Rhys (Secrets Book 1)

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Rhys (Secrets Book 1) Page 9

by D. B. James

  In my own stupidity, I never considered for one moment that Smith could have someone working with him. Someone who knew about his torture warehouse.

  Someone who could free Smith.

  Someone who could come after me.

  It’s well into evening before we make it back to Grand Rapids, and we’re both dead tired from the lack of sleep the night before. I’ve given Mikey the name of a hotel less than five minutes away from my place. I’d offer for him to crash with me, but he’s never stepped inside my house and I’d like to keep it that way. Plus, well…Averill.

  When I powered my personal phone back up on our way back into Michigan, I had a slew of missed text messages from her. Not wanting Mikey to see any of them, I dimmed my screen to as dark as possible before I read them and replied.

  Tiger Lily: Good morning, handsome.

  Tiger Lily: Is calling you handsome considered flirting? Yeah, I guess it is. I may as well admit defeat, right? I said one night, and we technically didn’t have it.

  Tiger Lily: I’d like dinner.

  Tiger Lily: It’s midafternoon now, where the hell are you?

  Tiger Lily: Did you fly to California already? Wait, I’m AT your house. You would have come to pack a bag, right? RIGHT?

  Tiger Lily: This not answering me shit was cute for all of ten minutes. Answer me or dinner is off the table. No rain checks, ever. I’m leaving your house in, 3…2…1…

  That one comes is as I am reading her texts, so I quickly reply.

  Me: You’re not going anywhere. Stay put. Or else. I’ll be home in twenty.

  Tiger Lily: Or else, what?

  Me: I’ll spank your pretty ass.

  Tiger Lily: You wouldn’t dare!

  Me: Wouldn’t I?

  Tiger Lily: …

  Me: Are you dressed?

  Tiger Lily: Again, …

  Me: How is … a response? It’s a non-response.

  Tiger Lily: …

  Me: Five.

  Tiger Lily: Five, what?

  Me: Spankings for you.

  Tiger Lily: If you’re going to spank me, I’m leaving, and I’m taking the sweet blue car I found parked in the garage.

  Me: If you take Mystique anywhere, I really will spank you, Averill. I’ll be home in twenty. See you then.

  Tiger Lily: Sigh, fine. Is Mystique her name?

  Choosing to pocket my phone instead of replying, I turn to glance at Mikey. He’s smiling like he knows I was texting a woman. He doesn’t, or shouldn’t anyway.

  “Were you talking to the chick from last night?”


  “I get it, you don’t want to let me in more than you did earlier. It’s okay. You’re moving, it’s for the best.” Only he doesn’t get it, and I’m not moving. I’m moving on from this life, yes, but I’ll still be living in my house, still be living my life in Grand Rapids—the life I was always meant to live, before everything changed.

  “Would you mind calling the hotel you suggested for me and asking if I can check in right away? I’m ready to pass out.”

  “No, I don’t mind.”

  Asking Siri for their number, I call the hotel and make a reservation for Mikey, double-checking to make sure he can have access to his room as soon as he arrives. Once they verify he can, I hang up. He’ll be sleeping shortly after dropping me off.

  “Listen, I won’t say anything about what happened to the boss, okay? You were justified in your actions. I wanted to help and I was more than okay with him being taken down like he was.”

  His words are like a vice grip on my heart. It proves to me that after the last few years, Mikey actually is on my side. He can be trusted. I always thought he couldn’t be, but he can be. He’s proven it.

  “I’d never ask that of you. I’ll tell him the truth, when I see him on Tuesday. Smith was a monster and deserved punishment for his sins. He merited more than he received, but it was enough for now. He’ll get his one day, not from me, but from someone. I’m asking Martinelli if I can be released because I’m moving. He may not grant me what I’m asking for, but I’m asking for it.” Shrugging, I add in, “My nearly killing Smith was the last thing I’ll ever do for this family. I need out before it kills me. It’s nearly taken my whole soul as it is. I can’t continue to let it eat me alive.”

  He pulls into my driveway, sees the lights blazing through the front windows, and knows they weren’t on when he picked me up all those hours ago.

