Forbidden Love Series (SubmissiveRomance) Complete Collection

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Forbidden Love Series (SubmissiveRomance) Complete Collection Page 5

by Jordan, Lucia

  “I said go.” He faced her. “I’m no longer capable of training you. So, it’s best if you just leave right now.”

  “Oh God!” she sobbed and clutched her hand over her chest. No. This could not be happening. It just couldn’t. But sure enough, Dean gathered her coat and handed it to her. She swallowed the sob that threatened to erupt. Part of her wanted to drop to her knees and beg him not to do this, but she knew that wouldn’t do any good. So, she took her coat and slipped it on. “I really am sorry, Dean.”

  “Me too.” Then he walked further into the room and sat on the leather couch in the corner.

  Olivia wiped her tears, straightened her shoulders, and walked out of the room and the club with her head held high. As she passed the bar, she noticed Master Steve eyeing her. That man made her skin crawl. Even though Dean was no longer her Master, she still wouldn’t dream of letting Steve anywhere near her. Hell, she had no intentions of coming anywhere near this club ever again. This part of her life was over.


  When Olivia left the room, Dean turned and looked at her retreating back. Tears pooled in his eyes. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted to cry over a woman, but Olivia had cut him deep. Dean had truly believed that she was different, that she wasn’t like other women, and that she was genuinely interested in him and this lifestyle. But no. She’d only been using him so she could write an article for her job. Letting her go had been hard. But it had been even harder to hear the truth. When he’d overheard her talking to that man, he’d desperately wanted to believe he’d heard wrong, that because he’d come in during the middle of the conversation that he’d taken it out of context. Unfortunately, he hadn’t.

  Olivia had lied to him. She’d used him in one of the worst ways possible.

  And that damn article! What would she say in it? Would she portray the lifestyle favorably or would she misrepresent it like so many others? Was she going to use his name? He stood and paced. How was all of this going to affect his reputation here at the club? And as a Dom? He’d forever be known as the Dom who got played by his sub.

  He needed a drink. Dean left his dungeon room and went back out to the main room. He sat at the end of the bar in the corner and ordered a double shot of top shelf whiskey. “Keep it full,” he said to the bartender. And then he proceeded to get drunk. He had no intentions of going home. He’d just pass out in his dungeon room where the pillows and blankets still smelled like Olivia.


  At six o’clock a.m., Olivia’s alarm went off. She was already awake. In fact, she’d barely slept since Dean kicked her out of his life. She’d spent all weekend locked up in her apartment, binging on ice cream, watching romantic comedies, and crying until her eyes hurt. It was her standard operating procedure after a breakup, and normally after a weekend of intense grieving, she’d be good enough to face the world. But not this time.

  Every single time she closed her eyes, she saw Dean’s face. In the middle of the night when everything was dead silent, she could hear his voice and feel his hands on her. It was pure torture. She missed him so much it hurt to function. When they were together, she hadn’t realized it, but now that he’d been torn from her life, she knew just how much she cared for him. It was crazy, but she was in love with Dean.

  Olivia forced herself out of bed even though she had no intentions of going to work. Grabbing her cell phone, she dialed Tracy. As always, Tracy was wide awake and chipper. Olivia often wondered if that woman ever stopped working. “Hi, Tracy. Sorry to call you so early, but I need to take the week off.”

  “What? Why on earth would you need an entire week off? Do I need to remind you that you have an article due next week? Or should I just have Brandon write it? Damn it, I knew I should’ve just—”

  “Tracy!” Olivia interrupted her tirade. “I’m well aware of my deadline, and no, you don’t need Brandon to write the story. In fact, this story is the reason I need the week off.” Lying to Tracy never paid off, but Olivia knew she couldn’t tell Tracy the truth this time, so she would just bend the truth a little.

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’ve managed to get invited to a week-long submissive training course. In order to keep up the façade I’ve created, I need to be there the entire week.” When Tracy remained silent, Olivia continued. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it? An in-depth insider’s perspective on this lifestyle? Well, you’re not going to get any more in-depth than this.”

