Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel

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Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel Page 12

by Twombly, Valerie

  It was time for him to get to work. Tegan had given him the task of finding out what Malik was up to. It wasn’t going to be easy, but Lyzander hoped he could also flush out Aezyla in the process. He was itching for revenge before that witch sank her talons into another victim, and he knew the exact bait needed to draw her out. A small bar in New Orleans called Hell’s Gate. It was where demons liked to frequent. Within minutes, he stood on the brightly lit Bourbon Street. Swarms of people in various states of drunkenness and undress milled around him while he stared at the open door to the bar. He grinned as he moved past the threshold and entered the dimly lit bar, his wings giving off a saintly glow. All conversations stopped and heads turned to face him. The fear painted on every demon’s face was priceless.

  “Warrior, we don’t want any trouble,” the bartender called out.

  Lyzander stopped in the middle of the room, stance wide. Giving his wings a fluff, he crossed his arms over his chest. “Damn. I was looking for a little fun.” While this place was normally a neutral zone of the demon and angel world, there were those who had information to spill. When a warrior entered, it made everyone twitchy. However, there was always that one dumb-ass who thought he was brave enough to take on a warrior of the Maker.

  An ugly fuck with one eye in the center of his face, horns that curled into an S-shape where ears should have been, and thick black skin stepped forward. “You angels think you’re so high and mighty.”

  And there was the dumb-ass he was looking for.

  “I accept your challenge, demon, and when you are busy begging me for mercy, I’ll have the information I require.” Before the demon could blink, Lyzander summoned a bolt of pure power and launched it straight at the creature’s chest. Within seconds, the beast was on his knees, bent over, clutching his abdomen. Smoke billowed from his clothes. Everyone else had scurried from view and were currently hiding behind the bar.

  Smart demons.

  “Now, are you ready to answer my questions? Or would you prefer another jolt?” Lyzander hoped the demon wanted to continue the fight. He was feeling pissy.

  “Fuck off,” the demon sneered.

  Awesome. Lyzander smiled and gave him another blast, this one a little stronger. He kept it burning until the demon began to sweat. His one eye squinted in pain.

  “Fine! What do you want to know?” his prisoner grunted.

  Lyzander released his power hold enough for the demon to tell him what he required. “Aezyla, you know her?”

  The demon’s skin paled further. “Yes.”

  “Good. How many angels does she have?” Might as well make sure he wasn’t the only one caught.

  The demon looked away. “I’m not sure of the exact count, but I’ve heard she holds several in her cells.”

  Fuck. Not what he was hoping to hear. If he was to understand Lulerain correctly, it was a labyrinth of deadliness. An angel could be hidden away anywhere. He was sure he’d only seen a small part of Hell’s prison. “How is she capturing them?” This was the million-dollar question that needed answering if he and his brethren were to avoid entrapment.

  “Rumor has it that she’s been working with some big wig from above.” The demon flashed yellow teeth. “Seems one of your own is plotting against you.”

  Okay, that only raised more questions. Lyzander was already aware of the mineral Devon––one of his brethren who had fallen several years ago––had found in Hell. When combined with one from the angelic world, it caused angels to go mad. Were they still using this somehow? “Got names?”

  “No. Only that this angel is powerful, and he has wings of gold.”

  Son of a bitch. It couldn’t be. He released the demon. “Be sure to send Aezyla my regards.” Then he stormed from the bar. An audible sigh of relief was heard behind him. When his boots hit the street, he opened his mind. Tegan?

  Have you learned something?

  Yeah. A fucking angel with gold wings is in cahoots with Aezyla.

  Report back to me.

  Yes, sir. Lyzander knew they were both thinking the same thing. What angel had recently gone missing, had an ego bigger than any other with gold wings, and was powerful enough to incapacitate a lesser angel without their knowledge? He immediately summoned his wings and went into stealth mode.

