Royally Relinquished: A Modern Day Fairy Tale

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Royally Relinquished: A Modern Day Fairy Tale Page 11

by Hayley Faiman

  “Come on, precious, it’s time for us to head out,” I hear Henrik’s soft voice call out faintly.

  I walk out of the pool house, following behind him toward the main house, where I see both James and Madison holding hands waiting for us. Henrik is pulling my luggage and leaves it at the front door. James, Madison, and I envelop each other in another group hug, not knowing when we’ll be able to do this again in person. The weight of me leaving is settling on me, and I’m feeling like I should stay. I don’t want to leave them.

  “The paparazzi’s out there. Philip just phoned. They can’t get out of the car to come to the door,” Henrik announces, breaking up our hug.

  “How are we going to get out?”

  “Security is making their way to the door and they’re going to escort us,” he murmurs.

  “Security?” Madison asks.

  “I travel with security always. They’ve been here the whole time, just in the shadows,” he shrugs.

  “You’re going to have a security detail now. Fuck, that is so awesome,” Madison says with a grin as a knock sounds at the door.

  “Shall we?” Henrik asks.

  I look back at James and Madison one last time. This is it. This is the moment that my life changes forever. The second I step out that door, nothing will ever be the same again.

  Though meeting Henrik changed everything once my name was released, my day-to-day life didn’t change. Not really. I still woke up and went to work every single day; I still had lunch with Madison on Thursdays.

  But now? Now, I’m going blindly into the unknown. It’s scary as hell. I feel a warm hand grip mine, and I look up into Henrik’s sparkling green eyes. He smiles with a nod, and together we walk out of my old life and into my new one.

  The security guard is gigantic and helps to make a pathway for us to walk toward the car; after, of course, he takes my bag from Henrik. The cameras’ flashing lights and the reporters’ loud voices echo in my ears, but I keep my head down and my hand gripping tightly onto Henrik’s.

  It feels as though it takes an hour just to make it from the front door to the car waiting at the curb. Once we’re inside and Henrik slams the backseat car door closed, the noise finally drowns out from around us.

  “You did great, Riona,” Henrik murmurs, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as the car eases onto the street.

  I look up to the front seat, surprised to find Philip driving and Beatrice sitting next to him.

  “Where is the security now?” I ask, ignoring his praise.

  “They’re in the car behind us. They’ll be travelling back home with us on the plane. I’ll introduce you then,” Henrik murmurs.

  “That was awful. Are you all right?” Beatrice asks, turning around slighting in her seat to look me in the eye.

  I take her in, poised to perfection, as she has been the few times I’ve seen her. Her dark auburn hair is pulled up into a flawless bun on top of her head, and her makeup is outstandingly perfect, including her deep burgundy lipstick.

  I need to ask her for help, I decide. She’s wearing a navy blue blazer over what looks to be a silk, cream blouse, and one glance at her dark wash skinny jeans let’s me know she definitely has it all together.

  I find myself cursing my own wardrobe choice of a pair of mint colored skinny jeans, a plain white tank top, and gold ballet flats. My hair is down and wild, my makeup is minimal, and there’s no lip stain, only gloss, on my light pink lips.

  “Precious, are you okay?” Henrik asks, pulling my attention away from Beatrice.

  I blink, not realizing that they’ve both asked me if I’m doing all right. I feel so lost and stupid and out of my element.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologize, “that was just a lot at once. I’ve had them bombard me before, but nothing like that.”

  “I would like to tell you that you’ll get used to it, or that it will calm down, but you won’t and they don’t calm down, ever. It’s part of your life now, Caitriona. It’s a burden we will all carry, as will our children and our grandchildren.” Beatrice explains.

  “How do you accept it?” I ask as the car pulls into the airport hangar.

  She smiles but doesn’t answer me right away as she opens the door and steps out of the car. Henrik does the same and I follow suit; then Bee is right next to me, and she links her arm through mine. My breath hitches in surprise, and she smiles kindly before she leans her head in to whisper to me.

