Recovering Ivy

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Recovering Ivy Page 18

by Riley Edwards

  “I can’t hold back, baby. It’s too much. You’re too much. I can’t stop it.”

  “Never too much. I’m almost there. Come with me.”

  The demand wasn’t even out of his mouth before the euphoria overtook my body, heat radiated, and I cried out in pleasure.

  “Zane. I love you.”

  “Ivy,” he groaned, and his head fell back. I watched as his eyes rolled and he was lost in bliss.

  When he came back to himself, he gave me his weight, making sure he didn’t break our connection.

  “One day I’m gonna plant my baby in you.”

  In a deep faraway place, I’d always wanted children but was always too afraid to hope. Too afraid I wouldn’t know how to be a mom. But with Zane, I knew he’d never let me fail.

  “Okay.” I smiled.

  “I want at least four,” he told me.

  “Okay.” My answer was rewarded with his smile.

  “You’re awfully agreeable.”

  “I’m finding I have trouble telling you no.”

  His laughter was music to my ears and did wonders to alleviate any doubt I had.

  “That’ll be the day. I find it hard to believe the time will ever come when you’ll have difficulty voicing your opinions.” His laughter died, and he sobered. “I ruined our Sunday breakfast.”

  “New rule,” I said. “Sex before Sunday breakfast.”

  His dimples were back.

  I was the luckiest girl in the world.



  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  It had taken damn near a week to piece together the connection between Forester and Barbara. Declan’s conversation with Amy gave us no further insight into Forester’s operation. It seemed he had been smart and compartmentalized. Amy only knew her part in his business. He gave her drugs to supply to the Johns she worked, that was all.

  “Afraid not,” Garrett answered.

  Leo and Declan were inspecting the tube of tennis balls Jaxon was able to get from a country club member that had carelessly left the container on the table after a lunch date with Barbara. It seemed she was more than the madam and took clients as well.

  Jaxon picked up the third ball from the table and pinched the sides, exposing a cut in the green fuzzy exterior. He tipped the ball and out fell a small bag containing a white powder.

  “Fuck me running. That is pretty fucking genius. He’s dealing right out in the open, a three-pack of tennis balls at a time.”

  “He sure the hell is,” Linc added. “I have the security footage from the club. Apparently, they had an issue with the cleaning crew stealing out of the locker room and installed a camera in there as well. Pretty fucking intrusive if you ask me, and illegal. I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth, it saved us the trouble, but fuck if I’ll ever change in a locker room again.”

  “What’s wrong, Linc? Camera shy or afraid you won’t measure up?” Leo chuckled.

  “I measure up. Trust and believe that, brother. But I don’t need that shit making its way on the web. The line of women waiting to bang down the door will piss my wife off.”

  “What will piss your wife off?” Jasmin asked as she joined us in the conference room. The correct term would’ve been waddled in, but I smartly kept that comment to myself. She looked tired, and for the first time I agreed with Linc, it was time for her to go on leave.

  “Nothing, Jassy, come sit down.” Leo stood and pulled out the seat next to him. When she cut her eyes at the nickname, he chuckled.

  “Stop calling me that,” she complained, but took the chair Leo had offered.

  “What about Barbara’s client list?” Garrett asked.

  The list.

  I’d yet to decide what I was doing with the list. Morally and ethically, I should turn the list over to the police along with the other evidence. But it wasn’t that simple. Judges, lawyers, politicians, and police would be swept into a scandal of epic proportions.

  “Christ.” I rubbed my temples trying to ward off the headache that was fast approaching. “There are two names on the list I want to talk to first. Michael Miller and Janet Goodall.”

  “Michael Miller?” Garrett inquired. “He’s a beat cop. A no one. And Janet is a lawyer again, no one special.”

  “Both of them have small children. I want them warned and ready to obtain counsel and the opportunity for them to hire Maya Vaugh in case the list goes public. If anyone can turn a scandal into a PR gold mine, it’s her.”

