The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8)

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The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8) Page 1

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The Sweetest Surrender

  Falling for a Rose Book Eight


  Stephanie Nicole Norris




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Note from the Author

  More Books by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  About the Author

  Note from the Publisher: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead or references to locations, persons, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters, circumstances and events are imaginative and not intended to reflect real events.

  The Sweetest Surrender

  Falling for a Rose Book Eight

  Copyright 2018 Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Love is a Drug, Ink.

  All Rights Reserved and Proprietary.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or format without written permission from Author. Send all requests via email to

  [email protected].


  To all of you reading the Falling for a Rose Series, I hope you one day find your happily ever after.

  Chapter One

  Bringing the champagne flute to her plump full lips, Selena Strauss took a sip of the Welch’s sparkling juice cocktail as she watched her friend gloat at the image before her. Selena’s bronze leg bounced as it lay casually across the other, and she sighed with a contented relief. Standing in front of a full-length mirror, Phoebe Alexandria Rose squealed with her sister Eden as they stood in Jenna’s Bridal Boutique.

  “This is definitely the one,” Phoebe said as she modeled the wedding dress with a twirl here and there.

  “I don’t understand. If you’ve put your wedding off for a year, why are you picking out gowns now?” Selena asked.

  “Because it’s going to take me that long to get everything perfect for our big day,” Phoebe answered.

  “What if you find another dress that you like six months from now?”

  “I won’t because I don’t plan to look for another one after this.”

  Phoebe and Eden squealed again.

  “Well, I’m happy for you,” Selena said with a soft bat of her curled eyelashes.

  “Thank you, that makes two of us,” Phoebe responded.

  “Um, you mean five of us,” Samiyah added.

  The Rose women all nodded, completely excited for Phoebe’s big day. They hadn’t all come together at once. The Rose women consisted of friends who’d become new in-laws like Samiyah who married Jonas Alexander Rose; multimillionaire former heavyweight champion. Once they’d been married in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the brothers seemed to each get hitched one by one. Each of the men carried his own multimillionaire career full throttle, and the family’s name and wealth reached across the globe.

  Now, one of the Rose sisters, Phoebe Alexandria Rose, was newly engaged to Quentin Davidson, fitness expert and multimillionaire tycoon, who’d been a friend of the family for decades. Phoebe gloated as she twirled in the mirror donned in what would be the official wedding gown she’d walk down the aisle in.

  This happening for you gives me courage,” Eden said.

  Phoebe nodded. “And I’m rooting for you and Derek. My fingers are crossed.”

  Phoebe turned to look at herself, and her heart warmed at her appearance. This was happening. Phoebe and Quentin would be man and wife. It was surreal. After accepting his proposal, Phoebe had cried her eyes out, and Quentin had captured her lips with a heartwarming kiss. Quentin brought out all the stops to win Phoebe’s heart back after a huge misunderstanding went terribly wrong. Knowing that The Spice Girls was Phoebe’s favorite girl group of all time, Quentin had arranged for the group to perform their famous hit “Wannabe” along with a marching band that blocked off an entire avenue to gain her attention. Quentin kissed Phoebe through one complete performance before giving her room to breathe.

  “I love you,” he’d said, and Phoebe laid her head on his shoulder, comfortable in his embrace.

  Since their television announcement, the Rose brothers—Jonathon, Jordan, Jonas, Jaden, Julian, Josiah, and Jacob—had thrown Quentin and Phoebe an engagement party where they danced the night away. It lifted Phoebe’s spirit to see her brothers and Quentin interact again. They’d all cut Quentin off at one point, thinking he would end up breaking Phoebe’s heart. But Quentin quickly showed them the man he truly was. Now, standing here with her sisters and friends, picking out the gown she would be wed in, Phoebe gave thanks inwardly then turned around to face them all.

  Selena saw the glow wash over Phoebe’s face and could only imagine what she must be feeling. Everyone in the room could sense her happiness and understand the totality of her big day.

  Except for Selena Strauss.

  Selena had attended countless weddings within the last few years as all of her co-workers at S & M Financial Advisory had gotten married to a Rose brother; her boss, Samiyah Rose, Claudia Rose, and then her co-worker Octavia Rose. Even though Selena was the odd man out, that didn’t stop Selena from wishing on a star. It was no secret that the Rose men had been deemed the playboys of the century, but Selena witnessed something entirely different. She’d had a front row seat to the happiness her friends shared with the men. And the men treated their wives as if they were the only women on earth.

  Selena wanted to feel that kind of love, too… with a Rose man.

