The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8)

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The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8) Page 6

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Octavia pursed her lips and glared at Selena. “You know good and damn well I didn’t ask you about no twins.”

  “But you do want to talk about them though. Say you don’t.”

  Octavia smirked. “They are some cute little bundles.”

  “An unexpected.”

  “Right! It’s crazy that the doctor had no clue.”

  “Do you really believe that?” Selena asked. “They wanted to keep the gender a secret so who’s to say the doctor didn’t know.”

  “I mean, yeah, but I’m sure they wanted to know if they were having more than one baby.”

  “It doesn’t surprise me. The Roses have twins and triplets in their family. And did you see the size of Samiyah’s belly? I’m telling you, there was a time or two when I wondered if she was carrying twins.”

  Octavia agreed. “Me, too.”

  The waitress came back with their drinks stacked on a tray that she effortlessly balanced in the palm of her hand. With a twist, Dee-Dee lowered the tray and with her free hand handed the drinks over.

  “Two Between the Sheets cocktails,” she announced.

  Octavia and Selena brightened at the light-colored alcoholic beverages.

  “These look great,” Octavia said.

  “Yes, and that was quick,” Selena added.

  “Remember that when you leave your tip tonight,” Dee-Dee suggested, and the girls laughed.

  “We will!” Octavia shouted.

  Dee-Dee winked. “Do you need anything else? They’re cooking wings in the back. Here’s the menu.” Dee-Dee grabbed a folded black patent slip that sat in the middle of the table.

  “Give us a minute to look it over,” Octavia said.

  “Sure thing, I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Dee-Dee left the table again, and Octavia flipped through the menu.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Not really,” Selena responded, glancing around the place.

  The jazz band had been replaced with a DJ. When Beyoncé crooned through the speakers, Selena moved to the beat, picking up her drink to take a sip.

  “Good evening, ladies.”

  Octavia and Selena glanced to their side to find a tall caramel brother with a close-cropped haircut, light brown eyes, and a full beard staring back at them.

  Damn, he’s fine, Selena thought. He reminded her of Luke Steele, one of Jordan’s fraternity brothers, but she was sure this guy wasn’t Luke. Their visitor smiled over at her and winked. “I’m Denzel,” he said. “I couldn’t help but notice you from across the room. My friend and I want to know if you ladies would like some company tonight.”

  Octavia and Selena glanced at a table a few rows over to Denzel’s friend. He was another caramel brother with braids on his scalp, a thick nose, and a crescent smile on his face. He lifted his drink in salute, and the girls waved back. Denzel’s friend was cute, but Denzel was the better looking of the two. Selena cleared her throat, but Octavia responded before she could.

  “I don’t think my husband would appreciate you fellas keeping us company. And her boyfriend probably wouldn’t either.”

  Selena whipped her head around to Octavia.

  “Oh, forgive me,” Denzel said. “The gorgeous ones are always taken.”

  “You’ll have to excuse my friend,” Selena said. “She’s a little confused. I actually don’t have a boyfriend.”

  This time Octavia turned to glare at Selena. A satisfactory smile gleamed from Denzel.

  “In that case, do you mind if I have this dance?”

  Selena rose from her seat and accepted his proffered hand. “Not at all.”

  Selena didn’t bother glancing back at Octavia as Denzel walked her around the table to the dance floor.

  Chapter Eight

  Once Selena and Denzel made it to the dance floor, Denzel slipped his arms around Selena’s waist, and she in turn slid her arms around his neck as they moved in a soft wine.

  “I didn’t catch your name,” Denzel said. There was alcohol on his breath. It was strong as if he’d been drinking most of the night.


  “Like the Latin songstress,” he responded.

  Selena laughed. “I think she was Mexican-American and Cherokee, but yes, that’s the one.”

  “It fits you, nicely.”

  Selena blushed. “Thank you. I bet you tell all the girls that.”

  “Not when it’s something like Bonquisha.”

  Selena threw her head back and laughed, and a chuckle cruised from Denzel.

  “So, Selena, your friend back there seems to think you have a boyfriend.”

