One True Mate: Bear's Embrace (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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One True Mate: Bear's Embrace (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 8

by Moxie North

  Her mother finished with another kiss on her head and stood up. When she walked by Zane, she paused and cupped his cheek. “I always wanted a son,” she said to him.

  Zane felt his heart seize. They were just words, but they meant so much more to him. With his mate came a mother. Even if it wasn’t his, it was still worthy. Their cubs would grow up with a grandmother, and that gave him the greatest hope.

  Poppy’s mother left and Zane sat down on the couch beside his mate. Poppy curled her feet up to make room for him, and he shifted them around so she was sitting on his lap.

  “Why does this have an angel and a bear on it? Why do the eyes glow?” she asked in a quiet voice.

  Zane took the necklace from her and turned it over in his hand. Lifting the chain, he slipped it over her head and he watched her gasp.

  “I can feel it? What does that mean?”

  “It means it belongs to you. That you, my amazing girl, are half angel.”

  She shook her head and he continued, knowing it would be better to explain it to her plainly. He told her about the battle that had gone on before. The battle between Khain and Rhen and that the battle was intense and the fighting went on so long that the goddess Rhen was almost lost. With the last of her strength, she gifted a part of herself to the wolves of the forest that had come to her aid. Then to the bears that helped and the large cats that came when they were most needed. Out of those gifts came the shiften. Those that could become the animals that they had sprung from. Rhen had been so depleted she had fallen into a supernatural coma and no longer inhabited her body. He told her about the felen, the cat shiften, which guarded her body to this day. The wolven had become the world’s police force and the bearen the firefighters and medics. Everyone in their place and maintaining their secrets. But Khain wasn’t gone, he wasn’t finished. He wanted the shiften completely obliterated, and he’d found a way to accomplish that. He’d poisoned the water and killed almost every female shiften in the world.

  “He killed them? All of them?” she gasped.

  “Almost all, a few survived. But we lost most of them. One by one. Mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, and mates. I was young, too young for a mate. But our fathers, the older men of our family groups were destroyed. They couldn’t cope. Their grief was so great it was like a fog hanging in the air. They didn’t know what to do with us. So we were sent away to a place that didn’t help us, and for most it just made us worse.”

  “Zane, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say,” she said reaching for his hands.

  “It was a long time ago. To help our cause, Azerbaizan mated with humans. Their offspring would be the answer to our prayers. Half human, half angels that could help us create new generations of shiften.”

  “So angels, shiften, and goddesses are real? And I have magic jewelry?”

  “That necklace you’re wearing , that was another gift from your father to let you know just how special you are.”

  “My mother seems to believe this. Wait, is that why there are animal statues on the edges of town?”

  Zane chuckled. “Yeah, I thought they were a bit much. But it’s to represent who really lives here. We stay hidden among humans, doing our duty but staying separate. Since we lost our females we’ve been even more vulnerable. Now, the True Mates are coming of age. We’ve had cubs born already and there will be a dragon soon.”

  “I’m sorry, did you say dragon?”

  “Let’s leave that for another time. The fact is that I’m a bearen, just like you see on your necklace. In either form, I’m still me. And you, you Poppy, are my One True Mate.”

  “Are you sure, like really, really sure? What if I’m not, what if my mom found that necklace at a flea market and this is all just a big lie to make me feel special?”

  Zane held the necklace up to her and when she took it from him the blue eyes of the bear glowed back at her. “This was made only for you. And I don’t want to scare you. But your shadow man, the one from your dreams, he’s real. That’s Khain, and he either wants you dead, or mated to him, to finally end our species.”

  “He tried to kill me? He’s real? I know I saw him. But I didn’t want the police to think I was crazy. But you say they’re in on it?”

  “They’re hunting him every day, so you could say they’re ‘in on it.’ We have people that can tell when he comes from his plane of existence to ours. But this shadow thing he’s doing is new. It’s not as obvious when he’s here. They say he’s been trying to figure out how to sneak past us, and so far, this ‘here but not here’ method is working. It seems they only recognized his presence when he started the fire. That showed his true self. We have to keep you safe. You’re too precious to our kind.”

  “And to you?” she asked, dropping the necklace and taking his hand back.

  “Would you believe me if I told you that I loved you? That you’re the woman that has filled a very large hole in my heart. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I’m not angry when I’m with you. That rage I talked about, that you felt, it’s gone. I can’t even summon it up. Actually, that’s not true, when I saw you on the ground coughing and scared, I was pretty fucking pissed.”

  “I saw that. But I was so happy to see you. I hadn’t realized how much time I spent afraid before. I guess the shadow man bothered me more than I liked to admit. But when I’m around you I’m not scared anymore.”

  “I think we both found something we were looking for.”

  He happily watched her while she stared at his hands, her small fingers gently caressing his much larger ones. She was thinking and he wanted to give her every moment she needed. Zane had the patience of a saint when it came to his mate. He loved saying that, his mate. Just the word warmed his chest and he felt himself start to purr.

  Poppy’s eyes came to his with surprise. “That noise, that’s your bear?”

