Oh, Baby! (The Townsends Book 2)

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Oh, Baby! (The Townsends Book 2) Page 12

by Angie Campbell

  Luke decided to leave James alone. “So, are you going to start showing anytime soon?”

  “Give me another month or so, and you should be able to tell by looking at me. I can already tell when I look in the mirror before I put my clothes on.”

  “Tiger, don’t talk about being naked. Please.” Now James sounded like he was in physical pain.

  Lisa looked up at James, where he had walked over and now stood leaning on the back of the couch behind her. “Sorry, Baby.”

  “Oh, you guys are making me sick to my stomach. I’ve got to leave.” Zane just shook his head and walked out the door.

  “Okay, I think it’s time for me to leave too.” Luke stood up and pulled Mindi to her feet, and without a warning, picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

  “Luke, what are you doing?” Mindi asked, laughing.

  “Going home.” His tone was so serious James gave his back a hard look.

  He stood there watching him walk out the door with Mindi still thrown over his shoulder. He just shook his head and laughed. “Do you think he’ll leave her here?”

  “I don’t know. At any rate, I think he’s ready for the wedding to be over with.” She just grinned, and shook her head.

  “Yeah, I can sympathize.” He stood there looking down at her once again, the frustration obvious in his voice.

  “James, come here and sit down,” she said, patting the couch beside her.

  Once James had sat down, Lisa got up and sat down in his lap. He sucked in a sharp breath, and wrapped his arms around her. “What are you doing?”

  He didn’t give her a chance to answer. He pulled her in close and brought his mouth down to hers. After a little bit, his mouth traveled up her cheek to her ear. “Marry me, please. You’re making me crazy. All I want is to be able to wake up every morning with you in my arms.”

  “James, I will marry you. Just as soon as you...”

  “I know. Trust me, I know.” He laid his forehead against hers, and took a deep breath. “I think I better go. I’m tempted to throw you over my shoulder and carry you off, but I know if I give into that urge, I won’t leave you here. I will definitely take you home with me.”

  A few minutes after James left, Lisa was still sitting in the game room. She hadn’t found the energy to get up and turn everything off and go to bed yet. She was still sitting there in a daze when Mindi walked in with a grin on her face.

  Lisa looked up at her sister and shook her head. “I know that look. What’s Luke consented to now?”

  “It wasn’t an outright consent. It was more of a compromise. He asked me to give him six months before we start working on having a baby. I’m okay with that.” Mindi settled down in the couch beside Lisa and laid her head back. “I have James to thank for it though. What he said about my being pregnant is what done it.”

  “You need to give him a big kiss tomorrow.”

  Mindi just laughed. “I’ll make sure and do that.”

  Chapter 13 – Wednesday, November 21

  A bunch of them had been watching an old Cary Grant movie. By the time the movie had come to an end, Zane, James and Lisa were the only ones left in the game room, and Lisa was asleep on James’ chest.

  James looked over at Zane with a thoughtful expression on his face. “Hey, have you heard from Amanda lately?” James’ voice was thick with concern. James knew how protective Zane had always been of Amanda. He remembered Zane nearly putting a guy in the hospital while they were still in high school. The guy had tried taking liberties with her she didn’t want to give him.

  Of course, Jamie had explained why Zane had made himself her self-appointed protector in one simple statement. James was wondering if Zane had figured it out yet.

  The poor man had been absolutely miserable knowing there was a chance she was being hit. His sense of humor had dropped off quite a bit. He would make a joke, or rib someone every once in a while, but nothing like normal. Most of the time he walked around with a scowl on his face. His scowl was starting to be reflect its self in Jamie’s face. She had been doing a lot of hard praying of late.

  “Yeah, she calls me every Friday at five fifteen.” James could hear the frustration in his voice. “She waits till I’m off work. Last Friday she waited a little too long, and I had actually made it all the way out of town before she called.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “There’s not a whole lot I can do. Not until she decides to do something herself.” James watched as Zane’s hand alternated between a fist and relaxed. He got the notion the guy was imagining smashing Austin’s face to bits.