  “This had better be the best thing you’ve ever written in your entire life or you’re fired!” Then Tracy abruptly hung up.

  Olivia threw her phone across the floor with an aggravated scream. That was just wonderful. Not only had she been dumped, but now her job was on the line. How was she supposed to write this article when all she could focus on was the pain and the heart ache? Then an idea struck her.

  She raced into the living room and grabbed her laptop. Carrying it into the kitchen, she set it on the table and prepared herself a cup of coffee with a few extra sugars. After no sleep all weekend, she was going to need the caffeine to give her the boost to finish this article. She knew if she didn’t write it now, it wouldn’t have the emotional punch that she was hoping to achieve. Once she had her coffee, she tucked her laptop under her arm and retreated back to her bedroom. She had an article to write.


  It had been almost two weeks since Dean released Olivia. He missed her like crazy and had even thought about calling her a few times. But each time he’d pick up the phone, he’d hang up before he finished dialing her number. There was just no way he could forgive her for what she’d done. Being a Dom and living this lifestyle – it’s who he was and he couldn’t change that. He’d been very clear in his expectations of her. Why couldn’t she just follow the rules? Then they’d still be together. She’d be wearing his collar and he’d be spending every night pleasuring her.

  Instead, he was jogging alone, in the drizzling rain, hoping that the pain in his chest would subside just a little, just enough so he could take a deep breath without it hurting. He’d gone to the club every single night on the slight possibility that Olivia might be there looking for him. She wasn’t. She hadn’t tried to call either. Of course he had told her to go, to get out of his life. Could he really blame her for not calling?

  Dean slowed to a walk as he came into town. Old man Gary was on the corner with his little newsstand and concessions. Dean stopped and bought a bottle of water, which he took a long drink of. “How’s it going today, Gary?”

  “Could be better and could be worse.” Gary laughed. “Why are you out in the rain?”

  “I needed to work off some excess energy.” More like pain, anger, and sexual frustration. To him all those emotions were just blending together to make him a miserable fucker. “Thanks for the water. Have a good day.” Dean waved and turned to jog away when something caught his eye.

  It was Women’s Life and World Magazine. He’d never paid attention to that specific magazine before, but today, Olivia’s beautiful face was on the cover with a headline that read: How My Master Changed My Life, a submissives story. Dean plucked it from the rack and flipped it open until he came to the article. Then he stood there and read it.

  To most, BDSM is a freakish lifestyle, one that revolves around kinky sexual acts, multiple partners, and disrespect to women. Well, I’m here to tell you that most people are wrong. Recently, I had the pleasure of becoming a submissive to a wonderful, caring, and considerate Master. Even though our time together was brief, he opened my eyes to a whole new world, a world that is built on trust, communication, mutual respect, and most importantly, love. For the short time that I was with my Master, I felt more secure and loved than I’d ever felt in my entire life. This is my story, from the humble beginning to the bittersweet ending.

  It was a Friday night and I was sent to Allegiant, a BDSM club on the outskirts of town…

  The article continued for a full three pages, but Dean didn’t need
to read anymore. He knew how it would end. And he was determined to re-write the ending to better suit him. He pulled a bill from his pocket, handed it to Gary, and then ran home as fast as he could with the magazine clutched firmly in his hands.


  Olivia fumbled to get her ringing cell phone from her purse. It was Tracy. Great, what did she want? “Hello?”

  “Thanks to your article, the magazine is selling at a new record pace. It’s been on shelves less than twelve hours and we’ve already sold over a million copies! You’re brilliant, Olivia, simply brilliant! I want to do another feature. This time from a Dom’s perspective. So, I want you to call your Master and—”

  “No,” Olivia interrupted. “I’m sorry, Tracy, but I can’t do that.” She wasn’t about to tell her why, so she said, “For personal and professional reasons, he wants to stay anonymous.”

