The Vampire King’s Virgin (The Vampire King Series #4)

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The Vampire King’s Virgin (The Vampire King Series #4) Page 26

by T. S. Ryder

  "Lucinda," Xavier added. "She has apologized for her actions, and we believe she is sincere."

  "That's it? You're not going to punish her?"

  "We're Alphas, not dictators," Timothy said. "As personally upsetting as it is, she didn't break any laws. If we used our position to settle personal grievances, it would be an abuse of power, wouldn't it?"

  Adrian relaxed a little, drinking his cup of wine. "I'm glad that you two seem reasonable, because if either one of you ever makes my little sister cry again, I'll have to come after you with a twelve-gauge shotgun."

  "Adrian!" Amelia stared in shock at her brother. "Why couldn't you have been this protective when I said I didn't want anything to do with Mr. Abs? You pushed and pushed me to be with scumbags. When I finally find two guys who I actually like and who don't say 'Babe, make me a sandwich,' all the time, you threaten them with a shotgun? What is that?"

  "I'm just looking out for you."

  Amelia rolled her eyes and threw her napkin in her plate. He was an idiot. "I'm going for a walk. I can't handle this right now."


  "I'll talk with her," Xavier said, getting up from the table.

  “Great,” Timothy mumbled, not looking forward to be alone with Amelia's brother, who clearly didn't like them.

  "So, Adrian," he said, trying to mimic Xavier's calm way of talking. "Why do you object to Xavier and I? Is it because we're werewolves?"

  "I don’t have anything against werewolves."

  That wasn't what it sounded like, but Timothy elected to go a different route. "Then is it because of the triad dynamic?"

  Adrian made a face but shook his head. "I can't pretend to understand that, but if it's what Amelia wants…"

  "Then why? Amelia has told us about your friend Mr. Thompson. Why are you so insistent that they be together?"

  Pushing back from the table, Adrian folded his arms. "Daniel would give her a good, stable life. He'd provide for her, she wouldn’t want for anything. He would protect her. Yeah, he's a bit immature, but he'd change once he realized what a catch Amelia was. But with you two, how does she know what to expect? You've known each other for how long? It's already been a roller coaster. At least with Daniel she knows he won't just up and leave her!"

  "And neither will Xavier and I," Timothy replied calmly. "Yes, our relationship didn't get off to the best start, but we have made a commitment to communicate from now on. I'm confident that we can make it work. Xavier and I love your sister. We have a steady income; she won't want for anything. We will protect her – to the death if need be."

  Adrian narrowed his eyes. He muttered something in Spanish but stuck out his hand. “I will try to be more supportive of my sister's choices. But I'm serious about the shotgun. If you ever hurt her…"

  Timothy nodded seriously as he shook Adrian's hand. "I understand. We hurt her, we get our heads blown off."

  Adrian cracked a smile. "Good. Now, let's go find my sister. Food's getting cold."

  Chapter Ten

  "We're almost there."

  "Okay, I just need to rest a moment."

  Amelia paused to drink water and rest her aching calves. Timothy and Xavier paused on either side of her. It was something that they were very good at, giving her time to rest without seeming impatient for her to continue.

  For the past three months since the Alphas had brought this up, she had been doing extra hiking to prepare to climb this mountain with them. She wasn't especially outdoorsy, so the hike presented her with a challenge, but she wanted to do it all on her own and was proud of herself for only having to take three breaks so far. Her legs were burning, though, and she would be glad when they made it to the top.

  As they started walking again, Amelia considered the last time they had dinner with her brother. He had brought along his wife and children for the first time, and Amelia was hopeful that he was coming around. At least he had stopped bringing up Mr. Abs. The man himself had showed up a couple of times, but he finally seemed to get that Amelia was telling him no, not try harder.

  The packs also seemed to be handling the situation better now. Amelia had started spending nights with the Alphas on the packlands, thus there were no more midnight serenades from females howling outside their windows, hoping to entice them away from their human choice.

  "You're doing really well," Xavier encouraged her as they began walking up the mountain again. "Only fifty feet left or so."

