Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel

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Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel Page 9

by Twombly, Valerie

  “Not yet.”

  Tegan shook his head and mumbled under his breath. “Then I suggest you get back to wherever you’re hiding her and explain the process. In the meantime, I will begin investigating how you were abducted.” He tilted his head. “Did you see any others?”

  “No. I was kept by myself most of the time. Are there others missing?”

  “Yes, but we can’t know if they met the same fate as you or if something else happened to them. We only lost a few to death so where the fuck are the rest?”

  Lyzander rose from his seat. “Damn. Let me know what I can do to help.”

  “You can hurry up and return to duty. It won’t be long before evil detects our numbers have dwindled, and they will take advantage. Ashley already has her hands full. We need every able body ready for war.”

  “I’ll be ready.” Lyzander turned to leave.


  He stopped and looked back. “Yeah?”

  “I’m glad to see you alive.”

  * * *

  Kelana stretched and opened her eyes. Dawn peeked an eye through the wall of glass, and revealed it was going to be a beautiful day. She shifted to get out of bed when she noticed something soft under her. Funny. I don’t remember a down comforter. When she looked, a scream left her mouth, and Lyzander burst through the door, sword in hand.

  “What’s going on?” He demanded while his eyes scanned the room, taking in every inch. She would have taken a minute to admire him except for the pair of wings that spread out beneath her.

  “Umm, I have extra appendages.”

  His eyes widened and mouth dropped open as he stared at her. “You...”

  “Have wings. Why are you surprised when you are the one who told me I would get them?”

  “You are the first.”

  “First what? Help me, I can’t get up with these damn things attached to me.” She had thought she might like having wings and being able to fly, but this was a pain in the ass. Yes, they weighed nearly nothing, but how the hell did one make them go away? She’d seen Lyzander make his come and go like a well-trained pet. Disappear. Nothing happened. Vanish, Vamoose. Oh hell.

  Suddenly he broke out in laughter and put his sword away.

  “What the hell is so funny?” She threw a pillow at him.

  “I’m sorry. You can’t shoo them away. Take charge and simply make them go back. You command them.”

  She gave him her best evil eye then focused on the things stuck to her back. With a command, they vanished. “Wow. Well then.” She rolled from the bed and stood.

  He grabbed her hand and dragged her to a full-length mirror in the corner. “Now, summon them.”

  She thought about the wings and wished them back. Nothing, so she commanded them and sure as shit they were there. She nearly fell backward if not for Lyzander there to catch her. “Oh my god, they look like yours.” He smiled behind her. Was that pride that beamed on his face? Couldn’t be. What would he have to be proud about?

  “You are the first female warrior. Ever.”

  Her breath hitched as she absorbed his words and stared at herself in the mirror. Wings so black they would blend into the darkest shadows. Each feather different from the one next to it. The colors that reflected off the sun now beaming in the window were mesmerizing. She turned slightly to get a better look. The tips were the purest of white. Not a single speck of color marred them. “These are really mine?” She pinched her arm because this had to be a dream.

  “They belong to no one else.”

  She smiled. Maybe completing the bond with this angel wasn’t so bad. This certainly changed a lot of things. Who would have thought wings would make a gal feel important? “I like them. What else can I do?”

  His face became serious. “Put your new toy away. We need to talk.” He started to leave the room. “Come down when you’re ready.”

  She stared at herself a few more minutes before tucking her wings away then headed for the bathroom. Opening the cabinet, she found a still packaged toothbrush and brushed her teeth. After splashing some cold water on her face, she was ready to face whatever bad news Lyzander was about to lay on her. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, he greeted her with a bottle of water.


  “I have some breakfast on the table outside.”

  Kelana stepped onto the deck. The sun warmed her face as she inhaled the salty breeze. She could get used to a place like this. There was a platter of cut up melons and berries on the table as well as bagels and cream cheese.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” Lyzander asked as he poured two glasses of orange juice.

