Roping The Virgin (Cowboys & Virgins #2)

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Roping The Virgin (Cowboys & Virgins #2) Page 6

by Riley,Alexa

  I could spend eternity between her legs.

  When her body finally relaxes and all the soft pulses have stopped, I give her pussy one final kiss. I make my way up, running my lips over her curves along the way, enjoying the feel of her round hips and little tummy against my mouth. She makes humming sounds each time my lips touch her skin, until I’m finally at her mouth, taking another kiss.

  When we are both breathless, I pull away and rest my forehead to hers. “Sleep, mi alma.”

  Her eyes stay closed as I pull her into my arms and wrap my body around hers. I never want to let her go.

  Chapter 10


  When I wake, I feel the warmth of the sun on my back and the warmth of Blake under me. I blush a little thinking about what we did last night. The leftover buzz from the tequila made me bold, but it was exactly what I’d wanted. What I’d been afraid to ask for sooner. I’ve wanted Blake since before I even knew who he was. When he was just a man who couldn’t keep his eyes off me.

  I’m sure I could have found out in town months ago who he was, but something about that didn’t seem right. It was almost like I knew in my heart that one day I would find my way to him at the exact time I was supposed to. That things were coming together as fate intended. And lying here in bed with him now, it feels as though the time has finally arrived. I’m done waiting. I’m taking what I want. No more soft touches or quick kisses. I want Blake, and he’s going to be mine. All of him. I know this is where I belong, and we’ve waited long enough for this.

  Blake’s big hands squeeze my ass, and I smile to myself. He’s had my cheeks gripped tight since I rolled over onto his chest. At some point I’d even stripped him of his shirt and jeans, leaving him only in his underwear. But now as I lie spread on top of him, I feel the naked head of his cock at my opening.

  I look down and see that his hard cock has popped through the slit of his boxers, his wide girth no match for the tiny button. I spread my legs a little more and let his hard warmth press against my wetness. Oh God. That feels so good. So right.

  “Lucy,” Blake moans as I allow his tip to enter me.

  I glance at his eyes and see they’re still closed, so I decide to be a little bolder. I scoot down a tiny bit more, letting another inch of his massive length inside me. Wanting to feel as connected to him as possible. I want him in me, even if it’s only this little bit.

  When I feel a tightness, I stop my progress. My virginity is stopping him from entering me, so I wait, remaining still as I try to relax. I move slowly, letting his first two inches stretch me. I rotate my hips in a circle until I feel the pinch ease and I can slide down on him a little more. Taking another inch of his thickness, I hold my breath, glancing up again to see if he’s still asleep and to check that his eyes haven’t opened. He blinks a few times, almost like he thinks he’s dreaming.

  I feel his grip on my ass tighten, and I circle my hips again, loving the feel of him inside me. I bite my lip to keep from moaning, and then Blake tenses under me, his hips jerking. Suddenly there’s warmth spreading inside me, and I realize he’s just cum. I clench, trying to pull more of him into me, but he’s only a couple of inches in, and I feel his seed spill out between us and slide down his shaft.

  “Luciana,” Blake says, and I look back to see his eyes full of so much pleasure. Want.

  Before I can explain, he rolls us over and thrusts fully inside me. I moan at the fullness, glad the pain from before is gone.

  Blake doesn’t move though, he reaches up and gently moves my hair out of my eyes.

  “I’ve been dreaming about this moment since I laid eyes on you. I’m still not sure if this is real. Is this what you want?” I feel his cock flex inside me, and I nod. “Are you on anything, mi alma?”

  For a second I want to kick myself, because I’m not. Not because I don’t want to have his babies, but because he may pull out and stop if I say that I’m not. But I tell him the truth, knowing I can’t lie to him. Not about something like this.

  “No, I’m not protected. I’m a virgin. Well, I was,” I say, a blush hitting my cheeks. He leans down and softly kisses my lips. Then he pulls back to look at me.

