A New World: A Vampire's Obsession: Book 3

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A New World: A Vampire's Obsession: Book 3 Page 5

by Stephanie Rylai

  Olivia shook her head, “No, I trust you. It’s okay.”

  Gabriel kept an arm around her, “Do you mind if I feed before we leave?” he asked her.

  “Of course not,” she sighed. Gabriel moved the bags from the bed, setting them down on the floor. Olivia sat at her usual spot on the bed and Gabriel sat behind her. Pulling her shirt off to expose her shoulders, he kissed the length of one of her shoulders before sinking his fangs into her flesh. It hurt for just a moment, but then the pleasure easily replaced it. Her eyes were closed as she let herself enjoy the feeling. Then, just a minute later, he stopped, withdrawing from her neck. Ever since they found out she was pregnant, Gabriel never took much from her. He was overly cautious about taking too much and hurting the babies.

  With her body raging with emotions and hormones, her body was set aflame. She turned to him, kissing him deeply. He kissed her back happily, pulling her towards him and laying her down on the bed. Gabriel quickly removed their clothes, covering her body in kisses in the process. Olivia doubted she would ever tire of his affection. His touch was perfect to her. Gabriel groped at her chest as he laid his body against hers, his lips finding hers again and locking them with hers in a heated kiss. She was lost in the sensations, letting her woes of the day fade into the background. Gabriel was her one and only thought for the time being.

  His hands snaked down to her legs and hooked behind her knees and spread her legs. His lips parted as he pushed into her, a groan releasing from him.

  “Fuck,” he muttered, completely overwhelmed by how good she felt.

  Hormones had caused her body to be fully turned on with just simple touches, so her sex was warm and slick from arousal. Gabriel’s hands held her legs up as he pumped into her. Her hips instinctively rocked back into his. He peeled back from the kiss, covering her neck and shoulder with kisses. Unable to help himself, he sunk his fangs back into her neck, making her moan loudly as he fed from her a little more. Gabriel’s hips thrust into her quickly, wanting her to get as much pleasure as possible while he fed from her.

  After just a minute, though, he withdrew his fangs because he didn’t want to risk taking too much while she was pregnant. When he did, he pulled out from her and rolled her over; Olivia complied with his motions, far too into it to question anything. He positioned himself and then entered her from behind. Olivia couldn’t help but moan loudly, the feeling being far too good. She began to push herself back against him, Gabriel having to bite his lip to keep from calling out. Their movements were quick, passionate, and a little rough—but above all, they were perfect. Gabriel’s left hand remained on her hip to guide her as he thrust into each of her movements. His other hand was in her long hair, pulling on it lightly. She seemed to like it, her breathing becoming labored. Gabriel’s eyes darkened at the realization, beginning to ravish her roughly. He slammed into her, being careful not to hurt her but enough to pleasure her properly.

  A climax quickly built in the pit of her being, burying her face in the pillow as he pushed her over the edge; the walls of her sex clutching to his member. A mighty wave of pleasure crashed over her, the woman finding it hard to catch her breath because of it. Gabriel continued to pound into her until he reached climax as well, releasing deep inside of her. As soon as he withdrew from her, Olivia laid down flat and kept her face in her pillow. Instantly, her eyes drifted closed, and her body began to inch towards a slumber.

  “Liv…” Gabriel whispered in her ear after a few minutes, kissing her cheek softly several times. “Liv, baby, we have to go. You can sleep when we get there, okay?”

  She let out a soft groan but forced herself to sit up. Stretching and letting out a yawn, she stood and dressed. Gabriel dressed as well, then picked up the bags.

  “Wait,” Olivia said, making him raise a brow.

  Olivia moved to her dresser and grabbed a notepad and pen. Her heart dropped as she scribbled some words onto the paper.

