Quarterback's Baby: A Secret Baby Romance

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Quarterback's Baby: A Secret Baby Romance Page 2

by Roxeanne Rolling

  “You should be excited and proud,” says Jane.

  As we walk, her backpack slaps against her back. She has a funny way of walking, sort of jaunty and excited. She’s got a good figure, with huge breasts that wobble as she walks. She gets the attention of all the guys all the time. Even as we walk now, I see guys checking her out, their gazes focused in like lasers on her rack. What’s different now, compared to a year ago, is that their eyes find me too.

  I’m still getting used to the idea of having guys stare at me. It didn’t used to be like this. Before my body started filling out, I wouldn’t get a single glance, and Jane got all of them. But now it almost feels like while they might see her first, their eyes end up staying on me for a longer time, sometimes an uncomfortably long amount of time.

  I know they’re probably using the memories of me here on the quad for jerk off material later. They’ll be back in their extra long dorm beds, lying on their backs, their pants around their ankles, stroking their hard cocks as they think about that hot girl that they saw on campus with the super hot ass and that crazy rack. They’d imagine what I look like naked and what it would be like if I was riding them, my long hair hanging down and getting into their faces as they lift their hips to thrust their big cocks into me.

  The truth, though, is that no matter how much these thoughts actually excite me... I know, it’s kind of weird, like a double fantasy or something, me imagining them imagining me. But the truth is that I just didn’t have time this year. I was studying my ass off in the library all day and all night when everyone else in my class was out partying and getting laid.

  I’m here on a scholarship. My parents don’t have the money to pay the expensive $35,000 out of state tuition, unlike most of the kids here. Either that, or they get the in-state discounted rate.

  I accelerated all through high school, and got a near perfect score on my SATs. I never had a boyfriend until college, and I was devastated when we broke up. I don’t know if it was his fault or my fault. A year later, I’m finally starting to come to terms with it.

  “Hello?” says Jane, waving her hand in front of my face. “Earth to Jane. Are you still with us?”

  “Just thinking,” I say.

  “Well come on, we’re going to be late for math.”

  I suddenly realize that I’ve been standing outside the math building entrance as the students stream by me. The air is full of chatter and the smell of a lot of people in one place.

  The air is jumpy and perfect, that spring smell that gets to your bones and makes you feel alive. The last thing I want to do is go into a stuffy room with a couple hundred students and listen to the awkward teaching assistant drone on about what’s going to be on the math final. I’m going to ace it no matter what. I’ve simply put in too many hours to fail.

  “Lia!” says Jane, pinching my arm. “Come on!”

  I groan and reluctantly follow her into the building.

  The TA has already started the lecture.

  Jane and I slump quietly into seats in the back of the room.

  He’s talking about what’s on the final. Jane dutifully gets out her notebook and I do too, even though I know I’m not going to take notes.

  Maybe it’s the senior slump or something, but I just can’t get as excited about academics as I have been all four years. Maybe I burned myself out by studying so much this year.

  I need a change. I need something to happen.

  As he drones on and on, I feel myself drifting into something like a daydream. I close my eyes as if I’m dozing off, and I imagine what Shane would look like without his shirt on. It’s not hard to imagine, since his shirt was so tight I could almost see every little divots between his huge muscles.

  I bet his cock is huge. That’s what word on campus is, anyway.

  I can feel myself getting wet and hot beneath my panties. I so want to slide my hand underneath the elastic band of my panties and go to town on myself. But I can’t do that here.

  I remember last year a girl in my stats class actually got caught doing that. Everyone laughed at her so much and the word spread like wildfire on campus. Eventually she had to transfer to another school.

  Finally, after an hour and a half of good solid droning, none of which I pay the slightest attention to, class is over. I’m going to ace the final after all, despite not paying attention. There’s simply no way I won’t.

  “You want to grab lunch?” says Jane, gathering her things together.

  “You know,” I say. “I think I forgot something in the room. I’ve got to get my, uh, physics textbook.”

  “Don’t you have that thing memorized by now?” says Jane. “I guess I’ll be eating by myself then.”

  “Sorry,” I say, flashing her an apologetic smile, before rushing off, trying to beat the herd of students exiting the lecture hall.

  I have a clear plan in mind, and it doesn’t involve going back to the dorm room to get my physics book. I don’t even plan to go to Physics, if I can help it. No, I’m going to head back to the dorm room, lock the door behind me, fish my vibrator out from its hiding place, and have myself a nice little session, while closing my eyes and thinking about Shane and all the pleasure he’s going to give me with that rock hard solid body of his.

  I’m rushing through the students, practically beating my way through the crowds. Then, I run smack into someone. I’ve got my head down and haven’t been looking where I’m going.

  “Sorry,” I mutter, almost falling down.

  Whoever I ran into sure is big.

  I look up.

  It’s none other than Shane, grinning down at me from his six foot plus frame.

  “Hey there, little lady,” he says.



  I’ve always been good at compartmentalizing. You have to be, when you’ve got something like a crazy older brother who just won’t get off the drugs, won’t stop getting arrested, won’t stop calling you asking for money.

