Katrina, The Beginning

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Katrina, The Beginning Page 12

by Elizabeth Loraine


  We made a pact to keep the existence of our gifts to ourselves and to practice whenever we could. Exploring our gifts made us even more confident in our training. Gunter paired Kate and me and we now worked as a dynamic and lethal team, one right-handed, one left-handed. The group worked extensively on targets, using bow and arrow, swords, and daggers. Horseback skills filled our afternoons. We were so dedicated we even hauled a small straw target back to our quarters so we could practice throwing daggers before bed. Or that’s what we told Gunter. What we really wanted to do, of course, was to see if Rosa could throw a dagger using her mind. But that would have to wait, because we were going to dinner at the Ravonavich estate tonight. The girls’ fathers had even delayed leaving, so they could accompany us. We cleaned up and dressed in our finest gowns. We all agreed it felt good to have a fancy dress on again, in place of our training clothes.

  “Well, I have to say, we make a formidable force in training and on the dance floor,” I said, proud of our group.

  “I’d like to see anyone try to match us,” Kate beamed.

  “Ready, ladies?” Thomas inquired.

  Damien had the most beautiful transportation for us. Two black coaches, each harnessed with four white horses were awaiting our arrival. Damien rode with my family in the first coach. Mother looked beautiful, of course, and all our fathers were very handsome, but they were no match for Damien, who tonight, had tied back his hair, showing off his handsome features. We made small talk along the way, and Father and Damien discussed plans for the trip to the Americas this summer. Listening to their enthusiastic conversation made the time pass swiftly and in no time we arrived at our destination. Our Watchers had escorted our traveling party of course, and were right there as we exited the coaches.

  The Ravonavich family was waiting to greet us.

  “You look quite different from how you looked yesterday,” said a young man.

  “Let us make formal introductions,” said Father. “I am Fredrik Van Dracek, and this is my wife, Elizabeth, my daughter Katherine. This young woman is my daughter Katrina, whom some of you have already met. We are in your area visiting the Daminovs. This is Damien Daminov, whom your party also already met.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you all formally. I am Janich Ravonavich; this is my wife, Synthya, and our son, Rikark.”

  Rikark bowed and kissed my hand. Yesterday he had been dressed in a hat and cape, so I hadn’t noticed much about him. He was fair, with even features, and shoulder-length light blond hair. He looked at me with kind eyes, the color of a morning sky; very nice indeed.

  “I like these circumstances, rather than those of our first meeting, Katrina, but I’m very thankful you and Damien chose yesterday’s.”

  “Glad we could help, Rikark,” I said graciously.

  Rikark’s parents were very congenial, and they also introduced his son’s thankful escorts and their families, who also couldn’t stop thanking us. Damien was his usual charming self, and the dinner was lovely. I couldn’t help thinking how much all of us are more alike than we are different. We may look different, or believe in different ways, but in the end we just want the same things: to live free, have families and be safe, healthy, and happy. We must not be afraid to fight for these values.

  The evening wound down and soon we were headed back to our coaches.

  “We have a token of appreciation for each of you,” Lord Ravonavich announced.

  He took two boxes from a page and presented one to me and the other to Damien. We looked at each other and opened the boxes. Inside were beautiful daggers, the handles encrusted with jewels. Everyone gasped at the beauty of these gifts.

  “It’s a very beautiful gift my Lord, but it is not necessary. One should never expect payment for doing the right thing,” I was awed by the dagger’s beauty.

  “That, my dear, is a noble thought, but my son is priceless to his mother and me, so please accept this gift as just that - a token of gratitude from very grateful parents.”

  “In that case, I thank you, not only for this wonderful gift, but for your gracious hospitality.”

  With that, we said goodnight and were on our way back to the palace.

  “What an eloquent young lady you have raised, Fredrik,” Mother said, patting Father’s arm and smiling at me.

  “Indeed, Elizabeth, she surprises me every day, it seems,” his voice was full of pride.

  “Now we’re all together Father, I think you’re in for double the surprises, right Kate?”

  Kate laughed, “That’s true, Father, and I hope you’re up to it.”

  Damien was very quiet all the way home. I noticed him often watching Mother with such sadness; I vowed to find out what had happened to his mother. We were going home tomorrow afternoon, and I hoped to have time to talk to Mother tonight. I had no idea what the true story might be. He must have felt my eyes studying him, because he turned his head so our eyes could meet.

