Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel Page 58

by Weston Parker

  "We do. Just down that hall to the left." The woman glanced down at his feet and smiled before looking back up. "Unexpected purchase?"

  "Something like that." Damon chuckled and moved past the woman toward the direction she pointed. The store was right where she'd said it would be.

  A proper-looking gentleman in a suit looked up from one of the jewelry cases and gave Damon an odd look. "Um, might I help you, sir?"

  "Yes. I'm going to propose to my girlfriend sometime this weekend. Can you show me your engagement rings?"

  "Of course, sir, but our prices are honestly a little above market, at best. It might be advantageous for you to take a cab into town and-"

  "I'm good. Thank you. Show me the most expensive ring you have, and the most beautiful. The most dainty." Damon pulled out his wallet and laid his platinum card on the counter. "I want her to feel like the queen of the world when I pull it out."

  "Of course, sir." The man nodded and moved about with a little more confidence. Damon worked hard not to scoff at him. Maybe Beth was changing him from the inside out. A couple of months before and Damon would have ripped the guy a new asshole. Somehow it didn't seem that important in the middle of paradise to be a dick.

  He bent over and unlocked a cabinet as Damon leaned over and let his eyes move along the various rings. All of them seemed too big, or too small. Too round or too square.

  "How about this one?" The man pulled out a small box after they'd gone through what felt like a million rings.

  "Let me see it." Damon pressed his hands to the glass below him and hoped like hell that the guy had something incredible to show him. Bethany deserved the best. She was going to make him a better man, and give him hope for something he thought he would never want. Love. Family. Commitment.

  "It's one of a kind. It's very expensive." The guy held the box in his hand as he glanced up at Damon, but had yet to open it.

  Damon met his stare. "Open the box. I have more money than I know what to do with. Stop dicking around and show me the ring."

  Maybe Bethany had more work to do still.

  "Of course. I'm sorry." The clerk popped the box open and lifted the ring toward Damon.

  He knew immediately. "That's it. Put it in a bag and charge my card."

  "Sir, it's three hundred thousand dollars."

  "And?" Damon took the box and brushed his thumb over the top of the diamond.

  "Okay." The guy took a shaky breath and extended his hand. "Anything else I can get you today?"

  Damon glanced up and handed him the ring as his heart fluttered in his chest. He was going to propose to Beth. So soon. Without giving it a second thought?

  "Yeah, a drink." He pursed his lips and let the truth sink deep inside of him. He belonged to her. They'd figure out the details later. Besides, he wanted to see her face light up when he dropped to his knee and offered her forever beside him.

  Hopefully, she would say yes.

  He smirked at the thought. "Wouldn't that be some shit?"

  "Sorry, sir?"

  Damon glanced over his shoulder. "Nothing. Nothing at all."

  Chapter 17


  Bethany woke to the quiet room around her, Erica nowhere in sight. The crimson rays of light coming through her open door brought in the awareness that it was close to dinner time. Bethany slipped out of the sheets and picked up her phone, three messages from Damon looking for her. They stopped just after lunch. He must have realized that she was taking a nap.

  Running her fingers through her long hair, she yawned loudly and walked to the bathroom as the conversation with Matt and Damon rolled over her again. She was making too much of it.

  "Let it go. Stop letting shit threaten to ruin what you guys have going." She looked at herself in the mirror before picking up a container of powder. She brushed some over her nose and put her earrings back on before dressing in a coral sundress and slipping on her sandals. The cut of the dress made her breasts center stage for the outfit, but it wasn't slutty or inappropriate, just extremely feminine.

  She walked out of the room and texted Damon to find out where they were. He was on the beach just outside of the dinner patio. She walked down the long hall, breathing in the salty smell of the ocean and wishing she had another week she could lay on the beach and soak up the sun.

  School would be back in session next week, which not only meant a thick load of classes for her but working for Kendal and Damon at the same time. It was sure to be a testing period for her patience and ability to survive on little to no sleep.

  Bethany walked out onto the warm, white sand and moved toward the dark-haired man who had stolen her heart. She slid her hands around his waist and pressed her cheek to his back. His hands brushed over hers, holding her to him.

  "I was getting a little concerned," he spoke, but the wind carried away the strength usually found in his voice.

  "Just tired from last night." She snuggled in closer.

  He turned and pulled her against his chest, kissing the top of her head. "I think I'm just on a high from being here. I feel great."

  She glanced up at him, a smile moving across her lips. "You look great."

  "So do you." His eyes moved down her as he pulled back a little. "Your breasts look huge. I love it."

  She smirked and moved to stand beside him, slipping her hand into his. "Your breasts?"

  "Now we're talking." He winked and moved toward the waves, stopping short of where the sand darkened. "Have you figured out your schedule for school starting next week?"

  "Somewhat. I'm going to meet with Ben early next week to lock everything down."

  "Sounds good. Just let me know if you need me to help somehow."

  "You have enough to do." She turned her gaze to move across the horizon as the sun began to pull behind the edge of the earth.

  "Yeah, but I want to do you more than any of those other things." He moved in behind her and slid his hands around her, his fingers pressing into the bottom of her breasts as he leaned down and kissed the side of her neck.

