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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

Page 33

by Weston Parker

  He sighed, his eyes closing as he reached for her. She pulled up slowly, tightening her grasp as she did and moved out of his reach as he groaned loudly. She smiled and moved to the edge of the pool, getting out and walking to her towel.

  "I'm a good girl, Damon, and you’re my boss and soon to be my brother. You and I have nothing more than those relationships to look forward to, so the rest will have to thrive in the depths of my dreams each night." She wrapped her towel around herself and walked into the house, the soft chuckle of the devil behind her giving her more than enough ammo to sweat through her sheets all night long.

  Chapter 13

  Thursday morning came much too fast, and the lack of sleep from a night of tossing and turning left Bethany feeling angry and cheated. She skipped breakfast altogether, not wanting to see anyone or have to hold a conversation of any type. She had a small bonus from joining the firm that should hit her account sometime soon; she was just hoping it was in the bank already. Stopping for a coffee was out until she found time to check her online statement, a soft growl leaving her as she turned off the radio and tried to not focus on the night before. Having Damon out at the house while she was there was a complete no at this point. She wanted him too badly, needed him against her, lost in her.

  She parked the car and angled the rearview mirror down, frowning at herself. Her makeup looked good, not too heavy but professional. Her hair was up in a loose bun, aging her a few years, which wasn't a bad thing at all.

  "Last night was a fluke, and the fucker is messing with you. Let it go, and do your job." She fixed the mirror and got out, the sound of someone calling her helping to squish the need to barge into Damon's office and consume him where he sat.

  "Bethany ... hey, wait up."

  She turned to see Philip walking toward her with long strides. His hair was shorter, the curlier strands gone and a very professional cut having taken its place. He smiled, and she couldn't help but smile back. He was cute and friendly, safe, and he would make a good friend if nothing else.

  "You cut your hair?" She moved in beside him, looking up at him as they moved toward the building.

  "Yeah, well, I guess Mr. Bryant wasn't thrilled with my look, so I got a call from his secretary yesterday to get it taken care of." He laughed and shrugged. "Whatever."

  "Damon made you get your hair cut? Or Kent?"

  "Damon, but it's all good. I'm new to all of this, and it's his company, so I got it cut."

  "I like it longer."

  "I did too." He laughed and opened the door, moving back to let her go in first. She looked over her shoulder, a scowl on her face as anger rose in her chest.

  "What a jerk."

  "He's in charge and pays me handsomely to work here. It's hair. It will grow back." Philip smiled and pushed the button on the wall. "So no changing your mind on going to the club tonight, right?"

  Bethany walked into the elevator, squeezing to the back with Philip. She waited until everyone got on to turn to him, her eyes catching the back of Damon's head and nodding to give Philip a head's up. Manipulation reared to life inside of her, the desire to push Damon to the edge and see what he was really up to presented like a perfect package.

  "I'll be there. I bought a little black dress for the occasion. I just hope it's appropriate. I've never been to a work function." She shrugged, trying hard to keep the wicked smile off her face as she knew her words were reaching their intended victim.

  "I'm sure it will be just fine. I wasn't sure I was going, but if you're trying out a little black dress, then I think I could definitely help judge it for you." He laughed, and she swatted at him, his deep accent pulling her from her nefarious purposes.

  "Where is your accent from?"

  "Australia." The elevator stopped, and a few people got off. Bethany ignored the fact that Damon was closer, having shifted himself in front of them. His back was to them, but the familiar smell of his cologne tugged at her hormones far harder than the lovely voice of the guy beside her.

  "I love it. It's so different."

  "Most girls here like it, but at home ... it's just commonplace." He paused and looked at his watch. "You want to grab lunch today? I know you were busy yesterday, but today any better?"

  Bethany didn't get the chance to answer as Damon looked over his shoulder, the warning in his gaze setting her on edge.

  "Actually, she's having lunch with Kent and me. We're discussing the audit committee at eleven today, so your date tonight will have to suffice." Damon shifted his eyes from Bethany to pin Philip in place.

  "Of course, sir. I didn't even see you there. No disrespect meant."

  "None was taken." Damon turned back to Bethany, his jaw locked into place. "My office at 10:45 so I can prepare you for the lunch conversation."

  Damon slipped off the elevator, and Bethany shook her head, her face burning with anger at his response. She deserved it. She had been playing with him, poking at a loaded gun, and it had gone off in her face. She glanced at Philip, who looked like he might pass out.

  "Hey, you okay?" She reached out and touched his arm as the door to the elevator opened.

  "Yeah, just don't like that guy very much. He acts like he has the power to ruin you. I hate it." He rolled his shoulders and forced a smile, Bethany chuckling at the sadness of his efforts. "I'll see you later. We'll talk more tonight, and good luck at your meeting today."

  She waved and turned down the hall, her mood slipping further south as she mumbled, "Thanks. I'm going to need it."


  He was pissed. That much was obvious, but he seemed the type to hide those sorts of emotions. Had none of them turned the tables on him and played back? Was his dating life a quandary of limp robots that simply did as he said, when he said? He leaned over the top of a large glass table, his finger moving along a flow chart as he spoke to her in a monotone voice. She bit her lip to keep from attacking him verbally.

