Nerds on Fire

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Nerds on Fire Page 23

by Grady, D. R.

  Across Trixi’s island, Leo rolled his eyes as he poured tea into his glass. “Yes, we know that. How would you feel if you were invited to a huge family gathering of Trixi’s?”

  His stomach twisted in an uncomfortable way. “Uh, no thanks.”

  “Yeah, and yet she’s doing this for you.”

  A new appreciation for Trixi claimed him. There were so many things to admire about her, but he hadn’t thought of this. “She’s an amazing woman.”

  “Yes. She’s also willingly dating you. Trixi is a very special woman.” Leo swallowed some tea then saluted him with the glass.

  “She seems happy enough.”

  Leo snorted. “We have to tug her off the ceiling she’s so happy.”

  He had noticed that. “She’s wonderful.”

  “I’m glad you appreciate her.”

  “I can’t imagine being with any other woman,” he admitted and then wondered why he was telling Leo this rather than Trixi.

  “You’re a scared chicken,” Katy announced once they entered Trixi’s room and shut the door.

  Trixi turned from the perusal of her wardrobe to stare at her friend. “Of course I’m scared.”

  “Why? The Morrisons are supposed to be a nice family.”

  “What if they hate me on sight?”

  Katy made a funny noise in the back of her throat. “No one has ever hated you on sight.”

  “Chrissy did.”

  “Yeah, well Chrissy’s an idiot. She doesn’t count.”

  “What if they don’t think I’m good enough for Mark?”

  When her real fear erupted, Katy’s eyes widened. “What? Not good enough? Trixi, are you on drugs?”

  “He’s amazing and handsome and smart and funny and sweet...”

  Katy held up a hand to stop Trixi’s recital. “Yeah, I know him. He seems pretty into you, too.”

  “I hope he’s into me.” Trixi dropped onto the end of her bed. “He could annihilate my heart.”

  Katy nodded as she dropped onto the other end. “I think he’s aware of this.”

  “I hope he is.”

  “The fact you’re both so in awe of being in a relationship together is amazing for us to see.”


  “Me and Leo. We keep saying how well suited the two of you are and he mentioned today about how amazed and happy both of you seem.”

  “Really? Mark is amazed and happy?”

  “Of course he is. He’s hiding it better, but I’d say he’s as in awe of the relationship as you are.”

  Why did I need this reassurance so badly? Yet her tummy churning dissipated and the encroaching headache faded. “I’m so afraid I’ll fall totally in love and he’ll fall out of love.”

  “That is always a danger,” Katy said bluntly. “For any couple. But Mark is as into you as you are to him.”

  “I doubt that’s possible.” Trixi wrapped her arms around herself. “I’m really into him.”

  “Yeah, I picked up on your feelings.” Katy slid her arms around Trixi’s. “But remember, Leo knows Mark pretty well and he’s been enjoying the show with me.”

  “Leo thinks Mark is as into me as I’m into him?”

  “Oh yeah. Without a doubt.”

  A few of the darker dread clouds hovering overhead disintegrated. There were still plenty more forming, because no matter how much he was into her, if his family didn’t approve, then their relationship would die. It was only the question of whether the death would be quick and sharp or long and drawn out.

  Just the thought of not being with Mark sent tremors of pain and fear through her. “I don’t want this to end.” Her whisper was tight and pained.

  Katy’s arms tightened. “No, but then it’s only just begun. Give yourselves time to form and grow. Your relationship is brand new. Take the time to enjoy it and the man.”

  Her best friend’s advice made sense. Trixi nodded. “I will.”

  “As for tonight, be yourself. You’re an amazing, lovely, sweet woman and unless the Morrisons are idiots, they’re going to figure this out.”

  “Okay,” she agreed, but in the back of her mind she wondered if they would actually notice those traits about her or see something entirely different.

  Please let them like me, and more importantly, accept that I’m in a relationship with Mark.

  Chapter 32

  When they arrived at his aunt’s house, Trixi’s moist palms and the tremors racking her small person told him more about her mental state than anything she might say. He slid an arm around her and drew her tight against him. She came with a flattering eagerness. Dropping a kiss on top her head seemed to settle her a fraction.

