His Spanish Bride

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His Spanish Bride Page 1

by Teresa Grant

  Also by Teresa Grant



  THE PARIS AFFAIR (forthcoming)

  Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

  HIS Spanish BRIDE




  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Also by Teresa Grant

  Title Page













  Copyright Page

  For Lauren Willig, wonderful writer and wonderful friend, who in this year will particularly appreciate this step in Malcolm’s and Suzanne’s lives.

  Wishing you and James everything Malcolm and Suzanne have and considerably less drama getting there.


  Thanks to the wonderful readers of this series for their support of Malcolm and Suzanne and of me, and in particular thanks to Jeanne Pickering for first suggesting the idea of a novella about Suzanne and Malcolm’s betrothal and wedding. Thanks to my agent, Nancy Yost, for seconding the idea over a wonderful lunch in New York, and to my editor, Audrey LaFehr, for picking it up and running with it.

  Thanks to Martin Biro, Paula Reedy, Alexandra Nicolajsen, Karen Auerbach, Adeola Saul, and everyone at Kensington Books, and to Sarah Younger, Adrienne Rosado, and everyone at Nancy Yost Literary Agency for their support. To Barbara Wild for the careful copyediting and to Kimberly Killion/www.HOTDAMNdesigns.com for a beautiful cover.

  Thanks to Veronica Wolff for words of commiseration and encouragement, lunches of Indian food and cups of tea, and moral support across the table while much of this novella was written. Thanks to my other wonderful writer friends, Jami Alden, Tasha Alexander, Bella Andre, Iosbel Carr, Catherine Coulter, Deborah Crombie, Carol Culver, Catherine Duthie, Barbara Freethy, Andrew Grant, C. S. Harrs, Candice Hern, Anne Mallory, Monica McCarty, Deanna Raybourn, Penelope Williamson, and Lauren Willig. And to the History Hoydens for sharing the challenges and delights of research.

  Thanks to Gregory Paris and jim saliba for creating and updating a fabulous Web site that chronicles Malcolm and Suzanne’s adventures. To Raphael Coffey for fabulous author photos. To Raphael Coffey, Bonnie Glaser, David Dickson, Patrick Wilken, and Wayne Hamlin for being wonderful friends to me and to my daughter and helping me be a writer and a mom.

  And thanks to my daughter, Mélanie, who sat on my lap, dozed by the computer, or played on her blanket while I wrote this novella. Welcome to the world, baby girl—you are a constant source of inspiration.


  “She’s very lovely, Malcolm. The question is, what are we going to do with her?”

  Malcolm Rannoch regarded Sir Charles Stuart, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Portugal and Brazil, across the paper-strewn desk in Stuart’s study. The paintings on the walls and the silver candlesticks on the desk were Portuguese. The programme tossed on top of a pile of diplomatic correspondence was from the opera last night here in Lisbon. The sherry in the decanters on the table across the room was Spanish. But the desk was well-worn English oak. This was, after all, the British embassy. “I wasn’t aware that we needed to do anything. She’s very self-sufficient.”

  “Don’t be obtuse, Malcolm. Her parents were killed by the French, her home is destroyed. She has no surviving family to speak of, and even if we could track any connections down, her father’s people would be in France under Bonaparte and her mother’s people would be in Spain under French occupation.”

  “Are you planning to throw her out of the embassy after a certain number of days?”

  “Of course not.” Stuart picked up the programme, which appeared to have been autographed by the fair Brunet, leading lady at the Lisbon opera, and frowned at it. “But you know damn well if she stays here too long people will talk.”

  That, Malcolm knew, was all too true. Stuart, unmarried and a month shy of four-and-thirty, was known for his flirtations. “Perhaps one of the officers’ wives would take her in.”

  Stuart tucked the programme underneath a sheaf of papers. “Ticklish. She’s much too pretty. They won’t like the thought of her being round their husbands in close quarters.” He moved a crystal paperweight on top of the papers. “It would be better if we could find someone to marry her.”

