Because It's Not Love

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Because It's Not Love Page 21

by Kitty Parker

And as on cue, a group of girls giggled loudly as they all gave Cameron a flirtatious look. Goodness, these women were about to share one guy, weren't they? I shook my head at the disgusting thought but kind of wished that Cameron could stay with us a little longer. But to no avail, he sauntered off toward those ladies with a smirk I was all too familiar with. It kind of looked like Carson's smirk, to think of it.

  "It's just the two of us then." I tensed up as I felt fingers tracing a pattern on my arm. "Shall we call it a night as well?"

  This was the part that I was dreading for. Well to be honest, I was kind of looking forward to this…in a sick and embarrassing way. But I didn't know how I had to deal with it right now.

  My mind flashed back to the conversation I had with Lisa last night. Since she spent the nights at the guy's cabin with Nick, she decided to stay with me that night while she shooed Carson away. So yes, it was only us girls, getting comfortable by the fireplace around midnight. And what do girls do best? We gossip.

  Lisa and I were talking about everything we had in mind, from the part about how this holiday went so far to the part where we talked about how she should get a haircut. We were having a pretty good time and I was happy chatting along with my best friend. Well, that was until we stopped to a topic I didn't want to talk about.

  "So Maggie, how were your nights with Carson here?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively with a teasing expression and a knowing smirk that I wanted to slap off.

  I bit my lip and looked away, hating the fact that I was brought to the spotlight. "It was okay."

  "Okay? Are you sure it didn't went great?" She laughed at me before leaning back on the couch we were sitting on. "Come on, you can tell me anything. I want to know every single detail!"

  "Lisa, I'd rather not talk about it."

  "Oh come on, don't be such a prude. I could tell you about my nights with Nick but you'd probably kill me if I tell too much detail."

  I sighed, she was right. Not only was I going to kill her, but I was also going to puke over the carpet in an awful way. "Please don't talk about your sex life with my brother."

  "See? It's so much better talking about your sex life with Carson."

  "I'd rather not talk about anyone's sex life." I frowned at her cautiously. "Can we just go to sleep?"

  "Uh, no." She rolled her eyes at me. "Tell me, did you get any lucky these past couple of days?"

  "Nothing happened. So what are we going to do tomorrow?" I really didn't want to talk about this. So what better to do than changing the topic?

  Lisa, unfortunately, pushed me further to answer her question. It seemed that 'nothing happened' wasn't in her dictionary. "Come on, tell me what really happened."

  I looked away, sighing deeply as events from the nights I spent with Carson went rushing in my mind. "Seriously. Nothing happened okay? We didn't do anything, at all."

  Silence. Was it a surprise that I didn't do anything with my boyfriend, even though we slept in the same cabin? Well…

  "You guys didn't do anything?" I shook my head. "At all?" Another shake of my head. "Is it wrong for me to not believe anything you're saying?"

  "We didn't do anything!" I threw my arms out, sighing again for the many times. "While you were off at another cabin 'getting some'," I blocked the imagination of Lisa making out with my brother (Yuck) before I continued, "Carson and I didn't do anything! Nothing!"

  This was why I didn't want to talk about this. I hate comparing my love (or rather, sex life) with my best friend. I knew she was already way ahead of me and I hate to admit that I was kind of jealous of her. Why was I jealous? I had no idea.

  "What do you mean by nothing?"

  "He slept on the couch okay!" I finally blurted out. See? She was definitely way ahead of me. "The other night we almost did something…but before he went too far, he stopped and kind of avoided me. He slept on the couch since then."

  I remembered the night when I mouthed the three words without him recognizing it. But we did end up kissing softly after that before it turned into a hot making out session. Just when I was about to slip off his clothes, he grabbed my hands and sat me off of his lap. He avoided eye contact then, saying that he had to pee all of a sudden. I merely nodded and waited for him to join me on the bed, calling it a night since I realized there was nothing else that could possibly happen between us, but he didn't join me.