  “Has he hit her lately?” James wasn’t sure he should ask, but he couldn’t seem to stop his mouth from forming the words.

  “Not according to her,” Zane bit out through his teeth.

  James gave him a puzzled look. “Why do you sound like you don’t believe her?”

  He watched as Zane’s jaw clenched before he answered. “There was one conversation I had with her, where she sounded really nervous. Like she thought I could tell she was lying over the phone.”

  “He may have been standing there when she was talking to you,” James shrugged. “That would have made her nervous, and she would have been more likely to lie either way.”

  “Yeah, I thought of that,” Zane grimaced.

  “Have you thought about just going and checking on her?” James figured if Zane realized how he truly felt about her, he’d just go after her in a heartbeat, and bring her back. He wouldn’t be anywhere close to as uncertain about what needed to be done as he was.

  “Maybe. But what if I go and I was mistaken, but I cause them to fight.” Zane clenched his fist, fighting to control his temper. “Then he hits her. I’ve never felt so uncertain in all my life.”

  “I don’t know. I do know your gut is normally right.” James thought for a moment staring up at the ceiling. “You know Zane, you’re starting to sound like me. You may be thinking too hard.”

  “Yeah, maybe so.” Zane stood, putting an end to the conversation. He looked down at James and Lisa. “Are you going to wake her up?” he asked, nodding his head in her direction. “It’s almost eleven thirty. Everybody else has gone to bed.”

  “Not yet,” he said, unwilling to let go of her. “I hate to wake her while she’s sleeping so good. She’s looked really tired lately.”

  “Is that the only reason you don’t want to wake her?”

  “Obviously, I just want to hold her. Would you do me a small favor?”

  Zane just grinned, and shook his head. “What do you need?”

  “Would you change the movie?”

  “Sure. What do you want me to put in?”

  “I don’t know. Something fast paced, or I’ll probably fall asleep,” he said, proving his point by yawning.

  Zane pulled out the first thing that met the one requirement that James had. “Okay, fast paced police action and bombs on public transportation. Does that work?”

  “Yeah. That sounds great.”

  Zane changed the DVD out, and handed James the remote. “See you later, Man.” He walked out of the game room, still shaking his head.

  James waited till the door closed behind him, then shifted to where his legs were up on the couch and Lisa’s lower body was resting between them. When he shifted her upper body to rest more comfortably against him, she stretched and snuggled into his chest. When she whispered in her sleep, he froze. He was certain she had just said, ‘I love you.’

  Just because she was snuggled into him, didn’t mean she meant him. She could have been dreaming about the baby. It wouldn’t do for him to get his hopes up. If he let himself think she meant him, he’d be confessing how much he loved her, and needed her. If she didn’t mean him, it could really mess things up.

  He wasn’t going to think about it. If he did, he’d make himself crazy. He picked the remote up and started the movie. He rested his hand on her belly where it had started to round and shifted down in the pillo
ws and blankets piled behind him. Hannah, one of Lisa’s younger sisters, had brought them in earlier when she thought she would be sleeping on the couch.

  Once the movie started, his mind drifted back to Zane and Amanda. He could only imagine how miserable he’d feel if he had to worry about Lisa being in danger of being hit.

  Of course, Zane hadn’t even realized yet why he was so miserable. If Lisa was in danger like that, that would be the one time he would have no problem deciding what to do. Zane would probably have to arrest him by the time he was done.

  Unlike Zane, he wouldn’t pay a whole lot of attention to the law right then. He could see why Zane’s hands were tied, though. Being a cop, he would have to do his best to obey the law he had sworn to up hold.

  A little while later, she started mumbling in her sleep again. He paused the movie, so he could hear her better, and waited. A few seconds later she started talking again. It was a little slurred, but he could tell what she was saying.

  “James, please marry me. I need you.”

