Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel

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Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel Page 4

by Twombly, Valerie

  His gaze became hungry and drifted over her, and suddenly she wished he desired her because she was a woman and not a sex demon. Pull your shit together. One thing was certain, even with his silver, power-sucking bands on, he still exuded a shit-ton of it, and she wondered how strong he would be without them. Kelana wasn’t afraid of much in her life, but he frightened her, and she wasn’t sure why. Perhaps starting off on the wrong foot with him wasn’t a good idea.

  She sighed. I hope I don’t regret this. “Tell me, what would you do to escape this place?”

  A brow arched high. “Is this some kind of trick question? I give the wrong answer, and I pay the price with my hide. Or worse?”

  If the rumors of the tortures of Lulerain were true, then she could well imagine what had been done to him. “I am part angel, so doesn’t that make us connected somehow?” She held her breath, half expecting him to laugh at her.

  “Well to answer your first question, I would do anything to get out of here.” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked around the room. “Are you offering?”

  For some reason, she was offended he hadn’t bothered to comment on their connection. Typical arrogance. “I am but it requires a small sacrifice on your part.”

  “Let me guess. Since I sense your power is weak, you need sex.” He began to unbutton his shirt, and she fought to keep her tongue in her mouth. “Though I’d like to hear your plan.” When he’d reached the bottom button, he pulled the shirt from his jeans and let it hang open.

  Dear Mother of Darkness. She tried not to stare, but it was hard to ignore such finely sculpted muscles. “I need you to begin a bond with me.”

  “You carry a mating mark? How is this possible?” He didn’t miss a beat.

  She removed the band that covered the outline of a single wing on her left bicep. “I have no idea, but it has been there for as long as I can remember.”

  He reached out and traced his fingertips along the mark and seared her skin. She gasped at his touch and their eyes locked, but he didn’t move away. “You realize what you’re asking?”

  “Yes, but it’s only temporary. To help me get you out of here. If I understand correctly, your power is somewhat muted here. However, being part demon mine is not, and our bond will make me stronger. Neither of us can fight an army of demons alone, but combined we might be able to make it.”

  “True, but you want to help me why?”

  She steeled her shoulders. “My name is Kelana. Rumor that there was an angel in Lulerain reached Ashley, and she asked me to get you out of here.”

  His shirt hit the floor.

  * * *

  All sorts of thoughts raced through Lyzander’s mind. Was he really going to get free from this hell? Dare he hope? It seemed odd to him that Ashley would send a female to his aid, but then again, none of the warriors would be able to enter Hell. Apparently, the woman standing in front of him, looking more sinful than anything down here, was quite capable or she wouldn’t be here.

  “So, this entire thing is a ruse?”

  She shifted on her high heels, and he couldn’t help noticing the long expanse of creamy thigh. Or the swell of breast that pushed out above her dress. But it was her emerald eyes that really drew his attention.

  “Yes. Since I have the glow of an angel, I couldn't very well waltz into Lulerain and snatch you. Ashley made sure I had enough gold to aid me in your rescue. You and I are the only ones who know. The demon at the door was one I hired to make the arrangements to get you here.” She pulled her bottom lip though her teeth and stared at him as if she could devour him. Most likely could if her swirling desire was any indication. Having sex with her was a minor sacrifice. Actually, he’d bedded a succubus once and found the experience quite pleasurable. Bonding, however, was a different matter. They’d become connected and would have to wait out the six-month period in some discomfort.

  There was no contest.

  “The way I see this, you will benefit from sex. If a bond forms between us, we will both gain. I still have some healing to do before I dare make this escape.” He didn’t wish to share that he had no wings. While the female in front of him gave no reason to distrust her, he wasn’t about to divulge all his secrets. “Also, we will both agree that once I am free of this place, we will allow our bond to break.”

  “Agreed. I have no desire to be tied down,” she replied.

  “Do you know how this works? I mean, did your mother explain the bonding?”

  She suddenly stiffened. “My mother died when I was young, but I believe she told me all I need to know. If we don’t complete the bond in six months, then it will dissolve.”

  He gave a nod. “Correct.” This was beginning to feel more like a contract for sex, and he found his previous desire dwindling. She must have sensed it because she stepped into him, pressing herself against him, and brought her lips to his ear.

  “I will not use my demon powers unless you require it,” she whispered then sucked on his lobe.

  He quickly rose again to the occasion. “No need. I suppose you should know the name of the man you’re about to bond to. I’m Lyzander.” He placed his hands on her hips, pulled her even closer, and nuzzled her neck. Her skin tasted of ambrosia. Was that her angel or demon side that held such a delectable delight on his tongue? He laced his fingers through her amber locks and gently pulled her head back until she looked up at him. Desire flickered in her eyes, and then his gaze landed on her lips. Full and red, he wanted to taste them too, so he dipped his mouth to cover hers. She opened. Her tongue, wet and hot slipped over his in a seductive swirl.

  Damn, the ambrosia on his tongue heated. Turned into a hot flame that fueled him. It had to be her succubus lust heating things up and he liked it. A lot.

  She broke the kiss. “The bedroom...” she broke off with a gasp when he cupped her breast. “We should make this quick so we can plan the escape.”