  * * *

  Kelana enjoyed her workout. She’d also gotten to know her opponent Cade a bit better and she liked him. He was a tough as nails warrior who had already taught her some great tips on how to best her enemies. Once he had been exposed to her succubus charms, he was no longer susceptible to them. He explained how a warrior was able to build a quick tolerance to certain things. Unfortunately, it didn’t work for everything. Usually organic compounds took a lot more exposure before they might become immune. That explained how Devon had been able to poison his brethren and force them to fall. No one knew for sure if that compound was still in the hands of an enemy now that Devon was dead or if they had simply become immune.

  Lyzander appeared in the distance, and Tegan quickly retreated to meet up with him. She wondered what they were talking about.

  “Do you have a mate, Cade?” She wasn’t sure how one was supposed to tell. Angels didn’t wear wedding rings. With demons, it varied from species to species. Some bore a marking that was obvious to an observer. Others gave off a specific aura that said taken. Yeah, she had a marking on her body, but as far as she knew, Lyzander did not. At least he never mentioned it.

  “I don’t, but I hope to someday,” he replied.

  She smiled back at him, her heart racing as Lyzander and Tegan approached. “I’m sure you will find the perfect match.” Kelana wondered if she and Lyzander were really meant to be together. His last words to her before they had come here still rang in her ears.

  “Zander has some interesting news. I’ve contacted the others to join us back at my house. They should be headed there now.” He spread his wings and took to the air.

  Kelana gave Lyzander a questioning look, but he only jerked his head upward then flew off. She followed with Cade behind them. They arrived a few minutes later and landed on the walkway leading to Tegan’s home. She recognized Ashley speaking with a tall, handsome dark-haired angel. They stopped talking and both smiled at Kelana. Ashley rushed forward.

  “Kelana. I heard the great news, but I couldn’t wait to see for myself. The first female warrior. Congratulations!” Ashley pulled Kelana into an embrace. When she finally released Kelana, she stepped back and indicated to the man next to her. “This is my mate, Eli.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” Kelana replied.

  “Welcome to the fold.” He pulled her into a hug and brushed a kiss across her cheek. “Anytime you want dirt on your mate, just holler,” he whispered.

  “Hey. I’m as pure as they come,” Lyzander retorted.

  Everyone but Kelana laughed, and she felt a little out of place. These were his people, not hers, but she was here to learn and that was precisely what she intended to do.

  “Let’s go inside,” Tegan piped up and pulled open the door, holding it for his daughter, who was followed inside by her mate. The rest filed in behind them, and everyone ended up in the open space of the living room.

  Kelana took a chair rather than the couch so she didn’t have to sit next to anyone. On his way to the chair next to her, Lyzander bent down and pressed a kiss to her lips. “You did good today, sugar,” he whispered, and it warmed her insides. However, she needed to focus on work and not relationships. Theirs was not born out of love but her need for revenge, and she still didn’t understand what he got out of the deal. He had some misguided vision that fate had meant for them to be together. Was it possible he was right? She didn’t know what to believe, so she focused on the chatter in the room.

  “Zander, share with everyone what you learned today,” Tegan said.

  Her mate shifted in the chair next to her. “I managed to get information from a demon today. Seems Aezyla has had some help in her angel abductions in the form of a
very powerful angel with gold wings.”

  Cade let out a whistle, and Eli rubbed his mate’s thigh as Ashley looked like she was going to come unglued.

  “Are you saying there are more angels in Lulerain?” Ashley asked.

  Lyzander nodded. “If what I was told is accurate.” He rubbed his face. “Fuck, we don’t even know how many. Or how long this has been going on.”

  “It has to be him,” Tegan stated and everyone looked at Kelana.

  Realization dawned. Gold wings. Powerful. “My father. That’s who you suspect.”

  “I’m afraid so. I’d heard rumors he’d fallen, but I still don’t have confirmation. Either way, it means he was working with Aezyla long ago. Could have been years. We have no idea what his motives are.”

