Off Camera

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Off Camera Page 7

by Opal Adams

  But instead of admitting that, I just kissed him. I cupped his face in my hands and pressed a hard kiss to his lips, trying to put all the emotion into it that I refused to put into words.

  I nipped his bottom lip and wrapped my arms so tight around his neck that we were pressed completely against each other. It went quickly from almost awkward to smoldering. His cock was hard between my legs, and I was grinding against it through his pants, already sick of the cloth barrier between us.

  It was there, though, lingering in the back of my mind that this was the only time this would happen between us. Should I be taking it slow, or quick? Should I be trying to drag it out so that I got to see and taste every inch of his body, or should I just stop thinking and let things happen naturally? Let passion take over and ride him hard and fast like my body was begging me to.

  It was Aaron who pulled back, resting his forehead against mine, heavy breaths fanning against my mouth. "Wait, wait," he said. My heart sank. Was I not even going to get that once after all? "I just... I just need to make sure you're serious about this, Ellie. I really like you, a lot, and I can't go back from this without it hurting me. I need to know this isn't just one night for you, or just a casual thing."

  "I'm serious about this. I'm serious about you, Aaron. I want this more than anything I've ever wanted." I could have almost cried with relief, and I kissed him again, crushing my lips against his, my nails dragging against his skin as I struggled to get his shirt off and start touching him.

  We'd made each other cum, but I'd never really gotten to touch him. It had always been rushed those times, but now I had all the time in the world and I wanted to hurry up and get him naked so I could spend that time loving his body.

  I unbuttoned his shirt in a rush, and then started working on his pants, dragging them and his boxers off his legs, before standing to marvel at his muscles.

  "Lie down," I instructed, getting off him so he could lie at the top of the bed, and I could straddle him. I'd gotten him out of his clothes, but I was still fully dressed, and I liked the power it gave me as he looked up from under hooded eyes.

  His hard cock was between my thighs, but I didn't let it touch anything as I started kissing down his body. My tongue and teeth worshipped every inch of muscle on his chest and stomach, and soon was I skirting around the edge of his cock, nipping at his inner thigh and running my tongue lightly over his balls.

  "You're a tease," he said, voice ragged. "And I'm going to rip your clothes off and fuck you so hard it hurts."

  My pussy clenched, but I didn't stop. I ran the tip of my tongue up his shaft from base to tip, watching him fist his hands in the bedsheets with satisfaction.

  His cock was so big I could barely take all of it, but I was going to because the reaction I'd gotten from him in the dressing room had been a bigger turn on than anything he could have done to me.

  When I started sucking slowly on his tip, he bucked his hips and caught me by surprise, forcing his cock almost completely into my mouth. I'd never given much head before, but with Aaron, it was one of the hottest things I could imagine. I watched his face as the pleasure spasmed over it, and just wanted to see more; wanted to know that I was making him feel like that.

  Now, though, he denied me. He pulled me up by my hair until I was kneeling over him. "I know you like my cock in your throat," he said, voice silkier than I'd ever heard it. "But sometimes you can't always get what you want. You lie down."

  He flipped us over, and I was left on my back looking up at him, my chest heaving as I tried to control my breathing. My panties were soaked, and I was almost embarrassed as he pulled them and my skirt off.

  But then he said, "So wet for me, my little slut," and I wasn't embarrassed, just more turned on than I'd ever been in my life.

  He pulled my blouse apart, not bothering to spend the time undoing the buttons like I had, and unclipped my bra with expert sleight of hand.

  We were both naked now, and he kissed down my body just like I'd done to him, taking my nipples in his mouth and sucking and biting until I was a mewling mess beneath him. I spread my legs wide, lifting my hips off the bed in an attempt to get some friction, but he was giving me nothing.

  Any nerves I had were gone; all that mattered now was getting his cock inside me.

  "Please," I begged, trying to appeal to that part of him that obviously loved having me under his control. "Please. I need it, Aaron."

  He hummed, mouth still latched onto my nipple, and finally trailed his fingers down my body until they were playing with my lips. He looked up, releasing my breast and looking at me with dark eyes. "You look like you need it," he said, dipping his fingers inside me for just a moment and making me whimper.


  "We have all the time in the world, baby. I don't plan on getting out of this bed all night."

  I was gnawing on my lower lip, trying to give him my best puppy dog eyes. "I can't take this all night."

  He dipped his fingers into me again, curling up them and making my back arch as he hit just the right spot. "You don't think you could take this all night?" He rubbed his thumb against my clit as he said it, and it only took seconds for me to come apart, my attempt at a sexy response garbled as euphoria took over.

  His fingers swirled on my stomach as I breathed hard, trying to come down from the high.

  I didn't want a reprieve, though, and I took Aaron's cock in my hand, pumping him up and down a few times before straddling him. He reached into his bedside table and grabbed a condom, and I worked it over his shaft, before working myself over it.

  It was a tight fit, and I went slowly, loving the way his face had gone from smug to slack in an instant. His fingers dug into my hips and I knew he was resisting the urge to force me down, bury himself inside me.