  Emily, I’m sorry I don’t have time to explain everything. Something came up and Gabriel has to leave, and I’m going with him. I’ll call you when I can and I’m sorry about this. I promise I will explain everything to you in time. You’re my dearest friend and I hope you don’t hate me. You’ll always be the twins auntie. I will keep in touch. I love you. -Liv.

  Folding the note and placing it on her bed, she turned to Gabriel and nodded. He carried the bags and had her follow as they headed to the door. They tiptoed through the common room, not wanting to risk waking Emily.

  They made their way through the building and down into the parking garage. They walked towards his bike, Olivia smiling weakly, “We’re going to need something a little more family-friendly pretty soon.”

  She had a car when she moved there but had sold it because she didn’t need it and it was wasting her money on insurance fees. She wished then she would have kept it.

  Gabriel chuckled, “Yeah, I’m going to sell the bike when we get to the new town. Not like I’ll be needing this anymore with you and two munchkins to tote around,” he teased, kissing her before strapping the bags onto the back.

  Gabriel got on then, handing her a helmet. “Hold on tight,” he instructed her.

  It wasn’t even needed, Olivia’s arms locking around him like her life depended on it. She had only ridden on the motorcycle a couple of times, and she honestly wasn’t a fan. While she trusted him, she just wasn’t a fan of having to rely on balancing in order to stay alive. She also didn’t feel as safe without the enclosure of a normal vehicle.

  Gabriel took off, easily controlling the two-wheeled machine to travel at a high speed. They headed for the highway, quickly exiting the city. Olivia tried to focus on being with Gabriel and starting their family rather than the bittersweet goodbye of leaving the town.


  Around five in the morning, they arrived at the location. Lots of bikes, trucks, and vans filled the small parking lot. Olivia took off her helmet and looked up to the building. It was an old warehouse of some kind, being really tall and wide. It looked abandoned with busted windows and ivy growing all over it. An uneasy feeling came over her. That’s where they were staying? It didn’t exactly look like an ideal location for nurturing a twin pregnancy.

  Gabriel got off the motorcycle and grabbed her bags, placing one over his shoulder so that he could hold one of her hands. Olivia didn’t say a word, letting him pull her inside. The warehouse was giant. It was open and empty on the inside. His nest was inside, unpacking their things and hanging hammocks between the columns while others toted mattresses into place. Fear ran through her. Were they going to be staying with them like that? Most of them hated her, they were bound to attack her. Especially after what Gabriel had just done recently. Surely some of them were friends or relatives of the vampires that got punished.

  Gabriel pulled her up a metal flight of stairs to the side of the floor. She looked down at the floor of the warehouse as they walked along the metal walkway. Finally, they approached a door at the end of the hall, and he opened it. It had to have been the office of the factory, being large and tucked away from the bustle of the floor. A couple of bookshelves and a desk still remained. Placed against the wall was a large king sized bed, complete with boxspring and frame, with three large bags sat at the foot of it.

  “This is our room,” he told her, placing her bags in the floor. “I know it’s not a lot and probably seems a little weird… but these types of places are the only places we can hold all of our members without a paper trail.”

  Olivia gave a nod, but she was overwhelmed. She knew they didn’t stay in apartments or anything, but she definitely didn’t expect this type of setting. Were they supposed to raise their children in warehouses? It just didn’t seem safe or hygienic… she tried to push back her negative feelings about it, not wanting to pass judgment when she knew he was doing the best he could. Gabriel opened one of his bags and dug through it until he pulled out a large, thick curtain. Walking over to the window, he jerked down the curtain
rod and placed his own curtain up.

  “Sunrise will be in about thirty minutes,” he called to her, “I’ll set up what I can, and then we can get some sleep.”

  Olivia busied herself by getting his blankets and sheets from the bags and making the bed. Gabriel also hung a curtain up in the window that went to the hallway to make sure they had complete privacy from the nest. He wiped down the shelves in the room, cleaning them of the thick dust that had occupied them before stacking some of their clothes on them.

