Alix (The Coven's Grove Chronicles #1)

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Alix (The Coven's Grove Chronicles #1) Page 10

by Virginia Hunter

  “Witch hunters,” Miranda said from beside Alix. “I shouldn’t have been surprised.”

  Alix paid the woman little mind. Fury had taken hold, and nothing but the death of these murderous men mattered to her. Alix sprinted toward the three silhouettes and the beast, not caring which she encountered first.

  As Alix charged, the gorilla-like creature turned to face her. Huge fists hammered against its heavily plated chest, before it lunged forward on all fours. The three witch hunters spun toward Alix, as she raced at them. They took aim, but didn’t fire. Instead, the trio began firing upon themselves. One fell instantly, while the other two scurried for cover.

  Alix didn’t have the time or the inclination to ponder why the three hunters had turned on one another. She plowed forward toward the monster that had doggedly chased after her for the past several days. Her battle cry matched that of the creature, as they collided.

  A blinding flash of light accompanied the colossal impact. Alix felt weightless for what seemed an eternity, lost in a void of helplessness, until she hit the ground with a mind-numbing crash. She rolled along the pavement, coming to halt on her back. Groggily she looked up to see that most of her clothing was gone or in tatters, and that all of her tattoos had disappeared. Tiny tendrils of smoke seeped from her exposed skin, to spiral upward into the cold, night air.

  The beast lay on its stomach some twenty yards away, but its arms and legs began to twitch with life as the seconds passed. The two remaining gunmen continued to hunt each other, firing through the flames.

  Miranda walked forward, moving her hands about like some exotic dancer, while chanting in a language Alix couldn’t understand. The air around the beautiful woman rippled, as if warping from the exhaust of a jet engine. Her arms jerked outward suddenly, and she finished her chant with a forceful shout. The shimmering air around her shot toward the creature that struggled to get up. Super-heated wind peeled scales off of the monster’s shoulder and face to reveal mottled skin underneath, that split and curled under the intense blast of hot air. The beast bellowed in pain and anger, as it rolled to its feet. The monster charged on all fours at Miranda, jaws snapping as it came.

  “Get outta there!” Alix yelled, trying to stand on wobbly legs.

  Miranda stood her ground, unfazed by the oncoming train of muscle and fury. Just as the gorilla-beast was about to crash into the dark-haired woman, she stepped to the side, letting the raging creature rush past. In that same moment Miranda transformed. In place of the statuesque beauty, stood a mimic of the beast that attacked them. The only difference was that the eyes glowed bright blue, instead of crimson.

  Alix’s jaw dropped. Now she knew that she was one hundred percent losing her mind. “What the fu—”

  The thing that use to be Miranda roared and leaped at the burnt gorilla-beast. She landed on its back, hammering her fists down on the monster’s head and shoulders. The beast slammed to the ground, knocked senseless. Jumping on its back, Miranda reached her thick, scaly hands under the gorilla-monster’s chin, and pulled upward. Heavy slabs of muscle rolled under Miranda’s transformed arms as they strained. The burnt beast’s body arched backward, and then a loud snap resounded as the creature’s spine shattered. Miranda continued to pull savagely, until the monster was folded fully in half. She roared and pounded her chest in triumph.

  The gunmen no longer fired at one another. One of them laid on the ground near the pumps that spewed torrents of flame into the sky. A dark pool of blood spreading underneath him. His attacker was nowhere to be seen, which was just as well because Alix was in no shape to confront a gun-toting fanatic.

  Alix tore her eyes away from the gruesome scene, and stumbled toward the mangled car. Her mind raced as she made her way. She knew Troy was tough, but wasn’t sure how much he could take. The flames that engulfed the car were still going strong. It was a long time for someone to burn, even for Troy.

  The heat tightened Alix’s flesh, as she approached the car. She felt sick to her stomach watching the fire devour the twisted heap, knowing Troy was trapped inside. If she ended up losing him along with all the others, that would be it. The last straw. No more suffering from life’s humorless punches. She’d end it.