  He didn't, though, he let me test his size, before I started riding him slowly. And after a while I was going slowly just to tease him; to watch his face spasm every time I sat down fully, but only stayed there a second before pulling up and bouncing on just his tip.

  "You're a tease," he accused again, finally getting fed up of my antics and flipping us over. "You don't deserve to fucked like this." And he bucked into me hard and fast, making me throw my head back with a loud moan.

  There was nothing tame about how we fucked; I raked my nails down his back, and his fingers were bruising on my hips and thighs.

  His breath sped up in my ear, and he was cursing low and raspy with every stroke inside me. He was close, and I wrapped my legs tighter around his hips, biting his earlobe, whispering dirty promises in his ear.

  He fell against me with all his weight as he came, and I loved the feeling of it; being crushed beneath him.

  I linked my arms around his neck and peppered kisses across his shoulder, the only thing I could reach.

  "We should have been doing that a lot sooner," Aaron said as he rolled off me, pulling me into his side and cradling me there. "I'm an idiot."

  I laughed, drawing nondescript patterns on his chest with my fingertips. Without the desire gnawing at me, I could properly appreciate those solid muscles. "You weren't the only idiot. At least we learned our lesson."

  He pressed a kiss to my temple. "I definitely don't plan on letting you go."



  The rest of the filming in New York was almost perfect.

  Now that we'd broken the ice and admitted everything to each other, Ellie and I were completely absorbed in each other. I knew that the rest of the cast and crew had figured out exactly what was going on: it was impossible not to, really. We stood by the food table chatting and giggling; we disappeared into my dressing room and Ellie really wasn't good at holding in her moans.

  No one really seemed to care, though, either.

  Den had clapped me on the back and said he was glad to see me happy. Nel had told me that Ellie seemed like a lovely girl, and she was pleased.

  Everyone else hadn't really said anything; I wasn't close enough to t

  What surprised me most, though, was the lack of comments I'd received on her age. She was half my age, and I'd expected to be told that I was taking advantage of a girl who was new to the business and just wanted to succeed.

  No doubt that was what I'd see in the papers, but they didn't matter. They didn't know the full story, and they didn't have the right to know.

  They could speculate as much as they liked, but all I cared about was that my friends were happy for me.

  Ellie still wasn't enjoying filming. The endless takes and repetitive lines wore her down day after day, but now that we were together, I had the opportunity to perk her back up whenever I could instead of her just going home and wallowing at the end of the day.

  She said that having the weight of our tense relationship off her shoulders made everything a lot easier, too.

  I still felt like things were extreme with us: only now it was like permanent euphoria. I woke up in the morning beside Ellie and everything just felt right.

  There were still some kinks, though.

  Ellie was looking at colleges across the country, and I wasn't going to be moving out of LA no matter where she picked.

  "I just love the look of NYU," she said as we walked through the campus one day. "I still don't even know what I want to study, but you were right about this city. You've made me fall in love with it, too."

  I looked around at the old, beautiful buildings and knew she was right, it would be a brilliant place to study. My gut clenched at the same time, though. Only a few days ago I'd been holding her close and promising that I was never going to let her go.

  What was I going to do if she was living on the other side of the country? I'd be able to afford to come and visit her, but it wouldn't be the same.

  It would still be a long-distance relationship, and I just didn't want that.

  "You should apply," I said.

  She made an incoherent noise. "Yeah, I guess. It wouldn't be for ages, really, anyway. I'll need to take some time to figure out what I want to study and stuff, too."

  "You know I'd support whatever you picked." Because she wasn't sounding too enthusiastic about it anymore, and while I didn't know if I could deal with a long-distance relationship when the time came, I didn't want to discourage her either. She shouldn't be making decisions about college and the rest of her life based on me.

  "I know you would, but I don't know if I want to live this far away. It's on the other side of the country. I'm excited to go home and look at colleges in Cali."

  I grinned, and wanted to kiss her, but didn't because we were still on campus, and I wasn't sure who was looking; who had their cameras pointed at us.

  Because that was another issue between us.

  Or, it wasn't something we disagreed on, just something that made things more difficult than they should have been.

  Neither of us wanted to be in the headlines of a gossip magazine, and so we were putting off making our relationship any kind of public for as long as possible.

  But we'd spent so much time in the city where I just wanted to wrap my arm around her shoulder as we walked, or to kiss her on the cheek as we looked at the scenery.

  It was almost painful to stop myself from doing it.

  "It's going to get out eventually anyway," Ellie would say, though she didn't make a move to actually hold my hand as we walked. "I just... I'd just like to wait until filming was done before I had to wake up and see my name all over the magazines in the hotel lobby."

  Everything in me told me to just stop and hug her, but people were definitely looking in our direction. We were the least inconspicuous people on the entire street with people whispering and pointing at us.

  "I know," I agreed, hand twitching at my side. "I know, I just want it all to be out there and for the attention to have died down already."

  "Dana is still bugging me about doing interviews for the movie, too. I still haven't had the balls to just tell her that I have no interest in appearing on live TV. In fact, the thought horrifies me."

  "I have a couple of interviews lined up while I'm in New York. I've always enjoyed it, though."