  “Ah, you don’t live alone.” He doesn’t ask; it’s a statement.

  “Actually, I do. A friend is staying over this weekend, a buddy from high school and my army days. He’s been here for a few days on business.”

  Please do not walk by the windows, Averill. Stay hidden in one of the other rooms. Don’t make me out to be a liar. She must hear my pleas because for the few seconds it takes for me to slide out of the truck and him to back out of the driveway, she doesn’t make an appearance. I don’t attempt to go inside yet, because I know if I did, she’d have to walk by the front windows and he’d see her.

  Unlocking the door, I call out to her while taking off my boots.


  “Rhys? It hasn’t been nearly twenty minutes. Whoever was driving broke some speed limit laws to get you here, because I had a timer set, buddy. Once it went off I was going to take Mystique and scoot on out of here.”

  “Oh, you were, were you?”



  “Yes?” It comes out a squeak, like she knows she’s in for it.


  Giving her a two-second head start, I give chase. Never before in my life have I felt this…playful, this alive. Before she came tumbling back into my life, I wore my sadness for the whole world to see. Now? Now I seem to be bursting with happiness, but only when thinking about her or in her presence. She’s my happiness.

  As cheesy as it sounds, I think I knew it when we were kids. When she moved away, a part of myself moved away with her…the part I’m now finding again.

  She’s giggling when I catch her and tumble her onto the bed.

  “I like you like this.” She laughs up at me, her whiskey eyes blazing with fire.

  “How do you mean?”


  “You make me happy.” It’s the truth. We both know it. She’s running from it, but I’m running toward it. She can keep fighting me as long as she wants, and I’ll be here pushing her forward as long as it takes. Deep down, she knows she belongs with me.

  “You make me happy too.” It comes out in a rush, almost a whisper.

  Gently stroking a hand down her face, I place a soft kiss on her forehead. “I’m exhausted. If you’d like to stay again, you’re more than welcome. I’d love to hold you in my arms all night, baby.”

  I’ve been awake for nearly 48 hours, and the run to catch her has done me in.

  “I’ll stay on one condition,” she says while wrinkling her nose. “You have to take a shower, because holy hell do you stink.”

  Laughing softly, I agree. “Deal, baby.”

  I’m surprised she stayed at my house all day, and from the looks of it, she burrowed in. My laptop was resting open on the living room coffee table, the television was on, and the kitchen lights are blazing. I love her making herself at home here. I’d love nothing more than to see it happen more and more.

  “You know, you could take a shower with me,” I suggest.

  “No thanks, I’ve already taken one. Besides, you offered to cuddle me tonight—only cuddle, Rhys. A shower wouldn’t involve cuddling and we both know it. Now go wash the stench off or I’m making good on my promise to steal your precious Mystique.”

  “Those are fighting words, woman. No one threatens to take Mystique out for a ride but me. But, if you’re good, I may take you for a ride in her. Not tonight, but if you don’t work tomorrow, we could do it then. Tessa could come along, if you like.”

  Wrinkling her nose up at me again, she makes a
face of disgust, plugs her nose, and motions for me to get off of her and go take a shower. It was easy to forget about the smell once we were in that warehouse for a few minutes, easy to forget about everything after a while.

  Easy to forget I wasn’t a killing machine once Smith mentioned he’d raped a woman. I was this close to becoming what the army turned me into: a monster as lethal as Smith, as deadly. He needs to consider himself lucky I didn’t kill him. Right about now, I know he’s waking up to all of the pain. He’s looking at the keys across the room and wondering how he’ll get out.

  He’s plotting my death.

  Bring it on, Smith.

  Bring it on.

  Dropping Averill off the next morning wasn’t in my plans at all. My plans included her, me, and Mystique. Sadly, Tessa called her away, and I understand—I do. She does have a business to run. It’s more my being a selfish bastard and not wanting to give up what precious alone time I do have with her.

  Especially after meeting Smith.