  For some reason, tension shot through Malcolm. “Are you volunteering?”

  “Lord, no.” Stuart flung himself back in his chair and loosened his cravat. “She’s a darling, but I’d make her a damnable husband. I should think I’m the last man in Lisbon you’d be wishing on her.”

  Malcolm shifted against the shield back of his chair. “Except possibly for myself.”

  Stuart propped his booted feet up on the edge of the desk and regarded Malcolm. A sword-sharp wit glinted beneath his affable, easygoing persona. “Don’t sell yourself short.”

  “I’m doing no such thing. When it comes to what I do and don’t have to offer, I think my assessment is entirely realistic. Suzanne de Saint-Vallier deserves better.”

  “She likes you.” Stuart’s gaze continued steady on Malcolm’s face.

  “She’s grateful to me.”

  Malcolm had come across Suzanne de Saint-Vallier while on a mission in the Cantabrian Mountains, the sort of mission where his work crossed the line from diplomat to intelligence agent. Suzanne—he’d long since stopped thinking of her as Mademoiselle de Saint-Vallier—was a Franco-Spaniard whose family had moved to her mother’s Spain from her father’s France during the Reign of Terror twenty years ago. Her parents had been killed a few weeks ago in an attack by the French on their village. Guilt bit Malcolm in the throat at the thought of that attack and what had caused it. Homeless and penniless, Suzanne had escaped with her maid and literally stumbled across Malcolm and his party on a mountain path. Malcolm had brought her back to Lisbon because there was nowhere else safe to take her. On their return journey, they had combined wits to fight off a French patrol. Suzanne de Saint-Vallier was a tough and resourceful woman. But that didn’t necessarily mean she was equipped to navigate the treacherous waters of British expatriate society in Lisbon. Society wasn’t kind to a penniless woman on her own.

  For a moment a vision of a future he’d never let himself contemplate swam before Malcolm’s eyes. A home that was more than just lodgings, a beautiful woman who might be a partner and friend, a small hand gripping his fingers. He shut his mind to the brush of the seductive thoughts and focused his gaze on Stuart. “Did you only ask to see me because of Miss Saint-Vallier? Or is there something more?”

  Stuart grimaced and reached for a paper from one of the piles on his desk. “More, unfortunately.” He frowned at the paper, set it down, and rummaged through another stack. “The Marquesa de Flores came to see me yesterday.”

  The Marques de Flores was a general in the Spanish army, fighting the occupying French forces alongside the British. Three years ago, he had married Isabella Armstrong, daughter of a British colonel. Isabella Flores and their young son were residing in Lisbon during the conflict. Malcolm had met Isabella a handful of times, as a girl in England and in Lisbon before and after her marriage, a vibrant young woman with glossy dark hair and restless dark eyes. “Is she concerned about her husband?”

  “No.” Stuart swung his booted feet to the floor with a thud. “At least not in the way you mean. She’s concerned about a certain paper falling into her husband’s hands.”

  “A letter?” Malcolm asked,
beginning to see where this was heading.

  “A letter,” Stuart confirmed. “A letter which she should never have written.”

  Malcolm swallowed, the ashes of his own past bitter in his mouth. “But why come to you?” He stared at Stuart, aware of a hitherto unforeseen possibility. “Unless—”

  “Oh no.” Stuart spread his hands in denial. “I know my reputation, but she’s too high strung for my taste, and in general I try to avoid entanglements that could bring about a breach in international relations. I believe she came to me because she felt she had few other choices. Her father is in England on leave—thank God—but she thought I’d appreciate the dangers. Which I do. I wish the same could be said for her lover.”


  “Edward Linford.”

  “Oh, dear God.” Edward Linford was a captain in the British army. Handsome, brave, popular with the ladies, but inclined to blunder into trouble.

