Nerds on Fire

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Nerds on Fire Page 12

by Grady, D. R.

  Maybe she didn’t know much about love, but Trixi vowed if she ever got the chance to be in a relationship with someone other than Warren, she would value every moment of it.

  Chapter 17

  The first rays of the sun lit her face early the next morning. It beamed into Trixi’s eyes and woke her moments before her alarm clock pealed. She turned off the buzzer and slid out of bed to pop into her bathroom.

  Dressing didn’t take much thought since she tugged on socks and a warm sweatshirt and decided her workout pants were fine for now. A quick brush through her hair then she headed for the stairs. Trixi did peek into Katy’s room on the way and sure enough, Leo was curled around Katy, both of them sound asleep.

  Trudging down the stairs, Trixi heaved a sigh of... regret, wishing, longing? She wasn’t certain which was most accurate, but whatever her friends had didn’t appear to be in her future.

  Too bad... She bit back another sigh.

  When she reached the kitchen, it was to find Mark at the kitchen table, a full cup of coffee in front of him.

  “I heard you get up, so thought I’d come help you.”

  Her heart slid sideways before she summoned those hard won social graces and smiled at him. The remains of a cookie were scattered across the table in front of him.

  “You must be starved.”

  “I had a cookie, but yeah, I’m hungry.” He took a long sip of coffee. “Did Leo find Katy?”

  “He was curled around her when I peeked in.” She thrust all needy longings from her voice.

  “I figured he wouldn’t have trouble locating her, even in the dark.”

  She was in the middle of tugging a casserole dish from the cupboard but something in his voice caused her to spin toward him. “Why?”

  “You haven’t observed how those two can find each other instantly?” It almost sounded like he was also yearning for the same sort of relationship.

  Her pulse quickened. “I have noticed their freaky homing skills.” She set the dish on the island before moving to the fridge to collect ingredients. All the while, her mind turned over their conversation. If Mark was feeling the same way about Katy and

  “Do you think they know how lucky they are?” he asked. When she glanced at him again, there was nothing on his face to indicate his feelings.

  “I don’t think so. Hopefully someday they will value it.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him nod. It might have been pure fantasy on her part that she thought he looked a little wistful.

  She removed a package of sausage patties and immediately set about arranging them in a heated skillet. Then she quickly seared them before tucking the whole lot into the roasting oven. Next, she made up a French Toast casserole her father and Katy especially enjoyed. She doubled the batch and then popped the dish into the baking oven. A quick check on the sausages revealed they were coming along nicely. All that was left was a fresh pot of coffee.

  “You know your way around the kitchen,” Mark said from over her shoulder. Fortunately, she had heard him leave the table.

  “Well, yes. I grew up in this kitchen and I love it.”

  “I didn’t necessarily mean this one but any kitchen.”

  She stopped ladling coffee into the basket to ponder his statement. “Oh, well, I suppose that’s true. I do like to cook and bake.”

  He used his chin to indicate her range. “I’ve never seen anything like your range before. What is it?”

  Trixi, thankful for a reason not to look at him, because he stirred things that hadn’t ever been stirred before, finished adding coffee and set it to brew. Then she escorted him to the range where she expounded on the merits of her new addition.

  Mark peeked into all four ovens and checked out the heating plates and heat source. “You could warm caulk on the warming plate.”

  “Probably. You can also keep coffee and tea warm.” She placed the breakfast dishes in the warming oven, and then piled some mugs on the warming plate he admired.

  As though the coffee had been a wakeup call, Gran, Katy, and Leo appeared in the kitchen at the same time. Her father breezed through the door from the garage moments later.

  Katy and Rylan set the table then distributed filled coffee mugs. Mark helped her tug out the casserole and sausages and they were eating soon after.

  After her father gave thanks for the meal, Katy gazed at the casserole in wonder. “You made our favorite.”

  “I noticed as well.” Satisfaction laced her dad’s voice. “I could eat this entire dish myself.”

