West End Wonder: A Hero Club Novel

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West End Wonder: A Hero Club Novel Page 2

by Sheri Lynn

  Renee leaned over Sophia’s shoulder and approved, “Awesome. You are up on the hill too. Maybe we are close to each other. Maybe even right next door.”

  Taking the keys and phone, Sophia thanked the woman. The nervous nelly turned and split before she even started to express her appreciation. And she did appreciate it. She could leave, shower, and unwind.

  Shoving the items inside her oversized Coach bag, Sophia circled to say her good-byes to Renee for the evening. Renee and hyper brunette were downing more shots and laughing. Standing patiently, she waited until they noticed her. She certainly wouldn’t return to her seat on the barstool. That would imply she meant to stay.

  Picking up a tiny plastic cup still containing liquid, Renee handed it to her. “Sit down and drink this. I ordered it for you.”

  The alcohol she consumed thus far affected her. Her ankles softened and her legs swayed in her four-inch heels. “I really can’t. It’s been a long day for me. I had a last-minute meeting this morning prior to catching my flight. I’ve had more than I should already. And--,”

  Poking out her bottom lip and sulking, Renee whined, “Come on. We have so much to catch up on.” Gripping Sophia’s elbow, Renee hauled her onto the stool. “Don’t you remember all the promises we made to each other our last year of college? I will admit we kept them the first couple of years. Please. Please, sit with me for a bit. Stuart should be down shortly. You have to meet him.”

  A hot bath sounded so perfect to her at that moment. A long, hot soak. But she already had a buzz. Her defenses were down. Catching up and having a little girl time could be good for her. When had she last done it?

  Chapter 2

  Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning


  ‘Slo-phia.’ Sophia. Trevor did not expect to see her. According to Renee, she doubted Sophia would come. She even chose an extra bridesmaid for that exact reason. But she came. And he recognized her and sensed it before he sprinted to the bar earlier.

  No hot-blooded male could ever ignore or forget the massive amount of auburn hair she had. She still wore it long. Down her back. But she obviously went to some high-end salon and kept a fashionable cut and style.

  From what he could see from the waist up from over the bar, she hadn’t lost, probably accentuated a spectacular body. Her demeanor changed though. She did become the hoity-toity type he always envisioned. If she lifted her nose any higher in the air, she might destabilize her equilibrium and risk toppling on her ass. Her ass. He wondered if she retained the perfect, generous ass he used to love to smack and squeeze.

  Her shoulders appeared narrower. Her sleeveless, silk blouse concealed her tits. Why was he recalling and imagining her body? She became a real bitch their last year together. Especially about sex. She would blame him for taking advantage of her feelings for him by having sex with her. Hell, he loved her. But she knew all along during their four years together what his plans were. Yet, over the senior year she expected him to abandon his dreams and goals because they were graduating and a couple.

  They never fought about much. Except that. And she would tell him they couldn’t be together and to leave her alone. Then she would text him to come over. They would have great sex. Only to wind up in the same argument and inevitable outcome.

  He hoped all her aspirations came true. What harm could come from sharing a few drinks with her and hearing about her life over the last decade? He harbored no ill will toward her. They wanted different things. They shared a memorable time of their lives together. He couldn’t and didn’t forget it. He would never minimize it.

  The music got louder at the tiki bar. He figured the evening crowd gathered and good times were abounding. Removing and rinsing his wetsuit, he hung it up and slipped on his t-shirt and shoes. Heading back to the bar, it shocked him how many people had congregated. People were dancing in the sand. Some were holding shoulders and singing. Usually he didn’t stay around and hang out with the visitors and tourists, but tonight he would make an exception. He and Sophia would run into each other over the course of the next few days. Better they quash any awkwardness and enjoy themselves.

  He scanned the barstool and section of the bar he saw her in earlier. He didn’t see her. It disappointed him. More than he expected. Bypassing the wood planks leading to the tiki platform, he continued through the sand to head out. The realization that he had no desire to stay if she weren’t there annoyed him. True, he didn’t usually stay, but he knew some of the others present and he still didn’t wish to socialize. Because of her.