  "I'm pretty certain that you're the only PR the movie needs. Anything I'd be doing would be promo for me rather than the movie."

  "You'd be surprised. Having someone beautiful on TV always attracts people."

  She blushed, and I could see her hand twitch this time. She groaned, loudly. "I just want everything to be normal."

  It wasn't until we got back to LA that I realized what a complete coward I was being.

  We had a week off when we got back to Cali so that Den could watch through all the footage and see if there was anything we needed to film again.

  That week was true perfection.

  Back in LA we had all the comforts of my home, and there was really no need for us to leave our bed. We watched movies and TV shows and fucked all day and night until I was almost glad to be going back to work. Feeling like a slob was only enjoyable for so long.

  Only, the second day of us being back on-set, Mindy showed up.

  Ellie and I were talking by the coffee maker, not bothering to hide the small touches on each other's arms, or how close we were standing. If someone was going to sell us out to the press, they would have done it by now.

  Ellie was the first one to see Mindy, and I knew who it was before I'd turned around. The smile wiped from Ellie's mouth, and she cleared her throat, looking down into her cup.

  I looked over my shoulder, and grimaced. "I'll be right back." I reached out and squeezed her arm just once, before striding towards Mindy and practically dragging her outside the studio.

  "What are you doing here, again? You can't possibly need any more money." I was pissed, and there was no hiding it.

  "You've found yourself a little slut, then?" she asked, ignoring my question.

  I massaged my temples, determined to keep myself in check. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "Don't take me for a fool, Aaron. I'm not blind."

  "What I do in my personal life is none of your business."

  "I'm sure the tabloids would believe it was their business, though. How have you managed to keep this one out of the papers?"

  "None of the rest of my friends feel the need to blackmail me."

  Her laugh was tinkly and completely fake. "Oh, that's funny. And I do need more money. Aaron, you barely spend any of it, it's no skin off your nose."

  "I'd rather burn it than give it to you."

  Her laugh this time was loud and even faker. "So, your little whore is a gold-digger? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You fell for me."

  "Do you really have no shame?" I asked. Whenever I saw her now, I couldn't imagine how she'd managed to hide this side of her personality for ten years. At first, at least. In the final few years, it was more my unwillingness to acknowledge what a nasty person she'd seemingly become.

  "None at all, and you know, I'm far happier than you are."

  "I'll have to find something to blackmail you with, and see how you like it." I'd straightened my back, though, and there was a quirk to my lip that I hadn't been able to muster before. "I guess just cutting off your income will have to do as punishment for now, though. Tell the press what you like, Mindy. I couldn't give a shit. I'm not giving you anything else. You've got the divorce settlement, and it will have to do."

  There was a beat of silence where she just stared at me. "I can ruin you, Aaron. I can, and I will."

  "No, you can't." I'd been so petrified of Mindy ruining my career because it was the only thing I had left, that I hadn't been thinking about it clearly. I just wanted her to be gone, and if it cost me some money, I'd be pissed about it, but ultimately, I wouldn't be thinking about it so much that it would stop me from enjoying my job.

  Ellie, though, she changed everything.

  Ellie wouldn't want to see me being blackmailed by my ex-wife. It made me look stupid, and weak, and it meant her showing up on-set when that was
supposed to be our time.

  Ellie also meant that acting wasn't the only thing I had. With Ellie, I'd moved on, and I was happy. She cared about me in ways that Mindy never had. Mindy would have never attempted to make me feel better when I was in a bad mood, she just stayed clear of me until I was happier again, and willing to spend time and money on her. Mindy would have never agreed to bail on a social occasion when I couldn't be bothered, but Ellie just jumped back into bed with me and looked just as pleased to not have to go out as I did.

  We just fit a thousand times better.

  And I wasn't going to let my greedy ex-wife even become a factor in my new relationship.

  "You might get me a bit of bad press and put a few of the less proven directors off hiring me, but I know people, and they know me. No amount of lies told in tabloids is going to put Den off from casting me in his movies. Surely you can see that?"

  She just huffed, and my smile grew.

  "Exactly. I mean it this time, Mindy. I don't want to see you, ever again. I'll call security next time you show up at the studio."

  I walked back inside, and walked straight up to Ellie, who was still staring into her coffee and trying to hide her frown.

  "Come on," I said, taking her hand and bringing her back into my dressing room.

  She was clearly trying to stop herself feeling bad, and tried to smile at me. "You don't seem mad."

  I allowed myself to break into a grin. "I told her to go fuck herself. It's never felt so satisfying."

  I expected Ellie to be grinning with me, but her frown just deepened. "But what about the media? Won't she go and spin loads of stories about you now?"

  "She will, but I don't care. I don't care what journalists say about me."

  "But directors might. Your agent might."

  It was true that I hadn't told my agent about any of the shit that had kicked off with Mindy. My agent and I had been in a bit of a funk about my two-year hiatus, and we still weren't entirely on the same page about it all.

  I waved Ellie off now, though. "I'm established enough that a few rumors in the press for a few weeks won't ruin my career. I was just being a coward, and now it's dead and buried. In a month, it'll have all disappeared."


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