The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8)

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The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8) Page 4

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Thank you, brother. I couldn’t have asked for a bigger blessing.” Jonas glanced at Samiyah. “This woman is so thoroughly incredible, and I’m honored to call her my wife.”

  Samiyah beamed, and a tear slipped down Selena’s face. Selena glanced over at Jordan to find him watching her closely. He winked, and Selena returned the gesture.

  “Would you like to hold her?” Samiyah whispered, not wanting to be too loud since her newborns were sleeping.

  “Can I?” Selena said in surprise.

  Samiyah laughed. “Of course, just go over to the sink and wash your hands real quick, and she’s all yours.”

  Thrilled, Selena jogged swiftly to the sink and turned on the faucet. It wasn’t long before she was joined by Jordan who stood so close a vibrating trail of chills covered her skin, making her dizzy. Wrapping his thick muscles around her, Jordan’s arms cruised down the length of her arms as his chest pressed into her back and he held his hands up under the downpour of water. Selena relaxed against him as Jordan washed his hands with hers, adding more soap to the mix of their fingers. Rubbing them together, Selena shuddered as the aphrodisiac of his cologne engulfed her. Without pause, Selena found herself leaning back even further into him, and Jordan’s solid frame welcomed the soft heat of her backside as her ample behind grazed across his pants.

  Selena almost went into a trance. Being in Jordan’s arms felt so right it was ridiculous. He must have thought so too because for the longest they lingered there at the sink before Jordan turned the nozzle and reached for a paper towel. He dried her hands off first then his own before tossing the paper in the trash.

  “After you,” his deep voice drummed.

  Selena blushed and strolled unhurriedly back over to Samiyah.

  “This is Zoey Alexandria Rose,” Samiyah said, handing baby Zoey over to Selena.

  “Oh my God, she’s so adorable,” Selena sang, smiling down at the sleeping bundle.

  “And this,” Jonas said, “Is Zander Alexander Rose.”

  Jordan slipped baby Zander out of Jonas’ arms and cuddled him against his chest. “He has dad’s nose,” Jordan said. Without warning, baby Zander’s eyes fluttered open, and he blinked several times before staring up at Jordan.

  “Hey, little man,” Jordan cooed. “I’m your uncle Jordan. Remember that name because I’m your favorite.”

  Jonas and Quentin chuckled while Samiyah, Selena, and Phoebe snickered.

  “Today is your official birthday. I want you to know, for a while you’ll get away with anything you want. You’ll be cuddled, spoiled, and protected at all times. But in no way does this mean this life you’ve entered is going to be easy. Sometimes things will be hard, but I want you to remember, whenever you need guidance, or help, you can get that from me.”

  At Jonas’ raised brow, Jordan added, “Well, you can get it from your father, too, but if he makes you mad, you can come to me.”

  They all chuckled again.

  “I love you, little man. When you’re ready for law school, let me know. You’ll be my apprentice.”

  Baby Zander yawned, and a tiny smile cornered his lips. The gesture caused Jordan to grin in return, and he bent to kiss baby Zander on his forehead. When Jordan pulled away, Zander had gone back to sleep.

  “Congratulations again, you two,” Jordan whispered. “You’ve got everything two people should have in life. Love, family, and security. Cherish it. Most people don’t get a first chance, never mind a second.”

  “Thank you,” Samiyah and Jonas chorused. “This will be you one day,” Jonas said.

  Jordan smiled languidly. “I’m counting on it,” he said, looking over at Selena.

  Chapter Five

  Selena rubbed her wrists and let out a slow exhale. Today had been a long one. Going to the bridal shop was supposed to be a highlight, but turned into a semi-nightmare with her, Phoebe, and Eden being thrown in jail. How in the world would she explain it to her parents when the news was broadcast on a bulletin board in the next coming days?