  “Mmhmm,” she said, settling her laughter.

  “But you don’t?”

  Selena hesitated. “I’m dating someone, but that’s about it.”

  Denzel swept an eye over Selena. “And he hasn’t locked you down yet?” Denzel asserted. “It’s about to be his loss.”

  Selena smirked. “Why? Because you’re going to?”

  Denzel licked his lips. “You sound as if that’s a foreign thing. I mean, me taking you off the market.”

  “You don’t even know me. I could be a gold digger.”

  Denzel cracked another smile. “True, but somehow I don’t think that’s your thing.”

  “Hmm.” Selena almost rolled her eyes. This guy was so smooth with his game she almost believed him.

  “How long have you been single, Selena?”

  “Apparently, too long,” a thick ominous voice behind them snarled.

  Selena whipped around, and her whole body encompassed a surge of heat as her eyes met Jordan’s dark piercing gaze. It ripped right through her clothes, driving down to her center as his dynamic sparkling brown orbs danced over her shapely curves in a way that told Selena she would never belong to another. His masculine spicy scent drifted over to her, consuming her as she stood frozen.

  Seeing Jordan reminded Selena of just how insanely beautiful this man was. His six-foot-three frame, with muscles ripping through his commanding physique, caused more chills to colonize over Selena’s skin than when pressurized heat met kernel popcorn. His transition from the suit and tie combination Jordan usually wore to this laid-back, snugly fit gray sweater, dark denim jeans, and black timberland boots gave him a roguish New York state of mind kind of look. Just a glimpse of him sent Selena’s nerves into a frenzy, and she needed a reminder to blink, breathe, and respond before she collapsed where she stood.

  Selena was thoroughly transfixed, drinking up his strapping build like it would behoove her not to. The excellent way his toned thighs whispered against his denim and the perfectly aligned collar of his boot welcomed the outer edges of his jeans was so devilishly sexy Selena’s throat dried. Dayum!

  Jordan’s gaze lingered around her feet, then trailed back from her sharp high heels, fishnet stockings, and hovered right around her groin. He eye-fucked her; unmistakably branding Selena with an unflinching, virile trademark.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” his dark voice grooved. He stepped in and slipped a hand around her waist, pulling Selena away from Denzel into the solid expanse of his chest.

  Up close and personal, Selena tried to swallow, but the dryness of her throat was scratching. Forgetting that she was dancing with Denzel, Selena smiled and blinked softly while trying to comprehend where he’d come from.

  “Hey…” Selena said, attempting to find some semblance of words.

  “You don’t mind if I interrupt your date, do you?”

  The question didn’t really need an answer since Jordan had no intentions of letting her go. That snapped Selena right out of her coma.

  “He’s not my date,” she said hurriedly.

  Jordan peered at her. “No?”

  Denzel decided this was the time for him to speak up. “Na’ll, she wasn’t, but she’s about to be.”

  Jordan arched a menacing brow over at Denzel. The threatening look made Selena shudder, and suddenly she was afraid for Denzel’s safety.

  “I don
’t think I was addressing you, young man.” Jordan’s gaze glowered at Denzel. “Didn’t your father teach you never to speak when grown folks are talking?”

  Oh shit.

  Selena turned quickly toward Denzel and shook her head, giving him fair warning not to proceed down this path. If Jordan was anything like his brothers, a brawl would most certainly leave Denzel in the hospital and Jordan fighting off a lawsuit. Selena didn’t want to cause that kind of disarray; the media would have a field day. Besides that, she would feel horrible. Without giving Denzel a chance to heed her caution, Selena gripped Jordan’s hand and pulled him off the dance floor to the farthest corner of the room.

  As she pulled him over, Jordan watched the bounce of her bodacious bottom and curve of her winding hips. He pulled his lips between his teeth and blew out a simmering breath.

  When he’d gotten the call from his brother Jonathon that Selena and Octavia were going out for drinks, Jordan took the opportunity to meet up with her, wanting to be near Selena again. He’d been stuck on conference calls and in meetings all day. After the hellish night Phoebe had, she too was bound to the office trying to clear out cases that were in desperate need of closing. But Jordan missed Selena, and he noticed that with each new day, his craving for her increased. It was interestingly insane and jubilantly welcomed at the same time.