  “I don’t care. If he doesn’t want to do it, then find another one who will. Surely your Master has other Master friends, right?” Tracy laughed at her own joke. Olivia didn’t find it funny.

  “Get Brandon to do it.” Then Olivia hung up. Because of Tracy and because of this stupid job, Olivia’s life had been turned upside down. There was no way Tracy or this magazine was going to get any more of Olivia’s time or her life. She didn’t care if she got fired over it. Tracy needed to realize that she couldn’t mess with people’s lives just so she could sell a few million magazines.

  Frustrated, Olivia decided to go to the gym and renew her membership. She needed something to help pass the time. She grabbed her purse, flung the strap over her shoulder, opened the front door, and then stopped cold.

  “Hello, Olivia.”

  “Dean?” As much as she didn’t want to be, she knew she had to be dreaming. She blinked her eyes several times. He was still right there, standing in her doorway. “What’re you doing here?”

  “I saw your article.” He held up the magazine. “I was hoping we could talk for a minute.”

  She sighed. “I was very careful to keep your identity a secret and everything I said was the truth. I didn’t take any creative license with this article. Even the description of the club is accurate.”

  He smiled and a little piece of her came back to life. How she’d missed seeing that smile. “Yes, I know. It’s not the facts of the article I want to talk about.”

  “It’s not?”


  “Then what do you want to talk about?” She was expecting him to just disappear at any moment, that she would wake up and realize this really was all a dream.

  “What you said in here,” he held up the magazine again, “about your experiences with me and how you felt…did you mean it?”

  Her jaw dropped. Had he really come here to ask if she meant what she’d written? She searched her mind for some of the things she’d put in that article. More secure and loved than I’d ever felt before…My Master opened my eyes to what a real relationship is supposed to feel like…He made me feel things I didn’t know I could feel…Through his lessons and whispered words, I discovered who I truly was. Olivia cleared her throat. “Yes, I meant them.”

  “That’s all I needed to hear.” Dean pushed his way into her apartment. He kicked the door closed behind him, and then took her face into his hands. His mouth slanted over hers and he kissed her.

  Olivia’s eyes fluttered closed. If this was just another dream, then so be it, but for right now, she needed this. She needed to feel his lips on hers, his tongue exploring her mouth, his strong arms wrapping around her and holding her tightly to his body. Moaning softly, she leaned into his embrace, wanting to stay there forever.

  He pulled away and she groaned in protest. “I’m sorry, Olivia,” he whispered.

  Her eyes snapped open. “What?” Why on earth was he apologizing to her? He hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “That night when I found out about the article, I overreacted. I’m so sorry for that. It’s just,” he sighed, “as a Dom, I’m not used to people disobeying me. And I’m really not used to anyone lying to me, especially one of my subs. I didn’t know how to handle it.”

  “I never should’ve lied to you, Dean. You have no idea how sorry I am or how much I regret it.”

  “Shh.” He silenced her with a toe curling kiss that left her gasping for breath. She expected him to pull away again, to leave her wanting more, but he didn’t. In fact, he grabbed her ass with both of his hands and lifted her. Olivia wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. “I’ve missed you, Olivia.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I’ve missed you, too,” she whispered, taking his lips in a hard kiss. She prayed that this was really happening, that after these past few weeks Dean had truly forgiven her. She wanted that more than anything.

  Dean carried her into the living room and sat on the couch, bringing her down on his lap. “I need you, Olivia.” He yanked her shirt off over her head, and then unhooked her bra. “I need you so bad.”

  Her heart raced and her mind buzzed with his words. He needed her. She needed him, too, and wouldn’t deny him no matter what. She reached for his shirt and unbuttoned it until his glorious chest was exposed. Her fingers trembled as she ran them across his pecs and down his chest. It wasn’t until she reached his jeans that she realized he wasn’t taking control like she was used to. In fact, he was sitting back and letting her take charge. She wasn’t used to it and found it strange. Hesitating, she looked into his eyes.

  “Don’t stop,” he said, rubbing his hands up and down her back, eliciting a shudder from her.