  “Yes. It all looks so good.” She plucked a strawberry from the tray and bit into it. “This is perfect.”

  He pulled out his chair and sat. “Good.”

  She spread some cream cheese on a bagel. “So, what do we need to talk about?”

  “Well for one, I have been in touch with my commander. He knows about you and your father.”

  She stopped chewing and looked at him. “Was that wise?”

  “I trust Tegan with my life and he agrees, what your father did was wrong.”

  “Great. So you guys can save me some time and turn his sorry ass over to me.”

  He raised a brow. “Not likely, but he wants me to notify him as soon as your change occurs. I don’t doubt he will be very interested in your recent addition. Which brings me to the next thing. You will soon be summoned for duty. We don’t have much time.”

  If the color didn’t drain from her face, she would be surprised. “What the hell, Lyzander. It seems your decision to complete the bond has impacted me once again. What if I don’t wish to serve your Maker?”

  “I don’t really know. We are both treading in new territory. We can talk to Tegan about it. Maybe there is a way you can decline.”

  “Fine. I will hear what this Tegan has to say.” Kelana was an opportunist, and if there was a way to make this work to her advantage, then she would find it and take it. It had to put her closer to finding her father.

  “Good. He will have a better idea of what you might expect. In the meantime, he’s investigating Aezyla, and I’ve been ordered back to duty as soon as possible. Seems we’ve lost a lot of angels and he’s worried the human realm will soon suffer.”

  Kelana finished off some melon while she contemplated her situation. Her goal was revenge, and it was the only reason she wanted to gain entry into the elite society of angels. Other than that, she held no desire to be one or hang with them. What kind of people ordered a hit on two innocent women and a child? But from what she had learned over the years, it sounded out of character. Angels were supposed to protect humanity, but it seemed even they had their bad seeds like any other species. “When can we go?”

  “I need a shower then we can leave.”

  Her imagination sped right to visions of him naked, and desire wrapped around her like a warm blanket, flushing her skin. She stared out at the deep blue water, which lapped at pure white sand and reminded her of her dream.

  “Nothing says we can’t take time for our needs,” he whispered in her ear. “Plus, I sense you are starting to grow weak.” When had he gotten up and moved toward her? She swallowed and tried to ignore her desire, but it burned too hot.

  “It isn’t as bad as before. Since our bond, I seem to be able to go longer without sex. But, a swim would be nice,” she replied. Maybe that would cool her off. Except she had no suit. Only the tee she wore or her leather armor. Screw it. She’d go in as she was and if it led to them having sex, even better. After all, she was a sex demon and they were mated, which meant that they desired only each other. Who said a relationship couldn’t be based on sex? Kelana jumped to her feet.

  “Race you.”


  She shot out of her chair before he even realized what she was up to. Running across the sand, she pulled off the shirt and entered the water totally naked. Lyzander was momentarily paralyzed by her beauty, a
nd he leisurely stripped off his jeans as he kept a watchful eye on her. She disappeared under the water’s surface only to come up with her hair slicked back and droplets running down her breasts, begging to be licked away.

  He jerked off his underwear, summoned his wings, and went into stealth mode. He watched Kelana scan the beach looking for him.

  “Hey,” she yelled out. “No fair. You can’t go all invisible angel on me.”

  He chuckled to himself, enjoying this new game, and entered the water, careful not to give away his location with splashing. Thankfully, the waves helped hide how close he was to her. He slipped in behind her, bent down, and ran his tongue along her neck.

  She gasped, followed by a moan.

  He gripped her hips and gently turned her to face him as he shed his cloak. She gave him a wicked smile.

  “Your wings are getting wet.”

  “They will dry.” He cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingers, soliciting a sigh from her. When he sensed her desire, he reached between her thighs and inserted a finger. Thrusting, he followed the momentum of the waves crashing around their calves. Bringing her close to the edge. When he sensed she was about to lose control, he stopped. She glared at him. “Not nice.”