  “Quite.” Stuart picked up the penknife and slammed it down on the papers on his desk, sending two haphazard stacks cascading into each other. “We could have a Spanish general challenging a British officer to a duel. And their comrades lining up against each other. Right as Wellington’s planning a push into Spain in the spring campaigning season.”

  “Does Isabella Flores have any idea who took the letter?”

  “No.” Stuart picked up the penknife and tossed it from hand to hand. “Apparently she left it tucked into a book on a table in the library at my rout Wednesday last. Close on a hundred people could have taken it. This has disaster written all over it. Find the letter before Flores does, Malcolm. It shouldn’t be a difficult mission. You can stay right here in Lisbon.”

  “Sometimes the most dangerous missions are close to home, sir.”

  “I have no doubt you’re equal to the task.” Stuart dropped the penknife on top of the jumble of papers. “And while you’re about it, think about Miss Saint-Vallier. Don’t be so damned afraid to take a risk.”

  Malcolm got to his feet. The sound of his parents’ raised voices, the thud of his mother hurling a vase against a silk-hung wall, echoed in his head. Marriage in his experience was not pretty. But Stuart was right, Suzanne de Saint-Vallier had to marry. Malcolm knew that even better than Stuart. For he knew more about her situation.

  He knew she was carrying a child.

  “We can’t stay here forever.”

  “Who said anything about forever? I’m taking it one day at a time. Like always.” Suzanne Lescaut, who currently went by the name Suzanne de Saint-Vallier, looked across the embassy sitting room at Blanca Mendoza, her friend and comrade, who was currently posing as her maid.

  Blanca snorted. “It’s dangerous—”

  “We’ve already uncovered invaluable information.”

  “The longer a masquerade lasts the more dangerous it becomes.”

  Suzanne bit back a retort. As a seasoned agent she knew full well that Blanca spoke the truth. She had only been supposed to stumble across Malcolm Rannoch in the Cantabrian Mountains and intercept a valuable package he was purchasing from a band of bandits. The mission had gone awry, and the package had been lost to both of them. But Malcolm had insisted on escorting her back to Lisbon and installing her at the British embassy. Where she’d been able to discover very useful information about Wellington’s plans for the spring campaign. “It’s a risk,” she admitted. “But that’s true of every mission I’ve undertaken.”

  “But on the other ones you weren’t pregnant.”

  Suzanne dropped down on the sofa, harder than she intended. Her hand went instinctively to her stomach. The fact that there was a baby growing inside still seemed almost unreal.

  “It changes everything,” Blanca said.

  Suzanne’s fingers tightened over the ruched moss green gros de Naples of her gown. Was it just her imagination or was her stomach already beginning to curve beneath? “It doesn’t change what I believe in.”

  And that was what had driven her for the past three years. Orphaned and alone she had clung to the Republican ideals she’d been raised on. Napoleon Bonaparte might have tarnished himself by taking an imperial crown, but his reforms were still real, and he was still the best hope of maintaining some vestiges of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Those ideals had kept her going in the face of loss and brutality. Those ideals and, she had to confess, a love of the game she’d learned to play. “I’m not going to turn my back on my comrades and my cause just because I’m a mother.”

  Blanca dropped down beside her. “Mr. Rannoch knows you’re going to have a baby. That changes things.”

  “Yes, that was a tactical error.” Malcolm Rannoch had found her being sick early one morning, outside their camp. It would have been no use denying her condition. Only of course Malcolm—Mr. Rannoch—believed that her condition was owed to her story of the French soldiers who had supposedly attacked her home and killed her parents.

  “He’s worried about you.”

  Suzanne swallowed an upwelling of guilt, bitter as stewed coffee. She should be used to it by now. “Malcolm Rannoch is a very decent man. He offered to arrange for me to go away and then find a home for the child if that’s what I wanted. Or to help me get rid of the child now if I couldn’t bear to carry it. But I’ve assured him I want to keep the baby. He won’t reveal that I’m with child. He knows that would spell my ruin. We have time before we need to disappear.”

  Blanca fixed her with an intent dark gaze. “When we do disappear he’ll look for you. He’s made you his responsibility.”