  I shudder thinking about the guy. His name brings a powerful chill over my body, and I feel it in my bones. And to think, I knew he was bad by hearing his voice. If only I would’ve found more innocents in his playhouse. Saving one was worth it, but saving several…man, I don’t want to think about how much better saving more would’ve made me feel. A bit more…complete, maybe?

  Being that it’s Monday and I have a flight out to San Diego to schedule, I go about getting my affairs in order for my trip and while I’ll be away. My first order of business is to call Ryan to inform him I won’t be around much this week like originally planned. I’m sure he’ll be okay with it; he has quite a few cases to clean up before leaving his current firm anyway.

  Grabbing my laptop, I bring up a travel site, looking for the earliest flight to San Diego tomorrow morning. My meeting is at nine AM, and if I can’t find a direct flight there, I may have to take a red-eye flight tonight and book a hotel to be able to make it in time. Or you could always call your mom, stay there for a night. As soon as the thought enters my brain, I let it slip right back out. Not happening.

  Plopping down on the couch and relaxing deep into the cushions, I begin search after search looking for flights. Looks like the only fit would be to fly into LAX, rent a car, and drive down to San Diego…this evening. It’s okay; I can do it. It’s only a few hours earlier than I originally planned anyway.

  Since I won’t need much, instead of packing, I start making phone call after phone call.

  Ryan first, since he’s the one that’ll be the most uprooted because of my plans. After four rings, I’m about to start speaking to his voicemail when he answers.

  “Hello, Ryan Leppek.”

  “Hey, Ryan. It’s Rhys Gallhagar. Listen, I know we made plans to go over a few potential cases starting tomorrow, but I have to run to California for a meeting and won’t be back until Wednesday evening. We could still meet on the other days as planned, but unfortunately, I won’t be able to tomorrow. You’re still more than welcome to start moving your equipment into the office if you like, whatever works for you.”

  Sinking farther into the cushions, all I can think about while waiting for him to reply is how frickin’ comfy my couch is. If today were Sunday instead of Monday, I’d be in this same spot drinking a beer, either watching the Tigers play or bingeing some episodes of Arrow. Sounds normal, right?

  “Oh hey, no worries. I may end up taking a few files over, but maybe not. Depends on how this case goes today. I’d offer to come to California with you if it was case related but I’m tied up here with my current workload. Please tell me it’s not work related?”

  How I answer this question right here will forever alter what kind of relationship I build with Ryan in the future. Since I want to keep him in my new life, not involve him in my old life in any capacity, I tell him my favorite: a truth hidden in a lie.

  “Nah, man, it’s a family thing. The day you interviewed, my dad had a heart attack. I’m going back to check on him, leaving tonight and coming back tomorrow evening, but thanks for the kinda-sorta offer to accompany me.”

  “Hey man, no problem. If you need anything, let me know. See you later this week. Bye.”

  “Bye,” I say.

  One down, two more to go. I’ll leave Brant for last since he’s the one I’ll ask to take me to the airport. Normally I’d drive myself and park in short-term parking, but something still feels off. I’m taking extra precautions and will leave my house lit up with my truck in the driveway—just in case.

  Still lounging on my comfy-as-fuck couch, I call Averill. She may not answer, seeing as I only dropped her off less than a half hour ago.

  “Hey, Rhys, what’s up?”

  “Wow, I was prepared to leave a message.”

  “Well consider yourself lucky, you have the real thing instead,” she sasses.

  “Believe me, I know how lucky I am. I’m calling to let you know I’m leaving shortly for the airport. Best flight I could get takes me into LA. I’ll rent a car and drive the couple hours, grab a hotel room for tonight and fly back home tomorrow after lunch.”

  “Can you hold on for a minute, Rhys?”

  I’m not able to reply before I hear mumbled conversation on her end of the line. I know she’s at the store, and Tessa was going to work there with her all this week. I’m guessing she can only be talking to her, or a customer. After what feels like ten minutes but is probably only a few, her sweet voice finally comes back on the line.

  “Can you book me a seat on that flight?” she inquires.

  “Um…excuse me? Come again?”

  “Oh, I know you heard me, you just don’t want to believe you heard me. Can. You. Book. Me. A. Seat?”