  He rolled her nipple through the fabric of her dress, and she tipped her head back, arching into him. “I... Oh hell.” Her fiery gaze met his, and she reached for his cock and squeezed the hardness through his jeans, soliciting a groan. “Just fuck me here,” she whispered.

  He shouldn’t be so hard and needful, not after all he’d been through, but damn she was hot. What he had experienced since he’d been Aezyla’s plaything should have him majorly fucked up in the head, and he probably was. The dark side of him, that fueled the lust ripping through his body, unleashed pent-up frustrations that had him wanting to do dark things to her. In her current state of arousal, she would probably let him. Succubi were game for anything when it came to sex. Instead, he reined in his dark thoughts and filed them away for another day. Slipping his hand under her dress, he was delighted to find no panties and slipped two fingers through her folds before he shoved them deep.

  She gasped.

  “You’re so wet.” He thrust and twisted, brushing his thumb over her clit. She immediately exploded into an orgasm that he kept rolling over her for several seconds before she melted into his arms. It didn’t take long for her to recover and pull away. Gripping the hem of her dress, she pulled the stretchy material over her head, slid it up over her hips, and then her narrow waist. She shimmied as she pulled it the rest of the way upward to reveal the beautiful breasts that begged for him to taste. Seconds later, the fabric lay on the floor, and she stood before him. A goddess with creamy skin, hair the color of cinnamon, and eyes made of emerald fire. Even if she hid her succubus charms, her beauty alone would bring any man to his knees, which is exactly where he went.

  He dropped, pushed her legs apart and dipped his tongue into her sweet nectar. He didn’t care about his own release anymore, only wanted the female whose desire coated his tongue to fall apart. If she needed him to fuel her strength, then he would give her everything he had. Parting her soft flesh, he swirled and lapped, tasting every inch of her. As her body began to shudder, he gripped her firm ass and held her to his mouth. She dug her fingers into his scalp and screamed. H
er orgasm tasted of ambrosia and rose petals, and he suddenly had a new craving.


  Kelana’s head spun, or was it the room? She hadn’t had an orgasm that explosive in... Well ever, that she could recall. After two, she should be sated. However, she wanted more, wanted him inside her. She pulled at him until he came to his feet, and she began to tug at the button on his jeans. Managed to get the zipper down and shoved the pants to the floor. She took a moment to stare at his perfection. She’d seen some ripped men from demons to human, but holy hell. Each muscle looked as if it had been meticulously sculpted from stone.

  She traced her fingers across his pecs and down the eight pack that was his abs until she reached his erection. Licking her lips, she stared at the glistening pre-cum on the tip of his shaft. She wrestled with herself. Part of her wanted to taste him, the other––the lower half––wanted to feel him filling her and sliding in and out. He made the choice for her when he stepped out of his jeans and started to push her backward until her butt hit the back of the couch.

  “Turn around,” his voice, deep and husky, sent a shiver up her spine as she put her back to him.

  “Hands behind your back and bend over.”

  Heat instantly flooded her core at his command. Kelana cupped her hands behind her and folded herself until her chest rested on the back of the couch. Before she could gasp, he had her wrists in his grip and thrust himself deep inside her.

  “Oh, damn,” she sighed. Nothing had ever felt more perfect. The world stopped and it was only them. Only this moment.

  He partially slipped out and thrust again. Over and over. His fingers dug into her hip while his other hand held her bound. Her succubus was delirious with pleasure. Never had she allowed a man to have control. She had always called the shots. Get in, get out, and move on. This. This was a whole new sensation for her, and damn if she didn’t like letting go.

  The world swirled in bright neon as another orgasm dug in and took her for a ride. She rode the wave to the crest, holding her breath as it kept her there. Hanging on the edge before it let go and sent her sailing. She screamed. Might have even called out his name, but she couldn’t be certain. Life was a blur. Time stopped and then it happened. A slight burning on her bicep where her mark was. Was this the bond beginning? Lyzander thrust faster and then gripped her hips with both hands as he grunted. His release sent her into another frenzy, and her body suddenly became too heavy to hold up. Her knees gave out and she became weightless.

  She was flying.

  When she was able to focus, she discovered Lyzander had scooped her up and was carrying her down the hall and to the bathroom. He somehow managed to reach into the shower with one hand and turn on the water. The duel shower heads sputtered to life.

  “We’ll get clean, then we can discuss a strategy for getting out of here alive.” He placed her on her feet but kept his hand on her back to help steady her. They both stepped into the shower.

  Kelana looked at her arm. Already the single wing was growing its twin. “Wow, I didn’t expect the mark to change that fast.”

  He studied her from under the spray of water. Of course, he had to look good wet too. Did he have to wear everything so well? She should be fulfilled but found herself wanting him all over again.

  Curb that appetite.

  “It’s different for everyone. If a couple are a good fit, the bond usually starts faster.”