  “Katrina.” I clearly heard his voice, but his lips hadn’t moved. My eyes widened in surprise, but I didn’t say anything. Maybe I had imagined it. “Katrina,” I heard as clearly as before. “Don’t be alarmed, it’s only my gift. Please meet me for a final ride before you go.”

  Could I use my mind to answer him or would he just be able to talk to mine? “Yes,” I thought, but I received no reply. So I closed my eyes. “YES,” I thought. When I opened my eyes, it was my turn to see surprised eyes looking back at me. Just then the coach stopped, and it was time to gather ourselves and head to our rooms.

  “Well, it’s been a lovely evening; will we see you ladies at breakfast, or are you training again?”

  “We’re going to train in high speed for the first time tomorrow, Mother,” Kate was excited at the prospect.

  “Well, lunch then. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” we all said at the exact same time, and then laughed.

  “I’ll see you in a minute,” I told Kate. “I need to say goodnight to Damien and then speak to Mother.”

  She shot me a questioning look.

  “It’ll be okay, I’ll explain later.”

  “Very well,” she said, walked away, looking back once, before disappearing up the steps. Rosa, Letta, and El were saying goodnight to their fathers.

  Damien was waiting for me. “Forgive me for scaring you earlier,” he said as I approached.

  “More like a shock than a fright. You looked quite surprised yourself.”

  “I’ve never encountered someone who answered me - with their mind, I mean.”

  With our Watchers coming to escort us, and the girls finishing their goodnights, I was running out of time and I still had so many questions.

  “I’ll meet you at sunrise in the stables.”

  “Don’t worry, Katrina. You can speak to me whenever you wish,” and with a parting bow we went our separate ways.

  “Thomas, I need to speak with Mother before I retire.”

  So, with Thomas’s silent companionship, I walked to their quarters. My parents had lingered in the gardens. I hated to disturb them again, but I was still determined to ask her about Damien’s mother.

  “Father, can I steal Mother away from you again, just for a few minutes?”

  “Of course, my dear. Take all the time you need.”

  We walked to a bench, which was nestled between archways covered in jasmine. The scent was intoxicating and it provided a cozy private location.

  “What is it, Katrina?” she took my hands in hers.

  “I have so many questions, Mother, but we’ll have plenty of time for most of them when we get home.” I took a deep breath. “Tonight on the way back, I was watching the way Damien looked at you. There was so much sadness in him, and I vowed I’d try to find out what happened to his mother. Can you tell me anything? Did she go with you and the others?”

  She looked down at our hands as if trying to find the right words.

  “Katrina, while it’s admirable for you to want to ease Damien’s pain, did you
ever stop to think finding the truth and revealing it to him could add to his pain?”

  “No, I never thought that, Mother, perhaps because I was not told what happened to you, and yet here we are tonight, together, happy - and I have a twin sister waiting for me back in my quarters. I guess both Damien and I hoped his mother might also come back and they’d be happy too.”

  “I think you should be careful what you ask for. Listen Katrina, if Damien wants to know more about his mother he should ask his father.”

  “Oh, just as I asked mine, over and over, with no reply other than ‘now’s not the time’?”

  “I’m sorry, Katrina; it was too painful for him.”

  “Because he still loved you so much; we all realize that now, Mother.”

  “Yes,” her face lit up at the thought of him. “And I realized how much I still love him this week. All right, I can tell you as much as I know. It will be up to you to pass the information on to Damien or not.”

  “Damien and Luena’s mothers are sisters. Damien’s mother was the Count’s first wife,” she hesitated before going on, “her sister was his mistress, quite scandalous at the time. They did not come with us in the exodus, because they were banished.”

  “Banished, why?”

  “Because it came to light they’d started rumors pitting clan against clan, created fledglings, and endangered all of us by killing humans to incite fear and hatred. It took your father years to restore the peace. We’ve learned to blend into every part of human society, providing them with no reason to fear us. This is why your father has worked so hard to make sure any uprisings are dealt with quickly and severely. Damien’s father couldn’t bear to enforce the ultimate penalty of death on them, so the two women, Damien’s and Luena’s mothers, were banished with the knowledge they would have no second chance. The ruling was, if they were ever again involved in treachery, they would be killed.”

  “It sounds as if Luena turned out just like her mother. Damien says she’s a truly evil being.”