  Last night when he left her house, he could sense an attitude waving off her. The problem with Selena was she didn’t want to discuss things with him, and Jordan wasn’t a man to force anything on anyone. That didn’t stop him from wishing like hell she would confide in him. But Jordan had reminded himself that when Selena was ready, she would.

  Turning on her heels, Selena smiled up at him, and the hijacking of his heartbeat was titillating to say the least.

  “He wasn’t my date,” Selena reiterated. “I came here with Octavia, and he asked me to dance.”

  Jordan ran his tongue across his pearly white teeth and sucked air through them as his eyes covered her again. Selena shivered and slipped closer to him, sealing their bodies so tightly together she felt the beginning of a solid hard-on pushing against her belly. Oh fuck.

  “Don’t do that again,” Jordan’s dark voice beat.

  Selena arched a brow and folded her arms, removing their closeness by just an inch as she stepped back into a hip. “Do what exactly,” she challenged.

  Jordan knew he was on a slippery slope, but he didn’t care one iota.

  “I thought we had a thing going here, Selena.” Her name off his tongue melted her flesh, but she held firm.

  “Me, too,” she said.

  “Then why does Bozo the Clown think you’re single?”

  Selena blinked rapidly; her mind in a swirl trying to make sure they didn’t officially claim each other. When she found no such conversation, she replied, “I wasn’t aware that I’m not. We’re dating. People date multiple people all the time.”

  “Is that what you want?”

  Hell no. “It’s whatever.” Selena shrugged.

  Jordan cocked his head to the side and peered at her. “It’s whatever?”

  Selena backtracked. “I mean, I’m having a good time getting to know you, Jordan, but I don’t plan to be exclusive to you if you’re going to see other people.”

  Jordan wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, his smooth brown lips hovering just over Selena’s. Her mouth parted on a soft gasp as Jordan rubbed the tip of his nose against hers.

  “But I’m not seeing anyone else, gorgeous. It’s just you.”

  Selena’s heart swelled, and her throat clogged. A waitress passed them, and Selena quickly reached out.

  “Yes, ma’am,” the waitress said, turning back to Selena.

  “Can I have a Between the Sheets cocktail, please? And a glass of Brandy for my guy here.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “That’s more like it,” Jordan said, taking possession of Selena’s mouth.

  A soft moan slipped from her lips as the heat from their mouths sizzled against their flesh. Jordan’s hands cruised down her back and squeezed her ass, pushing an unquenchable heat to her pussy.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned, and Jordan coached her back into the wall, sealing her there as he removed his arms and placed them on both sides of her head. They pulled apart, slowly, staring into each other’s soul; breaths mingling and heat wafting around them.

  “I missed you today,” he said.

  Selena bit down on her lip. “I missed you, too.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call. It’s been hectic these first two months of the new year.”

  “You don’t have to explain. I know your work is important… AND you’re a Rose. Everybody who’s anybody wants to be a part of your winning team.”

  Jordan smiled. “Yeah, but that isn’t an excuse. I don’t want you to think I’m neglecting you. And this idea you have that I’m seeing other people, where did it come from?”

  Selena hesitated. She wasn’t sure if she was being paranoid or not, but addressing Madison could be problematic. She sighed.

  “Talk to me, sweetheart,” his thick voice grooved.

  “I know you talk to other women since,” she paused, “I’ve seen them call your phone. You and I have a good thing, but it doesn’t tell me where we stand.”

  Jordan pushed a kiss against her forehead.

  “How about this,” he said. “I have only one burning desire within me. And it’s for you, Selena Strauss.”

  Selena squirmed, and her hands roamed up the solid wall of his abs. Jordan’s gaze dropped as their connection roasted him from her touch. When Selena’s hands met his heated neck, she tightened her fingers and pulled him in.

  “Then I guess you belong to me then,” she whispered against his mouth. “No takebacks.” She smiled.

