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Battle Ready (2004)

Page 51

by Tom - Nf - Commanders Clancy

destroys WMD

  and Gulf War

  hypothetical post-Saddam

  Kurds in

  no-fly zone in

  orders U.S. inspectors to leave

  Republican Guard in

  sanctions against

  U-2 flights over

  U.S. goal shift for

  Iraqi Liberation Act

  Iraqi National Congress (INC)

  Iraq War

  Iron Curtain

  Isaias, Afwerki


  Islamic Jihad



  Middle East peace negotiations

  J-3 command center

  Jackson, Bobby, Gunnery Sgt.

  Jamerson, Jim, Maj. Gen.


  Jaskilka, Sam, Maj. Gen.

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jess, Omar, Col.


  Johnston, Bob, Lt. Gen.

  Johnston, Phil

  Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)

  Joint Fires operating procedure

  Joint Task Force (JTF)

  Joint Task Force Kuwait


  Karamat, Jehangir, Gen.


  Karine A takedown



  Kelley., Gen.

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Kevin, Col.



  Khat chewers

  Khe Sanh

  Khobar Towers suicide bombing

  Kim Jong Il

  Kinh, Capt.


  Kit Carson Scouts

  Kittani, Ismat


  Korean War


  Krulak, Chuck, Lt. Gen.

  Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP)


  Kurtzer, Dan


  Lake, Tony

  Lambert, Staff Sgt.

  Laney, Jim

  Larson, Terje

  Latin America





  Legacy of military

  Lehman, John

  LePage, Maurice, Maj. Gen.

  Liaison Office, U.S. (USLO)


  Line of Control

  Loi, Nguyen Dac

  Loncur, Budamir

  Luck, Gary, Gen.

  M-16 rifle

  M-60 machine gun

  MacPherson, Bob, Col.

  Madison, James

  Maneuver Warfare

  Mariam, Mengitsu Haile

  Marine Advisory Unit

  Marine Air Ground Task Force Staff Training Program (MSTP)

  Marine Corps, U.S.

  Beirut barracks bombing

  drug use in


  post-Cold War changes in

  post-Vietnam changes in

  qualities of

  racial tensions in

  rifle company training

  special operations capability

  "Striking Ninth" regiment

  unit cohesion

  Vietnam War legacy

  Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC)

  Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB)

  Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU)

  Marine Expeditionary Unit (SOC)

  Marshall, Andrew

  Marshall, George

  Marshall Plan

  Master Air Attack Plan

  Mauldin, Bill

  Maxwell, Dayton

  Maxwell Air Force Base

  Mazen, Abu

  McCain, John

  McCarthy, Jim, Gen.

  McMaster, H. R., Maj.

  McNamara, Robert

  Medevac helo



  Megawati, Sukarnoputri

  Meles Zenawi

  Mentor relationship

  Metzger, Pete, Lt.

  Middle East

  Middle East peace mission

  round one

  round two

  round three

  Military Assistance, Training, and Advisory course (MATA)

  Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)

  Military for twenty-first century

  Miller, Aaron


  Minority troops

  Mitchell, George


  Mofaz, Shaul

  Moffett, John, Col.


  Mohamed, Ali Mahdi

  Mohood, Malik Haythar

  Moi, Daniel

  Montgomery, Tom, Maj. Gen.

  Moore, Willy, Vice Adm.

  Moral courage

  Moratinos, Miguel

  Morgan, Hersi, Gen.

  Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)

  Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)

  Moshe, Romen, Col.

  Mubarak, Hosni


  Mundy, Carl, Gen.

  Musharraf, Pervez, Gen.

  Myers, Bob, Lt.

  Nabb, Dick, Col.


  National Defense University

  National Guard

  National Security Strategy

  National War College



  reshaping of

  Natural Fire

  Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group (SSG)

  Navy and Marine Corps Medal

  Neal, Butch, Gen.

  Nesbit, Nelgun

  Newbold, Greg, Lt. Gen.

  New World Order

  Nguyen, Hoa Dang, Lt.

  Nha, Maj.

  Nha Be

  Night raids

  No-go decision

  Non-combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO)

  Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)

  Nonlethal capability

  Non-state entities

  North-South competition

  North Vietnamese Army (NVA)


  Oakley, Bob

  "Obligation to Speak the Truth" address


  Ogata, Sadako


  Olds, Sherry, Sgt.