  “I guess so. I’ve never made that noise before I met you. You bring it out in me. I’m very content around you.”

  “I wonder…” she started.

  “Poppy love, there isn’t anything you can’t ask me or say.”

  “What do we do now?” she asked hesitantly.

  “We continue this. We talk. We get to know each other. I keep you safe. I take care of you.”

  “And I take care of you?”

  Zane felt his chest tighten. “I wouldn’t say no to that.”

  “And what if I want more?”

  “More? I’m a firefighter. I make a good living, but…”

  “No, not that. I mean, what if I want more than just getting to know each other?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Poppy knew she was being bold but she couldn’t stop herself. The second she’d put the necklace on, she felt her heart warm, then other parts of her warm. It was as if her body was responding to the big man next to her with the knowledge that with him could come a lifetime of love and babies. Their children born to right a terrible wrong.

  “Poppy, you’ve had a long day.”

  “I have. I’m lucky to be alive. Wouldn’t you think that I’d want to be able to celebrate the fact that I’m alive?”

  He hesitated and she found it cute because it was strained. He wanted to jump at her implied words as much as she wanted him to jump… on top of her.

  “Are you saying that you believe me?”

  “About who you are? Why wouldn’t I? Too many pieces are falling into place. My gift, my mother’s words, and well, you. You make sense to me. I want to be with you, Zane. I’ve spent twenty-five years on hold. I don’t want to wait anymore.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you. You’re injured and…”

  “You said you were spending the night. So spend it. We can see where we go from there.”

  He nodded and sighed. “Let me check in on your patrol.”

  “I have a patrol?”

  “Like I said, you are a VVP. Very Valuable Person. Tex offered to watch tonight along with Trent and Troy.”

are very strange names for dogs,” she remarked.

  She saw Zane raise his eyebrows at her. It took her a moment but it finally clicked in.

  “They’re not dogs are they?”

  “No, they’re wolfen. But they can’t shift. They weren’t around someone shifting as babies and they never learned. They can communicate with shiften telepathically. Some shiften, I should say. I don’t have that skill.”

  “Wow, I would love to meet them again.”

  “In the morning. Tonight you need rest.”

  She lay on the couch as Zane made his calls. Then he scooped her into his big arms and carried her up the stairs to her room. Poppy liked that he could carry her without grunting or groaning or the awkward slamming her into door frames. That was a huge bonus.

  “Naked rest?”

  “Seriously? Am I going to have to sleep on the floor?”

  “Don’t you dare! You said it yourself. We’re fated to be together and what better time to start than right now?”

  “Because you need rest and I need to make sure you make it through the night in one piece.”

  Poppy stuck her tongue out at him and he kissed her. It was a claiming kiss. One that made her think that his rejection of her idea of moving forward could be easily altered. He wanted her as much as she wanted him, she was sure of that.

  Breaking the kiss, she let her head fall forward and his lips pressed against her forehead. She liked that. It was something she had seen men do to women when she was out and about. It always seemed so intimate. There was so much wrapped up in such a small gesture.

  Poppy didn’t feel anything but happiness from him. There was no pain and at the moment, no fear or worry. He was content and she could feel his emotion as though it was her own. Knowing she had something to do with that made her feel like she was doing what she was supposed to do.

  “Fine, but I can’t promise I won’t get handsy after a restorative nap.”

  “I’m sure I can fend you off if need be.”

  “Pop, baby, stop.”

  Zane was losing his ability to control himself. They had gone to bed and had started out fine. He’d tucked Poppy up against him and his purring had started. It had lulled her to sleep and he’d stayed awake, straining to hear anything amiss outside of her house.

  He’d fallen asleep but then was shocked awake when he felt a small kiss on his neck and a hand teasing the waistband of his boxers. It was a feather light touch that would sneak just under the band grazing his stomach. He sucked in a breath and pulled his muscles in as she inched her way closer to his cock. She’d wanted to sleep naked and he’d compromised with his briefs and her in panties and a camisole to sleep in. It was a temptation to be sure, but her safety took priority.

  Zane felt like he was in the best cuddle therapy of his life. Except this time he was doing the holding.

  “No, you said this was mine.”

  “It is, but we can wait, we can take our time.”

  Another soft kiss against his neck along with a small lick. That was a sweet spot on him and he groaned softly as she moved her hand down over his swelling cock.

  “I don’t want to wait. You say we’re mates, aren’t we?”

  “Yes, I mean there’s a ceremony, but that absolutely has to wait.”

  “What is it?”

  Thinking he could maybe throw her off he told her, “It’s a lot like a wedding ceremony. Then there is a bite.”

  “A bite? That sounds sexy,” she said, her hand moving over him.

  “No, you aren’t supposed to say that,” he groaned.

  “I’m yours, Zane. All of me. I’m not sorry about that.”

  “You say that and I can’t resist,” he admitted.


  “No biting,” he said, letting his hands slip over the front of her camisole. Her breasts filled his palms and he gave them a squeeze. She arched against him and gasped.

  “Are you sure, Pop?”

