Zombie Havoc (Book 1): In The Beginning

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Zombie Havoc (Book 1): In The Beginning Page 1

by McRaven, Vikki

  From the Author of:

  Tori’s Love Triangle Series:

  You’re The One

  Baby, You’ll Never Be Alone

  Hopefully Forever

  He’s Better For You

  Finally, My Fairy Tale Love Story…

  My Celebrity Life Series:

  My Celebrity Crush

  My Celebrity Runaway

  Other Novels:

  Chloe’s Choice

  Moving Back Home

  She Finally Finds Her Moxie and Fights Back

  Sofia, You’re Not Finished Yet…

  Her Perfect Life…Gone in a Split Second

  Erotic Novella:

  From Chef’s Special to Dessert

  Chapter 1

  Harley and Isaac Craven

  As I’m standing at the kitchen counter, drinking my coffee and waiting for the toast in the toaster to pop, I feel arms wrap around my waist and wet lips on my neck. I begin to giggle as I turn around to kiss my handsome husband, Isaac. I wrap my arms around his neck as I plant my lips on his, “Why good morning, sexy husband.”

  “Good morning, beautiful wife.” He says in a loud whisper, with an ear to ear smile on his face as he gazes into my eyes with his warm, brown eyes.

  I turn around as I hear the toast pop up, I drop it on the plate as I burn my fingertips. I grab a knife as I spread butter on it, then I set it next to Isaac who’s pouring himself some coffee.

  As Isaac picks up the plate and grabs his coffee as he sits down at the table and begins reading the newspaper. He looks up at me with wondering eyes, “So, do you have anything planned for today?”

  I shrug my shoulders, “Um…I’m not sure yet. I was thinking about working on some of my artwork that I’ve been working on and checking out some local galleries. I’ve heard from some other local artists about a couple of local galleries in the area, so I thought I’d bring some of my work and try to get them accepted in.”

  “Good luck. I hope it works out for you. I’m sure they’ll take one look at your artwork and fall in love, just like I did.” He winks at me.

  I shrug, “I hope so. It’s such a hard industry to get into.”

  Isaac nods in agreement, “Yeah, anything like that is.” He looks at his watch, “Ugh, I need to get going.” He brings his plate and mug to the counter, then grabs his wallet and keys, walks over to me and plants a warm kiss on my lips, “I’ll see you after work, good luck today.”

  I kiss him as I smile at him, “Thanks, I’ll definitely need it.”

  “You’ll be great!” He declares as he walks out the front door.

  I walk over to the mini television sitting on our kitchen counter as I stand there, eating my toast while I’m drinking my coffee.

  ‘There’s been catastrophic devastation all over Russia and Europe as Zombie-like creatures have been walking the streets, eating people alive. The International Disease Administration hasn’t commented yet on what kind of disease this is or what kind of precautions to take. All they are saying right now to Europeans and Russians, is to stay indoors, don’t go anywhere.’

  I just stand there, staring at the television with deer in headlight eyes, taking all this information in. I grab my phone and call Isaac, “Hey babe. Have you watched or heard the news? There’s Zombie-like creatures roaming around Russia and Europe, eating people alive! What is that?”

  “It’s okay babe, I’m sure it’s nothing. There’s no such thing as Zombies and I’m sure whatever it is, the Disease Administration will find a cure for it.”

  “But, what if it comes to the United States? What do we do then?”

  “Babe, it won’t come to the United States. They’d have to swim across the ocean to get here. We’ll be fine. I’m sure they’re exaggerating about it. There’s no such thing as Zombies. Okay? Don’t worry about it. Just go to those art galleries and kick some butt…okay?”

  I nod in agreement, “Okay. I’ll see you later, love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  I hang up the phone, then walk over to the television, staring at the news, then I turn it off. I shake my head, “That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. Zombie-like creatures?” I shake my head as I let out a little giggle.

  I finish up my breakfast while I read the newspaper. Then when I’m done, I go upstairs to take a shower.