  He hoped his obvious display of affection told her how happy he was to have her at his side. The tremors didn’t completely cease, but they did decrease. She was still nervous and it charmed him.

  Trixi cared.

  “Relax,” he murmured against her temple. Actually, he meant to say more, but the curls there distracted him. They led to the delicate shell of her ear and in turn led to her earlobe, which then enticed him over to her cheek and from her cheek... well there were her lips and he couldn’t pass those up.

  They curled up as he made his way closer and closer. “Are you laughing at me?”


  Their lips connected.

  “It looks like you are.”

  “I was just thinking about how distracting you are,” she admitted. “One minute I’m scared silly and then you start kissing me and the next minute I couldn’t care less about anything other than you.”

  Her lips clung to his. Her eyes sparkled.

  The fey blend of blue and silver captivated him all over again. “Those eyes.”

  “Hello Mark.” A laughing feminine voice murmured close by. “Is this Trixi?”

  It propelled him back into reality and by the time he had identified the voice, he was back to himself. Although the arm around Trixi tightened since he didn’t want her escaping.

  “Tia.” He wasn’t sorry to be caught by this cousin. After all, he’d witnessed Tia’s craziness with her significant other. [Bad Nerd Rising - The Morrison Family Series - Book 7] “Trixi, this is my cousin Tia Morrison. She returned to Hershey with me from Rurikstan to settle things here before she marries Prince Aleksi of Rurikstan.”

  “An actual prince?” Trixi’s eyes widened as Tia smiled, but before she could answer, an aunt dragged her away. She left with an apologetic wave.

  Trixi stared at him unblinkingly. “She’s marrying a prince?”


  Another cousin who certainly didn’t miss his possessive hold on Trixi interrupted them next.

  “Hello, Janine.” He used his free arm to squeeze her innards.

  “Ugh, hello.” With obvious skill, she worked herself free. Her smile was as beautiful and serene as ever.

  “Trixi, this is my cousin, Janine Morris. Or is it Janine Gilmore now?”

  A beautiful color washed across Janine’s mocha colored cheeks. “It’s still Morris, but I do answer to Mrs. Gilmore.”

  A masculine chuckle sounded behind her. “I’m the only one who calls her Mrs. Gilmore,” the man said. He offered a hand, and Mark finally got to assess Janine’s husband, Greg. It was difficult to pin him down, because he was usually found with the kids, especially his sister’s children, Ryan and Macy. He had sun streaked brown hair and blue eyes, but he could fade into the background without thought. There was unleashed power coiled under the surface, but most people tended to miss it.

  “Trixi this is Greg Gilmore, Janine’s husband.”

  Trixi smiled at both of them and offered a graceful little hand to shake. He could tell it was a good handshake by the approval lighting Janine’s eyes. The amber depths gleamed as they assessed the petite woman he kept clamped to his side.

  “It’s nice to meet you both.” Trixi said this in all sincerity. He couldn’t help squeezing her.

  Greg’s eyes gleamed with what resembled
admiration. Since his arm curled around his wife, Mark didn’t take offense. “Likewise, Trixi. Where did your name come from?”

  She laughed. “I’m so glad you asked. Most people just think my parents were flaky. My name is Beatrix, an old family name on both sides. Fortunately my parents thought it was a little too formal and serious for their new daughter, so they shortened it and I’ve been Trixi ever since.”

  “You never grew out of it?” Mark teased.

  “No. I guess I’d need to be a little taller.” She eyed Janine’s height with what looked like envy.

  “I’ve never met a Trixi before, but it does suit you.” Janine wasn’t unaware of Trixi’s perusal. He suspected Janine wasn’t unaware of much.

  “Thank you.” Trixi’s tone nudged into rueful.

  Greg turned to his wife. “I don’t think she took it as a compliment.”

  Trixi’s embarrassed laugh was charming. Then her eyes widened. “Are you Dr. Janine Morris, the trauma surgeon at Central Derry?”

  It was Janine’s turn to smile ruefully. “I am.”