  “Yes, please, I want to be with you.”

  Zane didn’t want to say no. His dreams were in his arms and only a fool would reject her again. He tilted her head until he could reach her lips. She opened under him and let him take what he needed. And he needed a lot. Years of living alone, with no softness, no caring. It was coming back at him in waves.

  “You’re so soft,” he growled.

  “I am?”

  “Like the smoothest silk. Women are soft and delicate. It makes men feel more like a man than anything else. And you’re mine. I can feel this whenever I want.”

  “You can, I’m yours.”

  Zane kissed down her neck, his hands moving over her, cupping and squeezing as he pulled her top over her head. He was trying to be quiet. He knew her mother was asleep down the hall. “You’re mine, say it again.”

  “I’m yours. Don’t make me wait.”

  Zane pulled down her panties and worked his way down her body. Poppy was squirming under him and the animal in him loved that she was so responsive. It made him want to ravage her. And he decided to go with that.

  He breathed her in, her scent washing over him and making his mouth water. His kisses traveled down her body until he was directly in front of her hot core. He nuzzled against her then took his first taste. She was like ambrosia on his tongue. He kissed her showing her just how much he was enjoying himself. Poppy was gasping and clutching at his head. He wanted to roar his pleasure but he knew it wasn’t the time.

  His mate was pressing against his face. And he responded by giving her more of his tongue.

  “Zane,” she whispered. Her voice quiet but urgent.

  Licking up to her clit, he let his purr pour over her sensitive bundle of nerves. “Come for me,” he said against her hot flesh.

  He returned to her center and licked her over and over bringing her to her peak. She gripped his head and held him tight to her as she came riding his tongue. Her thighs slammed around his head and she bucked against him. Zane savored her, her orgasm pouring into his mouth.

  Gentling his tongue as she came down, he helped ease her legs wide. He moved back up over her stomach and gave her a hard kiss on her smiling mouth.

  “How was that, sweets?”

  “Perfect. So perfect,” she cooed.

  “What do you want now?”

  “You, just you,” she said, running her fingers through his hair. He turned into her touch and slipped out of his boxers to release his cock. Reaching between them, he rubbed the head between her drenched lips. It was hot and slick and he only had one thing to say to her before he made them one.

  “I’m yours.”

  He slid himself deep into her, both of them gasping at the feeling. He waited, taking every moment to remember this feeling. Then he moved. He moved for her, for himself, and for their future. Each thrust brought them both closer to their prize. Not only the orgasm that was building in him. But the possible babies they could be making.

  “Zane, I’m there,” she warned him and he was right there with her. Zane felt her start to squeeze around him, and he lowered his mouth to her neck. He knew he couldn’t bite her, but he couldn’t stop himself from scraping his teeth over the line of her neck. Human teeth, not bear, so he wouldn’t break the skin. Zane didn’t want it to end so soon, yet his body was calling him to mark her, make her his. His hips pumped against her as she bucked and dragged her nails over his back as she came moaning into his shoulder. He couldn’t resist any longer. Keeping his mouth over her skin so he could growl and groan his release without shouting or roaring as he spilled his seed into her.

  Kissing along her face, he placed a kiss on each eyelid. “This is our beginning, Poppy. Me and you. I love you, and when you love me back we can get married and complete the ceremony.”

  “What makes you think I don’t already?”

  “Because I may not be a genius, but I’m not stupid. There are a lot of changes coming for your life. I want you to experience everything, and then when I haven’t made you crazy, you can tell me.�

  “So sure of yourself?”

  “No, I’m sure of you. You have the biggest heart I’ve ever seen. I’m going to spend the rest of my days showing you just how much I care about you.”

  “I’m starting to think you see me differently than every other person on the planet.”

  Zane kissed her softly. “Without a doubt.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Poppy was riding on cloud nine. Zane had been with her every moment. He drove her to work and sat in the lobby thumbing through magazines while she worked. She offered to give him a free massage but he said he wasn’t going to be getting naked in public. She thought it was funny since she was the only one that would be seeing him.

  He did take her out for lunch and then back to his new house. It was just a few blocks over from her and her mother’s home.

  “You’ve been here the whole time?”

  “No, I just moved in. The police chief and interim fire chief helped me out when I told them about you.”

  “You talked about me?” She seemed surprised.

  “Babe, I thought I found a woman that was half angel that was supposed to be my mate and help bring about the continuation of the shiften lineage. I was freaking out. I needed a little guidance.”

  She’d blushed and giggled. “You make me sound so important.”

  “You are. I also have something else to tell you.”

  “Okay,” she said, giving him an encouraging look. There wasn’t really anything else he could say that could be more fantastical than what he had already shared with her. Angels, demons, shiften, alternate dimensions, what else could there be?

  “Why don’t you sit down,” he said, gesturing towards the couch.

  “Remember when I said that Azer the angel came down and made babies like you?”

  “Sure,” she said with a shrug.

  “We’ve found other mates, a handful so far.”

  “You said that and I think that’s awesome. And some of them have had babies already?”


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