  As I’m standing in the shower, with the almost hot water cascading down my back, I keep thinking about the Zombie-like creatures on the news. What if there really were Zombie-like creatures roaming the streets? What would we do? I don’t know how to fight Zombies. I know how to fire a gun, but I’ve never actually fired a gun to kill. I wouldn’t have the first clue on how to fight them. I would die right away, I would never survive in a Zombie Apocalypse. I’d end up being one of the Zombies walking around.

  I get out of the shower as I get ready to take my artwork to the gallery. I grab some of my paintings, my purse, my cell phone, keys and out the door I go.


  I unlock the door to my house after I arrive home from the art gallery. I walk into the kitchen to start preparing spaghetti for dinner.

  As I’m waiting for the water to boil before I add the noodles, I turn on the mini kitchen television. ‘The widespread devastation of the Zombie-like creatures has spread to Africa now. Herds of Zombies are roaming around, eating people alive! They are stomping through people’s yards, knocking down and stomping over fences, pushing over cars. There’s panic and chaos all over two continents right now! Everybody on those two continents should stay indoors! Do not leave your houses! Do not use public transportation! There’s a no travel alert at this time until the International Disease Administration can come up with a cure for this Zombie-like disease that’s beginning to take over the world!’

  As I’m watching the news, I suddenly feel a surge of panic rush through my body. Oh, my God! What are we going to do? We can’t leave the country, we can’t run and hide.

  I hear the front door open and shut. I rush towards Isaac as he’s walking towards me. I run into his arms. “Hey Harley, what’s wrong?”

  I look into his eyes, “That Zombie-like disease has spread to Africa!”

  He looks at me dumbfounded, “Okay…and…?”

  “It’s spreading! What if it comes over here? What will we do? I don’t know how to fight, I’ve never fought before! Well, I know how to fight, I’ve just never actually fought anybody or anything before…anyway…what do we do?”

  He chuckles as he shakes his head, “Babe, it’s not going to come over here. Stop stressing about it. We’re safe. With the International Disease Administration working on it and our Homeland Security on it, we’ll be fine. Okay? Don’t worry.” He puts his hands on my cheeks as he gazes into my eyes with his warm, brown, reassuring eyes.

  He always knows how to calm me down, “You’re right. There’s a lot of people working on it to keep it from spreading, we’ll be fine.” As I hear myself I’m saying it, I’m not too sure I’m believing it.

  He smiles at me as he continues gazing into my eyes, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you no matter what happens in this world. I would never let anything happen to you.”

  I smile as I put my hands on his hands, which are still on my cheeks, “I know you will. I trust you.” I trust him, but how in the world is he planning on fighting off a herd of Zombies? I hope he’s right and they won’t make it here.

  “Oh...I need to finish making dinner.” I give him a kiss as I turn around and walk back into the kitchen to make the spaghetti for dinner.

  “Okay, I’m going to go change my clothes. I’ll be out in a few minutes.�
� He turns around and walks towards the bedroom.

  As I’m making dinner, I still can’t stop thinking about what’s going on around the world at this moment.

  Isaac walks into the kitchen, “Wow, it smells good in here.” he says as he sniffs the air.

  “Spaghetti and garlic bread.” I say with a smile as I bring the basket of garlic bread to the table.

  “You seriously can’t go wrong with spaghetti and garlic bread.” He gives me a kiss on the lips.

  I smile at him, “Well, dinner’s ready if you are.”

  He walks to the fridge and opens it, “Just need a bottle of wine to go with dinner, then I’ll be ready.”

  “There’s an unopen bottle of chardonnay in there.”

  “Oohhh…here it is.” He pulls the chardonnay out of the fridge, opens a drawer and grabs the wine key to open the chardonnay. Then he grabs two wine glasses and pours two glasses of wine. He picks them up and carries them to the table. We both end up sitting down at the same time.

  Isaac looks at me curiously, “Hey, I almost forgot to ask you how the art gallery went?”

  I smile at him, “It went well. They actually took all my paintings, well, except one, and they even set up a little area on their wall, just for me.” I reply with excitement.