  Amelia sighed and pushed on.

  When they reached the top, Amelia couldn't stifle a gasp. They emerged on a wide, open clifftop. The ground beneath her feet was covered in soft grass and the surrounding view was simply breathtaking. A deep valley covered in trees looked as soft as velvet. A ribbon of a river running through the valley. The tiny anthills of cities. Amelia went as close to the edge as she dared, drinking it all in.


  "I know, right?" Timothy grinned at her. "A hard journey to make, but so worth it in the end."

  Amelia nodded. "Thank you for bringing me up here."

  "It was our pleasure." Xavier moved up behind her, nuzzling into her neck. "We talked it over and thought that this would be the perfect place."

  Amelia turned a puzzled look on him. "Perfect place for what?"

  Her Alphas gave each other a conspirator's glance that had Amelia's mouth going dry. It had been three months since they started to seriously see each other… could it be that they wanted their first time to be out here in the open air, with nature all around them?

  Xavier pulled a blanket out of his pack and laid it on the ground. Oh, boy.

  "What if someone sees?" she blurted.

  "Nobody will see us up here," Timothy assured her, taking her by the hand.

  Amelia's face and body heated. Excitement was kicking all through her, and she struggled to think clearly – to know what the rational choice was. "How is this going to work? Is it one at a time or… double?"

  Timothy reached under her shirt and tugged it off over her head. "Xavier and I have talked about it… If you want, you and I will start, and then we'll see what you want after a bit. We'd like to make you a sandwich, but it's up to you. There's no rush. We have our whole lives together."

  Amelia nodded, her heart pounding as Xavier sidled up behind her. He unfastened her bra and tossed it aside while Timothy undid her jeans. Xavier's big hands cupped her large breasts, his mouth sucking at her neck, sending tingles flooding her body. A hand slid between her legs. Timothy stepped back, stripping off his own clothes as he watched Xavier prepare her. He took himself in his hand, readying himself.

  "What happened to me and you and then Xavier joining us?" Amelia gasped, her eyes sliding shut as her body tightened.

  "Timothy may have skipped over the finer details," Xavier chuckled in her ear. His fingers were like magic, playing her as deftly as a classical piano piece. Amelia rolled her hips forward, trying to get more contact between the two of them.

  Timothy was there soon enough, his hands clasping her hips as he tugged her away from Xavier. His mouth captured hers, his hands picking up where his partner had left off. Amelia groaned into his mouth, jumping so she could wrap her legs around his hips. Xavier stepped up behind them again and together the two Alphas laid her gently on the ground, where she writhed as Timothy worked her. He paused briefly to put on a condom, and then slipped easily inside of her.

  Amelia gasped as the rush of pleasure hit her. She arched herself to him, planting her feet on the ground so she could match him thrust for thrust. Here, surrounded by nothing but trees, she voiced her pleasure in shrieks and groans. She caught Xavier's eye as Timothy built her higher and higher; he had undressed at some point and was grinning as he watched them.

  It was enough to send her flying. Amelia's back bowed, her fingers dug into Timothy's back, and she let out a scream so loud both Alphas jumped, startled.

  Timothy stopped. Amelia moaned, rolling her hips to encourage him to continue even though she had just finished, but
he shook his head. "Do you want Xavier to take over or join us?"

  Amelia glanced up at Xavier again. His eyes were so bright, a smile on his face. She couldn't repress another moan and held her hand out to him.

  "Join us."

  Timothy rolled over so that she was on top of him now. He adjusted Amelia so she was kneeling, and she couldn't stop the bursts of giggles from coming up her throat. She had been fantasizing about this moment ever since they met, and for the past three months had been using the toys that Xavier had given her so she would be more prepared for when the time came. Now that it had, her nerves and excitement were so mixed up she thought she might faint.

  "Hold me," Timothy whispered, thrusting up gently as Xavier pulled a bottle of lubrication from his pack.

