Timeless Mist

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Timeless Mist Page 25

by Terisa Wilcox

  Sorcha nodded her consent and smiled at them. "Go on wi' the both of ye. I can handle things here for a wee while." She shook her finger at Iain before they left, "just ye make sure ye ha'e her back in time so she might ha'e a bath and dress for this evenings meal."

  Iain bowed to his màthair again, "I assure ye, she will return in plenty of time." He took Kris' hand in his, leading towards the large double doors.

  "Where are we going?"

  "I thought ye might wish to take a break."

  "I suppose it would be nice. It was getting awfully hot in there."

  "So a walk would suit ye then?"

  Kris nodded with enthusiasm. "Where are we walking to?"

  "There is a small rise over there," he pointed towards the left side of the keep where Kris could just make out a small door in the wall. "We shall be able to see the lake and mountains from there. 'Tis a clear day, so mayhaps we will be able to see as far west as the Glen Coe hills."

  "We're on the eastern end of the loch, aren't we?"

  "Aye, we are that."

  They walked on in silence for a long while when Iain stopped her just before they came out of a copse of trees.

  "Do ye trust me Kristianna?"

  Kris looked up, her eyes meeting his. He searched her gaze as their eyes locked. She nodded.

  "Good. I wish ye to close your eyes. Doonae worry, I willnae let ye stumble or fall. We are close to our destination and I wish it to be a surprise." He gestured to just beyond the trees, "the rest of the way from here is fairly flat and treeless, so ye needn't be concerned about walking into anything."

  Kris searched his gaze and after several moments nodded and closed her eyes. Iain took hold of her hand with one of his and put the other about her waist. Kris shuddered at the intimate contact, but did not open her eyes.

  "I should tell you something, Iain."


  "If this is very high up, do not even think of letting me go."

  "Are ye afeared of heights then?"


  "I willnae let ye go." He said, surprised at how he actually meant those words. "Just a few more steps, lass."

  After a few minutes, Iain spoke again, "now, lass, open your eyes."

  Kris opened her eyes slowly and gasped. They stood very high up indeed, but the view was like nothing she'd ever seen before. Stretched out below her, she could see the loch for miles. She could just make out the hills in the distance.

  "Those are the Glen Coe hills?"

  Iain nodded, but said nothing, only continued to watch her with great interest.

  "What are you staring at me like that for?"

  "Och, I dinnae mean to make ye uncomfortable. I only wished to watch your expressions. Ye ha'e a verra animated face, lass. Your emotions and what ye are feeling plain to see in your eyes and expression."

  Kris blushed and dropped her face a bit. As she did, she got a glimpse of how high up the actually were and wrapped her arms around Iain in a tight grip.

  Iain laughed and pulled her closer. "I willnae let ye fall." He assured her.

  "I know, I just feel better if I hold on."

  "Far be it for me to stop such a lovely lass from holding on." He grinned impishly at her when her head shot up. "Ye must remind me to bring ye here more often if this is the response I shall get."

  Kris blushed again, "if I wasn't so terrified, I'd slug you."


  "Deck, smack, hit."

  Iain laughed again. "Ye just hold onto me and enjoy the view, lassie."

  Kris sighed and did as he suggested. After a few moments, her neck began to ache from trying to hold it so far away from him. She gave up and finally let it rest against his chest.

  Iain grinned and congratulated himself on having this idea. He hadn't realized that she was afraid of heights, nor that it would get her in his arms, but he was heartily glad it did. He dropped a kiss on her hair as they stood locked in an embrace, watching the setting sun.

  He had decided that he wished to make more of this handfasting than Kristianna expected. Somehow, he would convince her to stay with him at the end of the year. He desired her, and cared enough for her that it would be a good match and a perfect solution to both their problems. He could show her some tenderness and caring, the same as he did for his màthair or his sister, and it would harm nothing. It wasn't as if he was giving his heart away again.

  Kris was fiery and spirited. She did not back down from him, nor did she appear afraid of him in any way, though he saw in her eyes sometimes that he made her nervous. And she fit very nicely in his arms as well.