  Images of water and ice came to Alix’s mind. Without thought she summoned the imprint, and laid it onto her battered body. Rectangular strips of soft blues, teals, and white covered her skin, as if she had become part of an arctic glacier. She swayed from the effort of using her power, but staggered up to the burning car despite her fatigue. She reached into the open gap where the driver’s side door should have been.

  The searing flames did not harm her tattooed body, as they rolled and danced along her arms, chest, and face. Only the tingle of the tattoos evaporating under the intense heat touched her. She couldn’t hear anything over the roar of the flames, and she had closed her eyes to shield them from the heat. Her hand found something pliable but brittle, as she flailed around blindly.


  She grabbed hold of him with both hands, and pulled with everything she had left. The fire was starting to warm her arms and cheeks. The icy imprint wouldn’t last much longer. Alix bellowed with rage, as she struggled against Troy’s weight, her hands beginning to redden and blister. He finally came free of the seat, and tumbled from the car. Alix dragged him away from the flames.

  Miranda, back in her “human” form, ran up beside them. She helped Alix pull Troy’s charred body further from the fire. The elegant woman was naked as the day she’d been born. Her clothes had apparently not survived the transformation.

  Alix was naked as well, the rest of her clothing eaten by the fire. None of that mattered though. Troy’s blackened form lay motionless on the pavement, while rank tendrils of smoke drifted from his charred skin. “No,” Alix cried. It didn’t even look like him, didn’t even look like a person.

  “I’m so sorry,” Miranda said, placing her hand on Alix’s shoulder.

  Alix shrugged away from the woman’s touch. She placed her hands where the symbol of protection would have been on Troy’s chest. Images of her lover, how she remembered him as a vigorous, handsome man, came to her thoughts. All of the good things she saw in him, the things she loved about him, joined with the picture of the man she could not lose. She screamed, as she felt the power within her strain against the very fabric of her being, tearing away a part of her soul, as the imprint came into the real world.

  The image floated down to settle on Troy, and was absorbed by his crisped skin.

  Alix collapsed beside him and whispered, “Live damn you.” She reached out and placed her hand on his charred shoulder. “I love you.”

  Miranda moved to Troy’s side, her dark brows raised in shock. “I can’t believe it,” she said, and then quickly placed her hands on his chest. She chanted in that weird language Alix didn’t understand. Once Miranda finished her chant, Troy’s blackened flesh began shedding to reveal pink, vibrant skin beneath.

  Miranda frowned, as her fingers traced the symbol on Troy’s healing chest. Her eyes cut to Alix. “Your work?”

  Alix nodded weakly from the ground.

  “Truly amazing.” Miranda’s gaze returned to Tory. “I’ve never seen its like.” After a moment she smiled. “You’ve bonded with this man.”

  Alix blinking, and looked up at the woman. She was too tired to respond with anything close to tactful. “If you mean we’ve had sex, then yes, we’ve bonded.”

  “No.” Miranda shook her head. “I mean something else. Something I can explain, if you come with me.”

  “Bribery is it?” Alix mumbled, as she laid her head back down on the cooling pavement.

  Miranda sobered. “If that’s what it takes.” She moved over to Alix, and began looking for injuries. “There is more you can learn, beyond your gift, and others you can meet who share our... uniqueness.”

  Alix eyed the woman. “Are you checking me out?”

  Miranda laughed. “Maybe just a little.” She took Alix’s
burned hands in hers and chanted once more. The blistered skin soothed and returned to its natural color. “Will you come with me, and see what I have to offer?”

  At this point Alix didn’t really see any choice. Their transportation had been destroyed, Troy was more than incapacitated, and she was on the verge of losing consciousness. “He and I stay together,” she said finally.

  “Of course,” Miranda agreed.

  “If I don’t like what I see, I’m gone.”


  “Well then,” she said groggily. “I hope you’ve got some wheels.”

  Miranda frowned, but Alix fell into unconsciousness before she could hear the woman’s response.