  "They will have the CFO of Barrington give his report, and then I will give ours, you being the one to flip the slides, and Kent will fill in as he sees fit." He glanced up, his eyes filled with dark emotions. "Are you even listening?"

  "Hmmm? No, I'm not." She shrugged and walked to the window, moving the blinds to look out at the cityscape.

  "What do you mean, no? This is important. It's not a simple task. It's a moment to impress Kent and lock yourself into a larger role here at McKenzie and Bryant. Pay attention, or I'll find someone else to do it," he barked at her as she turned, leaning against the window.

  "You're upset. Tell me why." She tilted her head, trying to give off more empathy than she was feeling.

  "I'm not upset. I want you to pay attention and do well during this meeting. You're walking around like your head is in the clouds. Just because some punk-ass boy from Australia wants to see you shake your ass in a dress doesn't give you the right to shut down here at work. Get your shit together, and get over here." He turned back to the table and let out a long sigh.

  Pain slammed into her, his anger as powerful as his passion. She walked over toward him and swallowed the hot lump in her throat, pointing to the chart and trying to steady her voice.

  "So after Mr. Parks gets up and does his part, you will introduce us to the new board members, and I will start the slides. Can I have a copy of them today so I can walk through them mentally when I need to move us along as you speak?"

  He looked over at her, the tight pinch of his shoulders relaxing just a little. "Yes, but it's highly confidential. You'll have to be careful with it."

  "I will review it and memorize the moving parts and then delete it."

  "By when?"

  "By this afternoon. You and I can rehearse first thing in the morning together."

  "Good. I like that." He stood and brushed his hand along his chin. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that about the dress. I'm being a dick."

  She walked toward the door and paused before leaving. "Where do I get the zip drive with the files, and where do I meet you and Kent
for lunch?"

  "Linda will get you a copy of the files just after lunch, and meet us down in the lobby in twenty minutes. Did you hear me? I'm sorry."

  She shrugged. "No reason to be sorry. You were wrong with your accusations anyway."

  "What do you mean?"

  "My thoughts aren't taken by a silly Australian boy seeing me in a dress. They're suffocating in the depravity of being fucked twenty different ways by you."

  She walked out, her chest constricted as her heart raced. She couldn't keep this up. She wasn't as aggressive and domineering as he was. She needed to bow out soon, or he would bust through her facade and take her to the mat. Maybe an internship wasn't a good idea at all. She needed to rethink her priorities—away from him.


  Bethany walked toward the two men who would be a part of her life for the foreseeable future, Kent pulling her into a side hug as she stopped beside him.

  "Damon tells me that you're already moving on top of getting the files reviewed this afternoon. I knew you'd fit in perfectly with us." He smiled and squeezed her softly.

  Bethany nodded and looked over at Damon, their earlier conversation having thrown off her whole morning. She needed a cold shower but wouldn't be getting one anytime soon.

  "She likes being on top. She's going to be a Bryant before we know it." He winked at her, the look in his eyes melting her where she stood.

  "You guys want to ride together or just meet me there? I can stay at lunch a little longer if we meet there." Kent moved toward the door, holding it open as they moved out.

  "I already called for my car, so Bethany and I will ride together. We'll meet you there."

  Kent waved and moved toward his car as Damon nodded toward his black Mercedes, the man having a few more cars than anyone should. Bethany walked in awkward silence to the car and got in, buckling up and sitting back as her eyes closed. Maybe if she pretended to be tired, he would let things lie between them.

  The sound of his door shutting and the car starting caused her to glance at him. Mistake. He had turned to watch her, his long eyelashes brushing over his dark brown eyes. She found herself lost in them for a moment, the subtle swipe of his tongue catching her attention.

  "You surprise me," he whispered and turned to pull the car out onto the road.

  "How so?"

  "You're brilliant, as is apparent, you’re soft and feminine ... so innocent. Yet you kicked me in the chest with your comment earlier. I think there is far more to you than even you know."

  She laughed and closed her eyes again, not sure how to respond. The soft sliding of his hand just above her knee caused her breath to catch. She opened her eyes and looked at him as he pulled his hand up, his eyes on the road. She pressed her hand to the top of his; her skirt pulled up to mid-thigh by his actions. He didn't speak but softly rubbed his thumb along the tender skin of her thigh, his teeth pulling at his lip as he breathed in deeply.

  "We should take an NRL today." He glanced over at her, his sensual lips turning into a wicked grin.

  "What's an NRL?" She breathed out, pushing his hand down back toward her knee as she tried to get ahold of herself. Her heart beat so fast she looked down to ensure her shirt wasn't lifting with its throbbing.

  "A no-return lunch."

  Chapter 14

  They sat in the fancy restaurant, Bethany's mind far from anything that might help her future and more attuned to the things that would wreck it. The desire to climb into Damon's seat and drown in the scent of him played through the recess of her mind over and over, her stomach aching from tensing it so many times on the short drive over.