  “I was, too.” His smile is big, like he’s proud of it, and in a crazy way, my heart nearly bursts with excitement.

  “Seriously? How is that even possible?”

  “I just wanted to wait for the right one. I wanted to make love for the first time to my wife.” He moves slowly in and out of me, enunciating his words.

  The weight of what he’s saying hits me, and love flows through me in waves.

  “Blake,” I whisper, not sure what to say.

  “I don’t want anything between us, and I don’t want anything stopping us from making a baby, Lucy. I’ll take you down to the courthouse first thing Monday morning and make this official. But first I’ll do right by you and ask your family. I know they’re important to you, and I want to respect that.”

  I wrap my arms and legs around him, molding as much of my body to his as possible. It makes all of this seem even more right, because he understands what is important to me. I’m who I am today because of my family, and they’re the reason I had the courage to come here. To find him and to find my life.

  “I love you, Luciana. I have since the second we locked eyes. Everything I’ve been telling you I want, it’s all been about you. All of it. The life I want out here, making babies, and raising them with you. Having beautiful girls with long dark hair that I can braid. Having little boys with your big brown eyes learning to care for the animals here. All of it, mi alma. All of it with you.”

  “I love you, too, Blake. I knew you were the one the day I stepped on this ranch. This was it for me. You’re it for me.”

  We kiss, and I feel both of us pour our hearts into it. He moves inside me, his hard length possessing every inch of my body. He’s owning me and making me his as he makes love to me.

  This has been a whirlwind, coming here to the farm and falling in love with Blake. But all of it feels so incredibly right.

  His thrusts speed up as my tongue sweeps into his mouth, and I moan at the possessiveness of his body over mine. His excitement fuels my own, and I feel myself build to an orgasm. The tension rolls over my arms and legs, and I raise my hips to meet his. I’m so close, and so is Blake. The big muscles of his arms tense, and he’s about to unleash inside me.

  The thought has my orgasm rushing through me, and I cry out against his lips as it takes me over the edge.

  “Luciana,” he growls, holding his cock deep inside me and filling me with his warm seed.

  I cling to him as the pleasure pulses between us, and his soft lips press kisses to my neck. It’s an orgasm unlike anything I’ve ever felt, and I smile as I think about how I get to do this for the rest of my life.

  Chapter 11


  “What wrong, mi alma?” I ask, stepping onto the porch with Luciana.

  She shrugs, and I take her hand, pulling her over to the rocking chair with me.

  I sit down and she sits on my lap, but it’s not close enough for me. I wrap my arms around her, burying my face in her hair and she curls up her legs, cuddling into my chest.

  “Where did you learn mi alma?” she asks me against my chest. I was wondering when she was going to catch that. Her face always lights up when I call her my soul.

  “I knew some light Spanish, but once I got my sights set on you I started listening to lessons when I could. My Spanish still isn't perfect, but it’s getting there.”

  She pulls her head from against my chest and looks at me “Why?”

  “I didn't ever want to miss a word you might say,” I admit. “And I figured you’d want our children to speak Spanish, too, no? So it’s best I speak it, too.”

  “God, you’re so perfect,” she says, her eyes watering as a smile lights up her face.

  “Then now might be the time to tell you that little contraption you call a car is now pieces in a junkyard and
the truck over there is yours.” I nod in the direction of her new vehicle and her mouth drops open. “Now before you get mad, think about it. That truck can haul anything and get you around these fields, no problem. You need it. It’s safe and works better for our family.”

  She lays her head back down on me. “Okay,” she says simply.

  “That easy?” I ask warily.

  “Yeah. You’re right. I’m not going to fight about something that doesn't need a fight. The truck works better for what we need to do around here.”

  Well, that was easy, but I know why. She doesn't have it in her to fight with me right now, even if she wants to. She’s worried. I can feel it in her little body as it’s pressed against me. Too much tension.