  The anticipation was so tight inside her that she had to bite down on Timothy's shoulder, closing her eyes, while Xavier got her ready. She shivered in the cool mountain air. Then his heat was on top of her and he was easing himself in. The pleasure was so intense that Amelia felt blinded. She gasped dryly, both Timothy and Xavier's hands on her hips, holding her still. They both began moving in sync, as though they could read each other's minds.

  Even though she had just climaxed, Amelia felt the build happening again, faster and higher this time. Xavier kissed the back of her neck, growling, while Timothy's hands moved to her breasts, holding her away slightly so he could knead them between his hands. Heat surged and Amelia couldn't stop a second scream of pure pleasure as the three of them reached the heavens together.


  Xavier grinned to himself as the three of them laid on the grass together. The blanket had been crumpled away at some point during their lovemaking, leaving them on the naked mountaintop. Not that he minded.

  "Wow," Amelia said, stirring. "That was better than I thought it would be."

  "I agree," Timothy said. "You're so receptive…"

  Xavier grinned, watching them kiss a little more. Eventually, though, he sighed. "As much as I'd love to do that again, it's getting late and we have to get back down the mountain before dark."

  Amelia groaned. "Next time we bring a tent. I don't know how I'll walk after that."

  "We'll carry you," Timothy promised. He kissed her shoulder. "But Xavier's right. We should dress and head back down… wait until you see what we can do in a bed."

  Amelia was on her feet, tugging on her clothes before Xavier could blink. He laughed at her excitement, feeling a well of love for her. She was perfect for the two of them: feisty, sensuous, and passionate. Keeping up with her would be difficult for the both of them. No wonder no one man in her past could give her what she needed! He and Timothy dressed more lazily, and once they were all clothed, he glanced at his partner, cocking a brow.

  "Before we go," Timothy said, understanding the look, "we have something to ask you."

  "What is it?" Amelia smiled at the two of them in turn.

  Xavier swallowed. They were already mated according to werewolf standards, but there was one thing that they wanted to do: a human tradition. Amelia deserved to have everything she dreamed of, and she was already planning the wedding, though she tried to hide it from them. Together the Alphas knelt and pulled small velvet boxes from their packs. Amelia gasped.

  "Will you marry us?" they asked in unison, opening the boxes. Inside were two thin rings, one gold, one silver, that would interlock once they were on her fingers

  Amelia's eyes filled with tears and she tackled them both, swapping kisses between the two of them like a woman possessed. "Yes!" she cried. "Yes, of course, yes!"



  Heat, Hockey and Two Werewolves


  A curvy witch who is also an artist PLUS two sexy Werewolves who want her PLUS a hot hockey game!

  The only thing Piper Diamond wants to do with hockey is to stop hearing about it so much.

  For this witch, gallery owner and artist, the absolute worst time to be in her hometown of Uphoria, Alberta is when the town hosts the Werewolf League games, resulting in hockey permeating every aspect of her life. Even her normally attentive, sexy Werewolf mate, Baxter, loses his head during the hockey season and eats, sleeps and breathes hockey.

  But when the hunky center forward of Uphoria's home team, Patrick Giles, wants Piper and Baxter for his trois amour, a three-way mating group, Piper's interest in hockey suddenly skyrockets. Even though Patrick is sexy and Baxter is more than willing to have him join them, Piper's not certain that she can commit to a relationship with another Werewolf.

  Unfortunately she doesn't have much time to think about her love life. Her gallery is in financial trouble and it's all she can do to keep warlock Thor Wragge from buying it and turning her dreams into cheap reproductions. Things don't get any easier when the gallery becomes a target for vandals and burglars, so Piper has to decide what she really wants from life.

  Chapter One

  Piper Diamond tried to ignore her mate, Baxter, as he sighed, rubbing his thumbs in small circles at the base of her neck. He always knew just the right way to touch her to ease the tension in her spine. His musky Wolf scent so close to her stirred desire like it always did, but right at this moment, he wasn't after sex.

  Instead, his eyes were sad and droopy, his mouth downturned, trying to convince her to do something far different. And far less exciting.

  "Please come to the game with me."

  "Baxter, I can't."

  "Why not?"

