Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel Page 105

by Weston Parker

  After a few moments of absorbing the view, she resumed her trek. Cresting the last hill, she looked down into the small valley holding Caleb's cabin. As she drew closer, Dani could hear a repetitive thwack coming from behind the building. She peeked around a corner to determine the source of the noise, and her breath lodged in her chest.

  The ranger was shirtless in the waning sun, his strong arms moving rhythmically as he raised an ax and brought it down on a log. The log split like butter and he stooped to set up another one.

  His muscles were slick with sweat, rippling as he swung the ax over and over. Dani wasn't sure how long she stood there staring, until she finally inhaled heavily and closed her eyes.

  She wanted to rub herself against him like a cat in heat. She imagined her tongue tracing the line of muscles in his abdomen and up his chest, tasting his sweat and male essence. He was so hard as if his body were sculpted from marble, but she imagined if she touched him, his skin would be warm.

  So he's hot. Big deal. He's also been snooping around your campsite. So get those bulging muscles out of your mind and get back on task. With one more deep breath, Dani rounded the corner to confront the handsome snoop.

  His blue eyes met hers as she came forward and electricity seemed to shoot through her body directly to the apex of her thighs. One eyebrow rose in surprise, and Caleb stopped his chopping and set down his ax. He grabbed a towel and began wiping himself down, stalking over in her direction.

  She inhaled sharply and forced herself to focus on his face and not the towel that was rubbing so intimately against his body.

  "Professor Greenhorn," he drawled with a lazy half-smile that said he knew the effect he had on her. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

  "Really?" Does he want to pretend he hasn't been poking around in my stuff? Or does he actually think he'd gotten away with it? Whichever it is, two can play this game. Dani raised her brow, mirroring his inquisitive look and decided to make him confess.

  The lazy smile faltered, and Caleb looked confused. "Was there something you needed?"

  "Not particularly," she replied. "How about you? Was there something you needed?"


  Caleb shook his head, trying to puzzle out her question. "I don't follow you." He flipped the towel over his shoulder and stared down at the petite woman before him.

  "You don't follow me, huh?" A smug smile covered her face. "You sure?"

  Caleb didn't understand what she meant. For a moment, he thought she might be a mad scientist, one who'd use the power of lightning to reanimate her dissected frogs. He throttled the laughter that image provoked before it could escape. She didn't seem crazy, just strange. "What are you talking about?"

  "Why don't you tell me?"

  He wanted to groan but instead shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what you mean. If you need something, let me know. Otherwise, I'm going to take a shower and change."

  She seemed to swallow nervously. What was going on in her head? "Look," he said quietly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm here to help. Why don't you just tell me what's going on?"

  She sighed then shook her head as if to suppress a thought. "So you want to play innocent, huh? Are you really going to pretend that you didn't rifle through my stuff while I was in the field today?"

  "What?" He removed his hand from her shoulder and ran it through his hair. Caleb's mind was blank for a moment, confused by her statement. Suddenly he recalled Brice's call, and his mouth snapped into a line. "Let me put a shirt on and grab a jacket. We'll take the ATV back to your site." He walked around her and headed for the door to his cabin.

  "Wait!" She jogged after him, her shorter legs pumping hard to catch up. She tried taking the front steps two at a time as he did and tripped, stumbling into his back and latching onto his waist, her small fingers gripping him tightly. Her touch brought a flash of warmth to his cooling skin, and for a second he relished that heat.

  He could feel her breasts through her shirt against his naked back, and he wanted her to mold herself against him. But now wasn't the time to act on urges, so he immediately hardened himself against her and pulled away.

  "Be careful," he said without turning around. He thought he felt her stiffen behind him as he entered his cabin.

  To be continued…

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  About the Author

  The name is Weston. I'm a former firefighter/EMS guy who's picked up the proverbial pen and started writing bad boy romance stories. I co-write with my sister, Ali Parker as we travel the United States.

  Romance is a genre that is oftentimes written by women, but my novels give you the chance to see through the eyes of some of the men that perhaps you fantasize about, and the opportunity to read about passion from the other side for a change. Stories told about real relationships, legit problems and past experiences… unless you’re an ex, in which case any resemblance to women living or dead is merely a coincidence. ;)

  You're going to find Billionaires, Bad Boys, Mafia and loads of sexiness. Something for everyone, hopefully. I'd love to connect with you. Check out the links below and come find me.

  Hope you enjoy my stories and feel free to reach out at any time.

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  Weston’s Wicked Playground

  Mister Big Stuff & Other novels included

  Copyright © 2017 by Weston & Ali Parker

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and plot are all either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental.

  First Edition.




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