  “I doubled the batch, so you two can still have seconds.” Trixi served everyone a generous portion.

  Leo and Mark dug in with relish, heartened by the good reviews.

  Even Gran, after the first bite remarked, “Trixi, this is wonderful.”

  “Thank you.” Pink shot into her cheeks. She got up to retrieve a large container of yogurt, a bowl of fruit, and made another pot of coffee. “Did you find anything last night?” The question was posed to the three men seated around the table.

  “We found some things to make us wonder,” her father answered after the three men exchanged glances.

  All three of whom danced around their questions. “You’re not going to answer me?” For some reason her glower landed on Mark.

  His lips quirked up. “No.”

  Her scowl upped in wattage. “Why not?”

  “Because we don’t have answers yet, poppet.” Her father and Mark exchanged manly glances as she narrowed her gaze on her sire next.

  “We aren’t the little women, you know. We have lived all by ourselves for years now.”

  “Some of us longer than others.” Gran pinned Rylan with an impressive glare. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

  “Mom,” he started.

  “Don’t you ‘Mom’ me. I want some answers and I have more years to throw around here.” She pointed at Mark and Leo. “I don’t know them well enough to boss around yet, but you...” Gran kept her son pinned. “What did you find?”

  Mark laughed outright. “I’m pretty sure you can boss us around too.”

  Leo, who was busy drinking coffee, nodded.

  “Age does have some benefits.” Gran mentioned this to her and Katy in an aside.

  “I’m impressed, Gran.” Katy leaned against Leo to pick up the creamer on his other side. With a quick twist, she added it to her coffee and then leaned against him again to pick up some sweetener.

  As though this was perfectly normal, Leo didn’t blink. Nor did he appear to mind her trampling his personal space. Trixi wasn’t certain she could say he welcomed it, yet ‘welcomed’ seemed closest to the correct word.

  From Trixi’s observations, Katy felt the same way about him trampling her personal space.

  “We did see that whoever set the fire, did so deliberately. Even without training it was fairly evident.” Her father admitted to his mother, who nodded in encouragement.

  “The problem is we’re not trained in figuring out fire scenes, so we didn’t pick up anything else.” Mark helped himself to another sausage link.

  Leo watched Katy stir her coffee. “We have no idea if the attacks will continue or not. This one was deliberate.”

  Leaning forward, Mark fixed her with a determined gaze. “Who have you ticked off lately?”

  Not meeting his or her father’s eyes, Trixi frowned. “The only person who has been upset by my ownership of this house,” she turned to her father, “is Chrissy.”

  Katy sat up straighter in her chair as Rylan let out a long breath. “Of course. She tried to kick you out, right?” Katy’s question was low.

  Trixi darted a quick look at their dad.

  He caught what Katy said. “What? Chrissy tried to kick you out of here?”

  “Yes. She wasn’t subtle about it, either. She stated since she was marrying you it was time for me to leave.”

  A small smile twitched Gran’s lips. “What did you do?”

  “I told her I own this house so Dad
was the one who was preparing to leave.”

  “Did she blow a gasket?” Leo stole Katy’s coffee the moment she set the spoon on the table.

  “Pretty much,” Trixi prevaricated even as her father snorted.

  “She was bound and determined we were going to move in here, instead of the guesthouse.” He shook his head. “What she wanted is really obvious now I look back on it.”

  “So we have a potential suspect for this activity?” Mark sliced through the chatter to arrive at the final conclusion.

  “Yes.” Trixi worried her lower lip. “Yet I can’t see her actually dirtying her hands by doing all this.”

  This time it was Katy who snorted as she tried to wrestle her coffee from Leo. Neither of them tried very hard to win. Then Katy abruptly let go.

  She wrapped her arms around her middle as she started shivering. Leo clacked the mug on the table before he hauled Katy onto his lap. Once she was settled, he picked up the mug to place it against her lips. Katy sipped and he waited a heartbeat before encouraging her to sip again. His ministrations, along with his body heat, seemed to warm her because Katy settled against him, the shivering slowly abating.