  "Because I have all this work to do," she gestured to the receipts and invoices strewn over her desk. "And because I don't want to. You'll have more fun without me, anyway."

  It was the Wolf League playoffs in Uphoria, Alberta. Winter howled outside and the windows rattled as sand-like grains of snow beat against them. And it always led people to bundle up in woolen hats and parkas to brave the frigid temperatures, so that they could sit in a freezing cold hockey arena and watch a bunch of Werewolves skate around on the ice, slapping around a puck with their little sticks.

  Hockey season was the worst season in Piper's opinion. Though she could easily summon up a small dragon to keep her hands toasty in the arena, she just didn't see the appeal of the sport. Not a very Canadian attitude, as Baxter repeatedly told her.

  When it came to hockey, the only delightful parts of watching a sports game–the rippling muscles of the athletes–were hidden beneath layers of padding and fur. Boring.

  What made it even more unbearable was that while the playoffs happened, they were all anybody in Uphoria, especially Baxter, would talk about. Piper couldn't even walk down the street without hearing fights over the finer points of what happened in the last game.

  Baxter leaned over her, nibbling at her neck. She tried to ignore the tingle that it created, focusing on her bookkeeping papers.

  "You have been pouring over these books for hours," Baxter nipped at her earlobe, his steamy breath in her ear. "If you come with me, I can make it really worth your time…"

  Piper swept her blue-and-purple hair out of her eyes and turned to her mate. As a Werewolf, he was able to shift forms at will and either be a man with firm muscles, dark hair, dark eyes, and a Latino complexion, or a humanoid wolf with hairy, clawed feet, hands the size of dinner plates and boundless muscles that rippled under gleaming fur the color of midnight.

  "You'll be able to enjoy the game better without me," Piper repeated. "The gallery is in the red again, I'm not sure how I'll make rent. It seems every time I break even, something happens and I'm in debt again."

  Baxter caught the arms of her swivel chair, trapping her. "Piper Diamond, you get your delicious ass out of this chair this instant. You need something to distract you, and you know how… desirous I get after we win a game."

  "You're insisting, aren't you?"

  Baxter nodded, and Piper wrapped her arms around his neck. He rarely insisted on anything, and so she knew that this was very important to him. "Okay. I'll go. On one condition. If we lose, you
don't start pouting."

  Baxter flicked his tongue across her lips and she opened them readily and moaned.

  "I'll get your coat," he whispered, slipping away from her grasp.

  Piper smiled at him. She really did not want to go watch hockey, even though she had to admit the sex after Uphoria won a game and Baxter was all hopped up on adrenaline and excitement, was always mind-blowing. But Baxter was right, as he usually was. She needed a distraction and hockey was better than sitting around stressing.

  They had been mates since senior prom night. Neither of them had really understood just how permanent Werewolf mating actually was. They had been hormone-fueled teenagers with their heads in the clouds, lost in a night of music and dance.

  They hadn't even known each other prior to that night.

  Nobody had asked Piper to prom. She was the high school's fat-girl that nobody noticed, except for when she snuck candy into Mr. Breton's oh-so-boring History of Magic in the Americas class. She wasn't the only one eating chocolate while Breton droned on and on, but she was the only one the other students seemed to notice. Back then, Piper hated her body, bouncing from diet to diet, her weight yo-yoed like crazy, making her constantly sick.

  She hadn't even wanted to go to prom, but her mother wanted her to go. Her mother had just stopped chemotherapy and so Piper had agreed. During a slow song, Piper was making up an exciting story to tell her mother about how much fun she had when Baxter approached. He complimented one of her art pieces that was displayed in the school hall. Talking lead to kissing, intense and fiery.

  Piper was still not entirely certain how or why it happened, but before the end of the night, they were in the backseat of his car, clumsy, awkward, but with no second thoughts.

  It had been a mistake.

  But it was the best mistake Piper had ever made. Baxter was the sweetest, most attentive mate she could ever hope to find. Even though knowing that she was his mate for life scared the shit out of her at first, it didn't take long for her to truly fall in love with him.


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