  Olivia gave up after making the bed, being far too exhausted after being up for nearly twenty-four hours. She dug through her own bag, taking out a loose t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Putting them on, Olivia climbed into the bed. She realized then she had never been in his bed; they always used her place to hang out. Gabriel buzzed around the room for a bit longer before finally walking over to the bed. He stripped down to his boxers before climbing into the bed and pulling her close to him.

  The office was drafty, but it didn’t bother her very much. She was used to cuddling with Gabriel, who was ice cold. Olivia laid on her side, Gabriel holding her from behind with his hand flat against her stomach.

  “Thank you for coming with me,” he whispered to her. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “Of course,” she whispered back to him, her eyes extremely heavy and her body quickly shutting down to sleep.

  “I love you,” she managed to get out as she began to doze off.

  “I love you too. More than you know,” he purred to her, kissing her head and letting himself finally relax.


  Over the next couple of weeks, Olivia actually began to learn what it meant to live with the nest. She had to train herself to sleep all day, and as soon as they woke up, the nest would want to head to a bar. They would stay out until the early hours of the morning, drinking and picking out victims. Then they would return to the warehouse, most of them continuing to drink and party until dawn came. They really were party monsters. Olivia wasn’t used to the constant partying and was amazed at the amount of alcohol the nest consumed on a daily basis. Of course, she just stuck with Gabriel and Matilda when they went out.

  Olivia was homesick. She missed Emily and planning for the wedding as well as the birth of her babies with her. There was also the fact she felt completely tied to Gabriel, terrified of being around any of the nest members without him. She had no autonomy at all. He had taken notice of it, and she could tell he felt horrible for pulling her away from her old life and removing her independence. But he knew it was temporary. Once the babies were born and Olivia was converted to a vampire, everything would settle down from there. Despite the emotional toll and the cultural shock, Olivia also knew in time she would adjust and be happy, as long as she had Gabriel.

  The pregnancy was also taking its toll on Olivia. She was constantly going from throwing up the contents of her stomach, to being ravenously hungry. Her stomach seemed to expand rapidly, taking on a very distinct shape. Just glancing at her, you could tell she was pregnant. Many strangers in the bar would come up and ask how far along she was, and they would always joke that she looked like she was five or six months pregnant. Gabriel loved it, not seeming able to keep his hands from her stomach. And by the day of her first doctor’s appointment in their new town, the twins had actually started to move around. It was a crazy sensation, something Olivia couldn’t put into words. A couple of times, Gabriel could actually feel them move around. She loved watching his eyes light up each time he would feel a small kick or flip. It did weird her out a bit that she could already feel them move yet she was only four months pregnant, but Gabriel just ruled it up to his ‘strong genes’—a sentiment that never failed to make her eyes roll.

  The morning of her appointment, she kissed Gabriel goodbye at the door before heading towards their van. He had kept to his word of selling his bike and used the money, along with other funds he had, to buy them a spacious van. It did feel a little dorky to own a van at her age, but she knew they really would need it if they were to be moving around with two babies. She started the van and headed towards town, it being about a twenty-minute drive. It felt strange to drive again for Olivia. Gabriel had made her drive a couple of times before her appointment so that he would have peace of mind when she went. It still made her upset that he couldn’t come along, especially since she couldn’t bring Emily either. But, she was excited to find out the gender of the babies.

  Pulling into the doctor’s office, she parked and got out. She walked into the office, checking herself in and took a seat to wait for her name to be called. The girl was exhausted, having been out all night with the nest and having to stay up even longer to come to the appointment. Her hand absently rubbed her stomach as she looked around.

  Olivia still had moments where she would think over everything that had happened since she first met Gabriel, and couldn’t believe how fast her life had changed. She was pregnant with twins, the father was a vampire, and she was living in a warehouse. Sometimes Olivia found herself wondering if she had made the right move by putting all her trust in Gabriel, wondering if she had just been lovesick and would one day regret it all. But every time she felt the twins, she knew she had made the right decision.

