Off Camera

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Off Camera Page 9

by Opal Adams

  But just as I did see the fire exit, there were also two doors on either side of the corridor.

  "Which one do you prefer?" he asked.

  They both looked identical. "Left."

  Aaron hesitated, then pushed it open. It was empty. It was a cloakroom, presumably for the staff. He checked his watch. "How long do you think these guys have to work after the premiere has finished? I don't think we've got very long."

  I practically shoved him into the room and closed the door after me. It was pitch black, but I didn't want someone coming in to find out who was hiding in the cloakroom. "Stop talking and start fucking, then," I murmured, feeling out his face and then kissing him.

  In the slinky dress, it was awkward to get my legs around his hips, but we managed it, the slit in my dress letting the material fall to the side as he began to pull at the elaborate nest of clips holding my hair together.

  "I'm going to look like I've just been fucked in a cloakroom," I muttered as he pulled my hair down and laced his fingers through it. I kissed along his jaw, no doubt leaving lipstick along the side of it.

  Aaron dipped fingers beneath my panties and I regretted wearing any at all. I should have known this was exactly where we'd end up. Months in and we still couldn't keep our hands off each other.

  "That's exactly how I want you to look," he said, teeth nipping at my shoulder. Then he began to suck and I had to pull him off and capture my lips with his before I was left with a bruise that would be impossible to hide in my dress.

  I got his pants undone and guided his hands back down to my ass as he slipped himself inside me.

  My ears were on high alert, but it didn't stop my feeling every inch of him inside me as he began to rock slowly.

  I bucked, hoping I wasn't about to throw us off balance, but needing more.

  I was damned if I was going to get caught fucking in the cloakroom at the premiere. There wouldn't be much escaping that for the rest of my life.

  I was still horny enough to be doing it, though, as I wrapped my arms around Aaron's neck and tried to hold in my moans as he finally found my clit. It would serve me right, really.

  He sped up until his hips slamming against mine were almost painful and I knew the hands on my ass were dying to give my cheeks a loud spank.

  When he came he groaned my name into my mess of hair and I came with him, his thumb soft on my clit and pleasure racing through me.

  With labored breathing I barely got my feet back onto the floor and dug around in my purse for a tissue to clean up the mess in my panties. Aaron tucked himself back in, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, severely hindering my attempts to look presentable before we had to leave the building and get into our car where there would no doubt be press waiting for us.

  "Aaron," I whined, batting his hand away and shoving the dirty tissue back in my purse. "You've made such a mess."

  He checked his watch. "We're going to be in a much bigger mess if we don't get out of here quickly," he said. "Come on, let's go. You look beautiful."

  "There's a difference between you thinking my just-fucked look looks good and the general public thinking it looks good," I argued.

  Only I argued it as I was coming out of the cloakroom, and a pair of employees at the theater were walking down the corridor.

  They both stared at us with wide eyes.

  Aaron composed himself easily, giving them a wave before wrapping his hand around my waist and guiding me past them. There was no hiding the unnatural shade of red my cheeks had turned.

  He arranged some strands of my hair, kissed me on the temple, and murmured. "It's always hotter when you might be caught," before we were snapped getting into the car that would take us to the after-party.



  I'd never seen Ellie looking so radiant.

  In all the expensive dresses and lingerie I'd bought her, she was gorgeous, breathtaking, but standing on that podium completely covered by her graduation gown and the grin on her face, she was something else entirely.

  I hated that my being in the audience was detracting any attention away from my beautiful girlfriend on the stage, but I refused to let it bother me. This was her day, and I’d never been so happy for her.

  College had been a rollercoaster, but it had been the good kind.

  Every low had never been as low as she'd felt on a movie set, and that was all I cared about. Studying had made her happy, and working in her field was going to make her even happier.

  At first, everyone had known who she was, and she'd been unable to escape the fact people were either clamoring to be her friend because she was still pretty famous, or hated her just because other people loved her. It had taken a year for things to settle down, and for people to realize she was just another human being who wanted to get a good degree and enjoy herself.