  Kelana stared down at her boots. Why she should be embarrassed by a man who was only a sperm donor didn’t make sense. One who had murdered her mother and grandmother and wanted her dead. He wasn’t a father. Real fathers didn’t do those sorts of things, but she was still of his blood. Was whatever drove him to do these things, something that also ran through her DNA? Did angels have defects? They must because what being, who was sworn to protect the innocent, would do these sorts of things? Kelana was beginning to get a real understanding of the type of man he was. Yes, it was one thing to kill her family but to turn on your own kind? She lifted her head and looked around the room, making eye contact with each angel. She may be new at this, but already a loyalty she didn’t totally understand became ingrained deep in her soul. She was one of them now. Sworn to protect and lay her life down if it meant to save one of her own.

  She took in a long, cleansing breath. “If he’s in Hell, I’ll find him.” She had no idea what type of power she would wield there, but she was about to find out.

  * * *

  Lyzander’s heartbeat skipped when the bus came out of nowhere and ran him over. At least that was how he felt when his mate made the declaration she was going to Hell. Sure, he’d known it would happen. Eventually. However, he had pushed it back in his mind and pretended it was a distant memory. Now, it came hauling ass back to punch him in the face. The warrior side of him agreed with the mated side, and he opened his mouth.

  “You’re not going to Hell to hunt your father.”

  Kelana turned and glared daggers at him. “What did you say?”

  He was getting good at shoving his foot in his mouth, and it tasted like old, worn leather. He looked to the only other in the room who had any experience with this. Eli?

  The hunter gave him a sympathetic look. Dude, been there and done that more times than I can count. All you can do is try and backpedal. We are who we are, and the protection of our mates is a high priority. You just have to swallow your pride and let her be who she is, and things will work out on their own.

  Lyzander looked back at Kelana and cursed under his breath. “I only meant it’s not wise to hunt him down until we have a plan, but I think you should do some recon and gather whatever information you can.” Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Tegan smirking.

  Nice job. His commander shoved into Lyzander’s mind.

  Fuck you. Asshole.

  Laughter that only Lyzander could hear filled his head. Yeah, he deserved it for all those times he made a declaration that no female would grab him by the balls and drag him around, as many of the males allowed their mates to do. Someone get him a towel so he could rid himself of the ice water that had just been dumped over his head.

  Welcome to the brotherhood, Eli interjected.

  “Kelana,” Ashley broke in. “Whatever resources you need are at your disposal. I can assign guards to go with you since we don’t even know for sure if you can still enter Lulerain.”

  “Thank you. I’d like to get started right away, but I’m curious about something,” Kelana replied, and Lyzander gritted his teeth.

  “Why I don’t go into Lulerain myself?” Ashley asked.


  “It would seem that even though I’m the Angel of Death, not even I can enter the place where I condemn those to suffer. I’m not a true occupant of Hell, and even a demon escort hasn’t worked. It makes no sense because it appears demons can take an angel there at will.” She shook her head. “I don’t like what that means.”

  Yeah, it meant demon’s had an upper hand. “Interesting. Well, hopefully I’ll be able to find out how many angels are being held inside.” Kelana stood. “Matter of fact, I’d like to go now. Waiting isn’t going to get us anywhere.”

  “I'll meet you back at the palace. I’ll contact the guards and let them know you are a welcome guest.”

  “I’ll walk out with you.” Lyzander jumped to his feet then led the way out Tegan’s back door and down the path, remaining silent until they reached the edge of the tree line. Finally, he stopped, grabbed Kelana, tugged her into his arms, and kissed her. At first, she was stiff in his embrace, but as she parted her lips and their tongues connected, she softened against him. Passion swirled and heated the breeze that swept past. His desire climbed until he wanted to push her to the ground and bury himself so deep inside her that their souls connected again. Instead, she broke away. Breathless, she took a step back and stared at him. Why did he feel as if this would be the last time he saw her?