  Kris' thoughts whirled as she stood in the circle of Iain's arms. What was he doing? How was she supposed to keep her wits about her and hide how much she cared for him, if he did things like this? She knew she shouldn't fall in love with him. It would be perilous to her heart to let herself do something so profoundly stupid, but she just couldn't help it.

  There was something about him, especially when he was being nice to her and showing his chivalry, that broke through all those defenses she tried to erect. He was so disturbing to her, and her feelings for him were intensifying by the moment, her emotions melting her resolve too not let him affect her.

  When he bent his head and kissed her, her instinctive response was so powerful it nearly overwhelmed her. Her reaction to his kiss was swift and violent, as a delightful shiver of wanting raced through her. She was drowning in a sea of that want and desire she had no command over and wasn't sure she wanted to be in command of at the moment.

  When Iain let her up for air, the smile in his eyes contained such a sensuous flame, it almost set her alight with its intensity.

  Iain watched for her reaction as she looked up at him with dreamy eyes. He exhaled a long sigh of contentment. He had more of an effect on her than she was willing to admit, he decided. His mood became optimistic. He was sure of himself and his place in her universe and her life. His doubts about whether he should woo her or not melted away.

  She cared about him. He could see it in her eyes. In her face, in her gentle smile, she portrayed her feelings. He would say nothing just now. He didn't want to let her know he knew. He would wait, continue to woo her and maybe she would soon admit it to him.

  He wanted nothing to change this. Nothing to interfere with this new discovery. He needed time to think it through some more. To decide how much of himself he was willing to give, if he was ready to give her what she needed in return.

  "We should be getting back, lass."

  Kris nodded somewhat dazedly, but allowed him to turn her around and start back to the keep.

  "Thank you." She whispered.

  "Ye are welcome."

  "For sharing this view with me, I mean."

  He grinned, "I knew what ye meant lass."


  They walked the rest of the way back in companionable silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

  He ushered her through the doors to the Greathall and deposited her in front of his màthair.

  "Here she is, màthair. Delivered to ye safe and sound and ready to be bathed and dressed for tonight."

  Sorcha raised a brow at him then looked at Kris somewhat dazed expression. "I'm nay so sure 'tis sound, but she looks safe enough." She grinned when Kristianna blushed. "Come, lass. We must get ye ready. Elsbeth," she called, "we will need your help to do her hair."

  Sorcha hurried Kris up the stairs and to her room. Neither she, nor Elsbeth said much, just plopped her into a tub of warm water where she'd been scrubbed from head to toe. They then pulled her out, dried her off and dressed her in a soft linen shift before setting her in front of the fire so Elsbeth could work on her hair when it dried.

  Kris could hear them behind her going through the dresses in the wardrobe, bickering good-naturedly over which would be the appropriate gown to wear for this evening, considering the importance of the event.

  Kris ignored them for the moment and thought again about the kisses she'
d shared with Iain. Every one of them drew her closer and closer to him. A warm glow spread through her when she thought about him. Did she even dare to hope that one day he might feel the same way about her? The look on his face after he'd kissed her, the desire she'd read there, made her heart sing and did give her hope.

  Maybe she was foolish, but she couldn't help herself. His very presence gave her joy and she reveled in the memory of the open admiration she saw on his face.


  She looked up at Sorcha, startled out of her reverie. "Yes?"

  "Are ye alright?"

  "I'm fine. Just lost in my own thoughts is all."

  "We must get ye dressed so Elsie can fix your hair."

  Kris nodded and rose so the women could finish with her. She would come to some conclusions later. Right now, she determined, she would just let things happen the way they would happen. There wasn't much she could do about it anyway, seeing her traitorous heart had other ideas about how it felt about Iain.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Iain met Kris as she stepped into the Greathall at the bottom of the stairs. If the look on his face gave any indication, he fully approved of her appearance. Still, she held her breath and waited for him to speak.

  "Kristianna. Ye are simply breathtaking, lass."