  The next morning I found him sound asleep on the couch, and then the morning after that…and then the morning after that…

  "Seriously?" Surprised was an understatement, Lisa was gaping at me like a fish. "Why?"

  Why? Well, I ask the same question myself.

  Was it because of the stupid bet? Or was it because he didn't want me anymore? God, just the thought of him getting bored with me was such horror.

  "I don't know, I'm not sure and I don't care." I answered her with a frown, crossing my arms on my chest as I looked away.

  "Oh my god!" I flinched at her very high pitched voice. Why the hell was she yelling in a happy voice? Was she happy that my boyfriend was avoiding me? "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!"

  "What. The. Hell?" I shot her a glare, hoping that she would stop with her cheerful self.

  She was practically bouncing up and down on the couch now, holding her hands together which she placed on her chest. She had a very sly smile. A smile that I didn't like. "Oh. My. God."

  "What?" I hissed at her.

  "You want to sleep with him!" She exclaimed dramatically, pointing a finger in front of my face. It took a while to register what she said, but when I did, my eyes grew wide as I shook my head in fast motion.

  "I do not!" But she kept on grinning while I felt my cheeks growing hot. Damn. "I don't want to sleep with him."

  "Oh my god, it's so obvious!" And then she started to laugh loudly in my face. "You're bummed that he's not even close to sleeping with you!"

  I glared at her even hard. "Well, thank you for stating the obvious."

  "You do want to sleep with him!"

  "Lisa, stop it already."

  "You know; I have a theory." She was totally ignoring me. At least she finally stopped laughing, but the grin on her face was still there. I narrowed my eyes warily at her. "You miss his touch. You feel empty by yourself without him sleeping next to you on the huge bed. You want him to—"

  "Alright, I don't like where you're going with this."

  She smiled sweetly at me. "You know it's the truth."

  I shook my head, looked away and quietly answered her with a, "Maybe."

  "You know what I think?" I looked up and raised my eyebrows at her. "I think he wants this relationship to work. I think he doesn't want you to think that he's still a guy who gets horny all the time."

  "But guys are like that all the time."

  "But he doesn't want you to see him like that anymore. I think he wants you to know that he's serious about this." She patted my shoulder with a genuine smile. "At least, that's my theory."

  I chewed my bottom lip, kind of hoping that she was right. Before I could reply her with my thoughts, she started to beam at me with a very knowing look on her face. "You know what I think?"

  "Didn't you just say that?"

  She mentally rolled her eyes before saying, "Tomorrow's Christmas. The end of the bet…know where I'm going at?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at me.

  I shook my head quickly. "No. We decided to spend New Year's together, we'll do that then."

  "Oh my god, you guys scheduled the next time you're going to have sex?" An amused smirk was playing on her lips. "This is just getting more and more interesting."


  "Tell me, do you guys schedule your next kiss?"

  I blushed. It did sound ridiculous hearing it from other people. Between Carson and I, it seemed perfect. Lisa, on the other hand, said like it was the weirdest thing she had ever listened to. I pursed my lip, thinking what I should do next before looking back at her amused expression.

  "You were sayi

  She grinned at me, a grin she always form whenever she has an idea. "Wear something sexy tomorrow night. Act seductive. Sway your hips, make him want you even more."

  "Lisa, that's irrational."

  "Maggie, it's seducing. Women are good at it."

  Not that I was bragging myself, but I knew that sometimes I tend to flirt and seduce Carson before we have…well, sex. It was like something I do whenever I was with him alone, like seducing was something I casually do every day.

  I knew I've done it before, but to think to be thinking about doing it again after such a long time not doing anything sexual with him apart from kissing…it was making me nervous.

  "You're crazy, I'm not doing that."

  "Whatever, it's your choice anyway." She crossed her arms with a playful shrug. "Do it later, do it tomorrow, it's actually up to you."

  I opened my mouth but to my disappointment, I was quickly interrupted by her. "But do know that once this idea has run through your head, whether you like it or not, you're going to think of considering it."