  “My friend Katy is hoping to work with you.”

  “Katy? Is that Dr. Katy Greene?”

  “Yes.” Trixi rose up on her tiptoes. “She’s here somewhere.” She craned her head and then glanced at him. “Do you see them?”

  He nodded and with his free hand, pointed to where Leo stood with Katy. “She’s the blonde with Leo.”

  “Oh, she’s that blonde,” Janine said sagely.

  Since Trixi had only just met Janine she couldn’t question her but hoped Mark would. He just smiled and said, “Yes, her yellow hair is obvious.”

  Greg must have noticed her confusion because he explained, thankfully. “We’ve heard a lot about Leo’s blonde friend who he has no idea he’s dating.”

  Trixi laughed. “Oh, right. They at least know they’re friends.”

  Janine smiled at the pair. “They are well suited. It’s hard to imagine they have no idea.”

  “Their relationship is so comfortable they take it for granted.” She shrugged. It would be nice to be that comfortable, but then she liked the way her heart beat faster whenever she caught sight of Mark. Or even a man who looked like him.

  “Hopefully they start to appreciate it before it dies from neglect.” Janine bit her lip as she watched the pair.

  Leo must have felt her perusal because he tugged Katy across the room. He grabbed Janine and hugged her until she squeaked, but she managed to free herself with a technique Trixi wanted to learn. Eyes gleaming with mischief, Leo held his ground.

  Trixi couldn’t be certain, but she thought Janine, the renowned surgeon of legend, stuck her tongue out at him. Judging by his chuckle, she had seen what she thought she saw.

  “Katy, this is my bratty cousin, Janine,” Leo introduced.

  “Janine? You’re Dr. Morris, the surgeon?” Katy’s voice bubbled over in excitement.

  “Yes, and you’re Dr. Greene who is supposed to be working with us?”

  “I am so looking forward to joining you.” Katy’s exuberant nature wasn’t Janine’s, but the pair of them got on like a house on fire, as the term went. She had never thought it was a good thing to have a house on fire, but now she at least understood what it meant.

  Janine’s smile was a study in serenity. “Likewise. We’re thrilled you want to work with us.”

  “Of course I do. You’re the best.”

  “She’s a brat, so keep that in mind,” Leo cautioned Katy.

  Janine swatted him, completely at ease. “I have a brother, I don’t need another one.”

  This time, Leo snagged another relative, or relly, as the Morrisons called them, from the huge mix of people. Trixi hadn’t taken time to count, but she guessed there were a hundred people packed into this room. Granted, some of the swelled number was kids, but there were still plenty of adults.

  The man Leo dragged out of the crowd looked a lot like Janine. He was tall and lean, but Trixi received the impression he could take care of himself and everyone else in the room. His brown skin, like Janine’s, didn’t hide the fact this man looked and probably acted like, a Morrison.

  “Katy and Trix, this is Janine’s brother, Ben Morrison.”

  She reached out to shake his hand, aware she was being assessed. Something made her straighten her spine and look him in the eyes, even though her insides quaked. This man, and his sister, were people whose opinions she cared about. Because it was evident Mark and Leo loved, admired, and respected them.

  It was also evident all that was returned.

  If either of them decided she wasn’t good enough for Mark... Her spine firmed another notch.

  A light she couldn’t identify gleamed in the man’s brown eyes. Even though they weren’t the Morrison blue-green this man still looked an awful lot like the two de Vosse men. Ben’s eyes were a lighter brown, although not Janine’s amber, and they appeared bottomless. But a light glowed there, an awareness she suspected came from training and experience.

  When he smiled at her, it was genuine. “It’s nice to finally meet you Trixi. We weren’t aware Mark was dating someone.”

  Her smile tinged with chagrin. “It only just happened.” She craned her head to smile up at Mark, so thankful he was in her life. That they were in a relationship was a huge bonus.

  A lovely woman with strawberry blond hair sauntered up to Ben and handed off a squirming toddler. The toddler was an impressive mix of his parents. When the woman smiled at them, Trixi started at her eye color.