  That was when she'd found her real college friends: the ones who were going to stick by her thick and thin, even when they knew she wasn't planning on starring in any more movies and getting them parts. They were standing on either side of her now as the next person stood up to receive their degree, and I liked them. It had taken them a little longer to get over who I was, but I didn't care.

  And that was mostly because I knew how much Ellie enjoyed it.

  She might not like the spotlight herself, but she wasn't afraid to admit that it turned her on that people wanted me, and she was the person I came home to at the end of the day.

  When we'd finally gotten completely comfortable with each other, plenty of confessions like that had come out of the woodworks.

  Everyone threw their caps in the air, and I hoped that the guy I'd paid to film everything was getting every shot of Ellie's grin. I hadn't wanted to miss any of the action attempting to work a video camera. I wanted to witness it all, have it as a proper memory, not just an MP4 clip.

  She bounded down the steps and practically flung herself at my when it was over, happy tears in her eyes as I pressed a kiss to each cheek, and then her lips. "Congratulations."

  "I can't believe I really did it."

  I could believe it. She'd worked hard for the past four years; there was no doubt that she deserved it. "How long do we stick around here for?" I asked, glancing around to see if anyone was filtering out yet. "I have no idea how these things work."

  She grinned, hand wrapped around mine like a vise. "I have no idea either, really. I'm not sure anyone does. I think we'll just go when the crowd does."

  The longer we had to stand around and chat with people, though, the more edgy Ellie seemed to get.

  "Are you all right?" I asked her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pressing a kiss to her temple. "You look more stressed than you should."

  Her cheeks tinged pink, and I knew it was a sign of guilt. My stomach almost dropped, but I forced the smile to stay on my face. "It's just our reservation is going to run out soon."

  That didn't explain the guilt, but I ran with it anyway. "We can leave whenever we want," I assured her. "And I'm sure that whoever is on the door will make an exception for us."

  "Fame doesn't get you literally everything. This place is pretty fancy. But okay, come on, let's go. Honestly I don't think I want to speak to half of my professors ever again, never mind chatting to them on one of the happiest days of my life."

  We navigated the crowd when I went to hail a cab, Ellie pulled my hand back down. "It's within walking distance."

  We got plenty of stares as we walked down the street, Ellie now in a stunning burgundy dress that had been beneath her gown. She was still holding my hand so tightly it almost hurt.

  I was about to ask her if she wanted to tell me something, but we got to the restaurant, so I held my tongue.

  At the table, I went to order a bottle of wine, but she shook her head. "I'm not really feeling like drinking tonight." She hadn't touched her glass of champagne at graduation, either.

  I stopped and stared at her.

  That would explain everything


  She bit her lip, "Surprise!"

  I wanted to shove the table over so I could get to her, kiss her, hold her. "I can't believe you told me in a restaurant." I had to settle for taking her hands in mine and squeezing. "I want to fuck you so badly right now."

  She grinned, her face scarlet. "I suppose it is a bit shit in a restaurant. We can't even get fancy champagne. Well, you can, I guess."

  We scooted our chairs closer to each other, so we weren't opposite, but side by side and taking up way too much space where the waiter would have been walking past normally. I pressed my hands to her stomach, and kissed her softly on the lips, face hovering close to hers just a bit too long. "How long have you known?"

  "About a week. I wanted to tell you so badly, and I feel awful that I didn't just do it right away, but on graduation day seemed like the perfect time, you know?"

  I kissed her again, harder and longer. "You're perfect," I said, and I didn't care how cheesy I was being. My hands still hadn't left her stomach, even though there was nothing to feel yet. "This is perfect."

  If you enjoyed this book, claim a free novella, Taken In, by Opal Adams HERE.


  When my parents kicked me out on my eighteenth birthday, I hated having to rely on my best friend.

  I didn't expect to fall for his dad.

  But Andrew's been burned, and I don't know if I'll convince him that we're meant to be together.


  Katie is a temptation I didn't ask for; parading around my house in her short shorts and failing to hide how badly she wants me.

  But she's my son's best friend, and Luke's been the only person that matters to me for eighteen years.

  I don't know if I can risk hurting him, even if Katie is perfect for me.




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