  This time, he knew for sure she was talking about him. Well, he couldn’t doubt she wanted to marry him. She was speaking from her subconscious.

  He was wondering, if when he told her about the dream, what she would have to say. He didn’t figure it would change anything. She wasn’t saying she didn’t want to marry him. Just that she wouldn’t until he figured out what exactly it was she wanted from him.

  If only he could be sure she just wanted him to tell her he loved her. It was just that, he loved her so much, that if he told her, and it scared her off, it would destroy him from the inside out. Her and the baby was all he wanted from life. Boy, his life had gotten really complicated ever since that first kiss.

  This time when she started talking, his heart started racing. Her speech was still slurred, but there was no question what she had said. This time when she said it, it was the one thing he had been wanting to hear more than anything in the world.

  “James, I love you. Desperately.”

  He looked down at her, and cupped her cheek in his hand. It was all he could do, not to kiss her awake. He ended up whispering, “I love you, too.”

  Now, he just had to find the courage to tell her while she was awake. That was still going to take some work for him. He had been telling himself for so long, that there was no way she could feel that way for him, for it to be easy for him. He had a lot to work past.

  He knew right now, he was going to have to stop thinking about it, or he’d have himself tied in knots. He clicked the play button on the remote, and went back to watching the movie. Before long, he had drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 14 – Thursday, November 22 -Thanksgiving Day

  James felt someone nudge his shoulder and he lifted his hand, trying to swat them away. They were being really persistent, and despite how much he really didn’t want to wake up, his eyes finally opened.

  “Hey, James. Are you awake now?”

  He looked up to find Carl looking down at him. “Oh, crap. I fell asleep,” he said, sounding really irritated at himself.

  “Yeah, you did.” Carl couldn’t help but chuckle. “It’s seven in the morning. Do you want me to try and wake Lisa up? You probably need to get up and stretch. And other things. I’m betting she slept better than you did.”

  “Yeah, I need to get up. Nature calls.”

  “Lisa,” Carl reached over and shook her gently. “Baby Girl, you need to wake up. James needs to get up and use the bathroom.”

  Lisa stirred a little bit, and then snuggled back into James. Just then, James felt a flutter against his hand where it still rested on her belly. It was the first time he had felt the baby move. It had been so light he wasn’t sure he hadn’t imagined it. It still had been enough to make him gasp from the wonder. She must have heard him, her eyes opened for a split second then closed back. She still refused to wake up.

  “Sorry, I think she may be too comfortable. She can be difficult to wake up at times.”

  James shifted her to a sitting position and sat up with her. Once again, her eyes fluttered, but she still refused to wake up. James was wondering if he kissed her, if she’d wake up. That wasn’t something he was sure he’d be comfortable trying with her dad standing there.

  “Okay, James, I’m going to have to leave it to you to wake her up. I’ve got to go help Jamie. We’ve got to get the turkeys in the ovens.” James watched Carl turn and walk from the room.

  He looked at the woman sleeping against him. He ran his hand up her back, and wove his fingers through her hair at the back of her head. He wondered for a few seconds if he shouldn’t do this. It was kind of like attacking while her defenses were down, but he was getting desperate. All he wanted was to be married already.

  I do need to wake her up after all, he thought to himself, as he lowered his mouth to hers. She came awake slowly, her mouth starting to move with his. She started twisting, trying to pull him closer. He pulled back, just to where their lips were a breath apart. “Marry me.”

  She groaned, and pulled his head back down. Her tongue snaked out, and brushed across his bottom lip. A growl rumbled from deep in his chest. He had to fight to keep himself in control. He pulled back once more, and said again, “Marry me.”

  She groaned again, and this time when she yanked his head down to make their mouths meet, she got a little rougher. Like she was telling him to just shut up and kiss her already. He couldn’t fight her anymore. This time the groan came from him as he deepened the kiss.

  “Wow, she’s awake now.” Carl stood with his head stuck in the door. James’ head snapped up, and he groaned, but he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped when he noticed how pink Lisa’s cheeks had become.