  “I told you I would withhold your orgasm for disobeying me.”

  “You’re an ass.”

  He grinned. “We keep coming back to that.” He dipped his head and ran his tongue over her nipple, causing the peak to harden. She gripped his head between her hands and held him to her.

  “If I promise to obey, will you give me what I need?” her voice was breathless.

  “What do you need?” He brushed his thumb over her clit, causing her to shiver.

  “You,” she whispered. “I need you.”

  “Summon your wings,” he commanded. She gave him a puzzled look, but did as he asked. When they appeared, he brushed the tip of his against hers, dipped his head, and claimed her mouth. He tasted every inch of her and was relentless in his pursuit of her surrender.

  She dug her nails into his back and rubbed herself against his thigh. She was desperate.

  Without missing a beat, he gripped her ass and picked her up off the ground. She wrapped her legs around him, and he slipped inside her. With the beating of his wings, he lifted them off the ground and sent mental encouragement to her. Flying high over the water, he broke the kiss. “You doing okay?”

  “Perfect,” she whispered and ground her hips into him as they sailed through the air, connected as one.

  He thrust deeper and harder, sending them to greater heights, both physically and emotionally. When he took them into a slow spin downward, Kelana’s grip around his shaft tightened, and she screamed in orgasm. He wasn’t done with her yet. He banked right as he thrust faster. Their bodies slapped together; her nails dug into his back as he skimmed along the waves, salt water licking their skin. He settled them into the sand, Kelana on her back, as he lifted her hips off the ground. With several more thrusts, he exploded with his own release that seemed to go on forever.

  “That was freaking amazing. Who knew sex airborne would be so intense.” Kelana moved under him, and he tried not to notice. Otherwise, they would never get out of here because he would take her again.

  “You’re the first,” he said.

  She looked up. “What?”

  “You are the first I have ever done that with.”

  “Really?” Shock registered on her face. “That’s so amazing. I don’t know why you haven’t done it before.”

  “It’s a sacred thing we only share with someone special.” Hell, why had he gone and told her that? He was allowing the bond to mingle with his emotions, and that was a bad thing. He was a warrior and had more willpower than that. He had to admit, though, he liked having her around. Her sharp tongue kept him on his toes, and her softness took away his own rough edges. When he was with her, he could forget about everything else that was bad in the world.

  “So, can I actually fly on my own?”

  “Of course. Get dressed and we’ll head out. You can test your independence once we’re free of here.” Lyzander strode from the water and headed back to the house where he grabbed his discarded clothes and went inside. He sensed his mate close behind as he climbed the stairs and headed for the shower. “You’re welcome to share with me or wait until I’m done,” he called back.

  “Can we manage to stick to getting clean only?” she asked.

  “I'll do my best,” he laughed and turned on the water.

  * * *

  Kelana allowed Lyzander to carry her from his private realm, but once on the other side he gave her free rein. She took flight for the first time on her own. The power her wings carried was a surprise, considering how light they were on her back. It was as if they weren’t even there, and it took little effort to move them for flight. She dipped and banked right, testing the air currents and becoming familiar with a whole new world.

  You’re a natural.

  Shouldn’t I be, considering my heritage?

  Probably. Follow me and we’ll head to Tegan’s. I’ve already let him know we're on the way.

  Minutes later, they landed. Lyzander led her down a wooded path to a modest stone home. Opening the back door, she followed him across a pale gray, planked floor. The house might look modest on the outside, but it was pristine on the inside. Lyzander had given her a quick history on Tegan. He was the father of Ashley, the Angel of Death, and he had once been in love with Ashley’s mother, but she had died in childbirth. The entire story about how the Tribunal kept them apart was heartbreaking and only served to remind her how screwed up their angelic rules were. A tall man with collar-length dark hair and deep green eyes stepped into view. Like most angels she had encountered, he was breathtaking.