  The waiter approached, and Bethany lifted her menu, trying to blink the haze away from her eyes. Damon had ahold of her in ways that birthed worry. Years of not having sex or time to find the right guy to share herself with had left her a bit too needy. The show of desire by the relentless man across the table from her had destroyed her resolve to leave well enough alone. It would take the attention of someone else to get her mind off of him. Maybe Philip was a good idea. He was cute and safe, attractive and seemed to like her already.

  "Bethany, what are you having to drink?" Kent's voice tugged her from her thoughts.

  "Oh sorry. Water and a glass for whatever you ordered."

  "I ordered whiskey. You sure you want a glass?"

  Damon chuckled and shook his head. She narrowed her eyes, tilting her head a little.

  "Yes, I'll have a glass of whiskey. No problem." She would just sip it. The NRL wouldn't be happening on her shift. Sex, as much as she wanted it with him, would undo them. What happened after the night of passion? How would they act around each other for the rest of their lives?

  "Bring the girl a glass then." Kent chuckled and pulled them into a conversation about the audit committee meeting. Bethany turned toward him and forced herself to mentally make notes, ignoring the glances from Damon. She needed help with her master’s program, and Kent was the answer to that or at least the easiest answer. She would think through things and make some decisions, but with a project this important, she had to do well.

  Finally gaining her footing, she asked questions and peppered Damon and Kent with scenarios and what ifs. By the end of lunch, they were both seemingly impressed, Kent having laughed loudly at her "brilliance" several times during the meal. As the bill was brought over, Damon excused himself to take a call.

  "I'm so glad you'll be with us next week. It should be a great experience for you." He stood and pulled back her chair, Bethany standing and moving toward the front of the restaurant. Damon stood near the bar; a gorgeous blonde pressed to the front of him. He touched her face, leaning into her as she moved up to kiss his cheek. He laughed and said something, turning and walking toward Kent and Bethany.

  Bethany averted her gaze as he rushed over her, sickness rolling in her stomach. Jealousy was a horrid emotion and one she wasn't used to feeling too often. Damon opened the door and smiled at them.

  "Ready?" He moved back, and Bethany nodded, wanting to ask who the woman was and yet just not willing to let on about her feelings.

  Kent and Damon said their goodbyes, talking briefly about last-minute wrap-ups as Bethany got into the car and waited. Damon slid in moments later, his black slacks hugging his strong thighs, the large curve between them making her eyes widen.

  "You all right?" he asked, looking over at her as he buckled up.

  "Yes. Not used to having liquor at lunch, but I can't say that I won't try it again."

  He laughed and pulled the car out, his hand moving to his thigh as he beat out a rhythm that must have been in his head. They drove in silence, his desire to tease her seeming to have been sated. She was almost grateful as they pulled up to the front door of the office, a valet rushing out to help them.

  Damon moved beside her and took her hand, Bethany looking down at it in surprise. She looked up as a group of interns moved out into the bright sunlight, Sadie at the front of the pack. Philip wasn't part of the crowd, and for that she was grateful.

  "Hi, Damon!" The tacky girl spoke seductively. All of the interns waved at Damon.

  "It's Mr. Bryant, and hi, guys. Behave, and no liquor at lunch." He pulled Bethany closer, releasing her as he opened the door for them.

  "You know they are going to find out that we're family, and then you'll have a lot of explaining to do." Bethany looked over her shoulder at him as he shrugged.

  "I don't have to explain anything to anyone. I'm in charge."

  He was right. She walked toward the elevator, moving in and turning to see Damon hover over the opening, shaking his head to people as they walked up to get on. The doors closed, and it was just the two of them. He turned and took two steps toward her. He slid his hands along the wall behind her and pressed the fullness of himself against her, nipping at her mouth.

  "Only twenty ways? Where is your imagination?"

  Her breath caught in her chest, her body aching for so much more than he would give her. He was a tease,
and she hadn't become any better herself.

  "Twenty ways?"

  He leaned down and kissed her, one hand moving to tug at the budding nipple of her breast. She gasped, swatting at him as he laughed and rolled his hips a few times, forcing her to open her legs a little more as she stood trapped between him and the back of the elevator.

  "You want me to fuck you twenty ways. I'm thinking of so many more than twenty. Let's not put a cap on it, hmmm?" He nipped at her again and moved away, the door opening to his floor. He turned to walk from the elevator, grabbing himself and shifting his appearance as he glanced back with hooded eyes.

  "Learn your part for the meeting next week, and make sure you wear a dark shirt and black pants, no skirts. Leave your hair up like that, and don't wear lipstick."

  "What? Why?"

  He chuckled. "Because with your hair down and your innocent green eyes, no one will pay attention to anything. They'll all be seducing you in their heads. You're much too beautiful for that. Wear your hair up. If it's down, they'll like it far too much."

  "How about you? Would you like it far too much too?" She bit her lip, the demand to seduce him and drag him down to his knees in front of her flooding over her.

  He smiled and let his eyes drag across her, licking his mouth and groaning softly as if tasting something delicious. "Wouldn't you love to know, pussycat?"


  Bethany sat in her office, flipping through the files for the meeting, her mind wandering back to each and every encounter with her handsome stepbrother.


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