  A cluster of dancing females jumped and waved their arms to his left. He sidestepped them and held to the outskirts of the partygoers. He caught a glimpse of auburn hair flapping and swinging with the beat of the song. Sophia hopped from foot to foot in the center. She had her head back and her eyes were closed. Her hands circled in the air high above her head. This image he could stare at and appreciate all day and night. Her forehead glistened in a sheen of sweat. The damp hair at her temples stuck to her skin. And she unbuttoned her blouse down below her bra revealing two glorious mounds above soft pink lace.

  Okay. He decided. Nothing could get him to leave now. He would return to the bar, get a beer, and enjoy the sumptuous scenery.

  Yes. He would. But his legs weren’t leaving that particular spot. He couldn’t stop gawking at her. Admiring her. This couldn’t possibly be the same woman as the tight ass Sophia he greeted ninety minutes ago. For that matter, the judgmental, condescending one she became their last year together.

  Ideas of all the things he would do with the one in front of him swarmed his mind. He couldn’t deny that even when they were at the worst, the sex never disappointed. Damn, they had some amazing sex.

  He would not have sex with her. Nope. It would create a whole bunch of drama he had no desire to get involved in. Four days. He could restrain his urges for four days. She embodied the definition of a ‘pita.’ Pain in the ass.

  “Well, not only did she show up…she’s hot as hell and doesn’t appear bitter and uptight to me,” Stuart commented coming up beside him.

  No, she didn’t. Damn her. It came easier remembering her as the bitchy shrew who threw the box of his stuff he kept at her place down the stairs. The pretentious nut job who ran after him to the parking lot screaming how he had no ambition and would never amount to anything. Or how he had a degree and needed to utilize it and stop being a dreamy wanderer.

  Yep. Their good might outweigh their bad, but it didn’t tip the scales far enough for him to consider anything but a friendly, casual reunion. No matter how sexy and mesmerizing he found her. Tearing his eyes away from her and to Stuart, he remarked, “I have a gut feeling the Sophia we expected will make an appearance.”

  At least he hoped so. Didn’t he? He prayed she did. For his sake.

  Under any other circumstances Trevor would have believed Sophia intentionally avoided him. But the guys all hung around the bar and the gals bounced from dancing in the sand, to the bar, to the beach. He went into protective mode. Obviously, she drank far too much. He reminded himself he hadn’t been her protector for ten years. More than twice as long as he actually had the privilege.

  She stumbled along with the herd. And she became loud. He couldn’t help but smile. She always became raucous when she indulged in alcohol. Especially in the bedroom.

  Stuart informed him that she did rsvp as herself and one, but he thought she arrived alone. From the first time Trevor met her an instinct to safeguard and assist her emerged. She stood on the steps in front of Griffin Hall. Her big, blue eyes surveyed the building in hesitation and anxiety.

  Being a chivalrous guy, he asked if she needed help. In all honesty, he planned to get her number and sample her luscious curves. They happened to have the same class and sat together. After, they went for a coffee. And they started dating. He ended up with a girlfriend on the first day of college. But once he had a taste of her heavenly offerings—why part with something and someone providing a comple
te package.

  He found her smart. Funny. Witty. Frustrating. Annoying. Alluring. Obstinate. Adorable. She provided a sensible outlook to life. Opposed to his distracted one. She challenged him.

  The bell rang and Miguel announced the golf cart service would end in fifteen minutes. Trevor couldn’t believe he stayed until midnight. Morning would come fast and hard. Most of the patrons had retired for the night. Surveying the area, Miguel still had a good number of customers. He and his family would be pleased with his earnings for the day.

  Leaning toward Stuart, Trevor asked, “Is Sophia staying down here or is she staying up on the hill?”

  Grinning, Stuart swayed closer bumping shoulders with him. “Ha. There’s still a spark in that fire, eh? And you said no amount of lighter fluid could rekindle it,” ribbed Stuart.

  “I’m only curious because it looks as if the ladies are all going in the pool. In their clothes. And Miguel made the final call for rides,” Trevor advised.