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  The nocturnal sound of his baritone voice pulled Selena from her woes. She glanced over at Jordan, taking in his profile in the dimness of the night. Reaching over the console, Jordan took a soothing hand up her shoulder as his fingertips skipped lightly up to her chin. With a slight tug, Jordan’s hand lingered there, and Selena closed her eyes and exhaled at the simple caress of his touch.

  “I know you have connections,” Selena began, “but I’d rather not get you involved. I’d hate for people to think you called in favors to get me off just because we’re dating. That could ruin your reputation, and I couldn’t live with myself if that happened.”

  A smile tugged at the corners of his solidly designed jawline.

  “I wouldn’t do anything that was unethical, so that’s something you don’t have to worry about,” he said, not trusting his own words at the moment. With the way he was feeling about Selena as of late, it was possible he would do just about anything for her. “However,” he continued, “I didn’t misrepresent the information given to the chief today. Those assholes manhandled you and my sisters. And somebody’s got to pay for that.”

  A small semblance of a smile trailed across Selena’s lips. “You’re too sweet to me,” she said.

  Jordan held her stare. “And just think, this is my softer side,” he said.

  Selena peered at him. “Are you saying you have a harder side?”

  The direction of the conversation switched altogether. “There’s definitely a harder side.”

  A flurry of heat saturated Selena’s body, and she tried not to squirm where she sat, but it was useless. It was time. Their flirty phone conversations had been one thing. Their New Year’s Eve celebration had been another, but the dates they’d endured had taken Selena on an entirely different roller coaster. And now she wanted him, physically. So, what was he waiting for? Why hadn’t he propositioned her?

  A ringtone sounded, cutting through their moment. Selena’s gaze drove down his toned form, landing in his lap where his phone illuminated from an incoming call. Madison. This felt like the millionth time Selena had seen that name pop up on his phone within the period they’d known each other. Jordan had never elaborated on his ties with Madison, but Claudia told Selena one day while they were having brunch.

  “How are things with you and Jordan?” Claudia had asked.

  Selena’s smile was forthright, shining like the rays of sunlight. “You say that as if there’s such a thing as me and Jordan,” Selena responded.

  Claudia pursed her lips and dipped her head. “Are you really trying to be coy because I know better.”

  Selena’s smile widened. “You know I’m just playing with you, girl.” She sighed. “Jordan is sweet to me. Last night, he took me to the opera.”

  Claudia’s eyes stretched in surprise. “How was it?”

  Selena’s smile faltered. “Boring as hell.”

  The women laughed.

  “He knew I was bored, too, when I started joking, crossing my eyes, and sticking my tongue out at him. He was kind enough to joke back by pretending he was sleep, slumping against my shoulder.”

  The girls laughed some more.

  “Well, at least he’s got a sense of humor.”

  Selena nodded. “True that.”

  “So how long did you guys torture yourselves?”

  “Thirty minutes tops, then he had mercy on me, and we left and went to the Velvet Café.”

  “Oooh, the new jazz club downtown? I’ve wanted to go there since they opened. How was it?”

  “We danced, drank champagne, and I almost jumped his sexy bones on the dance floor.”

  “Sounds like a perfect time.”

  “It was until his cell phone rang and some woman named Madison called.” Selena grumbled. “I’ve seen Jordan answer his phone in my presence plenty of times, but whenever this girl calls, he always sends it straight to voicemail.”

  “Madison…” Claudi
a snapped her fingers. “Girl, that’s that dingy blonde so-called debutante. She’s passed around from one elite person to the next, attends all the ritzy and glamorous parties, and is always connected to someone with an extensive bank account. Watch out for that girl. Whenever she’s around, she comes to win.”

  That hadn’t made Selena feel better about this Madison girl calling Jordan. After that conversation, Selena searched Google for more information on Madison and found a slew of it.

  Madison Santari, socialite and all-around mean girl, had had a thing for Jordan for years. There were pictures of them from the Jan’s Roses event in which Madison appeared to be Jordan’s date. That was only a few months ago, but it gave Selena the impression that Jordan and Madison had history. To this day, Selena never questioned him about it. She didn’t consider herself the jealous type, but the more she saw Madison’s name pop up on Jordan’s phone, the more her lip would twitch, and her gut would knot. It didn’t make it any better that Jordan never answered the call.

