Whiteout: Winterhaven series (VOL 1 - BK 4)

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Whiteout: Winterhaven series (VOL 1 - BK 4) Page 4

by Snead,A. M.

  Jude’s eagerness drained. “She’s with Rodney?”

  “I don’t know.” Todd sighed. “It was a first date, and she seemed too smart to stick with someone like him.”

  Jude gazed across the room at the girl. He could be an ass at times, but Todd had never seen him treat a girl like shit. And this one seemed to have his full, undivided attention. “Do you think she slept with him?” he asked weakly. “I don’t know if I could be with a girl who’d had Rodney’s dick in her.”

  “I don’t know.” Todd snorted. “I seriously doubt it.”

  “Do you know her name?”

  “Lizzy, I think.”

  “So…” Jude looked at him. “Do you think she’d go out with me? She keeps looking at me. Do you think she’s interested?”

  Todd stared at him. “Fuck, how should I know? Go ask her. You’ve never had a problem asking girls out before.”

  “I know.” He fidgeted, glancing her way again. “But…I don’t know…there’s something different about her.”

  “What’s different?”

  “I don’t know,” Jude said, growing antsy. “She’s pretty, don’t you think? I mean, like naturally pretty. Not that made up plastic look like Tonya and her bitch friends. But just…” He sighed and gazed at her like an infatuated school boy. “…Pretty.”

  Todd had never seen Jude act like this over a girl. Usually it was the girls acting this way over Jude. He wasn’t quite as hot as Darren, but still had plenty of nice features and good looks. Now you’re rating your friends on their hotness? Todd shifted uncomfortably. “Look. She seemed like a real nice person,” he mumbled. “But you might not stand a chance with her if you treat her friends like shit.”

  “Her friends?” Jude frowned.

  “Open your eyes, dude.” Todd motioned toward the girl who was talking and laughing with Nolan and Drew. “Her friends. If you’re serious about dating her, then you’re going to have to get over your problem with them.”

  Jude shrugged. “I can do that.”

  “You can?” Todd stared at him with obvious shock. “You hate fags. You’re just going to stop hating them? Just like that? I don’t think it’s that easy.”

  “Why not?” Jude asked. “You and Lane got over it pretty quick.”

  Todd stepped back, startled. “What’re you talking about?”

  “You think it isn’t obvious to the rest of us that the two of you are suddenly passing up opportunities to flick them shit? Especially that waiter guy,” he nodded at Nolan. “I used to think Lane came up here just to give him shit, more so than for the tournaments. Now, he’s defending them? Something is different with you guys.”

  The impulse to deny it, was instinctive to Todd, but how could he? And what explanation could he give? Telling Jude that him and Lane fucking the local queers had been their turning point wasn’t really an option.

  “Look,” Jude said. “Whatever you guys are going through, that’s your business. I just want to know how to get this girl to go out with me. Do you think being nice to her friends would do it?”

  “Maybe,” Todd murmured. “If you’re sincere. She isn’t going to buy into any bullshit or fake sentiment. Be genuinely cool to them, and I think it might go far in getting you that date.”

  Jude nodded. “Okay. Cool. I can be a nice guy.” He fidgeted anxiously. “Come with me.”

  “What?” Todd frowned. “Come with you where?”

  “Over there,” Jude spoke low, nervous. “So I can ask her out.”

  “You don’t need me to hold your hand.” Todd recoiled inwardly from the notion of walking over to Drew with Jude. “Why don’t you just wait till after the breakfast crowd and ask her then?”

  Jude shook his head. “I might lose my nerve. She isn’t busy right now. Come on, come with me.”

  Backing away, Todd mumbled. “I really got to take a piss.”

  “So after you’re done,” Jude pressed. “Come on, man. Do a brother a solid.”

  Todd groaned and walked into the restroom just off from the dining room. Jude followed and took the urinal next to Todd’s.

  “So? Will you?”

  Exhaling irritably, Todd said, “I’ll think about it while I’m taking a piss, okay?”

  “Good. Good.” Jude gripped his arm with his free hand and squeezed. “Thank you.”

  “I didn’t say I would do it,” Todd muttered. “I said I would think about it. Now let go of me.” He shrugged his hand off and pushed him away a few inches. “Respect the rules and stay out of my personal space while I’m doing the deed.”