  Jordan smirked and sank his mouth to hers. They moaned as their lips shifted and sucked one another together, coated in a stream of longing. Pulling back on a pant, Jordan added, “That means no more dancing with other men, lest I turn into an animal and someone calls wildlife management,” his deep voice throttled.

  A risqué laugh escaped Selena, and Jordan’s heart knocked at the erotic sound and exquisite curve of her lips.

  “You have a beautiful smile,” he said.

  “Thank you, so do you.”

  “Hmm, you think so?”

  Jordan paused and struck a pose, turning his head to the side, front, then the other side. Selena laughed, and Jordan snuggled his face into her neck, inhaling her scent mixed with the sweet fragrance she wore.

  “Your drinks, ma’am, sir.” The waitress stood idly next to them. For a minute, the waitress didn’t know if she should interrupt them or not, but watching was making her painstakingly jealous. She’d been single since man discovered the earth was round, and Jordan and Selena were making her sick.

  Jordan pulled back far enough to take their drinks off the waitress’ hands. With a drawn-out sip, Selena sighed victoriously at the cool but warm way the mixed drink drizzled through her.

  “Good?” Jordan asked.

  “Very.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

  Jordan chuckled. “How did you know Brandy was my favorite drink?”

  “Because that’s all you have when we’re together.”


  Selena smirked.

  “Tomorrow, I’d like to take you out. What does your schedule look like?”

  Selena thought about the date. It was Valentine’s Day. A blushing smile curved her lips. “The usual. Working, then home. But the real question is, what does your schedule look like?”

  “Honestly, I have a full day ahead of me. But, I’m canceling it all to spend the day with you.”

  Selena’s eyes lurched. “Can you do that,” she asked, surprised.

  A grin stretched across his luscious lips.

  “Of course. I own the joint.”

  Selena giggled and took a sip of her cocktail. “I see, Mr. CEO,” she said, batting her eye

  “And don’t you forget it, girl.”

  Jordan took back the rest of his Brandy.

  “More?” Selena asked.

  “More of you.”

  The beat changed from the soft jazz melody to a reggae beat. Jordan sat his glass on the bar’s counter and grabbed Selena’s hand, pulling her enticingly away from the corner. Selena took a final sip of her cocktail then sat it next to his abandoned glass as she allowed him to coach her to the dance floor. When they arrived, Jordan grabbed her other hand and slipped Selena’s arms around his shoulders before taking her whole around the waist.

  Selena’s body trembled with a vibration that shook her nerves and tingled her spine as Jordan’s masculine hands sailed down her back, and hips, covering Selena’s body like a multilayered cloak. Selena began to move, chasing the beat of the Jamaican sound. Her hips rotated side to side, and Jordan stuck with her groove, following every sway of her soft twists. Holding Selena close, Jordan sank his nose back against the crook of her neck, causing Selena’s eyes to falter.

  Damn, she wanted this man bad; in her bed, in her life, in every aspect of her existence. Her mind slipped to her parents, and she cringed. Her thoughts jumbled, playing back and forth; telling her it was possible to love someone for a lifetime while denying it in the same thought. It had become Selena’s vice, and a part of her wondered if it was fair to continue moving forward knowing there was a possibility of their demise.

  Fact was, Selena didn’t want to spend her life with a man to only separate years later. The one thing she couldn’t get back was time. So should she spend that hoping they could fall in love and stay in that place? Or was she so naïve that even this dance was a figment of her imagination? Selena’s thoughts tossed and swayed. Jordan twirled her and pulled her back into his front. The connection of her ass to his pelvis sent a shockwave through them both in a downpour of heat that surged through their bodies.

  Selena shut her eyes and let out a soft breath. This man was so hypnotically intoxicating it should be a sin. And if for whatever reason it was, it was the sweetest sin she’d ever endured in all her life. Jordan’s hands rested against her hips as they grooved together. His magnificent lips skipped down her neck and sank into her flesh. Selena yelped when his sharp teeth pricked her skin. It sent a tunnel of heat traveling through her that covered her nipples and caused a sudden drip to coax from her pussy into the seat of her panties.


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