The Third Heaven: The Birth of God

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The Third Heaven: The Birth of God Page 28

by Donovan Neal

  Quetzalcoatl was wroth and backhanded the angel. "Honor his life traitor, for know that thy own is forfeit. What more need I to hear? Keep thy honor angel. Let it satisfy thee, as I make thy flesh a habitation for another."

  Chronos panicked. "Quickly, my Lords, we must rescue him!"

  Talus nodded. "Jerahmeel, distract Zeus - he will not expect to see you, and you are of his house. I will see to Quetzalcoatl. Chronos, release Iblis. On my command, make for your targets.!"

  The three angels burst into the antechamber, startling the occupants of the room. Jerahmeel lifted his hand and cooled the air around Iblis and Zeus. Zeus was caught off guard, while the moisture in the air around him froze, encasing him in solid ice. Iblis hung suspended in straps of flame, his head down, weary from his torture. Chronos waved his hand and immediately time slowed to a snail's pace within the chamber as the tick tock of seconds became the tick tock of hours. Chronos dashed to release Iblis, pulling from the angel's flesh maggots used to leech confession from his lips, and cast them to the floor, smashing them with the soles of his feet. Chronos then snapped the chains of Hellfire that sucked the life force from his brother’s Kilnstone, and Iblis collapsed headlong into his waiting arms.

  Iblis looked up. "Thank you..."

  "Shhhh—conserve your strength, we must move quickly." Chronos and Iblis turned to exit the cave, only to find Zeus freed from his cage of ice and barring their path.

  Zeus walked confidently through the distortion field of time. "It is touching that you hold Iblis in such high regard, but did you seriously think that your antics would keep me at bay?" "We are of the same blood, Chronos. You cannot escape."

  Chronos created a portal behind him and pushed Iblis into the gateway, and the angel disappeared. The room then returned to normal, and Talus and Quetzalcoatl were gripped in hand to hand to combat.

  Zeus smiled. "I will find him. He cannot escape the gaze of the Horde."

  Jerahmeel rushed to tackle Zeus. The fallen angel lifted his hand and a portal appeared and Jerahmeel disappeared into the void.

  "Jerahmeel!" screamed Talus. Then the great angel kicked Quetzalcoatl in the abdomen and the fallen angel flew across the room. Time slowed and Quetzalcoatl floated ever so slowly in the air, while both Zeus and Chronos with hands raised gestured to slow and accelerate time within the chamber. Waves of visible light emanated from the two, and time itself was held captive as a plaything to the will of the angels. The waves vied against one another, in a struggle of temporal tug of war, the ebb and flow moved towards Chronos, then pushed back towards Zeus. The cavern slowly vibrated as the power to advance and retract the age of everything within the bubble of power caused the ceiling to crack, and long fissures raced across the floors and walls.

  "I am the Father of Time now!" Zeus proclaimed. "You have trained me to your own destruction!" And with a wave of his hand, Zeus sent a bolt of lightning moving to Talus that he might strike him down.

  Chronos created a portal before Talus and the lightning disappeared within, only to materialize from another portal behind Zeus' and struck him in the back, sending kilowatts of current through his system.

  The bubble of time collapsed and Quetzalcoatl was propelled into Zeus, and they crashed into the walls of the antechamber, electrocuting them both.

  Talus moved towards Chronos, who on bended knee gasped out, "Hurry we must leave now!"

  Chronos looked upon Zeus, who was lifting the unconscious Quetzalcoatl from off him, and replied, "No—there is no time. Iblis is safe on the outskirts with the angels we have stationed to wait. But Jerahmeel must be aided now."

  Chronos created a portal, and Talus looked at him. Zeus rose to his feet, smiling as he proceeded to walk towards them. “Get out of here now,” said Chronos, while he motioned Talus to leave. The Archon of Time rose to his feet and stood as shield between Talus and Zeus.

  Talus took one last look at his comrade as Chronos prepared to engage his former protégé and then he leaped through the portal and was gone.