  Jude chuckled. “My bad.”


  “What’s with you, girly?” Drew nudged Lizzy playfully. “I saw you giving that guy the flirty eye.”

  Lizzy rolled her eyes and smiled. “No you didn’t. You didn’t see anything.”

  “Oh yes, I did.” Drew chuckled. “So what’s the story? You got a thing for mister hotshot skier’s buddy?”

  “Um…no,” she laughed softly then shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s cute. But I’m not going to date a bigot.”

  “You went out with Rodney,” Nolan winked and grinned.

  She pointed at him. “That was a case of temporary insanity. I’m not going to make that mistake again. You guys are my best friends. If they can’t treat you with respect, then to hell with them. They don’t get a piece of this.” She smirked and swept her hands down her body.

  “If you only go out with pro-gay men,” Nolan said. “Your pickings may be slim.”

  “I don’t care,” she insisted. “Accepting people for who they are is just human decency. If I have to wait for a decent guy to come along, then I will.”

  Drew smiled and draped his arm around her, hugging her against him. “Good girl. You deserve the best.”

  “I’d have the best,” she said, tilting her face up and smiling sweetly. “If you’d date me.”

  “Ah, honey, I’m flattered.” Drew grinned.

  “But you prefer the boys.” She nodded and sighed. “I know. I know. It’s totally true what they say; all the good men are either married, dead, or gay. And I’m not even sure how good the married and dead ones are.” She shook her head. “What do you guys eat that make you so special? You need to feed some to the straight boys.”

  Withdrawing his arm, Drew leaned on the counter, a tight smile on his lips. “If we did that, they wouldn’t be straight anymore.”

  Nolan burst out laughing.

  “Ugh!” Lizzy smacked Drew on the arm. “I didn’t mean that.”

  “Well,” Drew laughed. “That’s the only special thing I can think of that we consume and the straight boys don’t.”

  “You’re incorrigible.” Lizzy scowled.

  “Nolan thought it was funny, too,” Drew pointed out.

  “Hey, don’t get me in trouble.” Nolan grinned.

  “He’s incorrigible, too,” Lizzy nodded.

  “Thanks a lot, buddy.” Nolan lightly slugged Drew in the gut.

  Drew doubled over and feigned coughing.

  “Oh right, like I could hurt you,” Nolan laughed.

  Raising his head, drew grinned. “I don’t know; you about broke me a few times.” He scooped Nolan up suddenly and hoisted him over his shoulder. “And my bed, too.”

  “Put me down.” Nolan squirmed. “I have to get back to work. And so do you.”

  Drew started to speak then went quiet as he set Nolan back on his feet.

  “Come on-” Nolan’s words sliced off abruptly when he turned around and saw Todd walking toward them with the guy that Lizzy had been ogling. Nolan glanced quickly at Drew who maintained an outward nonchalant air. Knowing the guy better than anyone, though, Nolan noted the quiet tension that gripped him.


  Todd tried to lag back and let Jude take the lead as they approached the counter, but Jude kept pace with him, unwilling to surge ahead. His nervousness with this girl was uncharacteristic and if Todd hadn’t been so damn on edge himself, he wou
ld have found it amusing. Todd carefully avoided looking directly at Drew and nudged Jude when the guy started to falter as if he intended for Todd to speak first.

  The girl—Lizzy—glanced at them before her gaze settled on Jude and she smiled with a hint of shyness. The interest was definitely there, Todd noted.

  Jude cleared his throat and glanced anxiously at Drew and Nolan, then spoke to Lizzy. “Hey,” he started, but nothing else came out.

  “Hi,” Lizzy laughed softly, nervously.

  Jude just stared at her until Todd bumped him again. “I’m Jude.”

  Stretching out her hand, Lizzy said quietly, “Lizzy.”

  Jude nodded and smiled and shook her hand, then as an afterthought, motioned to Todd. “This is Todd.”

  Lizzy looked at him. “Yeah, we’ve met.”

  Scratching his temple, Jude smiled wryly, “Was he nice to you…when you met?”

  Lizzy looked thoughtful. “Umm…yeah.”

  “You hesitated a little.” Jude chuckled and eyed Todd. “What did you do?”