  She laughed. “I can’t imagine a mutt like myself being the ideal mate for any angel.” She stepped under the other showerhead and wet her hair. “This is only so we can get you out of here. It will fade away.” She would make sure to complete her mission well before the bond dissolved, and then move on with her life. Whatever that was. It was something she hadn’t thought about until now. Once her mission was complete, what would she do? There would no longer be this revenge fueling her every waking moment. Perhaps becoming a lord of her own lands would suit her.

  “So, are you at full strength now?” He rubbed a bar of soap across his chest, and she had to bring her focus back to the task at hand.

  “Yes. Actually, I’m feeling more powerful than I have in some time.” She shampooed her hair. “There is only the one guard. It was my request. If we take him out after we shower, then we have several hours before they know you’re missing.”

  He rinsed. “I have no idea how far it is to safety. Hell is not a territory I’m familiar with.”

  She stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. “We have a long way to go, but the plan is to take you to Lucifer’s palace where the Angel of Death is now in charge. I’m sure she can get you where you need to go.” She stopped drying and dropped the terry to the floor. If his ego was half as big as most males, he wouldn’t want to face his brethren right away. “Unless you want me to go with you. I can take you all the way out. Being demon and all.”

  His eyes lit up. “There is no reason to bother Ashley. I can send word later.”

  “Then we will have an expansive dead area to traverse, but for the most part, it’s not well traveled. There is a portal that will take us to the human realm.”

  He seemed to think about what she had said. “I will follow your lead but...” he held out his wrists. “Is there any way to get these off?”

  “I have just the thing for those. Meet me back in the living room.”

  * * *

  Lyzander stared at the female in front of him. Kelana’s hair was now in a long braid. She had donned some black leather contraption that formed to her chest and waist then flowed to her thighs. Black hose attached to a garter made his mouth drool. The warrior side of him appreciated the tall boots and knee and shoulder armor, but more important were the two blades at her waist and one strapped to a sexy thigh. She was a sight that demanded attention and would confuse the enemy. Did she want to fight or fuck? Hopefully, it would throw them off guard.

  She pulled a pouch from the bag at her hip. “Hold out your wrists.” He didn’t question her intentions. At the moment, he would do anything to be free of his shackles and this place. She sprinkled some red, foul-smelling powder over his silver bands and mumbled a couple of words under her breath. Blue smoke curled upward, and the silver began to sizzle. Within seconds, they opened and dropped to the floor. His back began to itch. An early sign that already his wings were beginning to mend.

  “Thank you.”

  She simply nodded then began pulling weapons from several hiding places. “There is food in the kitchen. I figure we should eat before heading out.”

  “Good idea.” He hadn’t had real food in a long time and headed for the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he spotted a brown bag and two bottles of water. He pulled them out and set everything on the counter. “Are you joining me?”

  “Yes.” She was beside him, grabbing one of the bottles and taking a swig. “Here is a map of where we are and where we are going. Provided things haven’t changed yet.”

  He pulled sandwiches from the bag and laid them out. Unwrapping one, he took a bite of salty ham and cheese. It was the best damn thing he’d ever eaten. He stared at the map. It reflected the small village they were in and a large expanse around them. “What do you mean if things haven’t changed?”

  “Hell is ever changing. Towns move, Lulerain moves, and no one knows when. Maps can become outdated five minutes after purchase or be good for months,” she replied between bites of her own sandwich.

  He polished off one sandwich then grabbed another. “One thing at a time. First, we must kill the guard.”

  “He has no idea what I look like, so I can be a distraction.”

  Lyzander nodded. “I will come up from behind and attack. As long as I can cloak, he will have no idea I’m coming.” He nodded to the dagger on her hip. “Got an extra one of those in case I can’t produce my sword?”

  She smiled. “I do.”

  Good. They had a sound plan. Hopefully. They polished off the rest of the food in silence and downed the water.

  “Are you read
y?” Kelana stared at him. Her green eyes were full of life, and he swore he saw the same twinkle he witnessed in his brethren when they were about to go kick ass. The connection to his mate had already begun to meld them together. Her emotions ran high, but she had no fear. This woman was an experienced warrior and held an exceptional calm.

  “I am. We will slip out the back together then go our separate ways,” he replied.

  She gave a nod, finished strapping weapons to her thigh and waist then headed outside. He followed close behind, shutting the door behind him. Kelana went right while he took a left. She planned to come out a few blocks down then make her way back to where the guard was stationed across the street from the house. Lyzander hated to admit he was not fond of the idea of his mate—yeah, it had only been a short time, but a bond was a bond––taking on the enemy. However, she was skilled at seduction and he at killing. They would make a perfect team.

  Lyzander summoned his wings then cloaked himself, thankful that ability was back, and weaved his way between buildings. He studied his prey from across the street, ready to take action. As if on cue, Kelana strolled toward the demon. Her hips swayed with each step. He took a moment to really study her and discovered he wanted to loosen her thick braid and sink his fingers into the silky mass. Heat stirred in his groin, and he knew the bond was in full force.


  She misstepped, but quickly regained her composure. What the hell, angel? Don’t startle me like that.

  He chuckled to himself. The demon had sass and he liked it. Just checking to see if we had linked yet.

  Well, obviously we have. Now, shut the hell up and let me work. She continued her hip-swaying saunter until she stood before the guard.


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