  "I like the sound of that." She turned her face a little and kissed the soft skin beside his eye.

  "We're due for dinner in a few minutes, but how about me and you come out here and walk the beach afterward? I have a bet that's owed up on..."

  "Surely you're not expecting me to get naked on the beach with you." She leaned against him, honestly not caring if he did. He was adventurous, and she wanted to experience anything he had to offer.

  "I most certainly am. Sand has a certain attraction. It just feels so good in your ass when you're trying to limp back to the room."

  She laughed and moved from his hold as Kent called for them to come join the family.

  "You're too much." She slid her hand into Damon's as he chuckled.

  "You seem to take every inch of me quite well."

  She groaned at the thought and moved up to the patio as everyone started to arrive. Damon released her and moved to help with a few things. She huddled close to her mom and Aunt Patty, listening to their adventures with a sexy lifeguard. Patty was single and damned and determined to find a man half her age. She needed someone to keep up. When she started talking about her overly aggressive sex drive, Bethany excused herself, not wanting to lose her breakfast.

  She moved toward Matt and Erica, the two of them talking casually. She almost turned away, but Matt called her over, putting an arm around her.

  "We were wondering where the hell you had slipped off to." He gave her a warm side-hug and released her.

  "I tried to sneak out when I realized you were sleeping." Erica took a drink of something fruity looking, her glass matching Matthew's.

  "I just didn't get much sleep last night. I'm in college and still not able to pull all-nighters without suffering." She smirked and turned as a server moved toward her. She ordered whatever Matt and Erica had.

  "I thought you didn't drink fruity drinks." Matt lifted an eyebrow.

  "I don't usually, but those
look really good."

  "They are." Erica took another drink and gave a soft snort. "There’s the DJ. The dance floor is ready, and the buffet is almost set up. You guys ready for a long night of partying?"

  "I don't think we have a choice." Bethany let out a short laugh and pointed as her mother and Aunt Patty pulled Kent out on the dance floor. Everyone joined them as the food was being uncovered. Bethany walked over to check out the goods, snagging a strip of grilled chicken and turning to find Damon walking toward her.

  "Looks like dad pulled out the stops for this one." He smirked and pulled her against him. "Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?"

  "I'm not sure, but I'm happy to hear it again." She smiled and licked at her fingers.

  "Watch it, vixen. Your little pink tongue makes my heart race." He wagged his eyebrows. The man with too many burdens and an aggravated disposition was nowhere to be seen. She needed to get him away from the office more often. Hopefully, she could be a part of alleviating some of his stress in the future.

  He moved beside her and slipped his arm around her, his fingers brushing rhythmically over the top curve of her rear. She crossed her arms over her chest and followed Matt and Erica as the pretty blond pulled him onto the dance floor.

  "You wanna go join everyone?" Damon leaned down and pressed a kiss just behind her ear, sending chills racing through her.

  "Yeah. I do." She intertwined her fingers with his and walked toward the dance floor, pausing only for a moment as he almost ran into her. "Wait. You don't like to dance."

  "I don't, but remember what I told you?"

  "Oh yeah. Only at large events like weddings and when you want to seduce someone." She winked and started toward the floor only to have him tug her back.

  "The wedding is great, but I'm working hard to seduce this saucy little brunette who seems to have me under her thumb without much effort."

  "You should teach her who’s boss." Bethany lifted her eyebrow.

  "I think that's a brilliant idea. I plan to put it into action after dinner tonight."

  She laughed as her mind raced through the possibilities. Turning on the floor, she reached for him and began to move with the salsa music. Damon tucked himself against her and moved across the floor, his skills far better than she imagined possible. The man fucked like a minx. There was no way that his ability to dance so well wasn't linked directly to that.

  Bethany held on and tried hard not to pant, but no one would believe she was that out of shape.


  Dinner was incredible, the number of meats and variety of cheesy potatoes left her feeling full and almost uncomfortable. Having sex anywhere, especially on the beach, did not sound like fun. She glanced over at Damon, watching the way his face lit up when he and Matt were teasing each other. He might not have a solid foundation of what the word "love" meant, but she did. She would spend the rest of her life showing him.

  Getting up, she bent down and kissed the top of his head. "I need to run to the restroom. I'll be back in a minute."

  "Okay, baby. Just don't slip away for another six-hour nap." He winked and turned his attention back to Matt.

  Bethany walked off before anyone else could question where she was headed. Tugging at her dress, she wished like hell she would have worn something a little more comfortable. Trying to impress Damon seemed silly, but she wasn't sure she wouldn't be striving to do that for the rest of their lives.

  She turned the corner and stopped short, a tall woman almost plowing her down. A scowl formed on the other girl's face, realization running over Bethany. It was Bridget. The model, the ex, the perfect girl Damon didn't seem to want anymore. The one he had professed his love to after a few days of being around her.

  "Oh. Excuse me." She took a step back, her eyes running down Bethany. "I'm Bridget. Damon's first girlfriend."

  "I'm Bethany. Damon's current girlfriend." Two people could play at this game.

