The Nightlife: London (Urban Fantasy Romance) (The Nightlife Series)

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The Nightlife: London (Urban Fantasy Romance) (The Nightlife Series) Page 4

by Luedke, Travis

  Her Persian Highness, Urvashi, had the paisley-patterned suite. Swirling pastels crept all over the furniture like some deep sea creature. Her room was the size of a New York apartment, the deluxe package. The conservative color scheme seemed to match Urvashi’s reserved, Buddhist monk, unflinchingly calm personality.

  Urvashi had raised her voice only once in Michelle’s presence, and the backlash of her anger had unleashed a wave of power that had knocked both her and Aaron flat on their backs. Michelle had quickly learned that Urvashi was not to be trifled with.

  And now this inhuman creature sized her up like a meal to be devoured. She had a sense that this would be a night to remember. Juices of Michelle’s arousal leaked down her inner thighs as she stood before Urvashi’s appraising eyes.

  “Okay, this isn’t weird at all.” Aaron watched both women with a leery expression. He probably thought they were going to cut each other’s eyes out. The thought had occurred to Michelle on more than one occasion.

  Michelle decided to make the bridge. If she wanted to keep Aaron’s favor, she would have to take extra measures above and beyond the call of duty. She stepped up to Urvashi and smiled warmly. “Thank you for inviting me, I do appreciate the gesture.”

  “Ah, am I to think you came for me? I know why you’re here, to please Aaron. But that is not why I asked for you. Tonight you will please us both.”

  “Donner au diable son dû.” Give the devil his due.

  Urvashi opened Michelle’s robe at the neck and let it slide down off her body. “Yes. This devil will take all that you can give.”

  Golden fingers of tingling current brushed across Michelle’s nipples as Urvashi played with her. Her pussy lips swelled with the sensations coursing from the tips of her breasts straight to her groin. Her eyes closed in appreciation of the wondrous feel of Urvashi’s heavenly touch. With feather light strokes and gliding, crackling electric slide, Urvashi tuned up her arousal like a conductor preparing an orchestra.

  Aaron slid up behind Michelle, his robe already discarded. The warm, hard ridges of his erection pressed in between her butt cheeks as he nibbled on her earlobe.

  Michelle leaned her head back and surrendered to the assault of sensations turning her helpless and legless. “Mon dieu, Aaron. You never told me she could do this. I think I can forgive you, now.”

  His laughter rumbled against her ear as his shaft pressed deeper into the cleft of her ass to slide between her legs. Looking Urvashi in the eyes, Michelle reached down between her sopping wet folds and tried to slide the head of his cock inside.

  Urvashi’s hand closed over hers, the electric zing flowing through her fingers and straight into her sensitive labia.

  “Oye.” She almost came right there.

  Urvashi pulled her hand away. “This is for me tonight. Mine alone. Aaron will have to find another place to put his cock.” Urvashi slid her warm magic fingers down over Michelle’s juicy clit, rubbing in circular motions and then dipped two fingers inside, curling up and back into that place, that special spot.

  Only Aaron knew exactly where to hit that spot, Michelle had taught him. This woman had stolen the intimate knowledge of Michelle’s body from her lover’s mind.

  The unimaginable sensation of electrostim both inside and out, with Urvashi’s flexing fingers brought on a splashing wave of climax. “Oye, mon dieu!” Michelle yanked Aaron’s hair to pull him down into a solid chomp, burying her fangs in his neck. An orgasm this good could not be managed without biting

  Through the haze of wondrous sensations, her wet mound humping on Urvashi’s magic hand, the woman issued a warning. “Do not bite me. I made allowance for one mistake. I will not do so again.”

  Michelle let go of Aaron’s neck, slurping his blood off her lips and nodded. “Oui.” Too absorbed in the moment to think of anything but the simplest answer.

  “I mean it. If you bite me, I will be forced to kill you. I do not want you bound to me.”

  Michelle nodded in agreement once again, her eyes half closed as she grudge-fucked Urvashi’s powerful hand.

  Aaron’s strong grip seized her hips. “Michelle, hold still.” As the head of his cock probed her anus, she knew this night would be the beginning of a new and wondrous chapter in her life.