  “Olivia Price,” the nurse called, pulling Olivia from her thoughts.

  She looked to the woman and gave a smile before standing and moving to the back with her. They took her vitals and measurements before taking her to an exam room. Olivia laid on the table and answered all of the questions the nurse fired at her. How far along she was, what her diet was like, if she was sleeping well, etc.

  The nurse recorded everything she said before giving her a smile and saying, “The doctor will be with you in just a minute.”

  She waited patiently, the only thing keeping her from dozing off was the excitement of finding out what the genders were. Eventually, the door opened and a man walked in. Instantly, Olivia deflated a bit. Why would Gabriel of all people set her up with a male doctor? Olivia preferred female doctors, especially when it came to reproductive matters.

  The man gave her a kind smile, “I’m Doctor Callaway, it’s nice to meet you Ms. Price.”

  “Nice to meet you too,” Olivia replied, giving a polite smile.

  The doctor measured her stomach before doing anything else, “My, you’re showing rather well, even for twins. How far along are you?”

  “Four months today,” Olivia informed him as he washed his hands and then pulled the ultrasound over to them.

  “Well congratulations,” he smiled to her, lifting her shirt and putting the jelly on her stomach.

  Olivia watched him, unable to believe how much her stomach had grown in just a months. Exactly a month ago, she hadn’t even been convinced she was showing.

  Doctor Callaway moved the wand around, getting the babies in the frame. “Do we want to find the genders out today?” he asked her.

  “Definitely,” she grinned. “If I don’t I think their daddy will go crazy.”

  Callaway chuckled, “Well we will make sure that doesn’t happen.” He continued to move it around, studying the screen, “Are you sure you’re four months exactly?” he asked, glancing back to her.

  Olivia nodded.

  “Well, I think they might have estimated wrong. You’re measuring to be five months, actually. Maybe even five and a half. Explains how much you’re showing.”

  Olivia’s brow creased. There was no way she was five months, they knew exactly when she got pregnant.

  “But,” he began again, turning the screen towards her, “You’re sons are looking very, very healthy.”

  Olivia’s jaw dropped as the doctor showed her that they were both boys. Two boys… Well her guess had been completely wrong, having thought it would be two girls. Gabriel had hoped for a boy and a girl, but would of course be happy with any outcome. The doctor took their measurements and assured her that her first doctor had been wrong and that she was actually five a
nd a half months pregnant, but she just didn’t understand how that was even possible. She kept her thoughts to herself, though, letting him print the scans for her before leaving.

  When she returned to their room, she found Gabriel at the desk. He had his laptop out and a few ancient looking vases sitting next to him. The man glanced up from the computer when Olivia turned on the light to the room.

  “I don’t know how you sit in the dark like that,” she teased him as she walked over.

  He pulled her down into his lap, one hand rubbing over her stomach as his other continued to click through the web page. It was interesting to see how the nest got their money. Most of them ran credit card scams, signing up for accounts under false names and using them until they were tapped out. Gabriel and Ezekiel, being the two oldest vampires of the nest, had spent their lives collecting random items. From how they were considered ancient, they were worth a lot of money. Even the smallest items sold for thousands of dollars.

  Once he finished his auction, he turned to her, grinning at her, “How did the appointment go? Do we finally know what they are?”

  “It went fine, though my doctor is a man,” she grumbled, still not entirely comfortable with the fact.

  “But,” she turned and plucked an envelope from her bag, “We definitely have an answer now.”

  Gabriel took the envelope and shuffled through them until he got to the one where they were both in view. Typed next to each of them was ‘it is a boy!’ with an arrow pointing to their sexes.

  “Two boys?” he asked, looking up at her for confirmation.

  “Yup. Two sons,” she smiled at him. Gabriel studied the images with a gleam in his eyes.

  He looked up to her then and gave her a big kiss before leaning down and kissing her stomach several times.


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