  “You have the same eyes,” Katy exclaimed, breaking off from her animated conversation with Janine.

  “Hello.” Trixi shook the other woman’s hand. She couldn’t look away from this new arrival.

  “Trixi, this is my wife, Treeny.” Ben introduced them. “She’s a doctor.”

  “Trixi?” Treeny tilted her head to the side as she gazed at her. “Are we related?”

  Trixi laughed. “I don’t know. We do have very similar eyes. They’re gorgeous on you.” An absolute truth.

  “As they are on you.” Mark traced her cheek with one fingertip. “I love your eyes.”

  All other thoughts fled. She smiled up at him. “Thank you.” Goodness, he’s handsome.

  Everyone laughed.

  Her cheeks heated when she realized she had just spoken her thought out loud like a big geek.

  Mark didn’t seem to mind though. He threaded his fingers through hers and she realized she was enjoying herself.

  Odd, as she had expected to endure the entire evening.

  It was nice to experience firsthand that like Mark and Leo kept telling her, the Morrisons were a welcoming family.

  Chapter 33

  Bewitched by Trixi’s face, Mark doubted he could be any happier than he was at this moment. She was here, with him, among his beloved family. And she seemed to be enjoying herself. Trixi Duvall, the magnificent, held her own. She was gracious and polite, but her inner sweetness and warmth shone through.

  He craved that sweetness and warmth. Not that he didn’t have it in abundance, because it was everywhere in this room, but none was his alone.

  “How long have you been dating?” Treeny asked.

  “Since Thursday.” Trixi grinned at him before turning her attention back to Treeny.

  Really, their eyes were very similar. They were beautiful, but he had never paid much attention to Treeny’s. He only noticed them now because they reminded him so much of Trixi’s.

  “It’s wonderful to meet you.” Treeny’s son let out a squawk of protest at being imprisoned in his father’s arms and distracted her then.

  “Where’s Kyra?” Ben asked as he adeptly kept his son from hurtling to the floor.

  “Our daughter is with her Grandma.”

  Ben nodded and then handed his squirmy son off to Greg who raised the little guy high and then dropped him. Shouts of laughter ensued as Greg nimbly caught him and then repeated the exercise.

  “Uncle Greg to the rescue,”
Treeny teased.

  Greg grinned, but seemed to be having every bit as much fun as Kale, who he continued to entertain. He changed it up so the game wouldn’t get boring. Mark enjoyed the expressions crossing Trixi’s expressive face as she stood entranced by the man and child.

  After a while, Greg must have remembered Leo was a kid doctor, because he tossed the little boy to Leo who just as easily played along. Kale’s shrieks of laughter brought out several baby snatchers who soon took him.

  “You let Aunt Monica have him?” Leo accused.

  “She stomped on my foot.” Greg rubbed the bruised member.

  “You’re getting soft.” Ben watched as his son was carried triumphantly away.

  Aunt Monica didn’t keep him for long before another aunt took him. “At least he’ll be tired by the time you take him home.”

  “Right. Kyra was already yawning.” Treeny craned to see over the crowd. “I suspect we’ll have to leave soon.”

  “We haven’t eaten yet.” Leo’s protest caused a ripple of laughter through their little grouping

  “The kids have.” Treeny must have spotted her daughter, because she stopped searching the packed room.

  Leo looked relieved. “Good. That means we’re next.”

  As soon as he said it, the call went out for everyone to gather. They said thanks and then started the lines moving.

  “How on earth can this many people be served?” Trixi asked Katy.

  Katy shrugged. “I have no idea.”

  This led to a discussion on the Morrison family knowing what they were doing.

  “Besides, General Emma is here.” Mark scanned the room. “Somewhere.”

  Both women turned uncomprehending eyes on him. “Who’s General Emma?” Katy asked.

  Her question halted their surge toward the food lines.

  “You haven’t met General Emma yet? Really?” Janine made it sound like he’d committed a crime.

  “Mark and Leo de Vosse, you haven’t even introduced me to your dates.” The voice boomed from beneath his left shoulder so Mark spun, taking Trixi with him.


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