  “Are you okay?” Trixi stared at her best friend, concerned.

  “Yes.” Katy ran a hand up and down Leo’s thigh as a few residual shivers swept through her. “I can’t imagine someone hating you enough to pull these tricks. I don’t like it.” Her grip on Leo’s thigh turned fierce. He hugged her tight.

  “What if she believes Trixi is what broke up her relationship with Rylan?” Gran used her chin to indicate her son.

  “It’s possible, although I told her I didn’t love her and knew she didn’t love me, so there was no reason for us to be together.”

  “She not only lost this house, but now she’s realized she lost your new estate.” Trixi took another sip of coffee to quell the sudden chill that swept over her.

  Leo pursed his lips in a silent whistle as he held tight to Katy. “Those are both good enough motives for me.”

  Beside her, Mark nodded. “Me too.”

  “Perhaps you should speak with her,” Gran suggested to Rylan.

  “I don’t think him speaking to her is going to make a difference.” Mark peered between them before offering a definitive head shake.

  “What would help the situation?” Her father wore his assessing face as he waited for Mark’s answer.

  “We have a cousin who is big and a police officer. He can question her.”

  Trixi’s lips twitched. “He’s scary?” At their nods, she almost chortled. “That would be priceless. Getting questioned by him should rattle her.”

  “It’s a great plan.” Leo offered Katy more coffee. “We don’t have proof it’s her, but she does have the only viable motive at the moment, so I think this needs to be pursued.”

  The other two men nodded in agreement.

  A thought popped into Trixi’s mind. “Does Chrissy know about Nina?”

  Her father frowned. “I don’t believe so. But we haven’t tried to hide.”

  “If she finds out, then Nina could also be in danger.” Mark tugged out his phone.

  Rylan nodded. “I’ll warn her. I believe she can take care of herself, but it might be good to mention this to your cousin as well.”

  “He’ll know what to do.” Leo’s eyes hardened a fraction.

  Glancing at the clock, Trixi started. “We have to hurry if we plan to make church in time.”

  They scattered. Once everyone in her household reassembled, they nudged into late. Her father had departed earlier since he planned to pick up Nina, so that left the five of them. Trixi ushered everyone to the shared Duvall SUV. Mark took her keys.

  It didn’t take him long to fire up the engine. Trixi reflected on how quickly life changed in the course of only a few hours.

  Was Mark de Vosse really planning to live with her?

  Chapter 18

  After church, Mark drove the big SUV back home with his precious cargo. Right now his housing situation was looking up. The fact he was going to be living in this magnificent house still blew him away.

  Who would have thought Trixi, the quiet, sweet little nurse practitioner owned a house like this?

  When Leo pulled into the driveway last night, even in the dark it had been extraordinary. Her estate was exactly what he had been looking to buy. Only you couldn’t buy a place like this, not with Trixi and her grandmother in residence with all of them sitting around her table this morning, conversing and eating together.

  Mark hadn’t realized how lonely his existence had been in Boston. He had a great job, one he enjoyed, but then he went home and shared his experiences, his day with... no one. There wasn’t even a dog to share his disappointments or highs with. Much less a human who might begin to understand.

  Now, as he drove the large vehicle into Trixi’s garage, he was moving into a place with not one, but two humans. One of whom understood his job to some degree while the other one had lived long enough to know when to simply listen. She was also wise enough to dole out helpful advice. You didn’t reach Gran’s age without having learned a few things.

  He guessed she was somewhere in her seventh decade. The fact the lady was of robust health and serenity gave credence to her knowing what she was doing. He loved that she lived here with Trixi.

  These women enjoyed a connection he especially liked as all three of them obviously admired and respected each other. There was a bond between them you only see with people who consider each other family. Katy might not be a blood relation but she fit in well with the Duvalls.

  “Did you make lunch?” Katy directed this to Trixi as they exited the vehicle.

  Trixi slid off her seat, holding onto her skirt in a feminine manner he found especially appealing. “Of course.”