  El had commanded audience of angelic kind everywhere, and all assembled in the emporium to hear what God had to say. Ladders were open to Elohim throughout the realms so that each could hear from Heaven. El was seated, and to His right Yeshua sat, and the Holy Ghost was also seated to his left. For the triune God was fully manifest and three persons could be seen. Hushed whispers over took the assembled crowd as El began to speak.

  "The iniquity of man is full. It is come that he must be set free from the snare of the enemy. Therefore, we will that the Host serve as protector to the daughter of Eve, who will bring forth Shiloh. We will now lift our hand to bring low the Enemy. For though the Godhead bleeds, we shall even give our life that Adam and his kind might live. We would know if the heart of our sons are also in this thing? For lo, who shall I send and who shall go for us?"

  The emporium was silent, for many were unwilling to do anything for the Adam, as the loss of El's love for them was still a thing that many feared and the plague of sin wrought terror in all angelkind. Each dreaded sin, knowing that the plague of sin could separate one from the presence of El. Yet none stepped forward to rescue the man, for the word of El's demise sent chills as each speculated that the death of God could mean the destruction of all things.

  Metatron raised his voice to speak to the Lord. "Lord, I lift my voice to my King in fear and trembling. You ask a hard thing. For how can the father ask the son to do him harm? What thou ask, we cannot do. For whom among us would be cause to the demise of the Almighty? For with our own eyes we have seen that the absence of God is but the dissolution of all things. Nevertheless, if thou command, we will obey without question. But who can abide a request to bring thee to dissolution?"

  "And the Lord God said, "Ah my children, there are yet many things that ye must observe, things that I must still show you, even things that my youngest son Adam will teach you."

  Enoch was livid that no one immediately answered the Lord's call and screamed at the multitude, "Will none go to help thy brother? Is there none that will lift up his hand to bring my people from the darkness?" Enoch then wept before them all, and silence and sunken heads were all that was heard and seen. Throughout all the realms of Creation, there was silence. For no one came to take up Enoch's cause, and none raised his hand to risk the dissolution of God for the object of God's love.

  Then the Lord God Yeshua stood then spoke and broke the silence. His words echoed throughout the cosmos. "I will go down."

  Gasps swept through the crowd. A billion gaping mouths and hushed whispers of disbelief as Yeshua, second of the Godhead, stood before them all and spoke.

  "I will go down, Father. Let it be thy will that I might give thee pleasure. Let thine wisdom, love, and power be made known in all the realms. I will give my life for the man."

  For a moment all were silent, and not even the “Holy, Holy, Holy” of the Seraphim was heard, as all angelkind saw that none would move to rescue man from Lucifer save God himself. Yeshua stepped down from His throne stood before the people. Many looked at him and shook their heads in an unspoken attempts to dissuade while others were in denial. Yeshua was unmoved and turned to face El, and looked up at the Father and spoke again.

  "I will go down."

  The Lord God looked down upon His son, His only son. Then He reached down to hug His beloved, and for a moment all of Heaven was conscience-stricken, for in the instant where God grasped the locks of his son's hair, only now did it occur to all, the depths to which El would sacrifice for the clayborne. In the moment where God stroked the cheeks of His own son, was it finally understood that God so loved the world that He would give His only begotten son to succor the man from harm.

  El then loosed from holding Yeshua and their fingers and hands brushed each other as El withdrew himself. Yeshua then nodded knowingly to the Father, and the Father laid His hands on the crown of Yeshua’s head and made pronouncement over him.
/>   "For though thou be God, yet shall I loose thee from the trappings of God. For thou shalt stand as mediator between God and Man. Thus that thy might be in all things—I empty thee. To know all that was and is, and wilt be known—I empty thee. To know all, yet not know. I empty thee. Yet this one thing remains. For as I have life in myself, so I hath given thee to have life in thyself. And lo, I impart to thee authority to execute judgment. Go, and let my love give thee strength, let thy light scatter the darkness, and thy life be as seed to bring forth my son Adam from the plague of sin. For thou art the Resurrection and the Life, and what you bind on Earth shalt be bound in Heaven, and what thou loose on Earth shalt be loosed in Heaven. And whom thou forgivest, I too shall forgive."