  He smiles with his ear to ear smile, “Wow! That is awesome! I told you that you were good. I knew that you’d get into an art gallery eventually. You will be a famous artist someday.”

  I smile shyly at him, “I wouldn’t say that.”

  “I think that you’re the best.”

  I nod, “Well, I guess your opinion means the most to me anyway, so thank you, Isaac, I appreciate your opinion.”

  “Good, I’m glad to hear that you appreciate my opinion.” He says with a wink.

  After dinner, Isaac cleans off the table and counters and wipes them down as I load the dishwasher. After we’re done we walk over to the television set as we watch our television shows.


  The next morning as I’m drinking my coffee, I turn on the kitchen television to check on the status of this Zombie outbreak to see if they were able to get it under control. I stand there watching the progress that the Zombies have made…Isaac was wrong!

  ‘Everybody needs to stay in their homes! Do not travel! Millions of people are fleeing the cities and getting trapped on the highways in road jams and pile-ups while Zombie-like herds are walking down the streets eating anyone who gets in their way! Everybody needs to stay home! Do not leave your house! There is an International Travel Warning! All public transportation has come to a halt! The Zombie-like virus has reached the east coast of the United States! Repeat…The Zombie-like virus has reached the east coast of the United States!’ Then the screen goes black.

  I just stand there…still…dumbfounded.

  Isaac comes up behind me, wraps his arms around my waist as he kisses my neck. I just stand there, staring at the blank screen, not being able to move, not being able to speak, not being able to think. He stops kissing me as he turns me around to face him. “Harley? Are you okay?”

  I just stand there, staring at him, “The Zombies made it to the United States.”

  Isaac looks at me confused, “What?”

  “The Zombies made it to the east coast of the United States?”

  Isaac lets out a little chuckle, “That’s impossible.” He steps towards the television to turn it on, but all the channels are black. Then he looks at me puzzled, “Who said that?”

  “The news.”

  Isaac walks towards the window and looks outside. Then he walks back towards me, “There’s no Zombies outside. Everything looks normal. The guy across the street just got into his car wearing his work clothes.”

  I shrug my shoulders, “Maybe he doesn’t know yet. Maybe he doesn’t watch television in the morning.”

  Isaac looks at me with concern, “I’m sure that everything is fine.” He walks over to the coffee maker and pours himself a cup of coffee. He looks over at me side-eyed as he grabs bread and puts it into the toaster. I just continue standing there, in shock.

  He walks back over to me, “Listen Harley, how about when I get home from work today, we’ll discuss a just in case plan, okay?”

  I look at him with horror, “You’re going to work today? You can’t go to work? You could die out there!”

  Isaac chuckles, “Look outside, Harley. Nothing is going on out there. I understand that they said the east coast. We’re in Arizona. I’m sure the military will stop these Zombies in no time at all. Now listen, when I get home, we’ll come up with a plan, okay?”

  I grab his arm, “You cannot go to work today! I’m serious, stay home! They are warning people to stay home! They don’t want people out there!”

  Isaac shakes his head, “So, you want me to call work and tell them that I need to stay home from work today because of Zombies?”

  I nod as I reply affirmatively, “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  He puts his hands on my cheeks as he gazes into my eyes, “Harley, I’m not staying home from work. We will finish this conversation when I get home from work, okay?”

  I shake my head as tears fall from my eyes, “Please, don’t go.”

  He plants a kiss on my lips, “Everything will be fine, okay.”

  After he’s done kissing me, I walk into the kitchen and grab the biggest knife from the knife block and hand it to him, “Here, take this, keep this with you at all times. Just in case you come across a Zombie.” I say with seriousness in my voice.

  He bursts out laughing, “Seriously? You want me to carry this knife around with me all day?”

  I nod, “Yes, I do.” I reply adamantly.

  He shakes his head, “Fine, if it will make you feel better, I’ll take it to work with me.” He grabs his toast out of the toaster and butters it. He grabs a travel coffee mug and walks towards the front door. He turns towards me and smiles, “I love you, Harley.”

