflame, a raging inferno that couldn’t be contained. Robyn felt alive, more desirable than ever before, and Sean was the reason why. She’d never been kissed with such passion, such hunger, and she was so overwhelmed by her emotions she moaned into his mouth.

  “You’re beautiful,” Sean praised between kisses. “A breathtaking masterpiece.”

  “You’re just saying that to get into my panties.” Robyn felt her eyes widen and heat stain her cheeks. Had those words actually come out of her mouth? She’d answered without thinking and regretted her saucy quip the moment it reached her ears.

  “Keep talking dirty, and I’ll spank you for being a bad girl.”

  Meeting his smoldering gaze, she flashed a cheeky smile. “Is that a promise?”

  His mouth reclaimed her mouth, boldly possessed it, and Robyn collapsed against him. Sean wreaked havoc on her body, did things with his lips, tongue and hands that shocked and impressed her. Robyn didn’t peg him as the type to share his feelings, but he wasn’t afraid to open up to her. He told her how much he desired her and lavished her with compliments. Being with him felt right, as if they were meant to be together, but since Robyn didn’t want to scare Sean off, she kept her thoughts to herself.

  Seconds passed, then minutes, with no end in sight to the kiss. It was magic, a dream come true. Sean’s caresses drove Robyn insane. His hands rode up her thighs, stroked her body with loving tenderness. An amazing sensation flowed through her. Losing herself in the moment, she relished the pleasure of his kiss and the warmth of his touch.

  Unable to fight her feelings any longer, she pressed herself against him, her breasts meeting the hard plane of his chest. She wanted more of him, needed more and wasn’t afraid to show it. Robyn touched him, stroked his lean physique. She didn’t dare hold back. Not now. Not when she desired Sean more than anything and yearned to please him.

  Taking the silver bobby pin out of her updo, he b
uried his hands in her tumbling hair. He cherished her, gave her what she wanted, needed, what her body craved. His tongue probed her mouth, teased and tickled her own, and it took everything in Robyn not to cry out in ecstasy.

  Emboldened by his kiss, Robyn gave herself permission to touch the places she’d fantasized about—his nipples, his abs, his butt. Her breathing picked up. The more Robyn stroked Sean, the harder it was to control herself. She was losing it, quickly coming undone, and there was nothing she could do about it. The thrill, the pleasure of stroking his body was the ultimate turn-on.

  Sean grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. As he held them, he lavished her mouth, neck and earlobes with kisses. Pleasure radiated throughout her body, made tingles careen down her spine. He claimed her mouth with his own, made love to it with his skillful tongue. His hot, passionate kiss stole every thought from her mind. Robyn felt as if she was outside herself, off in a different world.

  “I’ve been dreaming about making love to you every night since the last time I was here,” he murmured, brushing his mouth against hers. His voice was as smooth as honey; his lips tasted just as sweet. “I hope you’ve been thinking about me, too.”

  I have, and I’m so happy you’re here I can’t wipe this smile off my face.

  But she couldn’t give voice to the thought. Her mouth wanted to do nothing but kiss Sean.

  He didn’t wait for her reply. “I feel like a kid in a candy store. There’s so much to see and taste and discover.” Slipping a hand under her sundress, he caressed her flesh, stroked her nipples through her satin push-up bra until they were erect and throbbing in need. “You feel so damn good.”

  His touch stole her breath, and Robyn was so turned on by his words she wanted to throw him on the couch, climb onto his lap and ride him until he begged her to stop.

  “The body never lies.” Continuing his sensual assault, he lifted her dress, and placed a finger inside her black thong and stroked her sex. A devilish grin sparked in his eyes and played on his lips. “See, you’re wet for me. Wet and eager to please. Right, baby?”

  Tremors rocked Robyn’s body. Words didn’t come. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and a moan fell from her lips. She loved what Sean was doing with his hands and prayed he wouldn’t stop. His fingers were her undoing; his stroke was what pushed her over the edge. She tumbled into a climax so intense her knees wobbled, and she had to clutch his shoulders so she wouldn’t slide to the floor.

  Robyn rode his fingers, furiously rocked against them, draining every last second of her orgasm, until finally, she was able to form coherent thought. They’d officially crossed the line, passed the point of no return. This time when Sean undressed her she wouldn’t panic, wouldn’t ask him to leave. She’d make love to him, would fulfill his every desire. Why not? They liked each other, had amazing chemistry, and if the past few minutes was any indication of what was to come, she was in for one hell of a ride.

  The thought made Robyn giddy with excitement. It was high time she did something wild and spontaneous. And why not do it with Sean? Kim and Gabby were out, living it up with their significant others, so it was only fair Robyn have some fun, too. And I will, she decided, licking the rim of Sean’s ear. I’m going to do him like he’s never been done before.

  Robyn had everything figured out, liked the plan that took shape in her mind. They’d make love, maybe have a shower, and then she’d send Sean on his way, because if Kim saw him leaving her suite tomorrow morning, there’d be hell to pay. Robyn didn’t want to end up at the unemployment office. The Belleza Resort had no rival, no equal, and she was proud to be the lead event planner of the number-one resort in California.

  Sean smiled, and it dazzled her. “Bringing you dinner tonight was the smartest thing I’ve ever done.”