  “I’ll tell you what Philip and Henrik’s mother shared with me when we were newly dating and the paparazzi were everywhere. She told me that the media would always be around, no matter what, but that it was up to us to decide what to do with the power they give us. We could ignore them, be annoyed by them, or we could use them to do good in this world. Use them as a platform to help others and to spread love and kindness in a cruel world,” she murmurs.

  “I would like that. I would like that very much,” I admit.

  “I thought that you might. You remind me very much of myself when I first came into this family. Scared and unsure, not looking to be in the limelight, and definitely not wishing to become the center of attention. However, those things are going to happen, no matter what, so it’s up to us to give them the proper voice.”

  “Use our powers for good,” I laugh as we approach the airplane steps.

  “Exactly,” she winks before she releases my arm and begins to climb the stairway onto the airplane.

  “You’re good?” Henrik asks, pressing his palm to my lower back.

  “I am. She was giving me advice on the media,” I shrug.

  “You’d do well to take it from Bee. She’s loved by all, and for good reason. She’s lovely all of the time,” Henrik states.

  “I can see that,” I murmur, feeling very self-conscious and aware that I am not lovely all of the time.

  In fact, right now, I look like a disaster, especially compared to her.

  “Riona?” Henrik asks. I turn to face him.

  “Her personality is lovely all of the time. I meant nothing else, precious.”

  “I’m just scared, and nervous, and very aware that I am nothing like her,” I whisper.

  I’m afraid to speak the words too loudly; afraid that if I do, he’ll discover what a mistake he’s made by not going through with the annulment.

  “You’re gorgeous, and I’m the luckiest man on earth. Now, let’s climb up in this airplane so I can take you home and show you off—my wife,” he murmurs as he cups my cheeks and brushes his lips against mine before he releases me. I sigh, wishing there were time for more of his wonderful kisses.

  I climb up the airplane stairway and walk inside of the plane. It’s the most luxurious thing I have ever seen. Plush leather seats and legroom for days, it’s like something I’ve only ever seen on television. Philip and Beatrice’s chairs are turned around and facing the empty seats that Henrik guides me toward. I sit down and settle in my chair, still a complete ball of nerves at what awaits me when we land overseas.

  “Oh, I forgot,” Beatrice says as she hands Henrik a small box.

  Henrik smiles at her as he takes the box and then thrusts it toward me.

  “Open,” Henrik murmurs in a gruff voice.

  I open the box slowly and gasp when I see what is inside.

  It’s a ring—though, to call it that seems ridiculous, since it’s so much more than just a ring.

  There is a red ruby, emerald cut stone that’s at least ten carats in the center, with diamonds surrounding it. There are also diamonds around the entire band. One of the wedding bands is a row of red stones and another is a row of diamonds—three rings in total. I look up to Henrik with question in my eyes.

  “The red diamonds are rare; it signifies everything beautiful and rare that you are to me. The red diamond wedding band and the diamond wedding band are because Bee declared you had to have them, that one ring was simply not enough,” he says with a slight chuckle.

  “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever see
n,” I whisper in awe.

  “You’ll wear them, then?” he asks with a grin.

  “Forever,” I agree and wait with a shaky hand as he slips the three rings onto my finger.

  I look down at my finger and am unable to hide the gigantic smile that crosses my lips. I never imagined that I would own anything so beautiful, that I would have a man so handsome at my side. Yet, here I am, living in a dream—a dream I never want to wake from.

  “I think they’re lovely,” Beatrice says as she takes my hand to inspect it.

  I look at her finger and notice that her ring is a colored stone as well—amethyst, by the look of it, oval cut, and surrounded by diamonds. I touch her ring with my free hand and she smiles widely.

  “No matter what is said, they do pick lovely jewelry,” she murmurs.

  “My mother picked that, and you know it. I have atrocious taste in jewels,” Philip chuckles.

  “Well, it’s lovely,” I say.