  Kris laughed in delight. "I wouldn't go that far, but your màthair and Elsbeth did somehow work a miracle so I at least look presentable."

  "Lass, ye are so much more than a mere presentable." He insisted, "ye are a vision of loveliness."

  "I won't argue the point with you. If you want to see that, who am I to gainsay you."

  He bent and whispered close to her ear, "if the hall were nay so full of people, lass, I would show ye just how desirable I find ye. Someday, I will convince ye of that."

  Kris shivered and let herself hope that he was in really in earnest.

  "If it means anything, you look very fine yourself this evening, my laird."

  "Thank ye. I will accept your compliment, my lady," he said with a grin and a bow.

  She curtseyed to him then let him lead her to her seat. Sorcha joined them on Iain's left as well as Raibert and Elsbeth.

  "Iain is right, lass," Raibert informed Kris as the food began to arrive, "ye are lovely."

  Iain raised a brow at him and growled. Kris looked at him in surprise and was taken aback to see a warning look in his eye as he glared at his captain.

  "Thank you, Raibert."

  "Hmm. Why is it him ye thank and me ye dinnae believe?" Iain asked Kris.

  "I never said I didn't believe you. I'm just not used to compliments."

  "Ye had best develop a fondness for them then as I intend to compliment ye e'ery chance I get."

  Kris resisted the urge to fan herself with her hand at the smoldering look he cast her way.

  "You're being awfully attentive today."

  "And why shouldnae I be? We are to be wed soon, are we not? What kind of unchivalrous oaf do ye think I am?" The twinkle in his eyes belied his gruff tone.

  "Don't get me wrong, I could get used to it." Too used to it, she thought. "I'm just surprised is all." She hoped her voice hadn't come out as wobbly as she felt.

  "Well doonae be. 'Tis about time someone convinced ye what a beautiful, desirable woman ye are Kristianna Armstrong. And I ha'e decided that since we are to be wed, 'tis my duty to see to it."

  Sorcha looked at Kris, one eyebrow raised a bit. Kris knew what her look meant. But she still hadn't worked up the courage to tell Iain the truth, that she was a Campbell. She really should take care of that soon. Probably before the handfasting.

  Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she thought. After all, it wasn't as if she were related to the Campbell's that killed Iain's father. The same ones who had gotten the king to order a proscription against them. And even if she was, it was a very, very distant connection, considering the fact that she belonged four hundred years in the future. Surely, he wouldn't hold that against her. Especially when she explained why she'd told him a falsehood to begin with.

  He couldn't really blame her for being scared out of her wits.

  "What is it, Kris?"


  "Ye looked worried for a moment. Is there anything I could help ye wi'? If ye tell me what concerns ye, I may be able to put those concerns to rest."

  Kris shook her head. "It was just a momentary unease about how your clan will react to the news tonight, that's all."

  "We shall put those fears to rest right now," he said as he took her hand and stood with her. Immediately everyone in the hall stopped talking and looked at their laird. "I ha'e an announcement to make, and I would like ye all to be the first to know."

  That brought chuckles and smiles to the sea of faces.

  "Dinnae look down, lass. Ye are to be wife to the laird. Accept it and stand tall," he whispered low. "I ha'e decided to take a wife."

  Silence followed that as everyone looked at Kris, a few gasping in shock.

  "I realize this may seem sudden to all of ye, but," and here he gazed at Kris with a gentle expression before he turned back to the crowd. "This lass, Kristianna Armstrong, from across the sea in the colonies, has consented to handfast wi' me. The ceremony will take place this coming Saturday. I wish ye all to make her feel welcome to the clan." Then, before Kris knew what he intended, he swooped his head down and caught her mouth with his, searing her lips with a fiery kiss.

  After several minutes of silence, Kris became dimly aware of clapping and applause. When he let her up for air, she almost forgot to breathe. He gave her a wicked grin, as the congratulations and well wishes came at them from all sides.

  "See, I told ye 'twould be fine." Iain said, close to her ear. "Ye had nothing to worry about."

  She smiled at him, tears sparkling in her eyes.