  Like now as he glanced down at his device and silenced the incoming song.

  Selena turned her face away from him to look out the window at her one-bedroom townhouse.

  “I should probably let you go and call it a night,” she said.

  Before Jordan could respond, his phone lit up again, and although Selena tried with all her might, she couldn’t help but turn and sneak a peek at his screen. It was her, again. Selena caught herself getting ready to question him. But she couldn’t. It wasn’t her place. Despite the many dates they’d been on, he didn’t belong to her and vice versa. Selena cast her sight back out the window.

  “Let me walk you to your door,” Jordan said.


  The car became quiet, and Selena closed her eyes and bit down on her jaw then silently opened her door.


  The profoundness of his plea gave her pause, and Selena couldn’t explain the reason for her palpitated heartbeat.

  “You should go. Looks like there’s an emergency of some kind.”

  She exited the car before Jordan could say anything more and scurried up her sidewalk to her front door. Selena opened the screen door, and it closed against her backside as she fished through her purse for a set of keys. She’d just pulled the metal keys out when the screen door opened and a festering heat crawled up her back. Selena’s motion slowed as she figured Jordan was standing behind her.


  Her eyes dropped then closed as her pulse accelerated, and her flesh roasted from his nearness.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  Selena’s hand trembled, and she hurriedly stuck the key in the door and turned the lock. Who was she kidding? Fairytales were for kids. If her parents were any indication that love never lasted, then she should just save herself the drama and embarrassment.

  Opening the door, she stepped inside then turned to him.

  “Thank you for making sure I got in safely. Thank you for bailing me out of jail. Like I said before, you didn’t have to.”

  Jordan raked his eyes over her face.

  “You’re upset,” he said.

  “I’m not upset.”

  “Now you’re lying.”

  Selena sighed. “Will you stop doing that?”

  “What, calling you out when you lie?”

  Her voice elevated. “I’m not lying.”

  “Then what do you call it?”

  “I call it tired and not in the mood to talk to you about it.”

  Their showdown was intense and profound. Just like at the hospital, Jordan wanted to press her on the subject, but he didn’t.

  Instead, he tipped his head, deciding to bow out of this fight. “Have a good night, Selena.”

  She watched him take a step back and remove their splintering connection by turning and marching down her porch and walkway. Selena shut the door and blew out a heavy breath, coming out of her clothes all at once for a hot shower. She would pray to God that tomorrow was a better day. But Selena could already tell that would just be too good to be true.

  Chapter Six

  It was worse than she thought. Selena groaned and took her fingers through her hair as she sat in her office, staring at the major headline in the Illinois Tribune.

  Runaway Bride and Friends Turn Police Vigilantes

  Two pictures showed Phoebe, Eden and Selena running out of the bridal shop and then being put in the back of the police cruiser. The article conveniently left out any mention of Samiyah going into labor, making it seem like the trio was intentionally trying to steal the wedding dress. It was completely misleading and sharply edited. It was no wonder her mother had been calling for the last hour, and Selena had just made it to work. Besides that, the word vigilante didn’t even fit this context, even if they were trying to steal a damn dress.

  With Samiyah out of the office and Claudia working between S & M and her charity Caregivers Organization, Selena and Octavia were in for an arduous work week. A soaring whistle left Selena’s mouth in a slow drugging sigh. When the phone on her desk began to ring, it didn’t surprise Selena that her mother resulted to calling her job when she couldn’t get Selena on her cell.

  “Good morning, Mom,” she answered.

  “Oh, finally you answer the phone!” Margaret Strauss shouted. “Young lady, what is going on, and why do I find out through WTZB news that you’re a part of some vigilante team!?”