  “Talk to me, Lucy. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  She called her family yesterday and asked them to come over for dinner. It’s Sunday, and I didn’t want to wait any longer to speak to her father and tell him my intentions. It’s out of respect that I’m asking them, but I’m going to marry her either way. Luciana is my soul, and when I call her that I don’t mean it lightly. I couldn’t live without her, and I don’t plan on trying.

  “Nothing. It’s so beautiful here.”

  I look out onto the rolling hills with her and feel the peace that this land has always brought to me. And now brings to her. I know she’s worried about telling her family that she’s fallen in love and is getting married after only being away from home a week. But I thought that maybe letting them see this place would help convince them that this is everything she’s dreamed of. That I could give her this.

  “Not as beautiful as you.” I nuzzle her neck and inhale her sweet melon scent.

  My cock aches for her, but I’ll wait, knowing that we probably won’t get much sleep if tonight is anything like yesterday and this morning. We can’t seem to take more than a five-second break before we’re reaching for one another again.

  She hums against me, and then I hear a vehicle off in the distance. I look to where the noise is coming from, and there’s a red truck headed our way.

  “That’s them,” she says, standing from my lap. I reluctantly let her go, but I grip her hand tightly. I don’t want to give her any more distance.

  The truck stops, and a man about my age gets out of the driver’s side and goes around to open the door for a woman who looks almost identical to my Luciana. An older man steps out of the back, followed by three kids, who immediately start running over to the barn.

  Luciana and I walk out to greet them while her sister yells at the kids to come back.

  “They’re fine, Fernanda. My foreman, Ben, is out there and he can show them around.” I extend my hand to her. “I’m Blake Jennings. It’s really nice to finally meet you.”

  She reaches out for my hand, and her warm brown eyes look to me and then to Luciana. After a second she lets go and then moves to her sister, wrapping her in a motherly embrace.

  I shake hands with Mateo, and his smile is kind. After Fernanda is finished with Luciana, he pulls her back to his side, wrapping a possessive arm around her. I like Mateo immediately.

  Luciana's father waits silently, and then I turn to him, holding out my hand and speaking in Spanish to greet him. I welcome him to my land and invite him inside so that we can sit down and talk. No sense in beating around the bush. He looks at me with eyes like my Luciana’s and nods.

  Once we’re inside, we go to the living room and sit down. I pull Luciana down on the couch beside me, taking her hand as her family sits across from us.

  “There’s no sense in formalities. Luciana has told me how close she is to you, and I want to respect that. I’d like to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage. We’ve fallen in love and I want to spend the rest of my life taking care of her. I’ve asked Luciana to invite you here so that I may ask for your blessing.”

  Her father looks between us and then back to me. “You love her?”

  “With all of my heart.”

  He looks to Luciana, and no one says a word as they silently share a moment. “Mi pequeña, do you love him?”

  “With all of my heart.” She repeats my words, but there is a small hint of sadness to them.

  “Luciana, what’s wrong?” I say, turning her so she’s looking at me. I want her to forget everything else in the room.

  “I’m just going to miss my family.” She shrugs, like it’s a fact of life. “That’s all.”

  “Lucy, are you crazy? I would never take you away from your family. If you want to go back and live with them, we can. We don’t have to stay here on the farm. Where you go, I go. And if you want your family here, there are more than enough houses and land to make that happen. Whatever your heart desires, I’ll give that to you. From this day until the end of time. You say the word and it’s yours, mi alma,” I tell her. I’d never take her from her family. If that is what she wants, we will move to them or they can move here.

  I hear a sniffing and look over to see Fernanda wiping away a tear. Luciana smiles at her and then lunges at me, kissing me and wrapping her arms around my neck. I pull her to me and kiss her back, not caring that her family is still sitting with us.

  When she finally pulls back, she’s beaming at me, and I can see the light in her big brown eyes.