  “I picked yours, so you may thank me thoroughly later,” Henrik whispers in my ear.

  My eyes widen and I cough, trying to hide my surprise at his words. The man is simply devilish, my Las Vegas poolside husband. The man that is now to be at my side for the rest of my life. I hope that I always feel this excited for the anticipation of the future with him.

  I glance down at her as she sleeps. My precious, Caitriona. She’s not as polished and poised as Beatrice, but she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. I could be making a huge mistake, and the repercussions from my family could mean a stripped title. Though I hope that it won’t come down to that, I have to be prepared for whatever my grandfather decides. I know that this is not what he desires, that he wanted me with Eugenie—a woman who has all of the training and the title he wishes to have in the family. Too bad she’s an ice-cold shrew.

  He’ll see this marriage to Caitriona as a disgrace, as a stain on our family. Weeks ago, I would have done as he wished. I would have given Riona the annulment papers to sign and turned my back on her, walked away from her without a backward glance.

  I would have endured a life of misery.

  However, Philip is correct. When the sun has set and you’re in bed with your wife, what does it matter her title, her breeding, or her background? All that matters is happiness, mine and hers.

  We’re not truly hurting anybody by being together. Eugenie never loved me, she never even felt affection for me, so while this is public, personally, I’ve not hurt her.

  “You look like you may be sick,” Philip murmurs quietly, as Bee is also asleep at his side.

  “Just ready to get this initial shit over with; ready to get the lecture from grandfather and father done.”

  “I truly like her for you. She’s calm and sweet, though I have a feeling there is fire underneath it all. She compliments you well, brother,” Philip says.

  “She does compliment me, and there’s fire, definitely. I don’t know even close to anything about her, but I can’t wait to find every detail out that there is to know,” I admit.

  “That’s good. I don’t know everything about Beatrice. I learn something new about her daily, and I find that I adore it. Truly, I love learning about her and how she thinks.”

  “I only hope that the family doesn’t make this too difficult. There’s already so much pressure with the media,” I mutter, voicing my concerns.

  “Whatever happens, you’ll brave it together, and you’ll be stronger for it.”

  I WAKE WITH HENRIK’S LIPS kissing down my neck, his deep voice softly murmuring that the plane is about to touch down. Slowly, I open my eyes as I let out a sigh. I don’t want to wake, not really. I want to stay here forever, with Henrik, not exposed to the rest of the world and the unknown.

  “Wakey, wakey,” Philip calls out through a chuckle.

  “That is awful. Never say it again,” I grumble.

  Everybody laughs and he rolls his eyes at me. Beatrice offers to come to the bathroom with me so that we can freshen up, since there could be a circus waiting for us when we arrive. I’m thankful that she helps me tame my hair a bit, and even shows me where the airplane houses extra toothbrushes.

  “Everything is going to be okay, Caitriona,” she says in her soft, sweet voice.

  “I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know what I’m doing,” I confess.

  She smiles and nods. She knows I’ve never done anything like this before. Why I felt the need to tell her, I don’t know. I’m rambling nervously, and I just want it all over with. Beatrice takes both of my hands in hers and smiles warmly before she speaks.

  “You’re going to get it together, Caitriona. You are a strong woman, and you are going to take your husband’s side and do so with a smile. Let him do all of the talking, as you don’t need to. They’ll be asking questions about your union, and about Eugenie, all things that he can answer. He’s been trained in how to properly speak to the media in a way where they’re less likely to cut and chop his words up to evoke a different meaning and a backlash.”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  “Let me see your beautiful smile,” she coos.

  I smile but it feels awkward, and she laughs at me.

  “No, give me the smile you get when you think about Henrik. When you think about the fact that you’ll be spending the rest of your days with that beautiful man,” she murmurs.

  I smile again, but this time it’s genuine, and Beatrice responds with a smile of her own.

  “Now, we should be landing any minute. Let’s join our men.”