  “Your father hasn’t been able to prove it, but he thinks she was in contact with her mother and aunt, and they’re probably together now.”

  “So, you think Luena resented her father and planned this attempted overthrow and war in part as revenge for her mother’s banishment?”

  “Yes, and it’s also why your father is so insistent the trip to the Americas proceed as soon as possible. If Luena and her kind entrench themselves in America, they will use it as a base to build a force from which to launch attacks against us. None of us will be safe; it would endanger all we have worked so hard for.”

  “Is that why no one is allowed to know the location of your sanctuary? In case we have to hide again?”

  “Absolutely, but it’s also to keep those safe who offered us sanctuary. They risked their very existence to harbor us.”

  “Thank you for trusting me with this information, Mother. I have much to think about.”

  We hugged each other.

  “I’ll see you at lunch. Kiss Father for me.”

  “I will.”

  As we left the garden Quinn was waiting for me. Thomas joined Mother to escort her back to her quarters. We waited until they were out of sight. Quinn smiled and I melted. He opened his arms, and as I put mine around his waist and buried my face in his chest, he closed his arms around me. I could hear his heart pounding, his sweet scent again filling my head, and I wanted to taste him. Why was there never enough time for us to be alone? I looked up and the look on his face said he wanted me too. We kissed urgently this time. I used my lengthened canines to open a tiny cut on his tongue and let blood drip onto mine and trickle down my throat. I knew my vampire saliva would keep the cut open as long as I wanted. We both moaned and pulled each other closer. Then I heard…

  “Katrina, please stop.”

  I broke the kiss with such a start, it made Quinn go for his sword.

  “Did you hear that?”

  “Hear what? What did you hear?” he asked as he whirled around.

  Then out of the corner of my eye, I perceived someone melting into the shadows.

  “Damien,” I said under my breath.

  “I don’t see anything, but let’s get you back to your room. I shouldn’t be that close to you while I’m on duty, but I’m not sorry.”

  I laughed, “You’ve got no complaints from me.”

  Kate was the only one still up when I got back.

  “Okay, tell it. What’s going on?”

  I told her just enough to satisfy her for tonight. This had truly been a memorable evening, I thought as I undressed, brushed out my hair, slipped on a nightgown, and eased between the down-filled bedding. I closed my eyes, slowed my breathing, and called with my mind.

  “Damien, can you hear me?”

  “Yes, it’s amazing.”

  “Nice trick earlier.”

  “It was for your own good. It’s dangerous, Katrina; that’s why it’s forbidden, in case you’ve forgotten.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I was looking for you. I’m a vampire. I can smell blood, remember - not as well as you, but then, who can?”

  “Can you read people’s minds?”

  “No, but sometimes I can put thoughts into a receptive person’s subconscious.”

  “That first night when I saw you and Luena on the stairs, you…”

  “Yes, that’s right.”

  “How far away from each other can we be to communicate this way?”

  “I don’t know. As I said, I’ve never had anyone answer me before. You probably can talk to your sister like this too, since you’re identical twins.”


  “You know what I mean.”

  “Maybe we’ll try it on the way home. Father also mentioned the idea to us earlier, but we really haven’t had a chance to try. Damien, what is Luena’s gift?


  “Damien, are you there?”

  “Yes, I’m here. She can control the weak-minded; get them to do…things.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  I could tell the subject bothered him, so I dropped it.

  “Could you communicate with her?”

  “I never tried. I told her I could only put ideas into receptive minds. By the time I discovered my gift, I was older, and I knew what she was all about. I set out to try to protect myself, and those I cared about. I’m glad to be free of her.”

  “I’ve got to get to sleep; I’m meeting someone very early in the morning.”

  “Whoever it is, is lucky. I’ll say goodnight, then. Sleep well.”


  I did sleep well, but not long. I was up and out just before dawn. Thomas wasn’t on duty yet, so I took a vampire guard with me to the stables. On the way I decided it was time to talk to Father about easing off my Watchers. The increased level of my training and fighting capabilities should call for some middle ground between having a Watcher with me at arm’s length, and having no Watcher at all. My Watcher could be near, but without being overbearing. Hadn’t I proven I could take care of myself?

  Nearing the stables, I saw Damien had saddled the horses once again, and they were standing ready for our ride.

  “Good morning Nulla, Theo.”

  “What about me?” Damien popped out between the two horses.

  “Of course you,” I said with my mind.