  “We are happy to give our blessing and welcome you to our family. All I ever want is for my girls to be happy. If they are happy, I am happy,” her father says, standing up and offering his hand. I stand up and pull Luciana to my side as I use my free one to shake his.

  “Who’s hungry?” Luciana asks, and she starts pulling Fernanda into the kitchen.

  We have a great afternoon of eating and showing her family the land. I show them some of the houses that are out here, though many are empty and in need of some repairs. Mateo and Luciana’s father work in construction and offer to help. I tell them how hard it is to get anyone out here to work on things like this, and I have my hands full with the animals. We talk to them about coming and staying here while they do the work, and the kids are the most excited out of everyone. It’s a beautiful day, and it’s made even more special that I’ve got Luciana at my side.

  Tomorrow, we go to town and get our marriage license, and I plan on tying her to me as soon as possible. It’s amazing to see her family here, and how she lights up around them. Hearing her stories is one thing, but seeing her with them is truly heartwarming. I’m happy that I’m able to provide not only for her, but for them as well when the time comes. I’m not sure how fast her father will want to leave the house that he built for his family, but having all of them together is important to my Luciana. So it’s important to me.

  When we say our goodbyes to them, it’s with promises of seeing each other again in a couple of days at the courthouse. Where I’ll make Luciana Salazar Mrs. Luciana Jennings. And as eager as I am to give her my last name, I’m even more eager to get my baby inside her.

  Chapter 12


  As the truck pulls out of the driveway and we watch my family leave, I let out a deep breath. I turn to Blake and jump into his arms.

  He laughs as he easily catches me, and I wrap my legs around his waist and start kissing him.

  “I want you. Now,” I whisper as I pull my shirt over my head. He kicks the front door closed, and suddenly my back is against it.

  I’m undoing my bra as his lower half supports my body and he pulls his own shirt off. My naked breasts press against him, my hard nipples rub against his chest hair. Need is flooding between my legs, and Blake sets me on my feet barely long enough to strip me naked.

  Once my panties are ripped from my body, he’s hoisting me back up and pushing me against the door. His cock is out, and in one quick thrust he disappears into my heat. Filling me. Making me feel whole. Coming home.

  “Fuck,” he grunts and starts to thrust. He’s moving fast this time, like he’s as desperate as I am.

  The banging of the door is sexy as hell as he fucks me against it. The lou
d sound echoes through the hallway, punctuated by my moans of his name and his growls of possession. He’s finally let go of that restraint.

  I score my nails down his back as he sucks on my neck. He’s going to leave a mark there, but I’m okay with that. I want every part of me stamped by his ownership.

  Our passion is thick and heavy between us. Our lust and love for one another circle our bodies and push us to our peaks. My orgasm is close, and I want him to cum with me.

  “That’s it, Blake. Fill me up.”

  The words are all it takes and he’s holding himself still as his cock throbs. I clench around him as my own orgasm takes me. The pulsing of his cock and the heat of his cum makes my pleasure spike. Knowing that I’m his in every way imaginable and will continue to stay that way has me melting against him.

  I pant, trying to catch my breath as I feel myself being carried to the bedroom. I giggle as his cock moves inside me, but the giggles turn into a moan after he takes a few steps.

  “Más?” Blake asks, thrusting into me.

  “Sí,” I moan as he grips my hips and rocks into me.

  By the time we make it to the bedroom, we’ve made love all over the house. We fall into the bed, both exhausted but not yet sated, because even though we can hardly move, we still reach for each other.

  “I love you, mi alma,” Blake whispers as he enters me.

  “I love you, too,” I answer, and let him make love to me slowly until the sun comes up.



  One year later…

  I squeeze Luciana’s ass while I cuddle into her neck, and she laughs. God, that sound drives me crazy. Our little girl reaches her chubby hand up and grips my shirt, tugging on me. I look down at her, cradled in Luciana’s arms, and nuzzle her neck, too. She lets out a giggle as my beard tickles her and my heart almost bursts from the joy of it.


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