  Selena groaned again. Not only were they in the newspaper, but also on TV. This was a mess that Selena had to fix somehow.

  “Mom, you haven’t heard this from me because you know it’s not true.”

  “So, you didn’t run out of a bridal shop with your friend in a wedding dress? Because there’s a picture of you all fleeing the store.”

  Selena wondered who’d snapped the pictures. She’d grown accustomed to being caught in a picture or two because of the Rose family’s popularity. Anytime something silly came out in the newspaper or on TV, she would roll her eyes and laugh it off. But this was just ridiculous. Whoever it was must have been lying in wait for them to leave the bridal shop. It wouldn’t surprise her if the owner called the paparazzi herself, trying to make a quick buck.

  “We were there for Phoebe’s fitting, Ma. You know she’s newly engaged to Quentin Davidson.”

  “Yes, I am aware, but how does that explain these pictures and accusations. Police vigilante?”

  “They’re twisting the story. Samiyah’s water broke while we were there, an—”

  “Oh my God, Samiyah’s water broke!?” Margaret asked, slicing through Selena’s words.

  “Yes, Ma, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. When her water broke, we all panicked and ran out of the shop, trying to get Samiyah to the hospital. Phoebe didn’t mean to take the dress. She was trying it on at the time.”

  “Hmm,” Margaret mumbled. “The news anchor didn’t say anything about that.”

  Selena sighed.

  “Well, what are we going to do about this? They can’t get away with calling you guys vigilantes. We’ll sue them!” Margaret shouted.

  The buzzing in Selena’s ear made her question her mother’s whereabouts.

  “Ma, where are you?”

  “Oh, I’m at Sunny Nails.”

  Selena imagined her primping mom, sitting in a nail salon with the phone stuck to one ear and the other hand in the nail tech’s lap. Margaret never went a day without making sure her appearance was flawless for her husband. Margaret had always told Selena, if you don’t dress nice and look good for your husband another hussy will. Margaret stuck to her daily routine. But now that she and Selena’s father were headed for divorce, Selena wondered if all of her mother’s upkeep had been for naught.

  “I’m handling it, Ma, don’t worry.”


  Selena glanced at her clock on the wall.

  “I’ve got a friend who’s helping me resolve the matter.”

  The phone went quiet.


  “Would this friend happen to be Jordan?”

  Selena could hear the smile in her mother’s voice. Margaret had been a true advocate for Selena finding a husband. That was Selena’s goal, too, so when Selena slipped and mentioned Jordan’s name during dinner one night, Margaret did not rest until she questioned Selena from here to kingdom come. However, Selena didn’t feel the need to gloat about a relationship between her and Jordan when the nature of her parents’ divorce loomed.

  “How’s Dad?” Selena asked, steering the conversation away from her and Jordan.

  The silence that followed twisted Selena’s gut.


  “You’ll have to call your father and ask him, baby.”

  Selena shut her eyes and propped her elbows on the desk, clasping her head in her hand. She gave a slow rotation to her temples as she felt the signs of a small headache coming on.

  “You can’t tell me? I’m talking to you now.”

  The phone went silent again, and Selena blew out a harsh breath. It was interesting how Margaret had plenty to say when she wasn’t talking about her marriage.

  “I haven’t talked to him in a few days,” her mother revealed.

  The information slapped Selena across the face. “What are you talking about?”

  Margaret sighed. “He’s been staying at the Ritz Carlton.”

  To say Selena was shocked was the understatement of the year. A wave of dread coursed through her, and suddenly Selena’s heart felt weighed down.

  “How long has he been staying at the Ritz?”

  “For a few days.”

  “I don’t understand why you guys are doing this now. You’ve been together forever. Do you not love each other anymore?”

  Selena held back the tears that threatened to fall, but her voice shook as she spoke.

  “It’s not that simple, baby. Our marriage has been going downhill for a while now.”

  “What’s a while?”

  “I don’t know, maybe two or three years.”

  Flabbergasted, Selena pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it incredulously.


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