  And she was right.

  The more I felt his presence beside me the more I realize how real this situation was. I bit my lip, trying to dodge away the thoughts that Lisa planned into my brain. If she never said anything last night, everything would be normal and I'd find myself sleeping peacefully on my bed.

  Though…the temptation of having him next to me was really getting to me. I wonder why I was thinking this way, but truth to be told, I miss being in his arms.

  "What are you thinking?"

  His sudden question startled me as I looked at him with a frown. He gave me a genuine smile, which of course, was a surprise to me. Since he had been quite avoiding me, we only talked with politeness, throwing a small smile here and there to one another. We kissed, sure, but it was far from making out.

  And when I meant small smiles, I really meant it. He only flashed me a small tug on his lips whenever we had to do something together. Seeing him smile genuinely at me again was making me even more nervous. It seemed like he was thinking about something since he kept looking at me without leaving his eyes off of my face…or maybe he was waiting for me to answer, I don't know.

  "Carson?" I asked quietly, peering up at his now serious face.

  He blinked his eyes, as if he realized I was here, and to my surprise, he then flashed me a grin I never had the chance to see again. "Yeah?"

  I sighed and shook my head. Was it just me or was he kind of giving me a thoughtful look? "Nothing," I stood up as I brushed the non existing dust on my jeans. "Let's go back to the cabin."

  He didn't answer me but we did head out back to the cabin. It took all my effort not to run away from him like I was a victim running away from an attempt murder or something. I glued my feet to follow his long strides, leading us both toward the cabin with silence.

  The moment we entered the cabin, I dashed toward the bedroom. I wasn't thinking straight, I don't think I was even feeling like myself. I closed the door behind me and grabbed my towel, thinking that a hot shower was all I needed to calm me down.

  Though, to my dismay, it did not calm me down, at all.

  I was still feeling nervous, I was still feeling anxious and I was still trying my best not to run away. After drying up after the shower, I walked into the room and picked up my pajamas…but my hand stopped mid-air.

  "Wear something sexy…"

  Lisa's voice kept on repeating in my head.

  God, what to do? Was I even brave enough to wear something revealing in front of him with a little wiggle of my hips? Do I really want to do this?

  I bit my lip, trying to think straight as a normal teenage girl and not as a girl with hormones kicking inside of her. The more I pushed away the possibility of it happening tonight, the bigger the temptation grew to have him closer to me.

  Well, it wasn't like I brought anything sexy with me. Sleeping with him was never even in my schedule for this holiday.

  So as I was about to ignore Lisa's crazy idea, my eyes just happened to land on his opened suitcase. A perfectly neat and folded blue shirt was lying on the very top, growing the temptation even more.

  I walked over to the shirt slowly, eyeing the piece of clothing thoughtfully. Even though it was sitting there innocently, in my eyes, it seemed like it was glowing as I found myself more and more intrigued by it. I picked up the shirt, eyeing how big it was, as many possible thoughts ran in my head.

  Oh my god, I was going to do it wasn't I?

  Before my bravery betrayed me, I quickly slipped into his shirt. It stopped mid-thigh, and I sighed at how soft it actually was. I quickly ran in front of the mirror and brushed my hair with my fingers nervously, surprised that I was actually doing this.

  Satisfied with how I looked, I headed outside the room and looked around the hallway. I could hear muffled conversation at the end of the hallway and the only conclusion I had was that he was watching TV by the fire place. I tiptoed my way there, playing with the hem of his shirt as the nervousness went hitting back to me. But I couldn't do anything; it was too late to back down.

  Making Love

  There was something about tonight that seemed a bit off. He didn't know why or what, but something about tonight was building up his curiosity. The tension in the air was thicker than usual, the sullenness of this place was unbearable and the thump of his heart wasn't even making any sense.

  Not liking the stillness of the night, Carson decided to turn on the TV as he dropped himself on the couch. He flashed through many channels, not even one of them caught his interest. He wasn't sure what he was going to do now. The TV was boring, he was also getting bored…everything at this time seemed to lack any enthusiasm that he needed.