  Slowly, carefully, he worked a torturous glide all the way in her ass.

  “Céleste.” Heavenly. She leaned back into him and whispered. “Don’t hold back.”

  He pushed harder, digging in that last little bit. He didn’t hold anything back, not one inch.

  She was about to come again when Urvashi leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Urvashi’s free hand stroked Michelle’s right nipple while her other hand continued reaming out her pussy. “You want to come for him, but I want to see your eyes. Tonight you come for me.”

  As her insides clenched in orgasmic spasm, she came for Urvashi, and almost cried out her damned name aloud.

  * * * *

  Chapter 6

  Stepping into a pile of brown-grey slush on the sidewalk, Aaron complained to the world, “Come see Europe, she said, see the sights. She forgot to mention how London is a sloppy, wet iceberg in the winter.” He trudged through the half-frozen muck and pulled the lapels of his coat up to brace against the merciless wind.

  Michelle stepped gingerly from the taxi onto the street, and pulled her coat around her slender hourglass curves. She had been walking a little funny since waking up. Though she tried to hide it, Aaron knew Michelle was hurting.

  He hadn’t held back last night. He and Urvashi left Michelle so exhausted from the grueling sexual marathon that Aaron had to carry her down the hallway to their suite just before sunrise. Now, she could hardly walk.

  Michelle looked him in the eye, trying her best to pretend she wasn’t in pain. “Oui, I did forget to tell you how cold London is in the winter. I always follow the birds south.” Her loving emerald eyes twinkled with mirth and apology, but underneath it her aura gleamed with devotion.

  Dammit. He had fucked her raw, and she slobbered her love all over him. It’s like she wanted him to hurt her.

  He would have to be more careful next time. He had reveled in giving Michelle all his passion, but he hated seeing her in pain. Though he might have been rough with her, he wasn’t a sadist.

  Urvashi stepped out behind Michelle, trench coat cinched tight at the waist with a tie. A second taxi pulled up behind them and out stepped the two wet dogs, Ivan and Katya. Aaron wondered if they might shake their overcoats like a dog flinging the water off its fur.

  He sighed in acceptance of their strange alliance and nodded to them. “Thank you for joining us. Your help is much appreciated.”

  Ivan grunted to Aaron and company by way of reply. Silent and brooding, Katya glared at Aaron with barely contained malice. Her guarded stance conveyed a very unwilling participant. Aaron stared right back, allowing the full impact of his gaze to penetrate her cold hate.

  Her eyes assessed him, and then it happened, something changed. She began to thaw. Aaron had the insane urge to grab hold of her and tell her how much he was tired of the strife and pain and death, how he wanted to live a simple life with Michelle and Urvashi, how he’d rather walk away from this ridiculous manhunt.

  She snapped out of his spell abruptly. “Stop staring at me! Keep your damn eyes away! I know what you do to women. They look at you and spread their legs. You take and take until there’s nothing left to give. You thrive by taking life that is not your own. I know what you are, iobanie strigoi.”

  Guilty as charged.

  With raised eyebrows he gave her a lopsided grin. “Feel better now?” The woman nursed her hate, held onto it desperately. Must take a lot of energy to harbor that kind of hate and keep it smoldering.

  Especially on this frozen bitch of an island.

  She opened her mouth for another sharp jab, but Ivan put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head slightly. She swallowed whatever bitter retort hovered on the tip of her tongue and averted her

  Silently, they all slogged through the darkness, cold and slush towards the flashing neon words The Rocking Horse, one of several Soho strip clubs.

  Aaron whispered low to Michelle. “That woman would gut us like fish. She hates you, and who can blame her. But I can’t figure out why she hates me.”

  Michelle leaned into Aaron and purred in his ear. “Is like cats and dogs. Ennemis naturels.”

  Urvashi wrapped her arm around Aaron’s and added her piece, speaking directly into his mind. {{Too many apex predators together in the same territory. Cats and dogs indeed. And vampires are the worst. They can rarely stand any of their own kind, let alone the wolves.}}

  She caught his interest with that line. “Are there many of us around?”

  {{A few. Soon to be one less when we find Jamison.}}

  He caught Michelle’s squint of irritation as she watched his one-sided conversation. He wished Urvashi wouldn’t play this game in front of Michelle. It was rude to keep Michelle out of the loop.