  And he would feel guilty when he failed to learn what had become of her. He was the sort who took his responsibilities seriously and his failures hard. For a moment Suzanne could feel the concern in his gaze as it rested upon her across the embassy dinner table the night before. She swallowed another pang. “He’ll look, but we’ll cover our tracks.”

  “I wouldn’t count on that working,” Blanca said. “He’s a very good agent himself.”

  Surprisingly so for a duke’s grandson with a gentleman’s education. “He’s far too decent a man for this game.”

  “That won’t be hindrance when it comes to looking for you.”

  Suzanne picked up one of the sofa cushions. Something about the shiny yellow-striped chintz was so very English. “No, but it will keep him from guessing the truth. It won’t occur to him that I could be capable of such a deception.”

  Blanca’s eyes narrowed. Dark ringlets fell about her elfin face with fashionable frivolity, but her gaze was glass sharp. “You’re fond of him.”

  Agents weren’t supposed to grow fond of people, but of course it happened. “I’m fond of him.” Suzanne plucked at the fringe on the cushion. “That doesn’t change anything.”

  “What are you going to do?” Blanca demanded.

  Suzanne smiled at her friend, one of the few people with whom she could be her unvarnished self. “What we always do. Make it up as we go along.”


  Malcolm scanned the ballroom in the British embassy. Stuart entertained a great deal. In general Malcolm did his best to escape the endless round of embassy parties, but for his present investigation having British expatriates and their Spanish and Portuguese allies crowded together was a distinct advantage. Isabella Flores was across the room, seated between two older ladies. She was listening to something one was saying, but her eyes were bright and her hands moved restlessly over the ivory and lace of her fan.

  “A pretty woman, the Marquesa de Flores. I can see why Flores offered for her. But a difference in age as well as nationality can make for a complicated marriage.”

  Malcolm turned to see the Marquess of Wellington standing at his side. “Stuart told me you’re helping us out with our dilemma,” Wellington said, voice pitched below the clink of crystal and strains of an English country dance. “Damned fool Linford. As if whichever marshal Bonaparte sends against us isn’t opponent enough without my own men causing problems. Thank God we have you to tidy things up.”
br />   “I’ll do my best, sir.”

  “Which is good indeed.” Wellington’s gaze swept the gilded uniforms and pastel gowns thronging the room and settled on a tall, slender figure in peacock blue silk, walnut brown ringlets gleaming in the candlelight. “What are you going to do about Miss Saint-Vallier?”

  A host of conflicting impulses tightened Malcolm’s throat. “I wasn’t aware that something needed to be done about her,” he said, perhaps unwisely.

  “She’s a pretty woman as well. And clever. Wouldn’t get herself in trouble like the marquesa. Isabella Armstrong was a foolish girl when she married, and from what I see she hasn’t grown up much in the intervening three years. Miss Saint-Vallier has a woman’s maturity. And loyalty to boot, I dare swear. Don’t be blind to what’s in front of you, lad.”

  Malcolm swallowed. Someone or other had been throwing eligible girls at him since he went up to Oxford. Why should this bother him more?

  Because for the first time in his life he was tempted to act on the hints?

  “Damn,” Wellington said. His gaze had fastened on a man in a hussar’s uniform crossing the room. “There’s Linford. And he’s making straight for the marquesa. Deal with it, Malcolm.”

  Malcolm intercepted Edward Linford midway across the room.

  “Rannoch.” Linford raised his brows. He had deep blue eyes, thick fair hair, and the easy assurance of one to whom life had come easily. “Just on my way—”

  “Don’t you think you should stay away from the marquesa until at least we have this sorted out?”


  “Stuart’s asked me to help with your difficulty.”

  “Oh.” Linford flicked a bit of lint from his coat. “No need to interfere, Rannoch. I’m more than a match for Flores with pistols or swords.”

  “Neither of which would mend the breach between us and the Spanish.”


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