  “No. No,” Stuart muttered darting to the pool.

  Assuming the pool fiasco would be the girls’ final escapade of the evening considering their inebriated state, Trevor settled his bill with Miguel. He too drank more than he should have, and he dreaded the drive up and over the ridge to West End back to the shop.

  Watching Stuart stand over the pool flailing his arms and pleading with the ladies had Trevor grinning. Let him and the rest of the significant others handle their drunk partners. Another reason for Trevor to be grateful he could enjoy the show but held no responsibility for the entertainers.

  And he almost made it to the path leading to the dirt driveway. If he could have kept his focus on his destination and not rubbernecking, hoping to glimpse Sophia wet with her blouse and fitted skirt molded to her body. Which he didn’t. She managed to climb the steps out of the pool and slip falling hard on her left hip.

  He knew it hurt. The echoing slap of her side connecting with the pavers made him cringe.

  The chicks all flocked to and over her, but he didn’t see her move or attempt to get up. Damn. He couldn’t leave without knowing she wasn’t badly injured. He should have left. He should have left hours ago. No way could anything good result in him engaging with a drunk Sophia.

  He didn’t hurry in her direction. She had enough people seeing to her. But the closer he got, and she lay as she fell—he got worried.

  Jogging to them, he heard her laughing. He huffed out a breath he unknowingly held.

  Renee noticed him approaching and requested, “Trevor. Will you take Sophia to the carts so she can go to her house? Please. Stuart’s room is down here and I’m crashing with Melody tonight.”

  Before he had an opportunity to wheedle out of it, Sophia slurred an objection. “No. No. No. I don…don’t need anyone’s help. And especially not Trevor the Traitor’s. I do howeva needs my bag.” Rolling from her side to her stomach, Sophia talked into the pavers. “And my shoes.”

  His head bobbed slowly and involuntarily. Trevor the Traitor. He snickered. Of course, she would interpret their terrible breakup as his fault and assign him an immature title.

  “I need to head out. Even without the excessive alcohol she consumed it’s likely it will take Slo-phia until morning to make it to her lodging,” he countered.

  Renee started giggling. “I forgot you called her that. It did take her forever to get ready to go anywhere,” laughed Renee.

  Ungracefully and shakily Sophia declined any offer of assistance and scrambled to her hands and knees and stood. “Are you both quite finished teaming up a…against me? Me. Didn’t the two of you do enough of that in college?” She attempted to slap her hands on her hips but failed miserably. Her right hand struck her rib cage and the left smacked her thigh. She winced.

  She pouted her lips the same cute way she used to. The white skirt she wore, now soaked, became completely transparent. She had a pair of pink lacy panties on that matched the sexy bra fully on display. Either she lost buttons or the weight of being wet parted her entire blouse.

  A couple of guys leaving the bar stopped and made a few lewd comments. Being a frequent visitor at the resort, Trevor knew where to locate a towel. And he retrieved one and tossed it over her shoulders.

  As expected, she wriggled it off. “I don’t ne…need you to shield me from anyone or anyting. Anything,” she assured. She pointed…bounced her finger in front of Renee’s face. “And you should have told me he’d be here.”

  It took a few attempts, but a cross-eyed Renee caught Sophia’s finger and tugged it down out of her face. “It is my wedding.” She paused and enunciated each word she spoke. If he were just a disconnected by-stander the scene would be quite hilarious. But he knew both women and had never seen them as out of control and sloppy drunk as they were. Renee continued, “I can invite whoever I please. And I wanted both of my college besties with me.”

  Stuart cupped his hands over Renee’s shoulders. “Alright. Let’s get you tucked into bed. I hate imagining how you are going to feel tomorrow,” he said guiding her away from the pool.

  Twisting away from Stuart, Renee ran back and hugged Sophia. “I love you so much.”

  Sophia buried her nose in Renee’s neck. “You smell so good.”

  Jolting, Renee squealed, “I know I do. Stuart bought it. I can’t. I can’t remember what--,”

  “Renee. Bed,” reminded Stuart.