  I look at him with concern as tears fall down my cheeks, “I love you too, Isaac.”


  After Isaac left for work, I walked around the house getting it Zombie ready. Anything that I could use as a weapon, I set out on the kitchen table. I found a baseball bat, knives, a bowling pin (I have no idea where that came from), a lamp base, a couple of hammers. I also looked for food that would be easy to eat in case we lose electricity. Actually, the electricity has been flickering all day, so I went searching for candles, lighters and matches also. I put sticks in the windows so that they couldn’t be opened from the outside. In Zombie times, you need to be prepared.

  I look at the clock, Isaac should be home in a couple of hours. I hope he’s okay.

  I walk over to the television in the kitchen as I decide to find something to snack on. Getting ready for the Zombie Apocalypse sure takes a lot out of you. I wonder if the television stations are back on or not. I push the power button…nothing. I check all the channels…still nothing. Ugh! I wonder how bad it’s getting out there. I sure hope that Isaac is still okay.

  I look out the window, up and down the street and at neighbor’s houses. I see someone walking kind of funny in the distance. Like they’re limping, like they’re hurt.

  Wait…I found binoculars earlier! Where did I put them? I walk over to the kitchen table to see if I put them there…nope. Not here. I walk into the kitchen and look around…here they are. Why are they next to the coffee maker? Weird.

  I take the binoculars with me to the window to see who that is walking down the street. I look through the binoculars and zero in on the person who’s limping down the street. Wait…that’s not a normal person! That’s…that’s…I think that’s a Zombie! Their eyes are a weird color, like almost white, they have a gray tint to their skin…and they have blood all over their mouth! Shit!

  I stand there in shock. What do I do? Do I do something? Do I do anything? I run over to my cell phone that I have charging on the kitchen
counter (I wanted to make sure that it was all the way charged in case we lost electricity), I grab it as I try to call Isaac.

  Nothing happens. Shit! I try again. Nothing. Ugh! Don’t tell me there’s no cell service! Oh God! Now I’m officially in panic mode! I start pacing in circles between my living room and kitchen. Okay, what do I do now? I grab the baseball bat, because it’s the longest item of all the items I found to use as weapons. I walk back towards the window. I put the binoculars back up to my eyes and as I watch the Zombie walking down the street. Okay, I think he’s going to walk past our house. Good. I scan down the street with the binoculars, past the Zombie. OH, MY GOD! THERE’S MORE BEHIND HIM! One…two…three…four…five…six! Six more Zombies behind the first! Oh God! What do I do?

  I don’t know how smart these Zombies are, or what they know, or what they’re capable of, well, besides eating people who are in front of them. I go around and lock all the doors and shut all the curtains. I peak through the front window curtain, so I can keep an eye on them. The Zombies sure do walk slow, the six other ones are still a way’s down the street as the first one has already passed. I look in the other direction and see my neighbor lady walking out to the end of her driveway, bending down to start picking her weeds. What the heck is she doing? Does she not know what’s going on right now? I stand there, watching her nonchalantly picking her weeds as if it’s okay to be outside right now.

  I look in the opposite direction as I see the Zombies getting closer to us. Oh, my God. Should I do something? How do I let her know to get back into her house if I don’t leave my house or should I try to yell at her to get inside?

  I put the binoculars back to my eyes. Ugh! They’re getting closer. I need to do something. I try pounding on my window to try and get her attention, but she doesn’t look up at me. I pace around for a moment. Think Harley think. I unlock my front door and open it, “Mrs. Peterson!” She doesn’t look at me. “Mrs. Peterson!” She still doesn’t look at me. I look over at the Zombies, who seem to have heard me. Shit! They look like they are slightly changing their direction towards my house. SHIT! I look back at Mrs. Peterson who’s still picking weeds at the end of her yard. So, stupid me decides to yell this time, “MRS. PETERSON! ZOMBIES! GET IN YOUR HOUSE!”


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