  “What?” Todd cocked an eyebrow. “Me? I didn’t do anything.”

  Lizzy laughed. “I was just teasing. He was nice.”

  “That’s good.” Jude nodded. “’Cause I would have totally kicked his butt if he wasn’t.”

  “Uh-huh,” Todd snorted. “As if.” The roll of his eyes briefly caught Drew’s stare as well as the hint of amusement on the man’s face.

  Lizzy smiled and motioned to Drew and Nolan, introducing them to Jude, who didn’t hesitate to shake their hands and exchange pleasantries. Either he was one hell of a good actor, Todd thought, or his genuine interest in Lizzy made him sincerely willing to set aside his prejudices. Or maybe he just acted like an ass toward gay people because he was following yours and Lane’s example. Watching him now, Todd was forced to consider the possibility.

  When Jude slid onto a stool, Todd remained standing. “I hear you went out with the Hotrod last night?” Jude said and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “You his girl now?”

  “Oh God, no,” Lizzy groaned and made a face. “And we didn’t really have a date. We were only gone for about twenty minutes before we had to come back because of the storm.” She smiled. “Hurray for storms.”

  “Wasn’t impressed?”

  “No,” she laughed. “The guy’s a total…” She stopped and pursed her lips.

  “Come on,” Jude chuckled. “Say it. We’re all thinking it anyway.”

  “He’s a total jerk,” she finished.

  Jude glanced at Todd and grinned. “That isn’t our word for him.” He looked at Lizzy. “But hey, jerk works, too.”

  “Doesn’t work for me,” Drew murmured and rubbed his mouth, his eyes darting to Todd. The incident in the hallway last night surfaced in Todd’s mind; he’d acted like an ass to Drew when the guy had come to his defense—and not for the first time. Drew had shown integrity when he’d apologized to Todd back by the restrooms yesterday. Todd wished he had the courage to exhibit that same integrity with Drew.

  Smiling at Drew, Lizzy shrugged. “Doesn’t really work for me, either, but I was trying to be ladylike.”

  Jude gazed at her with intrigue. “That’s nice. I don’t encounter a lot of ladies.” He cast a glance toward their table where some of the occupants were shooting them curious looks. Lane kept his back to them. “Nikki’s pretty cool, though. You’d probably like her. Tonya and her friends, not so much.” He leaned forward, closer to Lizzy, and spoke low. “My buddy here, he doesn’t always have the best taste in women.” He sat back and chuckled. “Isn’t that right, Todd?”

  “I told you, her and I are through,” he mumbled. “For good.” He glanced fleetingly at Drew. “Life’s too short for her kind of bullshit.” Todd was sure he saw a pleased—Proud?—look seep into the Drew’s eyes before he quickly shifted his stare from the man’s face.

  Nolan excused himself a moment later and disappeared into the kitchen.

  “Trust me,” Jude said. “You can do a lot better. A hell of a lot better.”

  “Yeah,” Todd whispered, afraid to look at Drew again. He hadn’t grown up on “pleased” or “proud” looks, and realized quite suddenly how much he craved them. And to receive them from Drew rendered the man a double threat.

  Nolan came right back. “Your food is ready,” he told Jude. “Do you want your plate served here at the counter or at the table with the others?”

  “I guess I should take it at the table,” he said and looked at Lizzy. “I don’t want to keep you from your work.” He hesitated before standing up. “Maybe we could…” He shrugged and smiled. “…have a drink in the lounge later, if you’re not busy. I mean…” He grinned sheepishly. “If you want to. Totally feel free to say no, if you don’t.” His grin stretched. “You’ll only break my heart. No biggie.”

  “The guilt angle,” Lizzy nodded. “How unscrupulous of you.”

  Jude chuckled. “You should know right now; I don’t always play fair.”

  The twinge that pricked Todd’s heart—he recognized as envy. But what, exactly, was he envious of? His eyes drifted discreetly to Drew who was helping Nolan with the plates. Last night, outside Nolan’s bedroom as he’d listened to him and Lane, Todd had experienced that same sting of envy. He didn’t want to admit that this envy, at this moment, possibly stemmed from a desire to be as open and forward with Drew as Jude was with Lizzy.

  And last night…what were you envious of?

