Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel

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Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel Page 6

by Twombly, Valerie

  “When did you find out you were part angel?” He broke the silence. They both needed something to take their minds off the suffocating heat.

  “My mother told me when I was five.” She refused to look at him but did stop under the shade of a nearby tree––if that’s what one would call the spindly stick that poked seven feet into the air––and pulled out her water.

  “I see. How is it that your mother ended up having sex with an angel? Did she seduce him?”

  “Boy, you must like poking the bear.”

  He shrugged. “I like a challenge and I’m curious.”

  She chugged half a bottle of water. “Well you know that curiosity killed the cat, so be careful it doesn’t kill the angel.”

  “I don’t kill easy.” The suns scorched his back, and sweat ran like a river through every crevice it could locate. He pulled off the black tee, wishing he had another, and wiped it across his face. “And you have a sharp tongue that will eventually get you into trouble.” He summoned his wings and began to move them up and down in a slow, sweeping motion.

  She stared at him. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “What’s it look like? Creating a breeze.” He liked warm, but this place was akin to standing in a crater at peak lava flow. Hotter than fuck. He should know, as he once pursued a demon into an active volcano and singed every hair and feather on his body. It had taken weeks to recover, but he’d gotten his prey.


  That was all she had? “So, my question?” Her body relaxed as he created a slight wind. Warm but at least it was moving air.

  “My mother was half human and able to hide her demon. I don’t think the angel knew what she was.”

  Well, that explained why Malik had wanted his daughter and her family dead. He must have discovered the truth and wanted to erase his embarrassment. The angel was a bastard and wouldn’t think twice about spilling the blood of a demon, child or not, if it suited his purpose. The archangel was ancient and lived by old rules that no demon was a good demon. Lyzander, on the other hand, had learned not all demons were created equal. Yes, many were evil, but there were some that tried to live a decent life and hurt no one. Tegan had taught him that. He thought about his current commander and decided he would reach out to Tegan as soon as he was able. This entire thing was a big damn mess. Not only did he have to watch his back, because he still had no idea how he had been captured, but now he had to keep Kelana alive. The guilt he had felt that night surfaced once again. As he stared at the beautiful woman she had become, he realized he would do anything to keep her alive. Even if it meant being bonded to her for eternity. He owed her his strength, his abilities, and his life. He didn’t know his new mate well yet, but one thing he did understand was she was a warrior much like him. And like him, she would want revenge for the lives of those she held dear. There was not a single doubt in his mind that the demon before him was going to hunt those who had killed her family.

  May the Maker save them all, because Kelana’s father was a force to be reckoned with.

  “We should get going. It’s not far now.” Kelana pulled him from his thoughts.

  “Right.” He put his shirt back on and swore he saw disappointment in her eyes. A bird flew overhead, and she looked up, her hand shading the suns.

  “Oh, that’s not a good sign,” she stated. “We’d better hurry.” She grabbed the pack she had tossed to the ground earlier.

  “Why don’t you allow me to carry that for you?”

  She took off at a quick pace. “I’ve got it. That bird was a spy. You might want to prepare for a fight.”

  “Spy? For who?” He summoned his blade and searched the sky. He’d take that vulture-looking demon out of the air if necessary.

  “No idea, not that it matters, but anywhere those flying creatures go trouble shows up shortly after.” She freed her own weapons, one from her hip and the other from her thigh. He had to admit she looked pretty damn sexy all trussed up in leather, brandishing two bad-ass blades.

  “Aezyla couldn’t have realized I’m missing yet.” Then it hit him. “Shit. Unless she checked on her guard, which she would do.”

  “Not very trusting, is she?”

  “You’ve no idea.”

  “Then we have no choice but to run and hope we make it to the portal.” Kelana took off and Lyzander was right beside her. What a time to not be able to fly. He could certainly get them there faster by wing than foot. However, he was lucky to have any power at all down here.

  He searched all around them for any kind of shelter, but this place was as barren as they came. Nothing but flat, dusty ground forever, and then he caught their scent. Aezyla’s minions were in pursuit. Thankfully, he didn’t sense her.

  “Stop,” he shouted to Kelana, but she ignored him and kept running. He was left with no choice but to tackle her. Taking a leap, he grabbed her waist and dropped them both to the ground.


  Kelana hit the ground with a hard thud. Damn, she was getting tired of this angel tossing her around. Dust wafted into the air and filled her mouth and nose, causing her to gag. A heavy weight held her down, and the sky around her darkened.

  “What the...” cough. “Hell!” She tried to shove the weight off, but it wouldn’t budge. A feather tickled her cheek and she tried to focus her sight. “Lyzander, get off me.”

  “Shhh.” He blew into her ear. “Be still.”

  “You’re squishing me.” She reached out to try and push him off, but her fingers met with something soft and downy.

  His wings.

  He covered her with his wings and she couldn’t stop herself from caressing them. Stroking individual feathers, the feel of them so soft it was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. There was a moan from above her.

  “Are you okay?” She understood now what he was trying to do. He’d gone all invisible angel and was trying to cover her. Had he been wounded?

