The Druid Breeders 4-Book Bundle

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The Druid Breeders 4-Book Bundle Page 19

by Eros, Marata

  The pile of ash grew, exploding before his eyes. Beau threw up his arm to shield his eyes from the storm of disintegrated vampire flesh in front of him and as he did he heard a small sound about ten feet off and knew it was the girl.

  Beau used his newfound speed and was at her side in an instant.

  She was gravely injured and he didn't know how to save her. If she died, those sick fucks would have won. He felt something integral in his body shift as her life began to seep away.

  A press of knowledge lay just beyond his reach, Beau could feel it.

  Aubree looked up at the man who defeated her attackers and was profoundly sad, her blood leaking out of her as she lay there. She realized she didn't want to die, not like this, with her body laying in some back alley somewhere alone.

  But she wasn't alone. He was here.

  She smiled at him tremulously and he gave a small smile back, taking her small hand in his. A hot tear made slow progress down his chiseled face, more masculine than she usually liked but beautiful in a dark way, the icy-blue eyes holding hers, the hair line black ink on his head.

  The fangs dripped something onto her face and a pleasant heat started where it had fallen.

  Aubree began to close her eyes and Beau began to panic.

  He willed himself into almost a trance, centering himself. It was something he did each day since he'd found himself in this strange place and his frustration with not knowing who he was weighed unbearably on him. He slowed his breathing.

  Several seconds passed and when he opened his eyes Beau determined that he was in the middle of a strange situation that called for an even stranger solution. He looked down at his wounds and leaned over the girl, whose name he didn't even have.

  The blood from the chest wound had slowed but not entirely. Instinct drove Beau, a primitive urge that he followed. He watched as the blood dripped in a fluid stream onto the softly parted lips of the girl. When it entirely coated her mouth she took a shaky inhale, a coughing fit averted narrowly from her need to convulsively swallow what he'd just given her.

  Something sweet fell like soft rain onto Aubree's mouth just as consciousness was leaving her. She found herself in between that place of true sleep and wakefulness and realized in an epiphany of understanding that he kept her here. With him. In this moment.

  Aubree swallowed what fell and a heat coursed through her. Still she lingered in that void of being asleep.

  She was not there. The life force he'd given her held her, but she needed something more to swing the balance of her life to the positive.

  Aubree looked up at him, death eating at the edges of her and whispered, “Help me,” she squeezed the huge hand that held hers and let hers fall, the last of her energy seeping out of her with a sigh.

  Beau saw her lick the blood from his wounds into her mouth, her pink tongue flicking over the top of her full mouth and his prick came alive as a second piece of instinctive knowledge joined the first. To truly heal her, he would have to fuck her, plant his seed deep within her body and then she would be well.

  It was an instinctive directive he couldn't deny.

  He leaned down against her body and spoke into her ear. “Let me heal you...”

  Aubree opened her eyes, too weak to speak and saw what he offered between his legs, a tool of flesh to bind them, to make her well.

  Aubree knew this would be no rape, she could feel his intent swirling around him. It wasn't vile like the others. His was offered as aid, not a punishment.

  She nodded as he slid the jeans off her and bunched them up underneath her ass, lifting her hips up to receive his huge cock, hanging like a blunt instrument of pleasure between his muscled thighs. Aubree let her knees fall open and he spread her thighs wide to receive him. The folds of her pussy opened up like a flower to the sunlight, the opening of her cunt deftly matching his waiting prick. He pressed the tip of his shaft into her waiting pussy and inched in and out that first part of her that was so sensitive and a breath of release escaped her. Aubree could feel the heat of the blood he'd given her as his shaft penetrated her stroke by stroke, the healing energy she needed spreading inside her like liquid fire and her hips began to rise to meet his slow push. The folds of her resisted his girth but with each soft thrust, Aubree felt the energy pulse to her core, to the wounds that had pierced her lungs. She began to breathe deeper, then finally... with a natural rhythm once again.

  Beau worked above the girl, restraining himself from thrusting his whole length into her when she was damaged from the attack. Only his finesse kept her alive, giving her a chance at healing. Beau watched his dick slide in and out of her tight snatch, her pussy gripping his meat as he moved in and out of her creaminess. The wounds began to mend at her side as he watched and her eyes cleared, her hips rising to dance with the meat plow Beau was giving her.

  Aubree moaned, coming back to herself in a slow thrall of arousal.

  “More,” she said, pushing her hips hard against his prick as he landed the first blow against the end of her and they paused like that, married at the hips, his cock buried to the root inside of her, his arms strained with tension above her as the last drop of blood fell from his chest as the wound closed forever and she caught it with her tongue.

  It burst inside her mouth in a lavish bouquet of flavor and she wrapped her legs around the vampire so he could stab her harder with his cock. Beau took her gesture for the invitation it was and lifted up off her as she watched him thrust into her over and over again at a speed too fast to track.