  From the sound of it, my Tiger Lily is out in full force today. She’s not questioning herself or making me beg to see her. She’s asking for what she wants, and now I have to break her spirit.

  “You can’t come. Now, before you start arguing about why you should, please hear me out, okay?” I’m pleading with her. She simply can’t go. She’d be in Martinelli’s realm for sure if she did, and she needs to stay here on the other side of the country, as physically far away from him as possible.

  “Baby, remember the man on the other end of that phone call?” He’s a crime lord.

  “Yeah, he was an asshole. You told me he’s your boss, soon to be ex-boss.” She thinks he’s merely my boss because of what I’ve led her to believe, and basically he is.

  “He’s a corrupt and immoral man. I’d feel infinitely better if you stayed right here, right where you are. I’ll be back in less than 24 hours. You’ll barely have time to miss me. Besides, who would run your store?” I question, though I already know the answer.

  “Tessa would. She’s technically on vacation but she’s working for me. Ow! What the heck was that for?” she yells, holding the phone away from my ear and making me wonder what Tessa did. I don’t have to wonder for long. “Bitch smacked me upside the head with a display chart and took off running.”

  Clearing my throat, it takes me a moment to respond; when I do, my voice is thicker than normal. “She brings out your happy. Stay here with her, stay happy, do fun girly things. Shit, bug the hell out of Brant. All I ask is you stay here and be safe. I’ll see you soon. Thursday okay for dinner?”

  “Sounds perfect. Oh, and Rhys?”

  “Yeah, babe?”

  “You’ve pulled a few more strings.”

  With those parting words, she hangs up.

  Four hours later, I’m in the passenger seat of Brant’s truck, again, waiting in highway congestion leading to O’Hare International Airport. Even though there’s an airport not even twenty minutes from my house, I’d much rather fly out of O’Hare. The flights are cheaper and I like to go to Chicago whenever I have the chance, soaking up the fresh fun the city has to offer.

  We’ve been crawling along at a snail’s pace for over an hour now. Fucking traffic.

  “Tell me again why I’m doing this?�
�� Brant muses.

  “Because, assbutt, I asked for the favor. You readily agreed because, and I quote, ‘Chicago pussy for dinner!’ Now here I am, in your truck, waiting to get out and onto my flight.”

  “Did I actually use such crude language? I doubt it. You like making me look like more of an ass than I truly am.”

  “Trust me, you said those exact words.”

  Slowly we make our way off the exit, and we’re nearly to the departing flights when my phone rings. You’ve got to be kidding me.


  “It seems Mikey needs your help tonight.”

  “No can do, sorry. I’m at the airport on my way to see you tomorrow morning.” Mikey is going to have to learn to break bones himself, or he’s going to need to find someone else to work with.

  “Well that is quite a conundrum, wouldn’t you say? Are there no later flights?” Of course he has the nerve to ask me that. It’s always been about dropping whatever and running to him.

  Not today.

  “Honestly no, I looked for different flights. This one is the solitary flight until after our scheduled meeting time, and this flight doesn’t even land in San Diego, it’s an LA flight. I’m sorry, but I can’t help Mikey tonight.”

  Like I would be flying out this damn early if I had any other choice. There could be a blizzard on the horizon and I’d choose to stay in Michigan over flying anywhere near my father, but here I am, minutes away from checking in for a flight that’ll bring me within thirty minutes of him.

  “Fine. I’m dissatisfied with you for this situation you’ve put me in. If there’s truthfully no way around your travel plans, I’ll accept it. I expect to see you exactly at nine, no later.”

  Replying is useless, so I don’t. Sighing, I relax back into my seat, releasing the pent-up frustration in my shoulders. Brant is smart enough not to question who was on the other line; he knows who it was by the way I answered, my clipped tone. He’s clever enough to put two and two together.

  These next couple of days cannot go by fast enough.

  “Thanks for dropping me off, cockbreath. Don’t worry about picking me up tomorrow, I’ll rent a car for the day, it’s no problem. Enjoy your dinner, dessert, whatever you end up finding, and make sure to use a raincoat.”


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