  Thumping rhythms of bass music hit his ears as Aaron opened the door to a black light enhanced world of sexual fantasy. Topless girls with breasts painted in swirling fluorescents weaved through the tables, serving drinks and mesmerizing all with their glowing nipples. Their painted flesh swayed in time to the loud music.

  Curious stares followed Aaron and their odd gang as they made their way to a corner booth. The overlapping thoughts directed at them crowded his senses. “Jaysus, Mary and Joseph, I’d give half a paycheck to fuck all three ‘o them Totties at one time – What’s a stunner like that blonde doing with that skinny git? – Love the hips on the darky, I’d bugger that ass all night long.” Aaron instantly realized how strange they looked, two men and three women, in a strip club filled with lecherous men.

  A waitress with a glowing-glittery butterfly painted on her chest took his drink order. Her soft round breasts had been artistically shaped into the upper wings of a butterfly. Her dental floss bikini bottoms covered virtually nothing. She smiled wide as Aaron slipped a tip in the front strap of her panties, his fingers accidentally brushing across her delicate folds.

  Might have to look this girl up later.

  Settled in the booth, scanning the room, Aaron finally saw what he was looking for, up on the raised platform, dancing topless on the stripper pole.


  A dub step bass line ground out enough power to vibrate glass as Janette humped the stripper pole as if she was about to pop an orgasm right on the stage. She wore nothing but glowing white thong panties. The scrap of fabric barely covered her ankles as she polished the stainless steel with her shaved mound. All eyes were on Janette, and there was not a limp dick in the room.

  When she caught Aaron’s stare, her dance faltered. The sexy, sultry temptress illusion faded in the wake of her fear. Terror flickered across her face as Aaron held her eyes and bored into her mind from the other side of the room. He scooped it straight from her head. She had spoken to Reza. He rewarded her candid confession with a slap to her face and a sincere death threat to assure her silence.

  Reza was a real lady’s man.

  Aaron didn’t even have to look for Reza. Janette did it for him, a spike of paralyzing fear in her chest. Aaron followed her gaze to Reza standing by the bar, unaware that his beautiful Janette was about to piss all over the dance platform in terror as she stood petrified, gripping tightly to the stripper pole like a lifeline. The man was mostly bald, but with a five-o-clock shadow of stubble wrapped around the sides and back of his head, and a little trimmed goatee. He had that unmistakable look of a man who has traveled through the dark alleys of the world and lived to tell the tale.

  Glancing back to Janette, their eyes met again, and she had a fleeting fear for him, knowing Reza would not be merciful. Mostly she was worried about the big ass knife her boss had threatened to shove between her legs if anyone else came around asking questions.

  Aaron felt compelled to carry her off to safety, hold her and promise it would be alright. But that would have been a cruel lie. He wasn’t here to solve her problems or open a can of whoopass on the bad guy in a flurry of kung-fu kicks.

  All he needed was five minutes with Reza. Poor Janette had made her bed in this shithole, and now she had to lie in it.

  Ivan slapped his hand on the table. “Ladies, remember our bargain.” He stood, his eye tracking Aaron’s focus on Reza. He missed nothing. “We have fifteen minutes. Stay here until we return.”

  Ivan tossed a fifty pound bill on the table. “Have a lap dance on me.”

  Michelle and Urvashi both smiled, seemingly amenable to the idea.

  Katya sneered, “Give me your credit card and we’ll make it a real party.”

  Aaron smirked. Somewhere inside Katya resided a living, breathing woman, with a sense of humor.

  “That’s our man.” Aaron nodded towards Reza who just now glanced in their direction.

  “Follow me, and try not to speak.” Ivan strolled off, casually weaving around the tables, headed for Reza.

  In the spirit of their agreement, Aaron nodded silently and played follow the leader. Michelle yelled to his back, “Fifteen minutes.” He looked back and winked at all three ladies.

  Wouldn’t that be interesting, all three women in the same bed. He doubted anything could top his experience with Michelle and Urvashi, but you just never knew.

