Pregnant with His Werewolf's Baby

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Pregnant with His Werewolf's Baby Page 10

by Anya Byrne

  Saul chuckled, obviously surprised by Gavin's enthusiasm. "We'll see how it goes in time. For now, it'll be me, you and our son. And I can't wait."

  Gavin couldn't have agreed more. He had not expected to find love when he'd gone to that club, but he had. And now, here he was, pregnant with his werewolf's baby, ready to start a new life. He couldn't have been happier.


  A few weeks later

  "Are you never going to tell me the truth about this whole thing?"

  Jessie crossed his arms over his chest and glared at his father. The other man just ignored Jessie's pissed off expression and added another shirt to his suitcase. "I told you. It's not my secret to share. I swore to keep that knowledge from anyone. And as much as I want to tell you about it, you're better off not knowing."

  Jessie huffed in frustration. "Gav won't tell me either. He said his lover claims it's too dangerous."

  "And he's right." His father hugged him tightly, just like he used to when Jessie had been young and confused. "Look, you already have too much on your plate. Gavin will be fine. I've made arrangements for after he gives birth. We'll say the baby is Saul's, and his mother, a good friend of Gavin's, died in child birth. The two of them fell in love, and Gavin adopted the baby."

  Jessie grimaced. "But that'll mean the baby will believe Gavin's not his real dad."

  "They'll worry about that later. Sweetheart, this can't be helped. Gavin wants his baby to have a normal life, and this way, it will be possible."

  His father freed Jessie from his embrace. "Now listen closely. I might be going with Gavin to help him throughout this difficult time, but I'm just a phone call away. If anything happens..."

  Jessie chuckled at his father's worried expression. "Don't be ridiculous, Dad. I'm not a kid anymore. I can handle myself."

  His father cupped his cheek with striking tenderness. "I know you can, sweetheart. But that doesn't mean you have to." He hesitated and stared at the half-packed luggage on the bed. "Maybe this is a bad idea. I could just visit them from time to time, like I've been doing until now."

  Jessie scoffed. "They need you more than I do. You know that."

  Gavin and Saul had recently left the city and taken refuge in a cabin rented by Saul. According to Jessie's dad, the fresh air was needed for a healthy pregnancy—not to mention that Gavin's belly had been growing at an alarmingly fast rate, and people were bound to notice something was wrong if they hadn't already. Jessie visited the couple on a regular basis, and he could tell his friend was happy and excited about his impending parenthood. But that didn't mean they didn't need a physician there with them for Gavin's due date.

  His father must have known that too, because he shot Jessie a small smile. "You're such a good boy. I'll miss you so much."

  This time, it was Jessie who hugged his father, all the while struggling not to cry. The two of them had always been together, and it seemed so crazy that his dad would go anywhere without him. "I'll miss you too," he confessed.

  He broke away from the hug before the two of them could embarrass themselves any further. "Don't worry about me," he said. "I'll be perfectly fine."

  "Still, I want you to call me whenever you can. I'm not used to being away from you."

  Jessie smiled fondly as his father closed up his suitcase. "I will," he promised. "Come on. I'll help you to the car."

  Together, they carried all of the luggage to his dad's vehicle and set them in the trunk. His father had already packed up all the equipment he'd need to monitor Gavin's condition, so with this last suitcase, the preparations were complete.

  "Say hi to Saul and Gav for me," Jessie told his dad as the other man closed the trunk.

  "I will, although they will be waiting for a personal visit from you."

  "I'll drop by on the weekend," Jessie promised. After a small pause, he added, "You know, I didn't really like Saul in the beginning, but now, I kind of think he's good for Gav. Is that crazy?"

  Was it his impression or did his father tense ever so slightly? Nah, he was probably just imagining it. "It's not crazy," the other man said, a hint of melancholy in his voice. "Some people are just meant to be."

  Jessie wondered if his father was remembering his own soulmate, the mother Jessie had never known. He didn't ask—he never did, because it had always seemed like a painful topic to approach. He just smiled at his father and replied, "Quite right."

  Far too soon, the time for his father's departure arrived. His dad slid into the car, and in place of a goodbye, he offered, "I love you, Jessie."

  "Love you too, Dad," Jessie answered, already backing away from the car. His father shut the door, and moments later, the vehicle started and engaged in traffic.

  Jessie watched his father go, waving even if he knew his dad probably couldn't see him. It was only minutes later than he mustered the courage to drag himself into his dad's apartment. He still had to lock up his dad's place, then return to his own apartment and figure out how to divide his time between the two jobs he'd committed to.

  Instead of going through with all that, Jessie plopped down on his dad's couch. He was alone now. What in the world was he going to do?


  About the Author

  Anya Byrne is first and foremost a longtime fan of erotic romance. Starting to write her own stories was a natural progression of her devotion for the genre. Years after she put pen to paper in that very first book, she is just as enthusiastic and, let’s face it, somewhat obsessive about erotic romance and all that it entails. She is steadfast in the belief that there’s nothing quite as hot as an amazing hero—except more amazing heroes engaged in heroic hot lovin’, and has branched out into the field of self-publishing to convince even more readers of this fact. Hopefully, she will succeed.

  For the latest news and upcoming releases please visit Anya at:

  Other Books by Anya Byrne

  Hachti Warriors 1. Sold to the man in the Purple Fur

  Lone Wolf Pack 2. Pregnant with His Werewolf’s Baby (coming soon)

  Jessie Orwell has a secret. He likes a little pain with his pleasure, and he craves the freedom he can only find in another man’s domination. But that secret has cost him, and now, he no longer dares to indulge in his true needs.

  One night of loneliness and desire makes his path cross with that of Andreas Brandt. For the first time in years, Jessie trusts a Dom, allowing himself to surrender to Andreas's strength. His faith seems misplaced, as he soon learns Andreas has a secret of his own. He is a werewolf, and his role is to track down Jessie's best friend, Gavin.

  Andreas is an enforcer, carrying the important duty of ensuring the safety of the werewolf world is protected from humans. Tasked with finding Saul Simmons and his mysterious human mate, he plans to approach Jessie for the investigation—only to run into him at a D/s club. One look at the beautiful human, and he knows his life will never be the same again. He knows he can never let anyone else touch Jessie. Jessie is his, his lover, his sub, his mate. His everything.

  But there are a few more secrets hiding in Jessie's past and eventually in his belly. And Andreas will face a battle he never expected, to protect his new mate, his new family, and the new precious bond growing between him and Jessie.

  Copyright 2014 Anya Byrne

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, by any means, digital or otherwise, without the copyright holder’s express, written permission (except in the case of brief quotes marked as such and embodied in reviews). Unauthorized duplication and/or distribution, with or without monetary gain, are violations of US and international Copyright Laws and are subject to criminal prosecution.



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