  When El had finished speaking, Yeshua exploded in light and He glowed and all that was within Him poured as streams of living water and emptied itself into El. And the whole of Heaven watched as Yeshua, the second person of the Godhead, diminished and the glorified body that breathed Shekinah as waste; the body whose flecks of skin were but the scale of galaxies, became as nothing. Yeshua then collapsed at the Lord's feet and the brightness of His glory changed, and naught was left but a glowing orb of light, small enough to be carried in the bosom of one’s robes.

  El then looked across the emporium and into the eyes of all angelic kind. "Never in all of recorded history hast thy God asked thee nor commanded thee as I do now. For with the kenosis, I place myself in need. I stand as Lord and God, and cannot leave the throne, El Pnuema I will send to work my will, that Mary might birth God. Yeshua, my only Son has abased Himself, that He might live in flesh. Yet one thing is required. We have need of the Host to carry us to the maiden. Who will I send? And who will go for us, that we might save the man?"

  All of Heaven stood quiet. For all remembered when El was away for just one day. And in one day all of Creation was ruined. Fear gripped each, and indecision was palpable across the multitudes. But none moved, for all still feared that the absence of the Godhead would lead to the destruction of their race. Enoch wept sore, for none raised their hand, nor stepped forward to do the will of the Lord in this thing—not unless He commanded them.

  God then spoke. "Let it be written in the annals of history. For there was none in Heaven that would take up our cause, none that would lift up our hand to help succor the man. And none that could save man, but God himself." And before the Grigori could write, El lifted his hand to stop them and looked at Michael and spoke.

  "Will you, my son, carry me to Mary?"

  Michael was gripped and stood frozen, and anxiety wracked over him that El had asked him this thing. His eyes darted across face to face, as citizen and the Lumazi looked to see how the Chief Prince would answer God. For Michael knew that once El had submitted to Kenosis and become man, He was exposed to death. Michael's lips quivered. For he had never disobeyed his Lord. His was to do the will of his Father. His mind reeled, remembering the words of Eladrin and his bout with the spirit of fear. Remembered how there was no need for fear, and when he remembered that trust was but needed. Trust to surrender to the revealed will of God, peace flooded him and he spoke.

  "Lord, if I carry thee, I know what the end must be. Nevertheless, at thy word I will carry thee. Command is not required for my king, but speak the word only and it shall be done, for lo, I am thy will and thy right hand."

  The Lord smiled as he looked upon His son, and a tear streamed from His eye. For he knew that soon He would complete what only He could do to save man. "Your fealty will be rewarded, my son, for alas, He is my only begotten Son..." and the Lord God's eyes were both tearful and determined, and He motioned for Michael to come forward.

  Michael hesitantly reached up and the glowing orb that was the essence of Yeshua floated towards him. Michael marveled as the ball of light settled into his hands, awed to hold the Creator of all things and wondered how the power of God could be so that He would live in the flesh of a child.

  "I will guard Him with my life. Creation itself will see dissolution before anything befalls Him," said Michael.

  El smiled. "The Kenosis hast begun. He is in thy hand. Deliver my Son to the maiden, and when I am lifted up. I will draw all men unto me."

  Michael nodded, and turned and walked to exit the emporium and spoke aloud that all could hear. "Those who will take up the cause of El without command or constraint, follow."

  And one by one, all turned to follow the Chief Prince. Each settling in their heart that they would, for the sake of love—obey. Each submitted and yielded, and not of compulsion for El had given them choice, and all of Heaven chose to do the thing. The population emptied from the golden throne room of rainbows, and the Lumazi and the armies of heaven left to fall upon the Earth, with a mission to bring Yeshua to the maiden El had chosen to birth God. All stood as one man to honor El in this thing. All knowing that many might not return, yet none turned to fear as each moved to bring to pass God's plan to rescue the Adam. To be worthy to guard El, and to rise to His example of love.

  Michael exited the palace, and as he turned to look back upon the Father. He saw El sitting on His throne in His flowing robes of power, with one hand over his face—weeping.


  Michael gathered the remaining Lumazi, and turned and marched from the temple to the cliffs of Argoth. As one man, the Host of Heaven summoned Ladders, but when the vanguard of heaven began to summon, the Holy Spirit caused the Ladders to cease and spoke. "Nay, my children—behold!"