  “Just those two?” Declan looked up from the paper he was writing notes on.

  “Everyone else should’ve fucking known better and has the means to paint lipstick on the goddamn pig without my help. Miller is a beat cop, he makes shit for money and only used Barbara’s services twice. He probably couldn’t afford more than that. His wife left him and he’s a single dad. His service record is stellar, the Captain raves about him, his kids’ school had nothing but good things to say, including he’s involved in the PTA. I found nothing on him other than a man looking to get laid, discreetly, without taking time away from his kids.

  “Janet Goodall married her high school sweetheart. Both lawyers. Nice family, nice house, nice kids. Only issue, she’s gay. I don’t know why she’s staying in her marriage; I would assume for the sake of her children. She is wealthy without the use of her husband’s income. Moderate debt, no priors, no past drug use. She is a fair and mostly honest for an attorney. If her husband doesn’t already know, I think it is her right to tell him before he hears it from the media.”

  “And the rest?” Linc asked.

  “Fuck ‘em. They all knew the risk and should’ve known nothing stays a secret.”

  “Judge Leone is on the list,” Jaxon reminded me. “He’s had your back. You sure you don’t want to repay him the favor.”

  “He’s never had my back. He’s signed off on warrants that he knew would result in takedowns, making his son-in-law, the Police Chief, look good and his good friend, the District Attorney, would have an open and close case. It was not to have my six. The man doesn’t do favors; he collects them. Besides, he is no fucking friend of mine with a wife of thirty years sitting at home while he fucks hookers twice a week. He’s no man, he’s a goddamned scumbag cheating on his wife. Turn the list over, let the chips fall where they may. I’ll call the POTUS later and give him a heads-up. He can decide who he wants to warn after that. Not our circus.”

  The landline rang, and the front desk indicator flashed. I hit the speaker button and answered.


  “Detective Goldsborough is here to see you.” Ivy’s sweet voice came over the line, making me smile, then I remembered.

  “Why are you out front?” I growled.

  “Should I bring him up, sir, or will someone be down to escort him?”

  Fuck me, she was completely ignoring me.

  “So help me God, you better get your little ass back upstairs right now.”

  “That would be great. I’ll let the detective know someone will be right down.”


  It was too late; she’d disconnected the call.

  “Sweet Jesus, finally, someone else got the last word.” Jasmin laughed. “The vein on your neck is working overtime.”

  “I’m gonna paddle her ass,” I muttered. “Declan, go meet with Amy and tell her now is a good time to get outta dodge. She’ll be free to leave with her daughter. Jaxon, you go meet with Miller and Goodall; give them the heads up. Leo, you’re with me. Linc, take your wife home and get her situated. If you’re back in time, you’ll be with me and Leo. Garrett, keep trying to find Sarah. I want that bitch brought in ASAP. I need a word with her before I send her ass back to Florida.”

  “Home?” Jasmin asked.

  “Yep. You’re on leave until you pop those babies out.”

  “I have another few weeks until…”

  “Non-negotiable. You’re done. Go home, relax.”

  “What the fuck?” she
complained. “When the hell did you go soft and start treating me with kid gloves? I’m an asset to this team, you goddamn well know it. This is jacked.”

  “You are an asset, a damn good operator. We all know it, Jas. This has nothing to do with your ability and everything to do with me wanting you to be healthy and strong for my nieces and nephews or whatever combination you’re growing in there.”

  “I am…”

  “Goddamn it, Jasmin. You’ve busted your ass your whole life. You’ve worked hard, struggled, and fought like hell to get where you are today. You’ve fucking earned some time to sit back and enjoy the last of your pregnancy. Go home and nest or whatever girly shit pregnant women do. I don’t much care as long as you’re not thinking about cases.”

  “Geeze. Okay. Cool your tits. I’m going.” Jasmin lowered her head before she looked back up and leveled me with her piercing gaze. “Thank you, Zane. For everything. For always having my back.”