  Beau rammed his cock deep into the girl, spreading her legs further as he did. He swung his hips, planting the tip of himself to the end of her with every thrust, rocking her body against the jeans he'd used. Beau gave a guttural cry as his body cooperated with his motions and in a frenzy of newfound speed he fucked her so fast and so hard her orgasm clenched around his dick in a pulsating tide of rhythmic sensation and the orgasm he didn't know he was ready to have tackled him from behind and his balls jettisoned his hot seed deep into a womb that pulsed and milked his cock all around it, pulling it practically inside out. Beau felt like his balls would crawl inside her throbbing channel if they could have.

  Aubree felt her orgasm build but was utterly undone when the vampire leaned above her and shouted a primitive half-cry, half-moan... his muscles bunching above her in frozen spasm. Her core caught on fire, scorching along his cock as it stabbed her without mercy and she felt her very womb shift and open, suctioning his cock deeper inside her as her body demanded his cum and he unloaded the hot seed that her body had begged of him deep inside of her.

  Heat rose from her center and a flush of energy and pleasure washed over Aubree.

  It enveloped them both in a shroud of healing strength and perfect synchronicity.

  She had just fucked a stranger, who was a vampire, in a back alley and couldn't move a muscle, say a word.

  It was the best night of Aubree's life.

  She no longer felt that itching call... the summons.

  It lay silent.

  He had answered, his softening prick falling out of her satisfied hole as the night held them in its soft embrace.


  Beau looked down at the girl and felt like an integral void in his life had been filled. Some primitive and organic impulse to persevere had been fulfilled. He could not remember a shred of his past but his future seemed crystal clear.

  Aubree looked up at him and realized she didn't know his name, their intimate flesh pressed together on the cold street.

  She opened her mouth to say many things when a beam of light sliced over the top of them and just like that, a bubble burst around them with an ear-sucking pop. Aubree yelped at the intrusion, intensely aware that she was naked, with his naked body poised on top of hers.

  Beau hissed in protection even as he rolled her behind him and stood up, his fangs flashing in a mouth that had never held them until that night, his eyes reflectively glowing into the swath of light that was directed
at the two.

  Like an animal's.

  The cops held the flashlight on the perp who had a half-naked victim behind him and the lead beat said in a threatening tone, “Stand down from the female now.”

  The hammer retracted with a dull click and Beau was instantly aware he was dealing with someone older. Who used revolvers anymore on the force?

  Better still... how would he know that?

  Then they rushed him and Beau lost all cognitive thought, all reason... his human consciousness sinking like a stone in a lake. The female.

  Beau must defend the female.

  He flung his arms out as the first spray of bullets hit his body, but still he kept coming. Beau took the first cop by the throat, hauling him against himself and the next round of bullets beat into the cop's body, bucking it against Beau.

  He heard the girl screamed behind him, “Stop!” she yelled.

  Beau let the dead cop fall to his feet and four other guns drew level with his chest.

  Aubree ran up behind her rescuer, the one that made her feel complete, like a part of her had been found and pressed herself against the back of him. She spoke against the hard planes of his back, the heat of him radiating through the light shirt he wore, “They'll kill you.”

  Beau's breathing was labored; the bullets pushing their way out of his chest, the wounds beginning to close. But he knew his newfound healing abilities weren't absolute. After all, he'd had some trouble with wounds inflicted... by his own kind. Or a version of his own kind.

  Then he captured their eyes and the tables turned, their guns dropping to their sides like loose teeth held by a thread of sinew.

  Aubree felt the shift in the air and peeked around the man's body to see the cops standing with their guns held loosely at their sides and knew that the vampire she stood behind had done something to them.

  “What did you do to them?”

  Beau shook his head at the question. Damned if he knew.

  He snaked his hand behind him and latched onto the girl's wrist, pulling her gently around to the front of himself, the cops held in a trance their only audience. Without breaking eye contact with the police he asked, “Tell me your name.”

  “Aubree,” she said automatically as her hand found the skin beneath his shirt and he sucked in a breath at her touch. God, what was she? Beau thought, that a simple touch would steal the breath in his body.

  He made a huge mistake and met her eyes as they gaze up into his. Swimming pools of bluish-green, like the ocean. Beau's eyes were like the rest of him, remade and astute in the shadowed depths of the alleyway.

  “Beau,” he responded, the introduction was anticlimactic in the post-weight of what they'd shared.

  When he broke the eye contact with the cops they slowly woke, shaking themselves as they saw the scene play out in front of them. A young woman with dark hair stood dwarfed by a perp that was at least six foot five, his eyes almost white they were so light a blue. But in the dark broken only by pools of errant street light at either end of the alley, they appeared silver.


  The older cop raised his revolver again. He'd plugged this bastard with three torso shots, using his chest like a bull's-eye and this chump still stood, holding the victim against himself, the girl gripping her pants up to her hips with one hand.

  That fucker had raped her. And judging by the size of the cock on the asshole, he'd have torn her up.

  Rodriguez knew the look, the haunted eyes, the torn clothes. He lifted his gun again and began to approach the pair.

  Aubree saw the cop's personality slide back into his eyes and knew that it would be moments before he filled Beau with lead, already he grew tense underneath her palms.