  “Kelana. I’m so sorry for everything. That night, not telling you who I was, but I am not sorry for taking you as my mate. I know you have a path to follow, but please come back to me.”

  She started to speak but stopped. Looking away from him, she summoned her wings and lifted into the air. He would give her the space and time she needed, but he would be damned if he was going to let her go.


  Lyzander’s words had surprised her, and she really hadn’t known what to say, so she left. The look on his face had been utter devastation, and damn if it didn’t bother her. Still, she had a job to do. A vow to her loved ones that she would avenge their deaths, and she never went back on her word.

  Kelana landed on a street corner in the small Midwest town her family had lived in when she was a child. It was broad daylight so she kept herself cloaked and walked the few feet to where a portal to Hell opened. Before she stepped through, she looked around and thought how ironic that humans passed by, never knowing that evil walked in and out of an invisible fissure between worlds. Once through, she appeared outside the palace and things looked the same as they had on the day she had first come seeking assistance. Same as last time, she marched up the front steps and stopped beside the guard.

  “You are expected.” The door opened on its own, which was rather creepy, but Kelana stepped inside.

  “Well, well.” A familiar voice rang out as four large paws padded across the floor. “Let’s see them,” Wraith demanded in his usual snobbish tone. What was it with hellhounds and their attitudes?

  “See what?”

  He stopped in front of her and tipped his massive head back to look up at her. “You know very well, what. The wings. I’ve heard you have sprouted them so let’s see.”

  “Demanding beast.” Secretly, she was damn proud of her wings so she summoned them and spread them as far as the entryway allowed. Wraith surveyed them with a critical eye, stepped to the side then around the back. He circled all the way around her before coming back in front.

  “Impressive. Congratulations, warrior.”

  “Thanks.” She wasn’t expecting that one.

  He turned. “Come along, we have lots to discuss and plans to make.” She followed behind him as he led her to a vast library where he curled up in front of a fire. Fire, in Hell. Wasn’t it hot enough down here already?

  “So are you my help?”

  He gave a nod. “Not many dare mess with a hellhound. We eat our enemies.”

  She grimaced at the thought of Wraith chomping on some demon head like any ordinary dog would a bone. She wondered if he would bury it in some obscure location to savor at a later time. Ewww. “So, what is your suggestion?”

and most important, we need to see how much power you wield down here before you go walking about flashing that angel glow. It’s worse, you know.”

  “Huh?” She plopped down on an overstuffed chair.

  “Your glow. You’re like a damn lighthouse beacon in the night sky. Much brighter than before.” He was so matter of fact, it irked her.

  “Sorry.” Poor comeback, but it did concern her. If she held more angel power than demon, she might become weaker down here. Weakness was not a good thing to have in Hell. “I guess there is only one way to find out.”

  Wraith smiled. “I was hoping you’d say that. I can have several guards in the courtyard in ten minutes. You up for a good fight?”

  “Bring it, dog.”

  He leapt to his large paws and trotted out of the room. You coming, mutt?

  She rolled her eyes but followed. The hound was cocky, but he was growing on her. She could see why Ashley liked having the beast around. Moments later, she found herself in the courtyard where to her surprise stood Michael. She rushed into the demon’s arms for an embrace. “Michael. It’s nice to see you again.”

  He held her at arm’s length and studied her. “Kelana, you’re looking good. I sense your demon is still well and alive.”

  She smiled. “I kicked a warrior’s ass when he was overcome with lust. The question is, how much of my angel still works down here?”

  * * *

  Lyzander still stood at the tree line long after Kelana had left. Finally, he opened his mind. Cade, Raze, I need to speak to you at once. Meet me at my home in the human world. He snapped shut his connection and summoned a portal directly to the home he hadn’t been to in a long time. Once on the other side, he found himself standing in his living room, staring out of the expanse of glass that looked over a lake surrounded by mountains. He loved Scotland and its rugged countryside. Maybe later he’d go for a hike and try to burn off some of these emotions that plagued him.


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