  She skipped off and the horde of friends followed. Leaving him and Sophia. Great. He wanted to be pissed. And he would be at all of them for leaving her behind. But Stuart knew he would see that she made it to her room safely. Shit.

  Their eyes met before she looked past him. “You guys up for another round. On me.” She stepped brushing into him as she headed to the ogling dudes who stood fixated on the barely dressed, sexy Sophia.

  Clutching her around the waist, Trevor pulled her into his side. “Oh no you don’t. Time for you to go night-night.”

  She pressed her palm into his chest. It slid and knocked him in the chin. “You can’t tell me what to do. Or what not to do.”

  Pinning her with his fierce and uncompromising gaze. At least he hoped she had sense enough to recognize it. He scolded, “Someone needs to. Are you alone? Do you know where you’re staying?”

  She stilled. Thinking. Searching for a sarcastic remark undoubtedly.

  Why did he bother? But he knew the answer. He missed the way she needed him. Not that she ever admitted it. And she actually never did. But she used to depend on him. Lean on him. And he liked having someone who did.

  She found her thoughts and conveyed them slowly and barely comprehensible. “I haven’t been a…alone all all night. Unlike you. You. You’ve been watching me the en…entire night. I’m over you, Traitor Trevor. Over--.” She went limp and he barely caught her.

  Rotating her and holding her in his right arm, he started taking steps. He glowered at the lingering dudes and they departed.

  “Come on, Sophia. You need to walk with me. You can’t pass out,” he urged. Damn. He needed to find out where to take her. She mentioned a purse. Locating a bench on the pathway between the common areas and the resort entrance, he sat down with her. “I will go find your bag. And you can tell me where you are staying.”

  “Dolphin. I’m sleeping with the dolphins,” she mumbled. Giggling, she added, “Not with the fi..fish. I said dolphins.”

  Great. He knew where to take her. The top of the damn hill. Too far to walk. Especially in her current state. With the time wasted around the pool, he figured they missed the opportunity to get her in a cart. He’d have to take her in his jalopy.

  She started humming. The same song he heard her sing the most out of any song, but she sang them loudly every day during their last six months together. The words ingrained in his head from each of their countless arguments and her chanting them at him as he left her apartment infuriated. Hotel California. Odd. He still hummed it too. Especially when he thought of her.

  Though the cart service stopped at m
idnight, Miguel kept the bar open if he had customers and felt up to it. As Trevor approached, Miguel held up a pair of strappy stilettos and a huge purse. Supplying his customary wide smile, Miguel prompted, “I see you are with ‘Red.’ You taking her home?”

  “Seems I got ensnared with the task.” Trevor took the bag and shoes from Miguel. “You have a good one, man. Morning will come much too early for me.”

  Rounding the arched entry of bougainvillea and onto the pathway where he left Sophia, he still heard her humming. Good. She didn’t pass out. He found her stretched out on her back gazing at the beautiful blooms. Her vibrant hair draped over each side of the narrow bench swung as she rolled her head to the tune.

  “I got your things. Come on. Up and at em,” he insisted.

  She jabbered, “The flowers are dancing…spinning round and round, round and round.”

  Get her in the truck. All he had to do was get her in the truck and in bed. He hoped he could before she started puking.

  The alarm on his phone chimed and he cursed under his breath at its abrupt interruption of a deep sleep.

  “Oh no,” she groaned. “No. No. No. Not again. I didn’t want this. I don’t.” She lurched into a sitting position. She scrubbed her forehead with her palms. “I wouldn’t. I don’t want to have sex with you. I was drunk. How could you,” Sophia accused.

  He had yet to open his eyes and access his surroundings and situation. Hearing Sophia’s unfounded regrets and blames brought him up to speed. He wished it were a nightmare and not reality. She might have failed to notice he still wore his swim trunks. Throwing the sheet back, he jumped off the bed. “Hey. You were the one who drank too much and didn’t even know where you were staying. And you stripped what little amount of remaining clothes you had on as soon as I got the door unlocked for you.”


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