  She turned in his arms and said, “Run,” in a harsh whisper.

  “No,” he said, gripping her delicately made chin in one hand.

  Aubree knew he'd need some convincing and she forced the words out of her mouth, feeling like reverse barf as she swallowed through her instinctive need to be with him.

  His survival was more important. Aubree trembled but was resolute. She shoved at him and yelled, “I don't want you!” she forced sincerity into her voice.

  Beau was shocked, the guns drawn as the cops advanced on them.

  Then Aubree spoke to him, shoving at him. Dismissing him. What in the blue fuck was this?

  He looked down into a face that had been almost reverent a few seconds ago and watched it fill with disdain. He stumbled back, not from the strength of her arms, he could have lifted her fifty times with one arm. No, he was blown away that she didn't want him.

  “You heard me,” she said in a low voice, “get out of here. I don't want you.”

  Her words rang with truth and finality. Beau's eyes flicked behind him at the cops. Fine, fuck it. She didn't want him. He got it. The pain of her rejection speared him like no weapon could ever have done.

  Beau knew the cops would take care of her. He didn't want to give two shits and a fuck but as he looked at her beautiful face, pinched with her hate of him he thought of what it had been like to move over her, buried in her to the hilt and shoved it away.

  Didn't she fucking feel the connection that had formed between them? Aubree was amputating it. Right at the knees. Beau felt the violence of the severing as a raw pain lanced his body.

  He knew he couldn't look back or he'd be at her feet, groveling.

  Beau turned and sprinted out of the alley, his brand new speed a blessing as it took him away from her.

  And a curse.


  Aubree waited until he had sped out of the alley, the bullets finding empty space when they were fired, the deafening roar of gunfire after his retreating back never piercing her as she fell to her knees for the second time that night with a sob of such despair it felt like her heart was literally breaking inside her body.

  She pressed her hands to her face as scalding tears soaked her face.

  What had she done?



  “Where the fuck are they?” Russel addressed his underling.

  Constantine “Con” shrugged and Russel rushed him, pinning him against the interior wall of the coven stronghold, “Don't dismiss me, give me the fucking bead on our boys.”

  Con hissed in his face as his fangs punched out of his mouth, the testosterone of the two warring as it always did. “Do you think if I fucking knew where they were I'd keep it from you?”

  Russel gave a grin full of menace, “Hell yeah, I do.”

  Con smiled back. Probably, he thought. But not this time.

  “I haven't heard from Issac.”

  Russel took his hands off of Con. “Fuck.”

  “Yeah,” Con agreed, stepping away from the wall.

  “They're going to fry like eggs in about...”

  “Fifty minutes,” Con confirmed, glancing at the countdown clock, its timekeeping ceaselessly moving toward the daylight alarm.

  “You know what that means.”

  Con nodded, he knew. “They ran up against some Reapers.”

  “Dammit,” Russel said, stabbing a fist into the cement wall as pieces tumbled to the floor around them like pebbled rain.

  Con rolled his eyes. “That's completely helping shit, Russel.”

  Russel narrowed his eyes. “And what do you suggest, Einstein?”

  “Send out an Intimate, have him go to the last point of contact,” Con shrugged. “Let him be our eyes and ears in the light of day.”

  “Ernie's a dim bulb,” Russel said.

  “Yeah he is, but useful.” They shared a pregnant moment then Russel gave a swift nod. “Fine. We lose three of our top vampires to a routine mission,” he paused, tearing a hand through hair so pale it was almost white. Suddenly Russel turned, his crimson eyes boring into Con's. “What of the Druid?”

  Con shrugged. “Maybe the Reapers got the Druid for themselves.”

  “Makes finding their Queen tough if they keep snatching the Druids aw
ay before we can get some concrete answers.”

  Con shrugged again. “Issac and his team think... well, it's obvious that a Druid without guard is an undiscovered Druid. She would have been protected if they knew of her existence.”

  Russel grew thoughtful, palming his chin. “True.” He looked up at Con, a slightly taller male, both males well past six and a half feet. “We are no closer, down three males and now have lost a Druid female as well.”

  “Perhaps not, Russel,” Con said.

  “What are your thoughts?” Russel asked, interested for once. Con understood that sometimes leadership was not as intellectual as the ones which worked for them.

  Con told him.

  Russel listened, nodding at the appropriate times and the plan grew as Con spoke. Russel began to feel a glimmer of hope.

  They would acquire the Queen, and whatever Druids were held within the coven.

  Soon, there would be breeders aplenty and the Queen within their grasp to bang away on. Day and night.

  Most excellent, Russel thought.

  The two faction smiled at each other in mutual understanding.

  The plan was a good one and would be implemented when full dark fell like a blanket of safety on them once again. Moonrise was but hours away.


  Holly smiled up at Zach and he swallowed the grin she had for him, pressing both hands against the small of her back and hauling her against him as his lips hungrily sucked on hers, invading her mouth with his tongue. He moaned against her lips as she used her small hands to squeeze between their bodies and grab his shaft, grown hard by their proximity.


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