  It’s a weird situation. He looks up to me, like I’m the older brother. But all the time growing up, he was the one that I looked up to. When I was younger, I only wanted to be like my brother. I followed him around and wanted to do everything that he did. I wanted to play football because he would play with his buddies in the street.

  I try to push the thoughts of him out of my head as I walk to class. My shoulder is killing me, and I’m also worried about the upcoming draft. Word isn’t out that I’ve hurt my shoulder, and it needs to stay like that if I’m going to get drafted. But I also need to actually get my shoulder working. It’s a sure thing that I’m going to get drafted. I just have to be actually able to play and throw when I arrive for summer training camp.

  I’m not looking where I’m going when Lia runs smack into me.

  “Were you planning this?” I say, helping her steady herself with my arms. “You just couldn’t wait until tonight, am I right?”

  “Sorry,” she says, stammering. “No, I was just… I forget my physics in… the class… and I had to go make sure it was… vibrating…”

  She’s completely flushed, blushing like crazy, and it’s impossibly cute.

  I take another hungry look at her. She’s wearing the same clothes she was wearing earlier, and her hair is down. She looks like a sex goddess. I can’t believe I haven’t spotted her on campus before, let alone not bedded her down before. I can hardly think of another senior girl that I haven’t had a crack at.

  “Well that sounds like a tough situation,” I say. “But vibrating physics books aside, you’re still buying me dinner tonight, right?”

  She takes a deep breath, and seems to regain her composure somewhat.

  “I didn’t realize I have to buy,” she says.

  “Well that’s what it means to take me out to dinner,” I say.

  “Isn’t it usually the guy who pays?” she says, her voice full of delightful zing.

  “Not with me,” I say. “You’re lucky to be going out with me.”

��Oh am I?” she says. I can almost taste the sarcasm dripping off each and every word that she pronounces with that impossibly sexy mouth of hers. Her lips are plush and full, perfect for smashing my mouth down onto as our teeth clash and our tongues twirl violently together, perfect for wrapping around my thick, girthy cock.

  “You are,” I say. “And you know it.”

  “You’ve really got it down pat,” she says. “Your way with the ladies.”

  I just smirk at her. She knows full well that I don’t have to have silver words dripping off my tongue to get laid. She wants me and my cock and that’s as clear as day.

  “So where you taking me?” I say.

  “I was thinking the Henderson building.”

  The Henderson Building is known for having the worst cafeteria school food. It’s not exactly a spot for a date.

  I laugh.

  “I like women like you,” I say. “With a bit of spirit.”

  “Oh, I’m a real firecracker, yeah,” she says. “So how about this, if you don’t want me to buy you a meal at Henderson, then come to my dorm room at 8 tonight. I live in Hillson Hall, room 214. Then you can take me to a nice place off campus. I like Greek food and Vietnamese.”

  I laugh.

  “Sure,” I say. “That’s fine. See you tonight.”

  As she walks off, I follow her ass with my eyes. Damn, that’s going to be fun tonight.

  With Lia gone, I fall into the streaming herd of students, the huge student body that makes up this massive state campus.

  I really would have liked to go somewhere else, some small liberal arts college where I could have sunk my nose into good books for four years, really studied the humanities and learned a ton of cool shit.

  No one would know it, but I’ve always been into books. I always read as a kid, mostly since we weren’t allowed to have a TV in the house. My parents are both college professors. Well, they were, but they’re both Emeritus now, basically completely tired. They met because they worked in the same English department.

  But even without them, I know I would have loved books.

  But being a book worm doesn’t exactly jive with being a football player. It’s not the right kind of image, so I learned to keep my interest in books away from all my football friends. I lived the typical football player life in high school—going to keggers, house parties, driving around in some friend’s old pickup, smashing mailboxes for fun. I never got arrested, which was merely thanks to the local cops being huge football fans.

  I’m kind of half-heartedly weaving my way across the quad to my next class.

  My phone rings.

  It’s an unknown number.

  “Shane, man, you standing me up or something?”

  Oh, it’s Johnson. I forgot all about him.

  “No, dude, I’ll be right there. I’m on my way.”

  I’m glad I have a reason to ditch class.

  I head over to the campus bar, where I have to show my ID to get in. This is one of the few campuses in the state that has a bar, and they’re really strict about making sure everyone is at least 21 who even enters the bar.

  Johnson is in a back corner that’s dark and full of shadows.

  Hunched over his beer, he looks somewhat ominous. The shadows play across his face and his expression is unreadable.

  He finally sees me and waves me over.

  The bartender hands me two beers, and I walk over and sit down across from Johnson in a little booth. Here, we’re tucked away from the intensity of the campus. Mostly because most of the students aren’t old enough to come in here or drink legally. The freshman are relegated to drinking cheap vodka from the bottle in their dorm room with the lights off, hoping that their RAs won’t hear them laughing and giggling. Most of the students drink at the frats, whether they’re allowed to or not.