  Reza watched them curiously, a hint of anxiety in his eyes. Ivan was not a small man. Though Aaron did not fear him, or any man, he could see Ivan carried himself with confidence, and he had that wide, powerful jaw. One of those bite-your-arm-off jawlines – probably a wolf thing.

  “Dobri vyehcher.” Ivan offered his hand with the greeting, but Reza just looked at him suspiciously. Dropping his hand, he continued, “My name is Ivan, and this is Aaron. We need to speak with you. Privately.”

  Reza sipped his drink, looked Ivan up and down, and then glanced at Aaron. That’s when he noticed Janette slinking off the stage with a fearful glance over her shoulder. He instantly knew Janette must have fingered him, because he’d never seen these two men before in his life. The look on his face conveyed much. “Bitch.”

  Aaron followed Reza’s thoughts as he imagined wicked, bloody things he would do to Janette with the six inch blade hidden at the small of his back.

  * * * *

  Chapter 7

  Aaron couldn’t help himself. “Just talk. And we can pay for information.” The idea of Reza slicing into Janette for the trivial information they wanted didn’t sit well with him.

  Ivan raised his eyebrow in an unspoken warning.

  “I have nothing to say to you, and I don’t want your money.” Reza attempted to play casual with his dismissal, but his hand was shaking and a bead of sweat ran down the side of his face.

  “Five minutes, no more.” Ivan lifted his heavy square jaw and stared Reza down, not once breaking eye contact.

  “Five minutes, five hundred pounds.”

  Aaron snickered. So much for the I don’t want your money bullshit.

  Ivan agreed with a nod. “If you have what we need, we have five hundred.”

  Reza smiled, but he was not happy. “Come.”

  They followed Reza off to a side door leading into a corridor with rooms on either side. Aaron scanned the hallway and knew instantly that Janette was in the room on the second door to the right.

  She was packing a suitcase and praying to God she would make it out of there before Reza grabbed her.

  Reza tried the doorknob to Janette’s room and found it locked. He cursed under his breath again, “Bitch.” He walked on down the hall and tried the next door. “Step in my office, gentlemen.” He smiled smugly as they followed him into a room with a queen size bed that reeked of cheap perfume and desperate loneliness.

  Aaron imagined all the men who found some temporary happiness in a place like this, paying money for a few minutes of warm flesh, and the poor women who sold their bodies here, night after night.
The oldest profession in the world, and yet surely the least gratifying.

  “So, what do you need to know?” Reza got right down to it. He pulled six inches of shining steel blade from his belt and began flipping in his hand intimidatingly.

  Ivan didn’t mince words. “The American you sold a gun to. We need to know about him.”

  Reza pointed his knife at Ivan, then Aaron. “What are you fucking cops? You come in here speaking Russian, with your little American boyfriend. Fuck off.” Reza’s suspicions were confirmed, Janette had talked to them, and he would make her pay for it. He spat at their feet in disgust, sheathed his knife at his back stepped towards the door.

  Aaron’s suspicions were also confirmed, Michael Jamison had been there. The entire encounter flitted across Reza’s mind, but he didn’t know jack shit. Reza sold Mike a gun, way overpriced, and that was it. He didn’t know where Mike came from, where he was going, or anything useful.

  But wait, there was something. “Who did he come with?” Aaron grabbed Reza’s sleeve and stopped him before he left the room.

  Reza turned on him, a mind to stick his knife in Aaron’s ribs. “I am done talking to you. Go suck Russian cock.”

  Ivan chuckled.

  With that Aaron let Reza go. The bastard spun away and slipped out the door, but he had given up the last piece of information in his mind. Reza had watched Mike leave in a taxi. As the cab driver opened the back door for Mike, Reza had caught a glimpse of a middle-aged blonde woman waiting for him.

  Seemed Mike had his next victim lined up already. If they didn’t find him soon, that woman would end up dead in the slush-covered street, shy a few pints of blood.

  Aaron led the way out with Ivan right behind him. “Let’s go. I got what I came for.”

  They headed down the hallway and out into the strip club. A dull haze of stale cigarette smoke assaulted them as they made their way to the women. Reza was talking another stubble-headed Albanian man standing behind the bar, a heated exchange. Reza glanced back at Aaron and Ivan repeatedly.


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