  With a nod of acknowledgment, I looked to Leo, uncomfortable with her appreciation. There was no need to thank me. I’d almost gotten her killed, more than once. We were both lucky to make it out of Russia alive. Then I’d spent the next two years after that lying to her about what had really happened. I kept Lincoln’s secret until he could get back from his operation and claim his wife. I almost fucked that up, too.

  “You ready?”

  Leo stood, tagging his tablet and phone off the table and following me to the door.

  I stopped at the door and turned back. “Garrett, you’re in charge of Ivy. She’s not to leave the building. If she so much as tries, tie her up in my office.”

  “Right. Apparently, you’ve never met your woman. She’d have my balls before she allowed that to happen.”

  Yeah, she would, part of what made her the perfect woman.

  Three hours later, Detective Goldsborough and his chief were up to speed on the latest developments. They’d also brought in a DA to discuss charges, including reopening the case against Forester for Joanna Long’s death.

  “It’s a long shot,” the DA informed me. “If the tox screen comes back with fentanyl and the nexus can be made between the heroin Forester is selling now and what came up in autopsy, I can push for murder. However, drug-induced homicide is still hard to convict. It is a matter of proving the dealer put the user in harm’s way by adding the fentanyl.”

  “Harm’s way? He’s motherfucker is a drug dealer. He puts everyone in harm’s way. These assholes are public enemy number one,” I spit out.

  I hated the justice system. My way of doling out retribution and punishment was more effective – time-saving, too.

  “While that may be, Mr. Lewis, opinion does not matter in a court of law. It boils down to what I can prove. If the toxicology comes back in our favor, I will be seeking murder charges in the death of Joanna Long.”

  I nearly rolled my eyes at the asshole. Some days it was hard to remember I was stateside; there were rules and laws to be followed. The good guys claimed to have civility while the criminals were protected by due process. It was a bunch of bullshit and I regretted having law enforcement involved. However, my hands were tied; they were smack dab in the middle, leaving me no choice but to play the game.

  “Fine. Let’s go pick this asshole up. I have a man on him; he’s at the country club. Barbara is with him as well. It should be an easy takedown. Two birds, one stone.”

  I moved to the door and waited as the other men gathered their belongings before we made our way through the office and down to the public area of the office. I was happy to see Rena was now stationed at the reception desk.

  “Has anyone ever told you you’re an over-the-top son of a bitch with security?” the Police Chief chuckled.

  “A time or two.”

  Jaxon and I went to my Rover and I impatiently waited for Goldsborough to get in his car to follow.

  “Christ. How long does it take to get in a fucking vehicle?”

  “I’m happy for you,” Jaxon said, ignoring my comment.

  “Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”


  I contemplated his statement before I did something so uncharacteristic I couldn’t believe my own ears. “She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I never thought I could love a woman or merely being in someone’s presence could bring me so much peace. I’m going to marry her someday.”

  I watched as Goldsborough pulled out of his parking spot, no longer thinking about Forester or his impending arrest. I was pondering how long I had to wait before I could ask Ivy to be my wife. Just as we’d pulled out onto the street, the answer came to me. I didn’t have to wait. I’d never been one to procrastinate when I wanted something. Ivy was no different. And if she had an issue with agreeing, I’d persuade her – one way or another.



  “I promise I won’t have a freak-out this time,” I joked as I joined Violet and Olivia in Jasmin’s living room.

  It had been nearly eight-bliss-filled weeks since the argument in Zane’s living room. Eight weeks of living on cloud nine. Fifty-six days of loving Zane. He’d been true to his word and had been patient with me. When my insecurities bubbled to the surface, we worked through them. Together. He never allowed me to retreat or run. And in return he repeatedly told me, I calmed the ache in his soul. He smiled more, laughed more, he looked happy.

  “Lunch date, take two.” Olivia laughed and gave me a hug.

  “You didn’t freak out. You just didn’t let the big baboon walk all over you. Though I have to say, now that I’ve seen the way Zane is with you I kinda, almost, feel bad calling him an overgrown primate. Not really, but maybe a little. I mean, he still calls me Miss Loose Lips, so I get to return the favor and call him a hairy beast,” Violet told me.