  “Shane,” says Johnson, looking up from his drink. “How’s it going, buddy?”

  I hand him one of my beers, and take a sip from mine. It’s not great, but it’s passable, a local lager that’s cheap enough. Once I get my contract, I won’t ever have to worry about money ever again. But that’s not why I’m doing it. It’s for the football, the game that I can’t seem to shake, the game that follows me everywhere, even into my dreams.

  “Good,” I say.

  His demeanor is different now. Gone is the jovial tone of our first encounter.

  “You thinking about graduation?”

  I shake my head.

  “I’m doing the whole football thing,” I say.

  He nods his head and takes a long drink of the beer I’ve just handed him. He drains nearly half the bottle in a single sip.

  “So what’s it like on Wall Street?” I say. “You must be making a killing.”

  “Something like that,” he says.

  “So you’re here for the young tail?” I say. “I thought you Wall Street guys were just drowning in pussy.”

  He shrugs. “Yeah,” he says, vaguely. “I don’t know, man. It’s not always like it seems. I really just wish I was back in college.”

  “Back in college? Are you crazy? I can’t wait to get out. No more classes. No more bullshit. In high school, you think college is going to be so great. And then after a couple years…”

  Johnson holds up his hand, indicating that he’s heard enough.

  This isn’t the Johnson I remember.

  I study his face. He has lines that I don’t remember. He looks like he’s aged five years in the single year since I’ve seen him. Or maybe it’s the shadows. Who knows.

  It’s weird. Back in the locker room, he was just like his old self. Maybe he’s developed a drinking problem. Maybe he’s become one of those people who gets weirdly depressed when he drinks.

  Johnson gives me a weird look.

  “I wish I was back in college,” he says. “It’s better than you think it is, but it’s hard to realize that until you actually get out.”

  “I don’t believe it for a second,” I say. But I actually do believe it. I can see it in his eyes. It’s true. But just because he’s having a hard time doesn’t mean everyone does. I’m going to be killing it on the field in a year’s time, on a professional team. I’m going to have everything I’ve ever wanted. “I don’t know what’s going on with you, Johnson. Maybe you just broke up with your girlfriend or something. But I know things are going to pick up. I mean, overall, things must have been great for you in New York the past year, right?”

  Johnson pauses before grinning at me. It’s a grin that comes and goes in the span of a second. “Yeah,” he says. “I guess you’re right.”

  I can’t say that the reunion with Johnson in the bar is a happy one, but it’s still good to see him, and it’s even better to have a good excuse to skip class, even if it’s one that the professor isn’t necessarily going to accept.

  I spend the rest of the day back in my dorm room thinking about my date tonight.

  I liked how she had a real mouth on her. She wasn’t taking my bullshit, and I liked that. It means she’s going to be a real thriller in bed. Maybe she’s a complete wild one. My cock is raging hard just considering the possibilities, the countless variations that we could tangle our sweaty bodies into.

  There’s an hour left before the date when I get a call from my brother.

  “Jack?” I say, picking up. “How are you calling me. I thought they had you locked up.”

  “Dad bailed me out,” says Jack. He sounds weary and tired. “I just don’t know what to do, man. I’m lost. I’m strung out.”

  So he’s launching right into it, right into his problems, without a word about me or how I’m doing. I mean, I get it. He just got out of jail. But still…

  “Listen,” says Jack. “I need some money. Otherwise, I’ll never get back on my feet.”

  “Money?” I say. “How much are we talking about?”

  “Just like 10,000.”


  What could he possible need that much money for?

  But I
remember how much I looked up to him. I’d do almost anything for my brother.

  But $10,000 is more than I’ve even got in the bank. A lot more.



  I’m wearing a sundress that reaches down to my mid thigh. It’s somewhat loose, but tight in all the right places. It shows a bit of cleavage, and I’m wearing my best underwear and my best bra, a lacy affair that I’d never normally wear.

  “You look good,” says Jane, looking up from her laptop. She’s undoubtedly just scoping out the social networks for eligible bachelors for herself.

  “You think so?”

  “You look great,” says Jane. “I mean, not that you have worry much about it. He already asked you out. That means he wants you. Don’t you know the rumors? He doesn’t simply ask out any girl. Usually they actually just go to him.”

  “I’ve heard all the rumors,” I say. “And they’re right in more than one way.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s can be kind of a jerk.”

  “Well I’m sure you know how to put him in his place when he pulls stuff like that.”

  “Don’t worry,” I say. “I mean, at first he wanted me to buy him dinner. That was the actual invitation.”

  “Wow, he really thinks a lot of himself.”

  “I guess he has every reason to do so,” I say. “I mean it’s other people who have let him act like that. It’d be hard not to get a big head when you’re literally the star of the campus. I’ve seen his face on posters all over everywhere.”

  “You’d better get going,” says Jane. “You don’t want to miss the big date.”

  “What time is it?”

  “You’ve got five minutes.”

  There’s a knock on the door.

  “Shit,” I whisper. “I think that’s him.”


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