  And lo, when the Lord had finished speaking, the Abyss was behind the host of heaven and they descended upon the lower realms while Time itself raced as a man sprinting to catch up with them. The numbers of Heaven's legions were so that they eclipsed galaxies, stars and planets. For such were the sum that the whole of Heaven had emptied.

  Michael marveled at the sight, and overwhelmed as to the number of angels who followed the Holy Spirit into battle, he burst into song. A song that traversed past the limitations of space and time, a sound heard by all angelic kind; a song of war, and of praise. And lo, the Grigori recorded that the words were on this wise.

  “My shield, my shield, the Lord God is my shield.

  He comes; He comes, with Shiloh in His wake.

  Hosanna! Hosanna!

  All praise the king of kings!

  Hosanna! Hosanna!

  He flies on angel wings!

  El comes, He comes, He comes and sheds His light

  He comes, He comes, in power and in might!

  Our God imposes terror against His enemies!

  Swift shall be the fallen, terror as they flee.

  We come; we come, for Lord and country's sake.

  He comes; He comes, with Shiloh in His wake!”

  All Creation took note that God passed before them and that the host of heaven sided by God as royal escort and that Michael carried within his bosom, the spirit of the Son of God. And before the Chief Prince flew a phalanx of 144 legions who had emptied Heaven. And as they passed each galaxy and constellation, more angels left their station to provide cover for the Son of El. The Holy Spirit flew before His people and caused all orbits to cease, and as the eternal one passed the stars, each star stopped to pay homage to the God of angel armies, and all of the host of heaven descended and moved as light to bring El safe to the womb of a sixteen-year old girl. A girl living on a speck in the heavens of cosmic dust on the blue orb where El had set his mind to bring Lucifer to naught.


  And the cry of Heaven reached the ears of Lucifer's outpost guards and they hastened to inform their Lord, and the thing was told unto Ashtaroth who rushed to inform his master.

  "My king!" he said.

  Lucifer was irritated at the interruption of Ashtaroth and ignored him.

  "My Lord I come with news from the front."

  Lucifer's eyebrows raised and his back was still to Ashtaroth. "Speak."

  "Heaven has come!"

  "How many of the Host dares to do bat
tle whilst I sit on the throne of this planet and command the vengeance of God?"

  "All of Heaven, my Lord."

  Lucifer turned to face Ashtaroth and gave him a look of curiosity. "Say again?"

  "There is word that all of Heaven hast emptied herself my Lord."

  "That is not possible! El would not dare repent of his own word." Are you sure of this report, Astarte?"

  "The report is true my king. What is thine command?"

  El has proven his word means naught. For the deceiver now seeks to take by force what He cannot obtain by His own law. We will rise to meet them. What is my command? War, Astarte—war is my command."

  The legions of Lucifer mustered themselves and rose to do battle with the invasion of Heaven. And Michael knew that to protect the Son of God he must leave a wing of his troops to fight his fallen brethren and that many of them would fall. The Holy Spirit sprinted ahead of the army and hovered over the maiden Mary, awaiting Michael's arrival, and protected her so that God's vessel would be safe from the enemies of the Lord.

  And as Michael approached the Earth, he saw the blue of the planet that El loved, and rising to meet him was the host of the Fallen. And they had transformed themselves into beasts for the cause of Lucifer. Many had changed to beasts whose faces were as a lion and with wings as a bat, and iron spikes erupted from their tails. Others too had changed to take on the persona of their master and were as great dragons with seven heads and wings of leather. Still others flew as great serpents with wings, and though Heaven was greater in number, those who had followed Lucifer were some of the most powerful, for pride had cause many of the most commanding of Elohim to take cause with Lucifer.

  The host of Heaven looked on, as arising from the darkness was Lucifer, whose trumpets and harps could be heard even in the vacuum of space. His armor was blood-red and he held a sword that shimmered an iridescent green. Charon soared above him, his skeletal wings stretched wide and the mare’s grin etched in his face. Flaming chains trailed behind him as he flew through the darkness of space. Once more Elohim would battle with one another, and all knew that no quarter would be given, and no mercy would be shown.


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