  Still, she hesitated, unsure of what was acceptable and expected. The last thing she wanted to do was upset him and cause him to leave. “Should I present or something?”

  He chuckled softly. “No, not this time, Olivia. This time, it’s just you and me, man and woman, not Dom and sub. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She nodded.

  “Good.” Dean smiled. “Now, what would you like to do to me?” He heard her breath hitched and his smile grew.

  “I want to feel you inside of me.” Her hands were working at his zipper, tugging it down.

  His cock jerked at her words. He wasn’t used to hearing her talk like that and he was more than happy to take the credit for it. After all, it was because of him that she’d come out of her shell and explored her sexuality. Dean reached into his pocket, retrieved a condom, and then lifted his ass off the couch just enough to pull his jeans down over his hips. “I think I can help you with that.”

  “Let me,” she said, taking the condom from him. Then she got off his lap and kneeled on the floor in front of him. She tucked the condom wrapper between her teeth, removed his shoes, and then finished taking off his pants. Tearing the foil packet, she looked up at him with a devious smile. She lowered her head and took him into her mouth.

  Dean inhaled sharply and let his head fall back against the couch. “Shit,” he breathed out as Olivia dragged her mouth up his length and back down again. Her mouth was like heaven. He gathered her hair in his hands and held it back so that he could watch her suck his dick. It was such an erotic sight. “Baby,” he lifted his hips and thrust his cock deeper into her mouth, “that feels so damn good.”

  “Mmm hmm.” Releasing him, she placed a kiss on the very tip of his cock before rolling the condom down his length. Then she stood and removed her own pants.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said, reaching for her. He didn’t think it was possible to forget how gorgeous she was, but he had. And now seeing her standing before him, naked and eager, it was almost too much to bear. His balls were so tight, begging for release, his cock throbbed for relief. “Come here.”

  Olivia straddled him once more and slowly slid down on his length, taking all of him inside of her. She arched her back, tilted her head back, and closed her eyes. Dean held her waist as she eased down on him. Feeling her like this again was like a jolt of white hot electricity through his body. She was so warm and inviting and he knew he never wanted to be a
nywhere else. And Lord knows he’d tried. He’d gotten several tempting offers from other subs these past two weeks, and he’d consider them until he got them to his dungeon room, and then he’d send them away. The only woman he wanted was this one. She was the only one who could bring him to life, make him want more than just a sexual relationship, and make his so fucking hard his eyes crossed and he felt like he would spontaneously combust. There was no denying it: Olivia was the only woman for him. Now and forever.

  She took his face into her hands, her fingernails scratching at his cheeks, and she kissed him as she rocked on him. Her moans started quickly and escalated the more she rode him. At this rate, he was going to come at any moment, and he didn’t want to. Not yet. It was way too soon. He needed this to last for as long as possible because he didn’t know if he’d have another chance with her. And to be honest, this was the first time in a very long time that he’d simply been with a woman without all the rules and constraints of the Dom sub relationship.

  Dean curled his fingers around her shoulders and held her down on him. He moaned long and loud. “You feel so much better than I remembered.”

  “So do you,” she murmured, rotating her hips in that way she was so good at. “I need more, Dean. Please.”

  In one fluid movement, he laid her on her back on the couch, put her ankles on his shoulders, and shoved in to her. She screamed, and then moaned so loud it rang in his ears. “Is that better?” He leaned down and kissed her as he thrust into her with a slow and steady rhythm. Each time he pushed into her, his balls would slap against her ass, causing both of them to gasp and moan with pleasure.

  “Yes, Dean, yes,” she cried, clutching at his biceps, pulling him closer and closer to her.

  “Olivia, baby,” he nipped at her bottom lip, “you’re so wet. It makes me so hard to feel you like this.” No matter how hard he fucked her or how deep he buried himself in her, it wasn’t enough. He needed more. He needed their bodies to become one, to forever be just like they were right now. He ached to feel her without the barrier of a condom, to be closer to her than he had been with any other woman.


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