  “Well, he is a beast, thankfully not hairy. And there are parts of him that are overgrown, I’ll give you that,” I returned.

  Jasmin made a gagging sound, triggering a round of laughter. “Gross. I get it, he’s hot. But he’s my brother-in-law and gross, just gross.” She looked around and with a conspiratory whisper added. “But those Parker – Lewis brothers got lucky in that department, didn’t they?”

  “I’d say we got lucky,” I answered.

  “You can say that again.”

  “Say what again?” Linc asked, walking into the room.

  “Nothing. You leaving now?” Jasmin asked.

  “I’d say it’s not nothing the way your face is the shade of a beet.”

  “Whatever. Don’t you need to go to the office?”

  “I won’t be long, an hour tops. Goldsborough and the DA want to go over the evidence one more time.” Linc walked to Jasmin and planted a smoldering kiss on her lips. “Don’t have those babies until I get back.”

  “Sheesh, we still have like three more weeks.”

  “Ladies. Have a good lunch.” Linc ignored Jasmin’s grouch and walked to the door. “Please don’t let her do anything crazy.”

  “Damn. We were planning on table dancing today!” Violet yelled at Linc’s back as he closed the door.

  “Alright, now that’s he’s gone, what’s happening at the office? I swear, he won’t tell me anything.” Jasmin scooted back on the couch and tried to get comfortable.

  She was adorable, not that I would tell her that. Even pregnant and the woman still scared the hell out of me. Over the last two months I’d heard story after story about how badass she was. But she looked like a Barbie doll with a huge stomach. I didn’t know skin could stretch like that.

  “Nothing really. Colin is still back and forth to DC. I think Erin has a new call sign, Super-Pain-In-The-Ass. That’s been upgraded from Pain-In-The-Ass over the last week. She’s ditched her detail three times in seven days. The President is ready to go nuclear,” I told her.

  “She won’t return any of my calls.” Olivia’s smile faded, and sadness laced her tone. “She’s my best friend and refuses to speak to me. I think it’s payback for when I was… y
ou know, before I was taken, I was drinking all the time. Erin tried to reach out and stop me, but I wasn’t ready to listen. Both the stupidest and best thing I ever did.”

  “What do you mean?” I inquired.

  “Stupid because I was behaving like a spoiled bitch and putting myself in danger. But if I hadn’t gone through what I had, I wouldn’t have met Leo. He’s the best decision I ever made.” Olivia’s hands went to her belly and I wondered if she realized what she’d done. She, too, had a baby bump, only hers was small in comparison to Jasmin.

  “Declan had an op in Bangladesh,” Violet informed Jasmin. “Some rich businessman wanted a guard. From what Jaxon and Dec said, the man paid a whack, too.”

  “He did. It was absurd, but Zane was happy. He said with the man’s contract alone he could cover payroll for six months.” Not that Zane’s business was hurting for money, but he was smiling the day he gave me the check to deposit.

  Rena had decided to cut back on hours to spend more time with her family and I’d been slowly taking over some of her duties. Well, the ones that didn’t include being Zane’s assistant. We were finding a healthy balance. He tried to bark orders and boss me around, and I told him where he could shove it. If the smile, dimples included, was anything to go by I’d say it was working well.

  “Linc told me that Z looks happy.” Jasmin pinned me with her gaze. “I’m glad. After everything he’s been through, he deserves it.”

  “I hope he is. But everything is still new; it’s only been a few months. I’m still a little worried he’ll get sick of my shit. He tells me every day I have a problem following orders. But I’m getting better.”

  “The last thing that man needs is a woman who follows orders. He needs an equal. And he’s found that in you.” A sly smile played on Jasmin’s lips. “Give him hell.”

  “Let’s eat. I’m starving,” Olivia said. “By the time I have this baby, I’m gonna look like I’m having triplets.”


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