  His eyes somehow stopped onto the pillow and the scattered blanket that was sprawled at the end of the couch. He sighed as he closed his eyes and relaxed himself, thinking that he would do anything to sleep on the bed.

  He had to admit, sleeping on the couch wasn't as comfortable sleeping on the bed. At first he assured himself that he was missing the bed because he also missed having her in his arms. At some point, that was true. But another different point, he didn't like the effect he got by sleeping on the couch. Waking up with a sore neck every single morning was something he wasn't very fond of. There was no one to blame his stupidity now. He only had himself to blame for being such a jerk by leaving her every night on this couch.


  The sweetness of her voice made him smile, liking the way how her voice could soothe him so much. He opened his eyes calmly, but with only one glance at what she was wearing, his jaw dropped down to the floor.

  The way she was laughing nervously with her eyes on the floor made him sure that she wasn't as comfortable as she thought she was. He closed his mouth slowly, confusion written on his face as he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

  "Maggie…" He wasn't sure what he should say now. The way she was presenting herself in front of him caught him off guard. Not that he was complaining, but it still definitely caught him way off guard.

  "Uh, what's up?"

  It was a lame response. He could even tell she knew how lame she sounded by the way she wrinkled her nose with a frown on her face. He shook his head, confused with how she was not acting like herself. "Maggie, are you okay?"

  Her face immediately fell down. He sat up straight at the way she was sulking now. Huh, maybe that wasn't what she wanted to hear from him. Now he wasn't even sure what he had to do. "Uh, Maggie…"

  "Alright that's it!" Something in her eyes sparkled eagerness. It startled the hell out of him, especially when she started to sit on his lap like she was born to be in this position.

  "Maggie, what—"

  He was cut off when she crashed her lips on his. Shocked was an understatement, he was beyond surprised. It startled the hell out of him that she was this forward, this…brave. Sure, she'd been this wild before, but that was when they had sex mostly every day. But now
, when the tension around them was thick, she was kissing him deeply out of nowhere. Wearing nothing but a shirt. His shirt.

  He let out a low growl when she pressed herself on top of his crotch; he forgot how good it felt just to have her right here on his lap. He gripped her hips, kissing her back deeply with all the lust he found in himself. The kiss wasn't like their normal kisses, no, it was too passionate and heavy that it took his breath away. Tongues were colliding with one another, lips were fuming together and bodies were pressed simultaneously. If this was a dream, he swore to god that he was going to die from it.

  Somehow, he didn't know why, but Maggie managed to pull away so fast from his lips. She stared down at him, her jaw hanging open when it seemed that she realized about something. He watched her gaping at him and frowned when she quickly got off of his lap like he was poison.

  What did he do now? Did he do something wrong? Was kissing her back a wrong thing to do?

  Maggie groaned as she rubbed her palm across her face. "I'm so stupid," she muttered more to herself but Carson still could hear her words perfectly.

  "Stupid? Why?" He managed to ask, out of curiosity.

  It occurred to her that he was still there, sitting in front her, with a huge bulge underneath his pants. Her face went red as she looked everywhere but him. "I'm going to bed."

  She rushed out of the room all too quickly and Carson was even more confused than before. He sighed and stretched his arms out before heading toward the bedroom where she had slept for these couple of nights. He slowed his steps when he heard her still muttering a few words from the hallway and he couldn't help but to have a huge frown on his face.

  The door wasn't closed; it was partly open, leaving a small gap for him to see that she was lying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with an arm draped across her forehead. Carson quietly opened the door, making his way toward the bed. "Maggie?"

  Maggie was startled by his sudden voice in the room. He saw her rolling over before burying her face onto the pillow. "I'm fine."

  How did she know that that was what he was going to ask? He sighed and sat on the bed, patting her shoulder as she shivered from his touch. "What's wrong? You don't seem to be fine. Was it me? Did I do something wrong? Was I going to fast?"


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