  We walk together the short distance back to our seats. I look over to the other two men on the plane, both poised and ready for what’s next. Jasper and Hugh are our detail. Jasper is assigned to Philip and Hugh to Henrik. They’re both built like tanks, and they’re quiet—so quiet, in fact, that I’ve not heard them speak once, not even when we were introduced to each other.

  I close my eyes as the wheels of the plane adjust and we begin to land. Takeoff and landing always make me nervous, and this time is no exception. When the plane has finally landed, we go about gathering our things, and I decide to lift the window shade and look out at the tarmac.

  I shouldn’t have looked.

  There are swarms and hordes of photographers that line both sides of the steps and the pathway that leads to a waiting car. I gasp at the sight and Henrik places his warm palm on my thigh, squeezing it to garner my attention.

  “There’s so many,” I mutter, turning away from the window to look into his green eyes.

  “There are, and you’re going to be just fine,” he assures, giving me a soft smile.

  “Beatrice told me to let you do all of the talking. I think that’s a great plan,” I announce.

  Philip chuckles as does Henrik.

  “It is a smashing plan. Now, wife, shall we?” he asks as he stands and holds out his palm for me.

  I take his offered hand and pull myself out of my seat, thankful that he’s going to do all of the talking and the only things I need to worry about are smiling and not falling on my face. Usually, those are simple tasks. Today, however, I’m not so confident.

  I watch as Jasper leads the way for both Philip and Beatrice to exit the plane. Hugh is waiting at the door for us, and when his dark brown eyes meet mine, I feel a little more at ease. Though he’s not spoken, his eyes look soft, warm, and kind. Then he grins before he dips his chin and Henrik tugs on my arm as he follows him.

  I smile as naturally as possible, my grip unyielding as I hold onto Henrik’s hand, assuredly cutting off the flow of blood to his fingers. We take a few steps down the plane and stop at the bottom, my side plastered against his arm as the camera’s lights flash with the millions of photographs that are being taken.

  Henrik moves his head, and I lift mine to look up at him. He smiles, and his green eyes twinkle, making me relax just a little bit more. He’s so charismatic and handsome. I’m in awe of the fact that he’s chosen me, especially since he can have anybody

  “I’m willing to answer five questions,” he announces.

  It surprises me that he’s willing to answer anything at all.

  “Is this your American bride?” one reporter asks.

  “This is my wife, Caitriona, that is correct,” Henrik confirms.

  “Is this the woman from the night club in Las Vegas that you were reported dancing with, several weeks ago?” another reporter asks.

  “Yes; can you not recognize her beautiful hair?” he chuckles “That was the evening we were married,” Henrik finishes, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek, causing the camera flashes to go insane. I stay smiling, afraid to even attempt to speak.

  “Will you be having an official marriage ceremony?” someone yells out from behind.

  “If that is what my Riona would like then, yes, we will; but we’ve not discussed it as of yet.” I hear a buzz of voices when he says my nickname, and I can’t help but bite my lip as my smile grows.

  “Two more,” Henrik calls out.

  “Is your family upset about your secret affair?” a woman asks from the right of me.

  “We never had an affair, and there’s been no secrets. We simply made a decision that neither of us remembered the next morning,” he chuckles, as do many of the reporters. “However, I’m not quite sure how my family feels, as I’ve not spoken to them yet.”

  “How does Eugenie feel about being dumped?”

  “I don’t know how Eugenie feels about the situation, but I have spoken with her. None of this has to do with her; she’s a lovely woman, and she’ll make whomever she chooses as a partner an extremely happy man,” he gushes.

  The guilt over the publicity of his break-up eats away at me with every word spoken. I understand that he said he doesn’t care for her, and that he’s happy to be rid of her as a fiancée, but it doesn’t change the fact that this must be a painful thing to have shoved in her face from every direction.

  Henrik and I begin to walk toward the car, his five questions now finished. Hugh stands with the door open and waiting for us. I’m just about to climb inside when I hear someone call out my name.


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