  The soft crackling and smoky scent of hickory permeated the room, drifting to Alix’s senses with the lightest touch. She groaned, half awake, stretching the soreness out of her muscles. Silky sheets parted easily for her flexed legs, while the subtle fabric caressed her skin like the gentle touch of a lover’s fingertips. Such luxuries were something to be savored, as they didn’t come along very often. She’d never slept in silk bedding before, but made it a point to do so again in the future.

  Alix cracked her eyes open, and spotted the boxy, wooden posts of dark oak that supported the king-sized bed. The craftsmanship was simple, made with functionality in mind. The sheets however, were all about pleasure. White silk embroidered with elegant patterns that reminded her of Celtic knot work splayed across the mattress. She propped herself up on her elbows, and blinked the sleep away. She scanned the rest of the room curiously. It was rectangular in shape with gray, river stone walls. The beautiful stonework covered the lower half of each wall in place of traditional wainscoting. Dark woodwork and windows made up the rest. Wooden shades had been drawn, but sunlight seeped in through the cracks, surrounding the room in beams of light. Three sets of doors stood across from the bed. The middle of which was currently open, and led out into the living area, where a giant, stone hearth climbed up the wall to disappear into an A-framed roof.

  Alix whistled, momentarily caught in awe. She’d only seen pictures of places like this in online ads for vacation homes. She curled back into a ball, snuggling deeper into the down pillow. Warmth cradled her in a way that she hadn’t felt since before narrowly escaping the witch hunters that had invaded her apartment.

  Witch hunters...

  Oh shit! She snapped her eyes open, and sat up in a panic. Troy! As much as she wanted the horrible things that had happened over the past few days to be nothing more than a nightmare, she knew them to be all too real.

  The silk sheets fell from Alix, exposing her naked breasts. She glanced down to see that she was completely undressed. Memories of the fire burning off her clothes rushed back, but she’d been a filthy mess because of it. Currently, her body was as clean as freshly buffed jewelry. Not an ounce of dirt, or a single tattoo marred her pale skin. What the fuck... How the hell did that happen?! Alix shook her head. Never mind, you need to find Troy.

  She jumped out of the bed despite her nudity, and landed on soft billowy carpet. She tiptoed out into the living area. Cozy sofas filled the room while massive throw rugs covered the hardwood flooring. Fancy chandeliers hung from the ceiling in various places, accenting the copper tins that were framed by heavy, dark beams of oak. Where the hell am I?

  Another smell drifted her way along with the sound of percolating water. Coffee. Without thinking she called out, “Hello?” Then immediately grimaced at her foolishness. Good Lord, have you ever seen a horror flick? She cursed herself. Suddenly she felt very aware of her lack of clothing, and she searched the room for something to cover up with.

  “Well, aren’t we anxious to be up and about,” Troy said.

  Alix spun around, hope filling her heart.

  He stood barefooted in a dark fleece robe, not a dozen feet from her. The garment was open, exposing his broad chest and the ever-present symbol of protection she had imprinted on him. Not a scratch marked his flawless skin. Rippling abs cascaded down his torso, tapering into a flat lower-stomach. The sexy contours of his belly disappeared into a pair of plaid boxer shorts that strained against his muscled thighs, adding to the overall allure of the man.

  Tears came to her eyes at seeing him, and she ran, slamming into his warm, muscular body. His arms surrounded her in a tight embrace. Alix buried her face into his chest, enjoying the familiar tingle that always occurred when they touched. She whispered, “Thank goodness you’re okay. I didn’t know if you had...I don’t even want to think about it.”

  Troy kissed the top of her head, and took a deep breath, smelling her hair. “I think we’re going to be ok. I think we’ve found a place to stop, and get some answers.”

  Alix reluctantly pulled her head away from Troy’s chest. “What about your family in Ardmore?”

  Troy smiled. “I’d just as soon leave them out of this, until we get a better handle on what’s going on.”

  Alix nodded. If she’d had any family left that she cared about, she would’ve felt the same way. “I didn’t feel good about dragging them into this mess anyway,” she said, and then without preamble, “I take it you’ve talked with Miranda?”

  “Yeah, I woke up shortly after our arrival,” Troy said. “She told me about the ‘Hunters,’ and that you’re basically a... a witch.” He chuckled. “I shouldn’t be surprised. It actually makes sense in a twisted sort of way.”