  From the second she’d been introduced to the family, Selena set her sights on Jordan Alexander Rose. Something about the way he moved, silently with confidence and high authority, caused Selena’s nervous system to go into a frenzy whenever she saw him. As part owner of Rose and Garnett LLC, Jordan was one of Chicago’s most sought-after attorneys, with a client list so prestigious he wouldn’t keep it on a database of any kind to prevent a breach of confidentiality. The list was on paper; locked in a safety deposit box at Rose and Trust Credit Union, the bank his brother Jonas owned. Whenever a new client was added to the roster, that list would be updated, but it never left the vault.

  Although he was an attorney, Jordan was not a man of many words. He said only what was necessary. Even at family functions, personal outings, or courtroo
m appearances, Jordan’s stealthy character was on display. Jordan was a thinker, a reader, a researcher, a writer. Not only did he see the world through his natural lens but also through the thoughts, facts, and arguments of others. While attending one of his high-profile court cases, Selena sat in the back and watched Jordan stroll slowly, with his hands in his pockets in deep thought as if they were all having a moment of silence. And when he spoke, a quote by Roy T. Bennett cruised from his magnificent lips.

  “A wise man once said, it is important that we listen with curiosity, speak with honesty, and act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words.”

  Jordan had gone silent again; giving everyone in the courtroom a chance to do just that, listen for what was behind his words. When he resumed, everyone in the courtroom was tuned into his final deliberation, hanging on every syllable as if he spoke with the sage words from a biblical publication. Selena couldn’t help herself. Her eyes traveled over his chocolate skin, fresh haircut, and neatly trimmed beard. She watched his sexy lips move and found herself taken in by not only his arguments, but the undercut of his tailored Armani suit. She’d outlined his strong muscular frame, his predacious stroll, and his piercing brown eyes as he took in each member of the jury singularly.

  It had taken the bench fifteen minutes to come back with a not guilty verdict, sealing Rose and Garnett’s victory. Jordan had smiled slow and reassuring. His client, a man accused of killing his wife due to an eerie 911 call she’d made minutes before her death, thanked him profusely, ecstatic over not being locked away for a lifetime. In a case like this, men were always presumed guilty until proven innocent by way of the media and the public. But one thing Selena loved about Jordan was, he didn’t take a case he didn’t believe in. Jordan didn’t defend the guilty, and his investigations into the matter were committed and thorough.

  Leaving the courtroom that day, Jordan was bombarded by reporters, asking questions about not only his win but his personal life.

  “How did you know for sure that your client was innocent,” one reporter asked.

  Jordan was silent for a moment before he responded, quoting another famous author, Ernest Hemingway. “When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.”

  The reporter seemed flabbergasted, so she fired off another question. “Can you expand on that response, Mr. Rose?”

  “The proof is in the recording,” he stated plainly.

  “What about the woman in your life,” another reporter shouted. This piqued not only Jordan’s interest but also Selena’s as she stood off to the side watching him as her long black strands of hair whipped in a current of wind. At Jordan’s lifted brow, the reporter expounded, “Are you the same way with her, quiet and thoughtful?”

  A simmering charismatic smile trudged across his face, and again, he quoted a famous author.

  “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

  The reporter seemed flustered as her cheeks reddened, and a blush fell over her. “So, who’s the lucky lady?” She went on to ask.

  Jordan winked and sauntered off. Selena was completely taken by him. Since then, they’d developed a close friendship and gone on a few dates. On New Year’s Eve, while Selena was pondering what she should do for the night, Jordan called her up and asked if she’d mind spending her new year with him. Selena jumped at the chance, but in the moment, she played a little hard to get. She couldn’t let Jordan know just how into him she was for fear of seeming desperate. So, Selena played it off as if her entire evening was planned down to the T.

  It had only taken two words from Jordan to change her mind.

  “Pretty please.”

  All of Selena’s pretending took a nosedive, and she acquiesced faster than she had a chance to carry on with her shenanigans. Jordan took her to Sydney, Australia, where they brought the New Year in on a cruise in the frosty temperatures of the night. Since then, Jordan and Selena dated on a regular basis. Selena had even confided in him about a book of poems she’d written in college that ended up destroyed after she graduated. That was a milestone for Selena because she only mentioned her poems to her close friend Octavia Davenport once—when Octavia entered her office and caught her doodling on paper.

  When Selena revealed the leather-bound jacket, Jordan asked her why she kept it hidden instead of publishing her words.

  “My aim was never to publish,” she had replied, shrugging. “I guess these words were mostly for me, you know? Something I needed to get out of my system. Besides, then it would be open to opinions, and let’s face it, I’d have a major attitude if I didn’t get glowing reviews.”