  One-star generals

  Ong Dong Forest

  On-Site Inspection Agency (OSIA)

  Operation Billings

  Operation Desert Crossing (war game)

  Operation Desert Fox

  Operation Desert One

  Operation Desert Shield

  Operation Desert Storm

  Operation Desert Thunder

  Operation Desert Viper

  Operation Infinite Reach

  Operation Iraqi Freedom

  Operation Noble Response

  Operation Northern Watch

  Operation Patriot Defender

  Operation Pershing

  Operation Proven Force

  Operation Provide Comfort

  Operation Provide Hope

  Operation Provide Promise

  Operation Provide Relief

  Operation Resolute Response

  Operation Restore Hope

  Operation Safe Departure

  Operation Sharp Edge

  Operation Steel Box

  Operation United Shield


  Operations Other Than War (OOTW)

  Oriental cultures

  Oslo Agreement

  Pacification programs



  Pakistani Brigade

  Palestinian Authority

  Middle East peace negotiations

  statehood issue

  Papua New Guinea

  Patch Barracks

  Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)

  Peacekeeping operations

  Peay, Binnie, Gen.

  Peres, Shimon

  Perry, William

  Persian Gulf

  Persian Gulf War. See Gulf War



  Physical training (PT)

  Pitsuwan, Surin

  Platoon Leaders Class (PLC)

  Poillion, Jake, Brig. Gen.

  Point defense systems

  Political adviser (POLAD)

  Political expediency

  Pope, Larry

  Potter, Dick, Brig. Gen.

  Powell, Colin

  President, U.S.

  Press briefings

  Private negotiations

  Profitt, Glenn, Brig. Gen.

  Project 100,000

  Psychological ops

  Pyle, Ernie


  Quadrennial Defense Review

  Quantico Basic School

  Quick Reaction Force

  Qui Nhon

  Racial tensions

  Radio Mogadishu

  Rajoub, Jabril

  Ralston, Joe, Gen.

  Redd, Scott, Vice Adm.

  Reduction in Force (RIF)




  Regime change

  Relief agencies

  Republican Guard (Iraq)

  Republic of Korea

  Ricciardone, Frank

  Rice, Condoleezza

  Rice, Susan

  Rifle platoon

  Riot control training


  River Assault Group (RAG)

  Rommel, Erwin

  Ross, Robin, Gen.

  Rotational units

  Rowe, Nick, Col.

  Rules of engagement

  Rung Sat ("Forest of Death")

  Russia. See also Soviet Union conferences with NATO officers

  Saber, Lt. Gen.


  Salamat, Hashim

  Saleh, Ali Abdullah

  Samah, Aboo, Gen.

  Saudi Arabia

  Schlicher, Ron

  Schwarzkopf, Norman, Gen.

  Scud missiles


  Second Intifada

  Secretary of Defense

  Security Assistance

  Security Zone (Iraq)

  Seeds of Peace


  Service Chiefs

  Shaheen, Mohamed, Gen.

  Shalikashvilli, John, Lt. Gen.

  Shantali, Umar

  Shaposhnikov, Marshal

  Sharif, Nawaz

  Sharon, Ariel

  Shebat, Gen.

  Sheehan, Jack, Capt.

  Shelton, Hugh, Gen.

  Shinn, David

  Ship-to-shore movement

  Shoup, David, Gen.

  Silver Team

  Simpson, Dan

  Slawinski, Rocky, Corp.

  Smith, Leighton "Snuffy," Rear Adm.

  Solana, Javier

  Soldier's Medal

  Solomon, Dick




  Operation Restore Hope

  Operation United Shield

  people of

  under UN control

  Soviet Union

  and Africa

  and Cold War

  collapse of

  Spataro, Steve, Lt. Col.

  Special Operations


  developing joint capability in

  Special Operations Command (SOCENT)

  Spiegel, Steven

  Spotter planes

  Staff jobs

  State-against-state wars

  State Department, U.S.

  Stevens, Ted

  Strategic plan

  "Striking Ninth"

  Sultan, Prince Super-Blooper


  Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)

  Sutarto, Gen.

  Tactical ops

  Talabani, Jalal

  Talbot, Strobe


  Tangney, Bill, Col.



  Tenet, George


  Tet Offensive

  Theater Engagement Plans Tank

  3rd Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF)

  Third world

  3-3-1 Strategy

  Thuy Quan Luc Chien (TQLC). See Vietnamese Marine Corps

  Tillet, Buddy, Lt. Col.

  Tonje, Gen.

  Tracey, Phil, Lt. Col.

  Trainor, Bernard E. "Mick", Gen.

  Transportation Command, U.S. (TRANSCOM)

  Tri, Maj.

  "Triangle of Death" (Somalia)

  Trilateral Committee


  Trost, Adm.


  Truman, Harry

  Tsadkan, Gen.