  “I’m fine. My wings are sensitive. Sorry if I hurt you, but you need to be still or they will see you.”

  Her heart warmed for a moment and she smiled. The last person who had been concerned with her welfare and tried to keep her safe was her mother. Then for some reason, the man in the room with her––when her mother and grandmother were murdered––had protected her too. She carried mixed emotions where he was concerned. He could have given her up. There was no doubt he knew she hid under the bed, and his message to her as he left only confirmed it. Why had he let her live? Why had he saved her but let the two women she loved most be murdered? There were so many questions she had. Kelana would not rest until she had them answered, and the men who had changed her life forever were dead.

  Lyzander lifted himself and light filtered in around his large frame. Feathers caressed her skin. “You can breathe again. They’ve passed.”

  She rolled over and studied him. The blue in his eyes reminded her of pictures she’d seen of the ocean in the tropics. A place she hoped one day to see in person. Lie on the beach with the water tickling her toes and sand scratching her skin. However, it was unlikely she would ever fulfill that dream.

  He dipped his head closer. “I will make sure you see every beach in the world. Dip your toes in the whitest sands and bathe your body in the clearest waters the Maker ever created.” Then his mouth was on hers. His tongue searing her lips until she opened and allowed him to slide in. Desire curled in her belly then took flight, ending between her thighs in a slow burn. His hair brushed her face, and she reached for it. Combing her fingers through the soft strands, she kissed him harder. Lifted her hips until they met with his erection.

  He hissed.

  She ground her hips against him, not caring where they were or who was chasing them. All she could think of was how he had felt inside of her, and she wanted more. Now.

  He broke free and jumped to his feet, leaving her cold and alone on the ground. He extended his hand to help her, but she refused. Instead, she pushed herself up and brushed the dust off her. F
urious she had let herself get all worked up so he could refuse her. A pair of powerful hands gripped her arms and spun her. Desire-filled eyes met hers.

  “I would have you now except we are not safe here. Those tracking us were heading to our destination, and I’m sure they plan to wait at the portal and ambush us when we arrive.”

  Shit. “Yes, that makes sense. Time to go with plan B.”

  He arched a brow. “When were you going to tell me about plan B?”

  She shrugged. “When we needed to change plans.” Taking a deep breath, she searched for calm. To implement her plan, she had to trust the man in front of her with her life. Luckily, when she had been deep in her research about angels, their mating habits had also been part of the curriculum. There was no doubt their bond was growing stronger. He had already kept her safe, but then again that could have been because he needed her in order to leave Hell. An angel could only come and go with a demon. Well, with the exception of a hunter named Eli, but that was because he was mated to the Angel of Death. Special rules applied apparently.

  “Your brain is smoking, but you’re hiding your thoughts from me.”

  Yeah, she had dropped her guard earlier about her dream to visit the beach one day. Kelana needed to take care around this angel and remember he was more powerful than she was. If he knew her plans to destroy those of his own kind, she doubted he would be very accommodating. She pulled in another deep breath.

  “I need to know I can trust you, and I trust no one. How strong is this bond we have right now?”

  He squinted and peered at her. “Why? What are you planning?”

  She searched the sky. So far it was still clear, but who knew how many more would be in pursuit. “I can get us to a hiding place, but it takes a great deal of power and leaves me vulnerable.” He crossed his arms over that rippling chest of his and his biceps bulged. Damn, the angel was a powerhouse of physical and magical strength, and it turned her on. Big time. He was probably one of the few men she had ever met that scared her.

  “How vulnerable?”

  She pulled the silver chain out from under her leather armor and rubbed the charm attached to it. The warm silver hummed under her fingers. It looked like nothing more than a coin, with engraved symbols on one side and the demon Estitees on the other. But it was far more valuable than any silver or gold coin, and the price she had paid for it had been high. She spent an entire month in the demon’s harem, and he had used her every day. It was when she had despised what she was most. Her willingness to sell her body for whatever she wanted disgusted her, but even more so was the power high she had received while with Estitees. Having her sexual demon satisfied on a daily basis, along with the things she had learned about herself and how to pleasure a male, had made her more powerful than ever. It had been all she could do to break away from all the seduction, but thankfully her human and angel side had been stronger. The demon had kept his end of the bargain and given her the charm.

  “What is that?”

  Lyzander’s gruff voice pulled her from her memories. He stared at the charm she held between her fingers, and for a moment, she wondered what he would think about her past. Would he be disgusted with her? She steeled her shoulders and shoved her thoughts where they belonged. Behind her. She did what she had to in order to survive and would do so again. She was part succubus, and there was no changing that. Seduction was in her blood.

  “It will take us to a place far away from here.”

  “What place? Where?” Brow raised.

  Damn, he was a demanding angel. “There’s a network of caverns on the other side of this realm. It’s a long trek through them, but they lead to the human world. They are mostly deserted, but a few demons live in the darkness of the caves.”

  He seemed to relax. “Okay. I can handle the demons. What kind are they?”