  Todd didn’t realize that Drew was staring back at him until it was too late to block the longing floating behind his own eyes. He looked away fast and cleared his throat. “You coming back to the table?” he mumbled to Jude.

  “Yeah.” Jude stood up and smiled at Lizzy. “See you later?”

  She nodded. “I’ll be free this afternoon, around two, hanging out in the lounge.”

  “All right,” Jude murmured. “I’ll be there, too.”

  Drew and Nolan preceded them, carrying the plates to the table. Walking behind them, Todd’s gaze drifted helplessly to Drew’s firm ass, wonderfully accentuated in his tight black slacks…his hard cheeks flexing with each step. The way the fabric clung to his cheeks caused Todd to wonder if he was wearing nothing but a G-string under there. Like the one he was wearing last night. Todd began to sweat a little, recalling how it felt to grip that ass, feel the muscles contracting in his grasp with each strong thrust of the man’s hips…

  Fuck. Todd rubbed his mouth with a shaky hand and forced his stare elsewhere—and tried to will the sudden fire in his crotch to cool. He was losing his grip…more and more with each passing moment.


  Drew halted Jude before the guy took his seat at the table. “I didn’t want to do this in front of Lizzy,” he said, his voice low. “But let’s get one thing straight. Lizzy is a real nice girl and she seems to really like you. Treat her with respect and all will be well.” He stared at the man. “Disrespect her, use her, or hurt her in any way…” He raised a finger. “You will be dealing with me. And if you think me being gay makes me a pussy—just push me. Are we understanding each other?”

  Jude nodded slowly. “Yeah,” he murmured as the others stared at them. “I really like her, too. I would never treat her with disrespect.”

  “For your sake,” Drew said. “I hope you’re right.”

  To Drew’s shock, Todd spoke up, though he seemed to have a difficult time meeting his eyes. “Jude has always treated girls with respect,” he assured quietly.

  “It’s true,” one of the girls at the table chimed in. Drew thought it might be the one Jude had called Nikki. “He’s always a gentleman when it comes to the ladies.” She smiled sweetly at Jude. “Like a modern day Romeo.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Jude chuckled, looking a little embarrassed.

  Drew nodded. “All right. Then we shouldn’t have any problems.”

  On their way back across the dining room, Nolan smiled. “I think you scared him a little bit.”

” Drew draped his arm across Nolan’s shoulders. “Sometimes a little fear is a healthy thing.”

  “True.” Nolan cast a fleeting glance back toward table, a soft ache filtering into his eyes as his gaze lingered briefly on Lane Cassiter’s back.

  “You okay?” Drew murmured.

  Nolan looked at him and blinked, but his quiet anguish remained visible. “He doesn’t remember,” he whispered, then shrugged. “Probably a good thing.” A light dampness glossed his eyes as he moved past Drew. “He would just regret it anyway.”

  The young man walked into the kitchen as Drew stared after him, his heart breaking for the boy. He turned slowly and looked at the man across the room, his eyes settling on the back of Lane’s head. Drew understood his struggles as he did Todd’s. But regardless…could he ever forgive the man if he inadvertently crushed Nolan’s heart? Drew could deal with his own pain…but Nolan’s?

  He couldn’t bear to watch his boy suffer.

  Drew started to follow Nolan into the kitchen when he spotted Rodney Castle entering the dining room—with Todd’s ex on his arm and trailed by one of her friends and three of his own.

  From across the room, he felt Todd tense up in fear.

  Nolan wasn’t the only one of his boys that he was compelled to protect.


  The blood drained from Todd’s face, turning him ashen, the instant he spotted Rodney and Tonya. Lane leaned over and whispered, “Just play it cool.”

  “Oh yippee,” Jude muttered dryly. “The hotdog is here.”

  The others laughed. Todd didn’t. Lane’s mouth twitched with a smile. He watched Rodney warily. The guy no doubt meant to out Todd on his “activities”, humiliate him, and if possible—drag Lane into it as well.

  “Hey, fellow comrades.” Rodney sauntered up to the table with Tonya, the four others lingering behind them. “What’s new?” His lazy stare went straight to Todd.

  “People are trying to eat,” Lane said stiffly. “Why don’t you take your nasty-ass stench elsewhere.”


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