  “I don’t want to hurt Kim or your parents,” Robyn said, fighting to catch her breath. “They can never, ever find out about this.”

  “I don’t want to talk about them. I want to talk about you.”

  Sean slid a second finger inside her panties and smiled triumphantly when another moan fell from her lips. Robyn knew she should pull away, knew that was the right thing to do, but she didn’t have the willpower it required. She wanted him, craved him in ways even she didn’t understand, and she was determined to have him. He seemed to take great pleasure in pleasing her, and whispered sweet words in her ears.

  Like firecrackers, pleasure exploded inside her body, and several seconds passed before her breathing slowed. It took supreme effort, everything she had not to rip Sean’s clothes from his body and ride him until the break of dawn. Robyn hadn’t been intimate with a man in years, and she relished the pleasure of being in his arms.

  “What’s your fantasy?” Sean asked her, breaking into her thoughts.

  You mean, besides making love to you all over my apartment?

  Robyn licked her lips, then drew a deep breath. It was hard to concentrate with Sean’s fingers between her legs, hard to think about anything but how good he was making her feel. She struggled to find the words. “I—I don’t know,” she stammered. “I’ve never given it much thought.”

  “Of course you have. Everyone does.” He stared deep into her eyes as if he was trying to reach her hidden thoughts, then leaned forward until their heads were touching. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Robyn. Fantasies are a sign of a healthy imagination, and since you’re the most creative person I know, I bet your fantasies are epic.”

  “No, not really. They’re pretty typical—” Robyn broke off speaking, but it was too late to cram the words back into her mouth.

  Sean looked proud, as if he’d just hit a home run, and spoke in a deep, husky tone of voice. “Now we’re getting somewhere,” he said with a grin. “Tell me.”

  Her lips were dry, her throat, too, but she told him the truth, something she’d only shared with her friends over cocktails. “I’ve always fantasized about having sex in a luxury car.”

  “I have several. Take your pick.”

  The twinkle in his eye and the mischievous expression on his face was a turn-on. She wasn’t aggressive by nature, but her desire for Sean was so powerful she ripped off his shirt, pushed it over his shoulders and stroked his lean, ripped torso.

  “Anywhere else?”

  “A swimming pool.”

  “I have one.” His smile widened. “We’ll have to make your fantasies a reality soon.”

  You won’t get any protests out of me!

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me right now?” Sean took her hand and placed it on his erection. “Do you feel that? How hard I am for you?”

  Robyn was silent for a moment, as still as a mannequin. She didn’t know what to say and feared she’d trip over her tongue if she spoke. Her heart belonged to Sean, her body, too, and she’d do anything to please him, even step out of her comfort zone.

  Robyn heard her cell phone ringing, but she ignored it. Being with Sean was all that mattered, and she didn’t want anything to ruin the mood. Cupping his face in her hands, she kissed him deeply with all the hunger and passion thrumming in her veins. He made her feel desirable in a way she’d never felt before, and Robyn sensed it was going to be a night she’d never forget.

  A heady scent swirled around the room, like a sweet, fragrant mist, and the air was charged with desire. Pressing her mouth to his skin, she kissed his flesh from his neck to his chest and back again. Hearing his groans boosted her confidence, gave Robyn the encouragement she needed to take the next step.

  Eager to please, she knelt before him and unbuttoned his shorts with her teeth.

  “Damn, where did you learn to do that?”

  Robyn wore an innocent face. “The Kama Sutra.”

  “Do you know any other tricks?”

  “If you play your cards right I might show you a thing or two.�

  Tossing aside his shorts, she freed his erection from his black boxer briefs. Her mouth watered at the sight of his package. It was long and thick, standing at attention to greet her. Robyn tasted him with the tip of her tongue, flicked it playfully against him.

  Robyn licked his erection as if it was a chocolate ice-cream cone. She gripped his butt to keep him right where she wanted him and swirled her tongue around his length. She raised her gaze to find Sean watching her with admiration in his eyes. Knowing that she was pleasing him made Robyn feel proud.

  Nipping at his package with her teeth, she used her hands to massage his body. Robyn took him deeper into her mouth, and she felt strong, empowered, like a badass chick at the top of her game.

  Sean buried his hands in her hair. He groaned her name over and over again as his body shuddered. Excited, Robyn sucked him harder, faster. Sean was losing his cool, unraveling right before her eyes, and she got a kick out of watching her strong, virile lover lose control.

  Then, with his hand on her shoulders, he pulled her up to her feet. Why was he stopping her? She wanted to give him the pleasure he’d given her before. But she could form no protest as he smothered her lips with his own. He held her in his hands, caressed her like a potter molding clay. “Let’s go to bed,” he whispered against her mouth.

  Desperate for him, she took his hands. “Right this way, sexy.”

  But having been to her condo before, Sean knew where the master bedroom was and led her down the darkened hallway, kissing her every step of the way.

  Entering the bedroom, he flipped on the lights with one hand and closed the door with the back of his foot. In no time their clothes were removed and thrown to the ground, littering the plush, beige carpet.

  He lovingly massaged her breasts, kissed each erect nipple. Robyn cried out, clung to him for fear of losing control. She had an insatiable thirst for Sean and couldn’t get enough of his touch, his kiss. “I don’t know about you,” he murmured, sliding his hands over her butt and giving it a hard squeeze. “But I’m ready for the main event.”


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