  “When did you have time to make lunch?” Leo slid out and then opened Gran’s door to help her.

  “It was all in the freezer. I just transferred it to my range.”

  “Trixi always has a meal up her sleeve.” Gran chuckled as she accepted Leo’s arm, all elegant, refined lady. Mark suspected it was to appease Leo rather than because she needed the assistance.

  “What’s for lunch?” His stomach rumbled at the thought of another delicious meal prepared by this fabulous woman.

  “Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, assorted vegetables, and...” Trixi shoved her key into the door leading to the kitchen as Mark hit the button to lower the garage door.

  She led the way inside. “And?” he prompted.

  “Oh, and a chocolate sheet cake for dessert.”

  Leo actually groaned. Or maybe it was him. Either way, he couldn’t wait to move in here.

  “Doesn’t matter what it is,” Katy said loyally. “It’ll be delicious.”

  Trixi tapped her friend’s nose. “It’s the range. Everything comes out delicious.”

  With a grin, Katy tapped Trixi’s nose in turn. “It’s you. The range helps, but you’re the magic creator.”

  Cheeks reddening, Trixi shook her head. “You’re biased.” There was no doubt that with those freckles, Trixi boasted the cutest nose he’d ever seen. Her tendency to blush only added to her allure.

  “Then I am, too.” Gran handed Leo a stack of plates. She passed silverware to him.

  Mark took them and followed Leo around the table, helping to set it. Katy came along behind him with glasses while Gran added napkins, a pitcher of tea, then set the coffee ready to brew.

  “Is Dad not joining us?” Trixi counted the place settings.

  “Of course not. He’s taking his new girlfriend out somewhere nice.” Gran added salt and pepper shakers to the table.

  “This is nice.” Katy indicated the kitchen and table.

  Trixi brushed a few wisps of hair off her temple in a sweet, feminine gesture. “It’s scary to meet the family this soon though.”

  “Nina already knows us.”

  Trixi bent to remove dishes from the range at a high rate of
speed. He enjoyed the view and the smell of the roasted chicken and boiled potatoes when she lifted the lids.

  Katy carved the chicken while Trixi worked on mashing the potatoes. Both women made the whole task look easy. Mark knew from experience it wasn’t. At least he had never mastered cooking. He and Leo were okay, you could eat what they made, but it wasn’t tasty.

  It became apparent Katy was skilled with an electric knife. She shook some seasonings and added a dab of butter over the slices until they resembled a spread from a cooking magazine.

  Trixi finished the potatoes and retrieved a bowl from the warming oven. She placed the perfectly mashed potatoes into it and then handed him the dish. Mark waited for Gran to add a spoon and then set it on the table. Katy passed Leo the chicken platter. Gran popped in a fork, Trixi added an array of vegetables and soon they gathered around the table.

  Gran gave thanks and then they were digging into the succulent fare. It was obvious he was going to get fat living here. “Is there a gym close by?” Everything was so good he couldn’t decide which was his favorite.

  “Yes.” Trixi used her head to indicate a hallway he hadn’t noticed. “Follow the hallway past the conservatory then turn right.”

  “It’s a nice gym and you’ll need to use it because otherwise you’ll gain weight in this house.”

  He took Katy’s cautionary tale seriously. “I just figured that out. But I’m up for the challenge.”

  Everyone laughed, but no one talked much because the food was so good. He was happy he hadn’t found a house. “So, I can move in this afternoon?”

  “Yes, it’s probably best.” Leo answered between bites from his and Katy’s plates.

  Katy whispered something to Trixi who giggled, and he liked seeing their heads close together, leaning into each other, adding additional evidence of their close relationship. He figured Leo felt the same way because he paused in devouring chicken to regard the two women.

  “What did you say?” Katy asked as they finished whatever they were amused by.

  “Mark thought maybe he better move this afternoon. It’s a good idea.” Leo helped himself to the rest of the chicken on Katy’s plate.


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