  “Sorry. I was just checking to see if you had gotten her awake. And to see if your parents were coming over to spend Thanksgiving with us.”

  “Yeah, they’re coming. They figured it would be more fun to be here, instead of at home waiting on me. They said they would be here around noon.” As an afterthought, James added, “Jamie might ought to call Mom. I know she was planning on bringing some stuff with her to help out.”

  “Okay, that sounds great,” he said with a grin. He liked the idea of James’ parents coming to Thanksgiving dinner with them. He was hoping it would have a positive effect on James. Help him see how much he truly was a part of their family.

  He leaned farther in and looked at his daughter. “Lisa, if you’re feeling up to it, your mom would probably like your help. And if you don’t mind, could you go wake up Mindi?”

  “Sure. I just need to use the restroom first. Then I’ll go wake her up, and I’ll be right back down.” Lisa said, bouncing up off the couch. She felt extremely well rested, and that had been the most pleasant way to wake up ever. She was going to have a really good day.

  Carl just shook his head at her grinning. “Thanks, Baby Girl,” he said, letting the door swing closed behind him.

  Lisa turned to James. “Good morning, Handsome. That was a dirty trick you tried to pull,” she said with a grin. “But it was a really nice way to wake up.”

  “Yeah,” he said, standing up. “But a guy has to take all the advantages he can.” He raised his hand and brushed his thumb across her cheek. “You know you asked me to marry you in your sleep. You said you needed me.”

  “James, you know I want to marry you. And of course, I need you. That’s never been in question.”

  “Yeah, I know. But you asked me to marry you in your sleep. And just so you know, my answer is yes.”

  “James, that doesn’t count, and you know it,” she said, shaking her head at him.

  “Why not?” he asked, grinning at her. “You can only speak from the heart when you’re asleep.”

  “I know that, but it doesn’t change the fact, you’re leaving something out.”

  “I just thought I’d try,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “So, you like being kissed awake?”

  “Yes. I really like being kissed awake,�
�� she said, unable to stop herself from smiling. “That’s definitely the most pleasant way I’ve ever been woke up.”

  “Well, I will definitely have to remember that, now won’t I?” He leaned his head down and kissed her softly on her parted lips. He wanted to tell her he loved her, but he still had enough doubts, he couldn’t get the words past his throat. He stood there looking her in the eyes, and ended up saying instead, “Now, if I could just figure out what you want.”

  “James, stop thinking so hard. I...” She stopped herself just in time. She wanted to tell him so badly, sometimes, she questioned her own decision. Maybe she should tell him how much she loved him. Maybe he would believe her. Most nights she cried herself to sleep, praying for an answer.

  She took a deep breath, and tried again. “It’s really easy, James. You’re one of the smartest people I know. That may be the problem. Like I’ve said before, I think you turn everything into a physics problem in your head.”

  He had heard the slip. He was wondering if she had almost told him she loved him. That made him wonder why she hadn’t told him she loved him. If that was what she wanted, why wouldn’t she tell him first. Maybe she was as nervous as he was. That just gave him more doubts, and questions.

  “I’m sorry it’s taking so long,” he said, his voice heavy with frustration. “I’ll figure it out. I promise.”

  “I know you will,” she said, pushing him back down on the couch, and stepping between his knees. She leaned down and kissed him. By the time she lifted her head, they were both gasping for air.

  She stepped back and took a deep breath. “I’ve got to wake up my sister,” she said, once again stepping between his knees. This time she leaned in and kissed him on the head, not wanting to tempt herself too far. “Are you going to shave your head today? It’s kind of stubbly.”

  “I’d like to, but I’d have to go home for a shower. I really, probably ought to.”

  “You probably have clean clothes here. You guys always do. Ask mom. I’m sure she’d let you take a shower here, and Dad would lend you a razor. Or two,” she said as she rubbed her hand over his chin.


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