  Selena placed her hands on her childbearing hips and popped her full lips, adding a neck roll for emphasis.

  Jordan chuckled and nodded in understanding.

  “Sometimes, things are better left in private so you can enjoy them immensely without the sake of interference,” he added, staring her down with his intense probing gaze.

  Selena found a double meaning in his words, even as he’d leaned into her and gotten closer, causing traumatic jumping jacks to skitter across her chest.

  “That’s true.” Selena’s voice became breathless. “However, there was that article in my college campus newsletter where I took a chance and printed the words.”

  Jordan’s gaze had become even more piercing as if it turned him on to hear it. “Congratulations. That took courage. So how did it get destroyed?” his deep voice thundered.

  Selena tried not to shudder, but an uncontrollable shiver fell over her skin anyway.

  “Um…” Selena tried to clear her thoughts and find her words. “During the move from college, the company I hired to get my things back safely did just the opposite.” Selena remembered the condition of her journal. She remembered running her hand over the leather then flipped the journal open to reveal a book full of ruined dried up pages as if the book had been dropped in a bucket of water. She shrugged. “Oh well.”

  Their rapport had been nothing but pleasant, and although they dated regularly, neither Jordan nor Selena gave their relationship a formal title.

  Selena was the happily ever after type of woman. She believed in love everlasting without a shadow of a doubt. At least she did until news broke that her parents were getting a divorce. It had come just days before Christmas, and Selena initially didn’t believe it. Couples had disagreements sometimes, and although Selena never saw her parents go so far as to mention divorce, still, she didn’t want to believe them. Selena tossed those divorce “rumors” to the back of her mind and figured when they got over the spell they were going through, they’d be back to loving each other again. Nevertheless, in the back of Selena’s mind, there was a small fear that if they didn’t, life as she knew it would be devastatingly different.

  Growing up in the house with her parents came with fond childhood memories that Selena cherished with her heart and soul. Her upbringing was one of happiness, and each of her parents played a significant role in the person Selena was today. She’d seen them in love, happy, and strong for one another in times of despair. They were her quintessential role models for as long as Selena could remember. The possibility of them divorcing, even as an adult, tore her apart and rushed wave upon wave of depression over her. For now, Selena would hold on to hope because it was the only thing she had left to grasp.

  The owner of the bridal shower approached. “Is this the one,” she asked.

  Phoebe did a little tap dance and squealed again. Samiyah stood and waddled over to her sister-in-law. Samiyah looked like she could use some help. She’d been pregnant forever, and Selena didn’t know a stomach could stretch so wide.

  “I’m happy for you, Phoebe,” Samiyah said
, tossing an arm around the gushing bride-to-be. “I would love to stay and celebrate with you, but I’m not feeling so good. This baby is kicking my ass. I need to lie down.”

  Selena stood. “I can take you home.”

  “Thank you, girl,” Samiyah said.

  The women crowded around Samiyah and hugged her.

  “You didn’t have to come out, honey,” Phoebe said, and they all agreed.

  “I know it, but I didn’t want to miss this.”

  Samiyah moved, and everyone moved with her as if waiting for her to need their help. She paused and looked at them all while swiping her fallen bangs out of her face.

  “You guys, I promise I won’t break.”

  The ladies all glanced at each other. They weren’t so sure.

  “We just want to walk you and Selena to the car,” Eden chimed.

  “Yeah,” their sister Jasmine added.

  Samiyah pursed her lips. “Really?”

  “Come on,” Selena said, slipping her arm around Samiyah’s waist.

  “Selena, I walked in here just fine, I’ll be all r—”

  Samiyah’s words dispersed as a rampant pain pounded in her cervix. Samiyah’s eyes bulged, and she grabbed her stomach.

  “Oh God,” she said.

  Alarmed, the girls all gripped her at once.

  “What’s wrong?” Selena asked with an elevated voice.

  Samiyah held still with her teeth locked as the pounding faded off and disappeared. She took a deep breath then calmed as her racing heart tapered into its normal rhythm.

  “Nothing,” Samiyah said. “False alarm.”

  The girls all exhaled a deep breath.

  “Okay, let’s start over,” Selena said.

  “Okay, Aaaah!” Another round of pounding pain knocked around Samiyah’s core, and this time it increased ten-fold. “Oh my God!” Samiyah yelled as she bit back on her teeth. A headache instantly took root. A gushing of warm liquid slipped down her legs, and when it splattered to the floor, everyone in the vicinity froze for a split second before Claudia yelled, “Her water just broke!”

  Everyone scattered and spoke at the same time.


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