  “You’re getting better; you didn’t have to concentrate so hard that time.”

  “I’m a quick study,” I said out loud.

  “Obviously. Would you like to ride Theo this morning?”

  “I’d love to!”

  He helped me onto the much taller stallion, mounted Nulla, and we set off toward the back gate. I scented the air as we exited the grounds; good, nothing out of the ordinary for a change. Theo was a dream to ride, spirited and graceful. His gait was so smooth, riding him was more like flying than riding.

  “How much did your father ever tell you about your mother?” I
probed, as we slowed and walked through the forest.

  “He didn’t tell me anything. In fact, my questions seemed to anger him whenever I brought up the subject.”

  “How about Luena? Did she know anything?” I asked; of course I already knew she did.

  “She blamed Father for our mother’s absence, and her anger turned to hatred. I’d always felt my mother and her sister had gone into hiding with the others, but I don’t know for sure. I don’t suppose your mother mentioned them?”

  “I…I asked her last night if she knew what happened. She could only tell me your mother had not sought sanctuary with them, and cautioned that the truth can sometimes be more painful than not knowing at all. Maybe you should just let it go, Damien.”

  He pulled Nulla to a stop, I brought Theo beside him.

  “I’m tired of others making those decisions for me. Katrina, if you know more, please tell me. Wouldn’t you want to know? I think you’re strong enough, so why wouldn’t you believe the same about me?”

  As I looked at him, he continued to look straight ahead. My heart ached. How could I feel so passionate about two different men?

  When he turned toward me again, and as we stared at each other time ground to a stop. I blocked out everything but Damien; no sound but our breathing penetrated the space between us. I understood now; I had to tell him what I knew.

  As I recounted the story, I saw his jaw tighten. I now waited for his reaction.

  “Damien? Are you all right?” How could he be? This was his mother we were talking about.

  “Thank you for telling me, Katrina. It’s just going to take me some time to absorb the truth. Since I heard your mother and sister had returned, I have been fantasizing about a similar reunion of my own.”

  “This news doesn’t mean they were involved with Luena. There’s no proof of that. Your mother may have changed. For that matter, she could have been coerced by her sister, just as you were.”

  “Do you really believe that?”

  “I don’t know what to believe about her, but I do believe in you, so is it such a stretch to believe in your mother?”

  His fierce look softened as he entertained the thought.

  “I’m so glad you’ve come into my life, Katrina Von Dracek. Remember what I told you that first night?”

  I had to think back.

  “You said I could save you.”

  “And so you have.”

  “Don’t forget, you saved my life too.”

  “The fates, it seems, continue to want our paths to intertwine.”

  He smiled that intoxicating smile of his.

  “We’d better get back. Remember, I’m going home this afternoon.”

  “You would have to bring that up. All right, let’s go.” My mood darkened.

  As we turned the horses, I heard in my mind… “Race you.”

  And we took off, our horses seeming to enjoy the race as much as we did.

  “I let you win,” he laughed afterward as we led the horses back to the barn.

  We handed Nulla and Theo off to a groom. “Give them both a bath and a rub-down, please.” Damien told him.

  “Do you wish them to be left in the breeding pen again this afternoon, my Lord?”

  “What?” I exclaimed, and stopped dead in my tracks.

  Damien grabbed my arm and started to lead me away, but I jerked forcefully away from him.

  “How dare you breed our horses without my permission!”

  “It was supposed to be a surprise next year, but okay, I’m sorry. But don’t tell me you wouldn’t love a foal fathered by Theo.”

  I had to admit he was right, and as I pictured the black colt running alongside Nulla, I sighed.

  “Katrina, admit it,” Damien cajoled.

  “All right, all right, but I would have liked to have been consulted first.”

  “That kind of spoils the surprise, don’t you think?”

  I just shook my head. “You’re hopeless. I’m going to stop at the training grounds, before I change for lunch. I’ll see you later,” I said leaving him. I thought, as I walked rapidly away from him, it would be good for him to wonder if I was still angry. He was handsome and may be desirable, but he was also arrogant.

  The girls were doing their full speed fighting today. I couldn’t believe how far they’d come in just a few days. I think Rosa was right; the fact that we were all together seemed to have enhanced all our skills, as well as our gifts. I couldn’t help feeling there was a reason we had all been all brought together at this time, in this place. There was more at stake than just Luena’s army, and we had to be ready.


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