  “Zander.” He nodded at Lyzander then approached Kelana. “You must be Kelana. Welcome.” He held out his hand, and she accepted his firm handshake.

  “Thank you.”

  He looked over her shoulder. “How interesting. A female warrior.”

  Kelana lifted her chin. “Gotta problem with it?”

  His laughter filled the room. “With an attitude like that? Not in the least. Come.” He walked away and Lyzander followed with her on his heels. She hated walking behind them. It made her feel inferior, but being in a new territory, she wouldn’t make a fuss. Yet.

  They were led to a study. A wall was lined with books, many of which looked ancient. She walked over and touched one. The leather was buttery under her fingers, and she wondered what it was.

  “Let’s get down to business,” Tegan said.

  Kelana moved to the small, black leather couch and sat next to Lyzander. She needed the comfort of his closeness because she had a feeling this meeting was going to be a doozy. “So. What happens now?” she blurted out.

  “The minute your wings appeared I was summoned before the Maker. Apparently, your presence was not only detected, but expected—at least one day.”

  Kelana looked at Lyzander, and his expression was as puzzled as no doubt hers was. She focused on Tegan again. “Explain.”

  “I’m going to cut to the chase. The Maker became aware of your presence a few years ago and became curious how one of her elite had managed to impregnate a female without her knowledge. Normally, women are chosen and then given the right to decide if they wish to carry a nephilim. They are made fully aware that the father will not be in the child’s life.”

  The hair on the back of her arms bristled. “How kind that you let the woman decide, but it’s unfortunate that the daughter has no say in what she becomes or who she is stuck with,” Kelana snapped back.

  Tegan didn’t flinch. “Normally the daughters are raised knowing what they are, schooled in our customs by their mother. Unfortunately, some fall between the cracks. Or in the case of my own daughter, they are left to learn the hard way.” There was no mistaking the pain in his eyes. It was apparent he still hurt for the two women he loved. “And our dau
ghters are free to choose who they mate with. Usually.” Tegan glared at Lyzander, who shifted under the weight of his stare. Kelana leaned back, crossed her arms, and glared at Lyzander. She had the feeling Tegan was a tough commander. Fair but demanding.

  “Anyway,” he continued. “Once the Maker learned about you, she dug for answers and discovered that your father had commanded the murder of his own daughter and her family. It was at that point she decided your fate.”

  No words would form. Kelana could only blink in response to his statement.

  * * *

  Lyzander stiffened. He knew what was coming next would not be to his liking.

  “What are you saying, exactly?” Kelana asked after she had stared at Tegan in stunned silence.

  “I’m telling you that the Maker made you the first female warrior because you are part demon. And because she is going to allow you to serve judgment on your father and those who carried out his command.”

  Yep. Most definitely not what he wanted to hear. Not only had his mate just been given the blessing from the Maker to hunt an elite angel, but Kelana would decide the fate of those who had carried out the command. Fuck, Tegan. You couldn’t have warned me?

  I’m sorry, but I’m following orders. You need to come clean and tell her you were there.

  I planned to, in my own time. Things just got real, and there was no postponing the inevitable.

  “So, let me get this straight.” Kelana leaned forward. “It is totally up to me what happens to my father and the angels who killed my mother and grandmother? I alone decide if they live or die? If they are tortured for eternity or given a quick, painless death?”

  Tegan gave a nod. “Yes. She feels it is owed to you for what happened. However, she asks that you take into consideration that those who did the actual act were following orders.” Kelana started to protest, but Tegan held up a hand. “Hear me out. Those of us chosen to lead are picked for a reason. Our strength, compassion, and ability to make difficult decisions are only part of it. Our men must respect us, and most of all trust in our leadership, so that an order is never questioned. At one time, your father was a good man, but something happened to him, and he became arrogant and hard. Angels are no different than the humans we protect. We are not perfect.”


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