  He nodded. “I’ve tangled with them before. They are nothing more than a nuisance.”

  “There’s more. The charm will transport us instantly, but uses every ounce of power I have. I will be left in a coma for possibly several days.” It was why she had never used it.

  “I don’t like that, but I sense there’s more.”

  “Yes, I’ve never used this, so I’m only going on the word of the demon who made it for me.” For all she knew, it would kill her.

  His nostrils flared. “No. I forbid it.”

  He reacted just as she suspected. Like a damn, arrogant male warrior. The beat of an army’s footsteps thundered in the distance. Time was running out, and so were their options. She flung herself into him and chanted the magical words.

  * * *

  “Son of a bitch!” Lyzander’s backside hit rock, and a warm stickiness coated his back. Thankfully, Kelana landed on top of him. Blackness so thick swirled around them, even he couldn’t see past it. He summoned his sword with one hand, while keeping Kelana tucked close to him with the other. The blade, forged of the finest steel ever created, broke through the darkness and produced a beacon of light. Nothing but rock surrounded them, so he struck the nearest one with his blade and sent the stone into a warm glow. It was enough to help him get his bearings. He settled himself down and pulled Kelana into his lap. He stretched out his senses, sweeping along rock and down corridors looking for any threat. It was all clear, so he focused on the female in his arms.

  She still breathed, which gave him a sense of relief. Her pulse was strong, as was her heartbeat. “Sugar?” He gave her a gentle shake, but she gave no response. She was in a deep sleep. Anger stirred that she had done this to herself. How long would she be out? Was there any way he could wake her? And when she did, he would put her over his knee without hesitation. “I command you to wake up.”

  She dared disobey him. Again.

  A thought came to him, and he grinned before he bent and kissed her lips. No response. Hell. So much for that fairy tale.

  The space around them was cramped. He needed to move but had no idea which way. There was a larger area up ahead, so he opted to move in that direction. Standing, he tossed Kelana over his shoulder and used his sword to light the way. One step at a time, rocks crunched under his boots as he took a slow pace through a narrow passage. Minutes ticked, and with each one, he prayed she would wake, but she didn’t even stir. He began to worry and decided she was definitely getting an earful when she did. He wasn’t used to being disobeyed. Finally, the narrow passage began to widen, and the sound of a small stream filled his ears. He struck the rocks closest to him with his blade, repeating the process until he had a satisfactory glow lighting up the cavern. An eerie growl filled the air, and he spun to face it.


  He estimated the demon was six feet long from nose to tail. Lyzander let his wings spread wide and let loose his own growl. The creature’s beady eyes widened, and it squealed as it scurried away.

  “That’s what I thought.” He scanned the small room. There was the way he had come in and another exit on the other side. He marched to the entrance, Kelana still over his shoulder. He refused to set her down until he was certain it was safe. With a powerful arc, he struck his sword against the rocks near the opening and created an avalanche, closing off entry or escape. He then marched to the other side and did the same. Satisfied they were now sealed in, he headed toward the sound of running water. A small stream only a few feet wide carved a path through the rocks. It wasn’t much but it was water. He pulled Kelana off his shoulder, removed the pack she insisted on carrying, and gently laid her on a patch of moss. Who knew something so green would grow in this environment? Next, he cupped his hand and dipped it into the cool water, brought it to his nose and sniffed.


  Next, he tasted. Sensing the water was pure, he drank. Enjoyed the cool wetness that slid down his parched throat. It was far better than that plastic, bottled stuff his mate carried.

  My mate.

  Lyzander looked at the female lying in a deep sleep. How the hell had the universe de
cided to put the little girl, now a grown woman, into his path a second time? What was fate trying to tell him? If they had not been meant to be together, then he wouldn’t have been ordered on that mission. While his own hand hadn’t killed her family, he had been there and did nothing to stop it. It had only been when he sensed her hiding under the bed that he had second thoughts. Her fear had permeated the room, and he blocked it from the others. Then he sensed the angel in her and realized why they were there. It was too late to save her family, so he made the only choice he could. He kept her a secret, believing if his commander was indeed her father then she came from strong stock. The angel in her would serve her well, and it appeared he’d been right.

  But now what? He pulled off his shirt and tore it into strips. Dipping it into the water, he squeezed out the excess then ran the damp cloth along her cheek. “So, we meet again,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry for what happened to your loved ones.” It was the biggest regret of his existence, and he’d been around for several thousand years. As he bathed her face in cool water, he was certain he was meant to be her protector. Fate hadn’t chosen a guardian but a warrior to watch over her, and he would protect her with his very life. His mission was now clear, and his choice made. He would complete the bond, mating them for eternity.

  What happens when she finds out you were there that night? She would. One couldn’t hide their past forever, especially from a mate.

  Then should she choose to leave, I will not stop her.

  Yeah, but you will both be bound forever. Neither of you can take another. She will hate you.

  She would hate him either way. At least being his mate would make her stronger, and he would know where she was and if she needed him. It was a price he was willing to pay for his sins.


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