  "Happy, lass?"

  "I am. I didn't think I would be, but I am."

  "Good. Then I am content."

  Kris smiled at him, unsure of what he meant by that. She couldn't help the glimmer of hope she felt that maybe someday he could come to care for her as she cared for him. Please, God, she prayed silently.

  * * *

  "Have you told him yet?" Sorcha asked Kris the day before the ceremony.

  Kris shook her head. "I haven't had time. He's been running around like a chicken with his head cut off all week. We've barely had any time alone," here she looked at Elsbeth with a glare. "so no, I haven't told him yet."

  "Kristianna, ye must tell him."

  "I know, Sorcha. But when would you suggest I do that? You tell me when you think the best time is. If I'm not in here with you, I'm in my room being fitted, or helping with the preparations. Not to mention the fact that Iain has been run ragged this week."

  Sorcha frowned and sat on her bed. "I know it. I just worry that he will be all the more angry the longer ye wait. And if he should somehow discover the truth of it before you tell him…" she didn't finish that thought, just rolled her eyes and clasped her hands together in silent supplication.

  "I realize that, but with the recent rumors running rampant about the Campbell's, can you blame him for being skittish?"

  "No, of course not."

  Iain had gotten word that the Campbell's were planning an attack. So far, nothing had happened and it was mere speculation, but Iain had still felt better doubling the guard and riding out a few times a day just to check on things.

  Between that and trying to prepare everything for the ceremony, there'd been little time for them alone. Not to mention their shadow, Elsie, who'd insisted that "'twasn't proper for a lad and lassie to be alone when they werenae e'en wed yet. There would be no' of that going on afore the handfasting."

  Kris had decided that the best time to get him alone and tell him, was tomorrow, after the ceremony. Tonight, she would do her best to keep all shadows from crossing her heart.

  She rose and took Sorcha's hand, "I promise I will tell him, very soon."

  "I just don't wish to see ei
ther of you hurt."

  Kris kissed her cheek. "I know that, and I understand it, but please, let me do this in my own way and in my own time. I want to be happy and I want Iain to be happy. I don't want anything to ruin our day tomorrow."

  Reluctantly, Sorcha nodded. "I can understand that, lass." She studied Kris for a moment, "you really do care for him, don't you?"

  "Yes, I really do. I can't fight it anymore and I'm really not sure I want too either. Before I tell him the truth about who I am, I would really like to know exactly how he feels about me, if there's any way he can come to care for me. Can you understand that at all?"

  "Aye, I can."

  "Good. Now I need to go get a good night's rest for tomorrow." She smiled and skipped out of the room.

  "Do ye think he will understand, my lady?"

  "I can only pray so, Elsbeth. He will be angry, that's for certain. But will he set aside his anger long enough to listen to reason?"

  Elsbeth shrugged.

  "Aye, your guess is as good as mine." She sighed and rose, taking off her robe and climbing into her bed. "Go get some sleep, Elsie. 'Twill be a very busy day tomorrow and we all need to be at our best."

  Elsbeth nodded and left to go to her own rooms.

  * * *

  Kris awoke the next morning and stretched lazily. She glanced at the window trying to determine what time it might be. Then she remember what today was.

  "Oh." She jumped out of bed with a curse. With so much to do today before the ceremony, there was no time for her to lay around in bed.

  Kris grabbed her robe, ran to her door and swung it open, heading down the hall towards Sorcha's rooms. She almost crashed into Elsbeth in her haste.

  "Slow ye down, lass."

  "Sorry, Elsie. What time is it?"

  "'Tis just past seven, lass. Ye ha'e plenty of time. Come on wi' ye now, back to your room so ye can break your fast. Then ye must bathe and we shall get ye dressed and ready for the handfasting."

  "Whew, I thought I was late getting up."

  "Nay, lass. I wouldnae ha'e let ye oversleep. Would ye like to return to your room or would ye care to break your fast wi' Lady Sorcha?"

  Kris thought for a moment. "I will eat with Sorcha, as long as she doesn't continue to hound me about you know what."


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