  U-2 flights


  Underground tunnel systems

  Unit cohesion

  United Nations


  High Commissioner for Refugees

  Resolution 687

  Resolution 885

  rules of engagement

  Security Council

  in Somalia

  obstruction policy



  UNOSOM ends


  United Task Force (UNITAF)

  U.S. Army Europe (US-AREUR)

  USS Cole bombing

  Utility infielder

  VanRiper, Paul, Lt. Gen.

  Variable time fuse (VT)

  Vasko, Peter

  Vdovin, Andrei

  Vieques Island


  booby traps set by

  as human beings

  underground tunnel systems of


  Vietnamese Marine Corps (VNMC)

  battalion and company commanders

  casualties of

  departures of

  discipline in

  fieldcraft of

  night raids of

  operations of

  origins of

  tactics of


  Vietnam War

  legacy of

  Voung, Maj.

  Vung Tau

  VX (nerve agent)

  Waheed, Abdul, Gen.

  Walker, Nancy

  Ward, Bill, Lt.

  War fighting

  Warner, John

  Warsaw Pact nations

  Washington bureaucracy

  Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

  Weapons platoon

  Weinberger, Caspar

  Weinberger Doctrine

  Wilhelm, Charlie

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Wiryono, Sastrohandoyo

  Wise Men

  World War One

  World War Two

  Yeltsin, Boris


  Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang


  Ze'evi, Rehavam

  Zinni, Christina

  Zinni, Debbie

  Zinni, Francesco

  Zinni, Tony, Gen.

  as advisers' utility infielder

  as aide-de-camp to two generals

  on America and the world

  on challenges faced by military

  as CINC of CENTCOM putting out AOR fires

  commands 1st Marine Expeditionary Force

  as CO of H & S Company

  as CO of rifle Company D

  as CO of "Striking Ninth"


  as deputy director of Operations at EUCOM

  and Desert Crossing

  and Desert Fox

  and Desert Thunder

  and Desert Viper

  early years

  influences on

  on leadership

  leaves CENTCOM

  on military for twenty-first century

  "Obligation to Speak the Truth" address

  on Operation Billings

  and Operation Pershing

  and Op
eration Provide Comfort

  on Operation Provide Hope

  at Quantico Basic School

  retirement of

  Indonesia peace mission

  Middle East peace mission

  runs Infantry Training Center

  in Somalia


  Operation Restore Hope

  Operation United Shield

  return to

  staff duty at HQ

  testifies on post-Saddam reconstruction

  in Vietnam

  battle of the Bong Son Plain

  Binh Dinh Province (II CTZ)

  as CO of the Pacifiers

  life among Vietnam villagers

  medevaced from Que Son

  medevaced out

  pacification programs

  Rung Sat ("Forest of Death")

  thoughts on the war

  Vietcong as human beings

  VNMC battalion/company commanders

  VNMC night raids


  In 2003, during and after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, it became clear that at that time the Iraqis actually possessed few, if any, WMD. The point of all their many games during the years of inspection now seems to have been to hide their ability to restart their WMD programs.


  His predecessors included Army General Norman Schwarzkopf, the Coalition commander during the First Gulf War; Marine General Joe Hoar, one of Zinni's oldest friends; and Army General Binnie Peay. He was succeeded in 2000 by Army General Tommy Franks, the CENTCOM commander for the 2001 war in Afghanistan and the 2003 war in Iraq . . . distinguished company.


  Large zones of northern and southern Iraq were interdicted by the UN after the First Gulf War. The Iraqi military (with some exceptions) were not allowed to fly military aircraft or drive military vehicles in these zones.


  A single droplet on the skin is lethal. And enough could be loaded into a missile warhead to kill most of the population of Tel Aviv.


  Even though the UN resolution stated that UNSCOM would have unrestricted access to any facility they needed, the Iraqis had insisted on granting air access to only a single Iraqi site, the very inconvenient base at Habbaniyah. There had been protests, but it was a battle nobody wanted to fight.


  The system naming military operations always uses two terms, with the first term indicating the theater. Thus, "Desert------" indicates a CENTCOM operation.


  The advisers were assisted by a small team of Vietnamese Marines, a "cowboy," a radio operator, and at times a driver: The cowboy looked out for the adviser's security and basic needs. He cooked for him and took care of laundry and sleeping arrangements. The radio operator carried the radio, which was the adviser's link to his own headquarters. Without it, he couldn't do the job. It was his lifeline.


  In every other military except ours, the green beret is a symbol of Marine commandoes. The British Royal Marines wear green berets, for instance. Only in our system does the Special Forces wear that particular headgear (though berets in other shades have spread to other branches of service). The Marine Corps doesn't have any of that.


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