  Alix barked a laugh. “You afraid I’m gonna cast a spell on you?”

  “You did that awhile back, babe,” Troy said. His hungry gaze drifted to her breasts, as his hands slid down her back to settle on her butt.

  Alix gasped in delight. Her nipples hardened in response to his probing hands. She placed a finger on his chin for pause. “Shouldn’t we talk to Miranda? You know, to find out more about where we are, and what’s going on?”

  “We will,” Troy answered, as his hands continued to glide along her body. “She wanted to make sure we were fully rested, and said that we could meet with her when we were ready.”

  Alix grinned at him. The time that they had shared together had always seemed rushed, and spurred on by the stress of the moment, with no time to truly enjoy one another. Now it would appear that time was on their side, and Alix felt it necessary to take full advantage of the situation. “Well then, since you’re under my spell, you better do as I say, and take me to bed.”

  Troy hoisted her off the ground, pulling her into a deep kiss. The pleasant, electric tingle from his touch, surged from her lips down into the sensitive places of her body. Alix wrapped her legs around his waist, as he walked them back into the bedroom. He laid her on the soft mattress, his lips continuing to message hers, while his fingertips danced along her sides.

  Alix moaned with pleasure, and clawed at his robe. She wanted him naked. She wanted to see him as nature intended.

  Troy pulled away to stand, his thighs pressing into the bed. The muscles of his shoulders balled up, as he took off the midnight colored robe. His body made a luscious V shape, starting wide at the shoulder, and narrowing at the waist.

  Alix placed her feet on his hips, and wiggled her big toes under the elastic waistband of his plaid boxers. With a slight tug, she pulled them down to reveal his manhood. Her core pulsed upon seeing him. There was something about the male sex that drove Alix a bit batty. It wasn’t about beauty by any means. But knowing what it was for, and how it made her feel when deep inside, was what made her core ravenous to have it. Her breath quickened as she watched him grow. Desperate to have him, she placed her feet on the edge of the mattress, and arched her back so that he could enter her from where he stood.

  A look of predatory hunger washed over Troy’s face, and he grabbed hold of her hips. His strong fingers dug into her flesh, as he slid into her, plunging to the hilt.

  Alix cried out with pleasure, and began grinding against him. “Oh, Troy!”

  Troy quickened to a maddening pace.

  Alix’s body began to quake with the build
ing wave of an orgasm, and she clawed at the sheets.

  She came, screaming in ecstasy.

  Her mind overloaded with pleasure, as her body tingled all over. Every muscle was flexed to the fullest, and she shuttered from the bliss. She remained caught in that moment for what seemed a lifetime, and then melted away from the world. She couldn’t think beyond the pulsing of her core, and barely noticed when Troy pulled out.

  His strong hands took hold of her, and flipped her onto her belly with ease. Alix squirmed on the bed as Troy straddled her legs, and entered her core from behind. She arched her back to accommodate him. His hands found their way to her lower back, as he began pumping with a steady rhythm.

  Her orgasm was much more intense the second time, and the third, and fourth even more than that. Alix’s mind and body were dizzy with the ecstasy of Troy. All she could do was moan and grind against him as he took her. She was lost in the passion, until his hardness pulsed in climax.

  Troy called out in elation, his body rigid. He was completely frozen except for the occasional spasm of his hips. With a moan of relief, he collapsed beside her on the silken sheets.

  Still gasping for breath, Alix said, “Damn, overachiever.”

  Troy laughed. “I couldn’t help myself. You bring out the animal in me.” He wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her on the forehead.

  They laid there, wrapped in each other’s arms. Alix had never been so happy. Even when Hank had taken her in and gotten her off the streets paled by comparison. She moved closer to Troy, so that the entire length of their bodies touched.

  “You hungry?” Troy asked, as he gently caressed her back.

  “Yeah, for you.” She purred, then lightly bit his shoulder. Talk about an animal, she thought, wishing she could just devour him over and over again until the day was spent. Then she giggled, realizing that she could.


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