  Bridget smirked and pursed her lips as if fixing her lipstick. "Good luck keeping him. He's a player and a half. I was back in his bed a week or so ago. The sex is just so good. I swear I'm an angel until he's around. He has this way of turning all of us into needy sluts. Odd really."

  Bethany moved around her, pushing into the bathroom and muttering 'excuse me' as the other girl laughed loudly. She was in Damon's bed a week ago? That wasn't possible.

  Heat washed over her, forcing her to stop by the sink and catch her breath. A wave of nausea pulsed through her, the food from dinner threatening to make a violent exit. She splashed cold water on her face and patted it dry, trying hard not to mess up her make-up.

  "Bridget is a liar. Matt already told you that." Bethany stared at herself in the mirror, a frown turning her mouth down. Bridget was everything she wasn't. Had Damon dropped her or was the situation reversed? Maybe she dropped him. Did he still want something with her?

  "No. Fucking stop it." She patted her face quickly and slipped out of the restroom, determined to forget all of it. It was nothing but a dark spot on their time together. She wasn't going to let it ruin everything.

  She rounded the corner and made her way over to the table to find Damon missing. She looked at Matt with question.

  He rolled his eyes and pointed to the dance floor. "I told you that bitch was a wolf in sheep's clothing."

  Surely not.

  Bethany glanced at the floor, Damon in the middle of a large crowd of women. Bridget waved at her, the smug look on her face causing Bethany to stiffen. Surely he wasn't dancing with them. What would possess him to do that?

  He glanced over at her and waved for her to join him. She wanted to react, but her family seemed to be watching closely. She smiled and shook her head as if none of it bothered her at all. Damon didn't like dancing, and he didn't fall to peer pressure, so was he simply wrapped up in the activity of the big event happening around them, or working to seduce his old girlfriend that he was obviously still fucking on the side?

  Bethany turned on her heel and walked out onto the beach, breathing in deeply and refusing to cry. She wouldn't be the victim. She had been that for far too long.

  Chapter 18


  The wind blew around her, tugging at her dress as if urging her to walk farther down the beach. She gave in to the motion and turned away from the party, moving languidly down the stretch of soft sand. She stopped only to remove her sandals, looping her fingers in the straps and letting everything go. Too much had happened too fast. She had a crazy load of shit waiting for her to figure out how to balance the minute she got home as well. A break was in order. She just hoped it wasn't going to be her to shatter.

  "Bethany," Damon called for her, but she kept walking, never picking up her pace nor turning around. He moved up beside her, reaching over and pulling her to a stop.

  "What?" She glanced up at him, her voice far more cold than she wanted it to be.

  "I got pulled into the middle of that shit. Don't be upset, baby."

  "You had a choice, and you chose. I was in the bathroom for a minute after being accosted by your perfect ex." Bethany shrugged, grateful that anger burned brightly instead of sadness.

  "What did she do, Beth? I told you she was a bitch."

  "A bitch that you snuggled up to in front of our family on the dance floor and are still dipping your cock into from what she says." Beth shrugged and turned, walking down the beach again as if nothing mattered.

  "Beth. That's a crock of shit, and you know it." He walked up beside her, tugging her to stop again. "Stop moving and talk to me."

  "Actually, I don't know anything. You have trust issues, and I've been completely forward with you. You haven't seen me sitting in anyone's lap or texting Philip or some other dude, have you? No one has walked out of my office with a dazed look and smeared lipstick." She reached up and poked him in the chest. "And don't tell me you love me if you don't mean it. Grow the fuck up and come back when you're ready to be serious. I don't share."

  He grab
bed her hand and pulled her tightly against him. "She's nothing to me. I haven't had her in my bed in years. Stop listening to other people’s shit and focus on me. I weary from reminding you that I care about you and have chosen you. I'm right fucking here."

  "You're going to get more weary then. You're not the only one who had expectations of what love looked like only to have it ripped away. I'm waiting for the moment your father shows up, breaks my mother’s heart and takes everything from us once again. Do you know what it's like to never date in high school because you're so fucking scared someone will realize that you're on food stamps? Never let anyone touch you for fear of them asking why your ribs are so prominent? How do you answer? I'm starving to death?" She let out a shaky breath and pushed at his chest, needing a little bit of room to breathe. "Don't pull the rug out from under me, Damon. Rip the Band-Aid off or shut the fuck up and expect to be weary. My past doesn't lend me to be hopeful of the future."

  He pulled her close and slipped his hands into her hair, forcing her to look up at him. The tension in his fingers felt good, the strong tick of his jaw telling her that he was more than affected by her past situations. Good. He should be. She was heartbroken over his mother's deception and his part in it. She would take every bit of it from him if she could. That was what love was all about. Never giving up. Never backing down.

  "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, and I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. Bridget isn't anything to me, and I should have told them no. I didn't want to look like the stiff-necked asshole that everyone seems to think I am. Forgive me. I'm not willing to spend the last few days of this trip fighting with you. I need you too badly." He pressed his lips to hers - hard.

  Bethany slid her arms around his neck, not wanting anything but him. They would work through the details later. Nothing was going to be straightforward or easy, but he was willing to communicate. She needed to process everything but didn't want to talk anymore for now.


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